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J Med Libr Assoc ; 112(2): 150-152, 2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119155


The Data Policy Finder is a searchable database containing librarian-curated information, links, direct quotes from relevant policy sections, and notes to help the researcher search, verify, and plan for their publication data requirements. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Library launched this new resource to help researchers navigate the ever-growing, and widely varying body of publisher policies regarding data, code, and other supplemental materials. The project team designed this resource to encourage growth and collaboration with other librarians and information professionals facing similar challenges supporting their research communities. This resource creates another access point for researchers to connect with data management services and, as an open-source tool, it can be integrated into the workflows and support services of other libraries.

Bibliotecários , Humanos , Pesquisadores , Bibliotecas Médicas/organização & administração , Armazenamento e Recuperação da Informação/métodos
Rev. Fed. Centroam. Obstet. Ginecol. ; 28(2): 32-33, 30 de agosto de 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568206


En el 2011 un profesor del departamento de Ginecología y Obstetricia de la Universidad de Melbourne (Australia) se encontró con una nota de remoción de un artículo científico. Este tipo de noticias siempre llaman la atención de los investigadores y se puso a leer. La notificación aclaraba que los datos presentados en el artículo retirado eran idénticos a los presentados en otra publicación previa, pero de España. La diferencia radicaba en que el artículo original estudiaba pólipos y el artículo retirado, miomas. Mismos datos, patologías diferentes. La decisión de los editores de la revista fue la correcta, ya que, aunque nada es imposible, es poco probable que ese grado de similitud fuera fruto del azar. Solo para ponerlos en contexto, la probabilidad de que dos oraciones de veinte palabras sean escritas de manera idéntica en dos revistas diferentes (por autores diferentes) está en el rango de 1 x 10-80. En el reino de las estadísticas, es equivalente a "casi imposible". Si a esto agregamos datos numéricos, se pueden imaginar que el número de 0 será mucho mayor y la posibilidad mucho más baja. El profesor, quien era en ese momento editor de una prestigiosa revista de la especialidad, se tomó la tarea de ser más precavido con los manuscritos recibidos. Poco después recibió un manuscrito con datos, a su parecer, manipulados y lo rechazó, solo para descubrir que el mismo artículo, con los datos maquillados, había sido publicado en otra revista un año después. ¿A qué nos lleva todo esto? A recordar que los artículos que leemos pasaron por las manos de muchas personas, que no dejan de ser humanos. Si de un extremo tenemos a alguien con deseos de mentir, hay posibilidades de que las mismas pasen desapercibidas hasta que salgan impresas en el papel y aun así puede pasar mucho tiempo hasta que alguien descubra el engaño. ¿Cómo podemos evitarlo? Primero, del lado del investigador. Recordar por qué se investiga y que las mentiras pueden tener consecuencias en las vidas de muchas pacientes. Si a pesar de esto, su prestigio, posición académica o el dinero son más importantes, entonces está en la profesión equivocada. Que su conciencia sea su jurado y verdugo. Del lado de los receptores, la detección dependerá de factores como el nivel del plagio (mientras más extenso, más probable); la experiencia del revisor y, de ser posible, el uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial. Aun cuando se les tiende a estigmatizar, pueden ser muy útiles en este proceso. Con su capacidad de revisar en segundos millones de páginas de datos, artículos publicados y sitios de internet, la posibilidad de mentir y escapar con éxito se reduce. Actualmente se estima que del 60 al 90% de los plagios serán detectados antes de la publicación. Casi 100, pero no es una victoria absoluta. Solo nos queda desde esta plataforma abogar a su lado científico, apoyar a la ética en la investigación y recordarles las consecuencias del fraude. Después de todo, las mentiras del día de hoy pueden ser las normas de mañana.

