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Med Biol Eng Comput ; 61(2): 399-420, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36445530


This study describes the development (design, construction, instrumentation, and control) of a nursing mobile robotic device to monitor vital signals in home-cared patients. The proposed device measures electrocardiography potentials, oxygen saturation, skin temperature, and non-invasive arterial pressure of the patient. Additionally, the nursing robot can supply assistance in the gait cycle for people who require it. The robotic device's structural and mechanical components were built using 3D-printed techniques. The instrumentation includes electronic embedded devices and sensors to know the robot's relative position with respect to the patient. With this information together with the available physiological measurements, the robot can work in three different scenarios: (a) in the first one, a robust control strategy regulates the mobile robot operation, including the tracking of the patient under uncertain working scenarios leading to the selection of an appropriate sequence of movements; (b) the second one helps the patients, if they need it, to perform a controlled gait-cycle during outdoors and indoors excursions; and (c) the third one verifies the state of health of the users measuring their vital signs. A graphical user interface (GUI) collects, processes, and displays the information acquired by the bioelectrical amplifiers and signal processing systems. Moreover, it allows easy interaction between the nursing robot, the patients, and the physician. The proposed design has been tested with five volunteers showing efficient assistance for primary health care. Graphical Abstract Main stages of the home-care nursing controlled mobile robot.

Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos , Robótica , Tecnologia Assistiva , Humanos , Processamento de Sinais Assistido por Computador , Movimento
Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi ; 56(3): 301-311, 2019.
Artigo em Japonês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31366751


AIM: Although urinary incontinence (UI) in the elderly appears to be related to polypharmacy, it is unclear whether multiple medications elevate UI quantitatively or qualitatively. There have been few studies on the association of polypharmacy with each type of UI. The present survey aimed to clarify these issues. METHOD: The subjects were elderly home health care patients ≥65 years of age taking ≥5 prescription medications and not being treated with anti-cancer agent. The visiting nurses filled out a questionnaire based on their nursing and medication records. Types of UI were evaluated according to a UI checklist. RESULTS: A total of 167 subjects (97 women, 70 men, mean age of 83.8 years) were eligible for the data analysis. Subjects talking 5-9 prescription medications accounted for 59.3%, while those talking≥10 counted for 40.7%. Men talking ≥10 medications showed a slight but non-significant increased risk of UI. In women, α-adrenergic antagonists and benzodiazepines significantly increased the risk of stress UI and urge UI, respectively. Furthermore, α-adrenergic antagonists reduced the risk of functional UI, whereas acetylcholinesterase inhibitors elevated it. α-adrenergic antagonists in combination with benzodiazepines also significantly increased the risk of stress UI and urge UI, while α-adrenergic antagonists with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors increased the risk of stress UI. In men, there were no prescription medications that were particularly related to UI. CONCLUSIONS: The present results suggest that there are gender differences in prescription medications-induced UI. It is likely that the causing medications are different depending on the type of UI, and the combination of them significantly increase the risk of UI.

Incontinência Urinária/induzido quimicamente , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Serviços de Assistência Domiciliar , Humanos , Masculino
Medisan ; 23(4)jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091113


Introducción: La calidad de la atención geriátrica en Cuba constituye una realidad impostergable. Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de la asistencia social de salud en ancianos solos con atención domiciliaria. Método: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, que incluyó a 4 838 ancianos, controlados por los departamentos de Trabajo Social del municipio de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta diciembre del 2015, para lo cual se efectuó un muestreo por conglomerados bietápico, constituido por 387 gerontes. Se utilizó la metodología de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública de Cuba para evaluar las dimensiones: estructura, proceso y resultados. Resultados: Se encontró inadecuado el indicador recursos humanos y materiales. En el proceso resultaron adecuados la confección de la historia social y los registros administrativos. Conclusiones: La calidad de la asistencia social en ancianos solos con atención domiciliaria resultó inadecuada en los componentes estructura, proceso y resultados.