In 2011 a professor from the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Melbourne (Australia) came across a removal notice from a scientific article. This kind of news always catches the attention of researchers and he started reading. The notice clarified that the data presented in the withdrawn article were identical to those presented in a previous publication, but from Spain. The difference was that the original article studied polyps and the retracted article, myomas. Same data, different pathologies. The decision of the journal editors was the right one, since, although nothing is impossible, it is unlikely that this degree of similarity was the result of chance. Just to put them in context, the probability of two twenty-word sentences being written identically in two different journals (by different authors) is in the range of 1 x 10-80. In the realm of statistics, this is equivalent to "almost impossible". If we add numerical data to this, you can imagine that the number of 0's will be much higher and the chance much lower. The professor, who was at that time editor of a prestigious journal in the field, took it upon himself to be more cautious with the manuscripts received. Shortly thereafter, he received a manuscript with, in his opinion, manipulated data and rejected it, only to discover that the same article, with the data made up, had been published in another journal a year later. What does all this lead us to? To remember that the articles we read have passed through the hands of many people, who are still human. If on one end we have someone with a desire to lie, there is a chance that the lies will go unnoticed until they are printed on paper and even then it may be a long time before someone discovers the deception. How can we avoid this? First, on the investigator's side. Remember why you are investigating and that lies can have consequences in the lives of many patients. If, despite this, your prestige, academic position or money are more important, then you are in the wrong profession. Let your conscience be your jury and executioner. On the receiving end, detection will depend on factors such as the level of plagiarism (the more extensive, the more likely); the experience of the reviewer and, if possible, the use of artificial intelligence tools. Although they tend to be stigmatized, they can be very useful in this process. With their ability to review millions of pages of data, published articles and websites in seconds, the possibility of lying and successfully escaping is reduced. It is currently estimated that 60 to 90% of plagiarism will be detected before publication. Almost 100, but it is not an absolute victory. It only remains for us from this platform to advocate their scientific side, support ethics in research and remind them of the consequences of fraud. After all, today's lies may be tomorrow's rules.

Genet Genom Clinic ; 2(2): 29-30, 31 de agosto de 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568243


En esta edición presentamos dos artículos originales que abordan variantes genéticas de relevancia asociadas a enfermedades del metabolismo de los carbohidratos y trastornos neuromusculares en una región específica de Colombia. Estos hallazgos subrayan la urgente necesidad de capacitar a los profesionales de la salud para el diagnóstico temprano de estas patologías y de involucrar al Estado en la promoción y generación de conocimiento sobre las enfermedades desatendidas. También incluimos un informe sobre un caso hemato-oncológico extraordinariamente raro, que documenta la acumulación masiva de variantes en el número de copias. Este informe ilustra de manera sorprendente la importancia clínica de los estudios de variantes de copia en hemato-oncología, destacando el primer caso registrado de Geroderma osteodisplástica en Panamá. Por último, presentamos una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva que explora los genes asociados al cáncer de próstata, abarcando las investigaciones publicadas entre 2019 y 2023. Esta revisión destaca la influencia crítica de los genes BRCA1, BRCA2, AR y PTEN en la patogénesis del cáncer de próstata, especialmente en su forma metastásica resistente a la castración (mCRPC). La identificación de BRCA1 y BRCA2 como marcadores de agresividad, junto con la relevancia de PTEN en la progresión de la enfermedad, refuerza la necesidad de desarrollar terapias más específicas y explorar biomarcadores adicionales, dado el complejo panorama que presentan las células cancerosas. Estos artículos reflejan el compromiso inquebrantable de nuestros investigadores por generar conocimiento desde nuestra región latinoamericana, contribuyendo significativamente a la ciencia global. Esperamos que esta edición sea de gran ayuda y estímulo para su labor científica. Queremos aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a los editores, revisores y lectores por sus valiosos aportes para la realización de esta publicación. El papel del editor es esencial en la construcción y mantenimiento de la calidad científica de nuestra revista. Su visión y dedicación garantizan que cada artículo publicado no sólo cumpla con los más altos estándares académicos, sino que también refleje relevancia e impacto en la comunidad científica. Sin su liderazgo y orientación, este riguroso proceso no sería posible. Este tipo de colaboración sólo puede perdurar con una visión clara y honesta del impacto a largo plazo de la educación. Los revisores, con su conocimiento experto y su análisis meticuloso, representan la columna vertebral del proceso de revisión por pares. Su compromiso de examinar minuciosamente cada manuscrito y aportar críticas constructivas es esencial para garantizar la exactitud, fiabilidad y novedad de la investigación que compartimos con nuestro público. A menudo trabajando entre bastidores, los revisores contribuyen significativamente a la ciencia, mejorando la calidad de los trabajos y guiando a los autores hacia la excelencia. Por último, nuestros lectores desempeñan un papel esencial en el ciclo de la comunicación científica. Su interés, curiosidad y aplicación práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos dan vida a la investigación publicada. Cada artículo se convierte en un puente entre la investigación y la práctica cuando es leído, discutido y aplicado por ustedes, nuestros lectores. Sus comentarios y su participación activa nos motivan a seguir mejorando y a seguir siendo una fuente fiable de información científica. Juntos, editores, revisores y lectores, formamos un triángulo esencial que apoya y fortalece la misión de nuestra revista: hacer avanzar el conocimiento científico y contribuir a la mejora de la salud y el bienestar de la sociedad. A todos ustedes, nuestra más profunda gratitud. Atentamente, Jorge D. Méndez-Ríos Editor JefeGenética y Genómica Clínica (provisto por Infomedic International)

In this edition, we present two original articles that address genetic variants of relevance associated with carbohydrate metabolism diseases and neuromuscular disorders in a specific region of Colombia. These findings underline the urgent need to train healthcare professionals for the early diagnosis of these pathologies and to involve the state in promoting and generating knowledge about neglected diseases. We also include a report on an extraordinarily rare hemato-oncological case, documenting the massive accumulation of copy number variants. This report strikingly illustrates the clinical importance of copy variant studies in hemato-oncology, highlighting the first recorded case of Geroderma osteodysplastica in Panama. Finally, we present a comprehensive literature review that explores the genes associated with prostate cancer, covering research published between 2019 and 2023. This review highlights the critical influence of the genes BRCA1, BRCA2, AR, and PTEN in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer, especially in its castration-resistant metastatic form (mCRPC). The identification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 as markers of aggressiveness, along with the relevance of PTEN in disease progression, reinforces the need to develop more specific therapies and explore additional biomarkers, given the complex landscape presented by cancer cells. These articles reflect the unwavering commitment of our researchers to generating knowledge from our Latin American region, significantly contributing to global science. We hope that this edition will be of great help and encouragement to your scientific work. We want to take this opportunity to thank the editors, reviewers, and readers for their valuable contributions to the realization of this publication. The role of the editor is essential in the construction and maintenance of the scientific quality of our journal. Their vision and dedication ensure that each published article not only meets the highest academic standards but also reflects relevance and impact in the scientific community. Without their leadership and guidance, this rigorous process would not be possible. This type of partnership can only endure with a clear and honest vision of the long-term impact of education.Reviewers, with their expert knowledge and meticulous analysis, represent the backbone of the peer review process. Their commitment to thoroughly examining each manuscript and providing constructive criticism is essential to ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and novelty of the research we share with our audience. Often working behind the scenes, reviewers significantly contribute to science, enhancing the quality of works and guiding authors towards excellence. Finally, our readers play an essential role in the cycle of scientific communication. Their interest, curiosity, and practical application of the knowledge acquired bring the published research to life. Each article becomes a bridge between research and practice when it is read, discussed, and applied by you, our readers. Your feedback and active participation motivate us to continue improving and to remain a reliable source of scientific information. Together, editors, reviewers, and readers form an essential triangle that supports and strengthens the mission of our journal: to advance scientific knowledge and contribute to the improvement of health and well-being in society. To all of you, our deepest gratitude. Sincerely, Jorge D. Méndez-Ríos Editor-in-Chief Genetics and Clinical Genomics   (provided by Infomedic International)

World J Gastrointest Oncol ; 16(7): 2867-2876, 2024 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39072175


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a systemic disease with augmented malignant degree, high mortality and poor prognosis. Since the establishment of the immune mechanism of tumor therapy, people have realized that immunotherapy is an effective means for improvement of HCC patient prognosis. Oncolytic virus is a novel immunotherapy drug, which kills tumor cells and exempts normal cells by directly lysing tumor and inducing anti-tumor immune response, and it has been extensively examined as an HCC therapy. This editorial discusses oncolytic viruses for the treatment of HCC, emphasizing viral immunotherapy strategies and clinical applications related to HCC.