Introduction: The quality of geriatric care in Cuba constitutes an inevitable reality. Objective: To evaluate the quality of health social care in geriatric patients living under home care. Method: A qualitative investigation that included 4 838 old men, controlled by the departments of Social Work of Santiago de Cuba municipality was carried out from January to December, 2015, for which a sample through two-stage conglomerate constituted by 387 aged persons was made. The Cuban National School of Public Health methodology was used to evaluate the dimensions: structure, procedure and results. Results: The indicator human resources and materials resulted inadequate. Making the social history and the administrative registrations were appropriate. Conclusions: The quality of the social care in elderly living alone under home care was inadequate in the components structure, procedure and results.

Apoio Social , Idoso , Serviços de Saúde para Idosos , Assistência Domiciliar
Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 18(2): 65-77, dic. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103981


O objetivo desse estudo era compreender o processo de trabalho de terapeutas ocupacionais brasileiros que atuam em instituições de longa permanência, no município de Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil, junto à clientela de idosos com demência. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal, com profissionais que atuam há mais de seis meses nestes estabelecimentos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário on-line, para identificação do perfil profissional, demandas dos idosos, ações avaliativas e interventivas. Verificou-se que os idosos atendidos são, em sua maioria, do gênero feminino e com o diagnóstico de doença de Alzheimer. As avaliações mais utilizadas foram o Mini Exame do Estado Mental e o Montreal Cognitive Assessment, e as intervenções mais citadas foram as atividades expressivas, artesanais, recreativas e de lazer. Destacam-se também as inúmeras intervenções cognitivas. Como resultado, foram apontadas melhorias nas funções cognitivas, principalmente nos aspectos da atenção, orientação temporal e iniciativa, além de diminuição da apatia, melhora na autoestima, participação e interação social. No entanto, muitas intervenções identificadas na pesquisa ainda possuem modestas ou baixas evidências científicas e esses estudos precisam ser aprofundados. Na atenção aos cuidadores, poucas ações são realizadas. Conclui-se que, neste estudo, a atuação do terapeuta ocupacional mostrou seguir uma linha singular de atuação, com repercussões que apontam para melhorias nos aspectos cognitivos e comportamentais e/ou melhor desempenho ocupacional do idoso demenciado.

El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender el proceso de trabajo de los terapeutas ocupacionales brasileños que actúan en instituciones de larga permanencia, en el municipio de Curitiba, Paraná - Brasil, junto a la clientela de ancianos con demencia. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, con profesionales que actúan desde hace más de seis meses en estos establecimientos. La recolección de datos fue realizada por medio de un cuestionario on-line, para identificación del perfil profesional, demandas de los ancianos, acciones evaluativas e intervencionistas. Se verificó que los ancianos atendidos son, en su mayoría, del género femenino y con el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Alzheimer. La evaluación más utilizada fue el Mini Examen del Estado Mental y la Montreal Cognitive Assessment, y las intervenciones más citadas fueron las actividades expresivas, artesanales, recreativas y de entretenimiento. Se destacan también las innumerables intervenciones cognitivas. Como resultado, se señalaron mejoras en las funciones cognitivas, principalmente en los aspectos de la atención, orientación temporal e iniciativa, además de disminución de la apatía, mejora en la autoestima, participación e interacción social. Sin embargo, muchas intervenciones identificadas en la investigación todavía tienen modestas o bajas evidencias científicas y estos estudios necesitan ser profundizados. Se concluye que, en este estudio, la actuación del terapeuta ocupacional reveló seguir una línea singular de actuación, con resultados que apuntan hacia el mejor desempeño ocupacional del anciano demenciado o para mejoras en los aspectos cognitivos y comportamentales.