Rev. APS (Online) ; 27(Único): e272445049, 05/07/2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1567079


Este texto faz uma breve revisão histórica da inserção da violência como questão de saúde pública, destacando a importância da Atenção Primária à Saúde e a inovação estratégica com o Programa Nacional de Gênero, Raça, Raça e Valorização da Mulher Trabalhadora no SUS.

This text provides a brief historical review of the inclusion of violence as a public health issue, highlighting the importance of Primary Health Care and strategic innovation with the National Program for Gender, Race, Race and the Appreciation of Working Women in the SUS.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38942139


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine representation of women on the editorial boards of cardiothoracic surgery-focused journals over the past 2 decades to identify changes over time compared with women cardiothoracic surgeon and trainee representation, and to highlight additional opportunities for improvement. METHODS: The editorial boards of 2 high-impact cardiothoracic surgery journals were reviewed from 2000 to 2023. Data on editorial board positions, including editors-in-chief, associate/deputy editors, feature editors, and general members of the editorial board were abstracted. The proportion of women editors was assessed. Data were compared with publicly available information from the Association of American Medical Colleges on physician specialty by sex. RESULTS: Of 3460 editorial positions, 332 (9.6%) were held by women. Women occupied 2.2% (1 out of 45) of editor-in-chief positions, 13.2% (78 out of 592) of senior editor positions, 11.5% (33 out of 287) of feature editor positions, and 8.3% (221 out of 2663) of general editorial board positions. The proportion of women holding any editorial board position significantly increased from 2.4% in 2000 to 18.2% in 2023 (P = .01). Overall, editorial board representation increased at a rate of 0.7% ± 1.3% per year, not significantly different from the growth of practicing women cardiothoracic surgeons at 0.3% ± 0.5% per year (P = .584). DISCUSSION: Representation of women on the editorial boards of cardiothoracic surgery-focused journals has increased commensurate with the increasing proportion of practicing women cardiothoracic surgeons, although remains at 16%. Work remains to continue the recruitment of women to cardiothoracic surgery as well as to identify the key elements that can support them in positions of leadership.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38944272


OBJECTIVE: We aimed to characterize chronologic trends of gender composition of the editorial boards of major cardiothoracic surgery journals in the current era. METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis was performed of gender representation in editorial board members of 2 North American cardiothoracic surgery journals from 2008 to 2023. Member names and roles were collected from available monthly issues. Validated software programming was used to classify gender. The annual proportion of women representation was compared to the thoracic surgery workforce. RESULTS: During the study period, 558 individuals (3641 names) were identified, 14.3% of whom were women. The total number of editorial board women increased for both journals. The proportion of women also increased from 2.5% (3 out of 118) in 2008 to 17.8% (71 out of 399) in 2023 (P < .001), exceeding the percentage of women in the thoracic surgery workforce, which increased from 3.8% in 2007 to 8.3% in 2021 (P < .001). The average duration of participation was longer for men than for women (53.8 vs 44.5 months; P = .01). Women in editorial board senior roles also increased from 3.3% (1 out of 30) in 2008 to 28.6% (42 out of 147) in 2023 (P < .001), almost triple the increase in nondesignated roles from 2.3% (2 out of 88) in 2008 to 11.5% (29 out of 252) in 2023 (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: In recent years, the appointment of women to the editorial boards of high-impact cardiothoracic surgery journals and senior roles have proportionally exceeded the overall representation of women in cardiothoracic surgery. These findings indicate progress in inclusive efforts and offer insight toward reducing academic gender disparities.

World J Clin Cases ; 12(17): 2925-2927, 2024 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38898874


This article presents a comprehensive case report on an uncommon instance of metastatic clear cell sarcoma (CCS) originating from the pancreas. The high mortality rate of pancreatic carcinoma underscores the importance of precise diagnosis and early detection. The authors report a novel case of CCS with pancreatic metastasis, detailing successful surgical intervention through distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy, resulting in favourable outcomes. This study highlights the standard role of surgery in treating advanced CCS and emphasizes preoperative imaging and thorough patient history assessment. This article also underscores the necessity for long-term surveillance due to the potential for recurrence or metastasis. Despite the favourable recovery postsurgery, the absence of subsequent follow-up evaluation prompts consideration of the need for extended monitoring. This article raises questions about the nature of the pancreatic lesion and suggests the possibility of a primary lesion. Further evidence is crucial to establish the correlation between the features related to the development of the patient's primary and metastatic tumours. In conclusion, this study offers valuable insights into metastatic CCS of the pancreas, highlighting the importance of regular postoperative follow-up for improved outcomes through early detection and intervention.

Front Oncol ; 14: 1412682, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38711852
World J Gastrointest Endosc ; 16(5): 237-243, 2024 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38813574


Phytobezoars is a rare disease and less common in Western countries. The stomach is the primary site for these formations, and endoscopic treatment involving fragmentation and extraction has traditionally been the most effective approach. However, medical treatments using enzymatic and chemical agents, such as cellulase and Coca-Cola, aimed at dissolving the bezoars, have also been utilized, showing varying degrees of resolution success. Notably, the oral dissolution treatment with Coca-Cola has emerged as a promising, simpler, and more cost-effective method. The study by Liu et al represents an important step in clinical research on this topic, despite some limitations that need addressing for a more comprehensive understanding of its findings. Key considerations for future research include sample size calculation, endoscopic procedure details, outpatient vs. inpatient treatment, and detailed cost calculations. The study's exclusions, such as patients with upper gastric surgery, phytobezoars older than 14 d, and cases of gastroparesis, limit its applicability to broader populations, especially in Western countries. Given the promising outcomes of the Coca-Cola treatment, it's advocated as a first-line therapy for phytobezoars. Nonetheless, further research is essential to overcome these limitations. However special situations such as perforation or small bowel obstruction will require surgical treatment.

Genet Genom Clinic ; 2(1): 1-2, 30 de abril de 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553144


En este número, nos complace presentar 4 trabajos multidisciplinarios que incluyen disciplinas como la Genética Pediátrica, la Hematología, y Nefrología.  Estos trabajos de gran calidad representan el esfuerzo de meses de los colegas especialistas en el área de la genética clínica multidisciplinaria. Cada contribución representa una herramienta para la educación y la docencia a múltiples niveles del aprendizaje médico. (provisto por Infomedic International)

In this issue, we are pleased to present 4 multidisciplinary papers that include disciplines such as Pediatric Genetics, Hematology, and Nephrology. These high quality papers represent the efforts of months of specialist colleagues in the area of multidisciplinary clinical genetics. Each contribution represents a tool for education and teaching at multiple levels of medical learning. (provided by Infomedic International)

Rev. Fed. Centroam. Obstet. Ginecol. ; 28(1): 1-1, 25 de abril de 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552702


Si buscan los orígenes del "ayuno intermitente", una forma de restricción calórica donde solo se ingieren alimentos por periodos cortos de tiempo (generalmente 8 horas), descubrirán algo interesante. A pesar de la popularidad del concepto y de que en los tiempos modernos muchos gurús de la alimentación, incluyendo médicos, lo apoyan y promueven, sus raíces datan de 1915. Estos ensayos iniciales culminaron con un capítulo publicado en el libro Obesity: its pathogenesis and management. El capítulo mencionaba ayunos de uno a catorce días, sugiriendo resultados espectaculares. Esta información, que requería un riguroso proceso de replicabilidad para demostrar su eficacia, saltó a las revistas culturales sin ser confirmada por otros expertos. Una vez algo pasa del terreno científico al popular, se convierte en conocimiento público y su uso crece de manera exponencial. Esto llevó a que, ya en los setenta, médicos e investigadores advirtieran del riesgo de estas terapias que buscaban soluciones rápidas a un problema mucho más profundo. (provisto por Infomedic International)

If you look up the origins of intermittent fasting, a form of calorie restriction where food is only eaten for short periods of time (usually 8 hours), you will discover something interesting. Despite the popularity of the concept and the fact that in modern times many food gurus, including physicians, support and promote it, its roots date back to 1915. These early trials culminated in a chapter published in the book Obesity: its pathogenesis and management. The chapter mentioned fasts of one to fourteen days, suggesting spectacular results. This information, which required a rigorous replication process to prove its efficacy, jumped into the cultural magazines without being confirmed by other experts. Once something moves from the scientific to the popular arena, it becomes public knowledge and its use grows exponentially. This led, as early as the 1970s, physicians and researchers to warn of the risk of these therapies that sought quick fixes to a much deeper problem. (provided by Infomedic International)