The aim of this study was to understand the work process of Brazilian occupational therapists who work in long-term care institutions in the city of Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil, with elderly people with dementia. A cross - sectional descriptive study was carried out, with professionals who have been working for more than six months in these institutions. Data collection was by means of an online questionnaire, to identify the professional profile, demands of the elderly, assessment and intervention actions. It was verified that the elderly patients are mostly female and diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The most used assessment was the Mini Mental State Examination and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, and the most cited interventions were expressive, artisan, recreational and leisure activities. Also the numerous cognitive interventions are highlighted. As a result, improvements in cognitive functions were pointed out, especially in aspects of attention, temporal orientation and initiative, as well as a decrease in apathy, improvement in self-esteem, participation and social interaction. However, many interventions identified in the research still have modest or low scientific evidence and these studies need to be further developed. In caring for caregivers, few actions are taken. It is concluded that, in this study, the occupational therapist's performance showed a unique line of action, with repercussions that point to the better occupational performance of the deferred elderly or to improvements in cognitive and behavioral aspects.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Demência , Terapeutas Ocupacionais , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos , Brasil , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 41(1)ene.-mar. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED, LILACS | ID: lil-735394


Introducción: la recreación para mejorar la calidad de vida en las personas de la tercera edad ofrece al anciano un buen uso del tiempo libre. Objetivo: valorar la realización de actividades recreativas en un hogar geriátrico, las preferidas y razones para ello. Métodos: estudio cualitativo y correlacional realizado en adultos mayores internos en el hogar Santa Marta en la ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina, durante los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2013. El universo lo constituían 105 adultos y la muestra quedó conformada por 99 que aceptaron participar. Se aplicó un cuestionario y entrevista individual y las pruebas de Pearson y de Fisher para analizar las actividades recreativas en relación con la edad, el sexo y el tiempo de estadía en la institución. Resultados: se realizaban actividades recreativas que se clasificaron en intramuros y extramuros. Estas últimas, que se concretaban los fines de semana y coincidían con las visitas familiares, fueron las preferidas, especialmente entre aquellos con menor tiempo de estadía en la institución. Conclusiones: las actividades recreativas internas y externas se realizan en la institución con la colaboración de especialistas y voluntarios según una estrategia adecuada y optimizada. La preferencia de los adultos mayores por las actividades externas se apoya en su necesidad de interactuar y socializar con sus familiares y otros ancianos, lo que los aleja de experimentar estados vivenciales negativos. Es importante prever la inclusión de los ancianos con más tiempo de estadía en las actividades recreativas externas y estimular la concurrencia de los familiares con periodicidad(AU)

Introduction: recreation for the improvement of the quality of life of the older people offers them a good use of their leisure time. Objective: to assess the celebration of recreational activities at an elderly home, the favorite activities and the reasons for it. Methods: correlational qualitative study conducted in institutionalized older adults at Santa Marta home for the elderly located in Mendoza, Argentina from August to September, 2013. The universe of study was 105 older adults and the final sample was 99 who accepted to participate. Data were collected from survey, individual interview and Pearson's and Fisher's test for the analysis of recreational variants. Results: outdoor activities carried out on weekend were the favorite; since they were held during the family visits, particularly by those older people who had not been for long at the institution. Conclusions: the recreational activities take place at the institution with the cooperation of professors, specialists and voluntaries pursuant to an adequate optimized strategy. The elderly prefer the outdoor activities because they need to interact and socialize with their relatives and with other aged persons, which do not let them feel negative experiences. It is important to include those elderly people who have been longer at the home in these outdoor recreational activities and to encourage the systematic participation of the families(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Recreação , Idoso , Argentina
Rev. Kairós ; 13(8,n.esp.): 29-34, 2010.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-946548


Este artigo fala dos resultados de em um estudo feito numa instituição de longa permanência partindo de sua realidade cotidiana, ao verificar de que maneira esta pode interferir no fazer de seus residentes. Foi possível diagnosticar os empecilhos que entravam o trabalho com atividades nessas instituições, empurrando os residentes ao não fazer, a uma "ociosidade" aparente. Um (re)pensar sobre o idoso institucionalizado e o seu fazer.

This articule discusses the results of a study done in a long term institution based on their everyday reality, to see how that can influence the making of its residents. It was possible to diagnose the obstacles which hinder the work with activities in these contexts, leading the residents to not doing anything, to an apparent "idleness". It is a rethinking about the elderly residential home and their activity level.

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Atividades Cotidianas , Comportamento Sedentário , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos