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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e49894, fev. 2020. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460921


Campos de murundus work as recharge zones and are important for the maintenance of water resources in Brazilian Cerrado. However, with the expansion of the agricultural frontier, this ecosystem may disappear or suffer high anthropogenic disturbances. The aim of the study was to evaluate the structure and distribution of woody species, after the implantation of artificial drainage channels in campo de murundus, in plots near and distant of the drains in the soil. We sampled woody individuals with ≥ 3 cm diameter at the base, and established 20 permanent plots of 20×50 m, 10 of which were between 0-20 m of the drains (edge) and 10 between 150-200 m distant from the drains (interior), totaling two hectares of survey. We recorded 47 species with total density of 230.5 ind.ha-1 and total basal area of 1.331 m2 ha-1. The diversity index of species was H’ = 3.18. We recorded higher density and basal area in the edge, and differential distribution and occupation of woody species in the microrelief of the murundus. This provides us strong evidence that the drains have altered the vegetation structure, especially in the edge of the remnant campos de murundus turning the vegetation woodier and denser.

Biologia do Solo , Drenagem do Solo , Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Estruturas Vegetais/química
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(2): 647-657, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977335


Abstract Mangroves represent an environment of great heterogeneity and low diversity of plant species that have structural and physiological adaptations linked to a high salinity environment. Laguncularia racemosa is a typical tree species in mangroves and transitional zones. This study aimed to compare the wood anatomy of L. racemosa (Combretaceae) in two different forests (mangroves and transitional forests), which have different soil conditions. For this, we obtained wood and soil samples in March 2016. We analyzed soil nutritional contents in one 15 cm deep soil sample per forest type. In addition, we selected five mangrove trees in each formation for wood anatomy analysis and took one wood sample per individual, per area. We prepared histological slides and separated materials following standard methods for wood anatomy studies. Soil analysis showed that mangrove soils had higher phosphorus, potassium and calcium contents. The transitional soil had lower pore water salinity and soil pH, probably due to high aluminum levels. Anatomical attributes differed between different forest populations. In the different wood aspects evaluated, we obtained higher values in mangrove individuals when compared to the transitional forest population: vessel elements length (375.79 mm), tangential vessels diameter (75.85 mm), frequency of vessels (11.90 mm) and fiber length (889.89 mm). Moreover, parenchyma rays height was larger in the samples of the transitional forest (392.80 mm), while the mangrove population presented wider rays (29.38 mm). The structure of the secondary xylem in the studied species apparently responds to edaphic parameters and shows variations that allow it to adjust to the environmental conditions. The population of the transitional forest showed a secondary xylem that invests more in protection than the mangrove population. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 647-657. Epub 2018 June 01.

Resumen Los manglares representan un ambiente de gran heterogeneidad y baja diversidad de especies vegetales que tienen adaptaciones estructurales y fisiológicas ligadas a un ambiente de alta salinidad. Laguncularia racemosa es una especie de árbol típico en los manglares y en zonas de transición. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la anatomía de la madera de L. racemosa (Combretaceae) en dos bosques distintos (manglares y bosques de transición) que tienen diferentes condiciones edáficas. Para esto se obtuvieron muestras de madera y suelo en marzo 2016. Se analizaron los contenidos nutricionales de una muestra de suelo de 15 cm de espesor por tipo de bosque. Además, se seleccionaron cinco árboles de mangle en cada formación para el análisis de la anatomía de la madera y se tomó una muestra de cada individuo por área. Se prepararon láminas histológicas y se separaron los materiales siguiendo métodos convencionales para estudios de anatomía de la madera. El análisis del suelo mostró que en el manglar hay mayor contenido de fósforo, potasio y calcio. El suelo del bosque de transición tiene menor salinidad del agua capilar y pH del suelo, probablemente debido a los altos niveles de aluminio. Los atributos anatómicos difirieron entre las distintas poblaciones de bosque. En los distintos aspectos de la madera evaluados, se obtuvieron valores más altos en los individuos del manglar comparados con los de la población del bosque de transición: longitud de los elementos de los vasos (375.79 mm), diámetro de los vasos tangenciales (75.85 mm), frecuencia de vasos (11.90 mm) y longitud de la fibra (889.89 mm). Además, la altura de los rayos de parénquima fue mayor en las muestras del bosque de transición (392.80 mm) mientras que la población de manglar presentó rayos más anchos (29.38 mm). La estructura del xilema secundario en la especie estudiada aparentemente responde a los parámetros edáficos y muestra variaciones que le permiten adecuarse a las condiciones ambientales. La población del bosque de transición mostró un xilema secundario que invierte más en protección que la población del manglar.

Árvores/anatomia & histologia , Madeira/análise , Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Áreas Alagadas , Brasil
Acta amaz ; 46(2): 127-132, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455300


Nodal glands are found in one third of the Polygalaceae genera and have valuable taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary significance. In Brazil, they occur in five of the eleven genera already registered. However, there is still a controversy regarding the origin of these structures. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphology and the origin of nodal glands inCaamembeca spectabilis, in order to increase the structural and functional knowledge of these glands in the genera. Samples of nodal regions were collected, fixed and processed according to the methods of light microscopy and electron scanning. Ants were observed and identified along the stem axis. The glucose in exudate allows us to classify these glands as extrafloral nectaries. They are located in pairs on the nodal region. However, its origin is in the leaf trace. In the longitudinal section, the nectaries were present in the apex of cells with anticlinal walls impregnated with suberin, which represents the first record for the family. In this region there is also the formation of a hole by lysis. The secretory tissue is surrounded by phloem. Xylem vessels were observed only on the basis of the nectary, where there are also idioblasts with crystals in druse type. We have studied the ontogeny of the glands nodal in Caamembeca spectabilis and unveiled that these glands are linked to the leaves as stipular nectaries. In addition, the new findings presented here may add support for the understanding of morphology and anatomy of nodal glands in Caamembeca.

Glândulas nodais são encontradas em um terço dos gêneros de Polygalaceae e possuem grande importância taxonômica, ecológica e evolutiva. No Brasil, ocorrem em cinco, dos onze gêneros já registrados. Contudo, ainda há controvérsias quanto à origem dessas estruturas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a morfologia e a origem das glândulas nodais em Caamembeca spectabilis, visando ampliar o conhecimento estrutural e funcional dessas glândulas no gênero. Amostras das regiões nodais foram coletadas, fixadas e processadas segundo os métodos em microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Formigas foram observadas e identificadas ao longo do eixo caulinar. A glicose no exsudato permite tratar as glândulas como nectários extraflorais. Esses estão localizados aos pares na região nodal. Porém, sua origem ocorre no traço foliar. Os nectários, em secção longitudinal, apresentam as células do ápice com paredes anticlinais impregnadas com suberina, sendo este o primeiro registro para a família. Nessa região também ocorre a formação de um orifício por lise. O tecido secretor do nectário é circundado pelo floema. Vasos de xilema foram observados apenas na base do nectário, onde também ocorrem idioblastos com cristais do tipo drusas. Dessa forma, este estudo confirma a trajetória ontogenética das glândulas nodais em C. spectabilis, as quais, de fato, estão ligadas às folhas, como nectários estipulares. Além de apresentar dados inéditos que auxiliam a compreensão morfológica e anatômica das mesmas em Caamembeca.

Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Néctar de Plantas , Polygalaceae , Formigas , Microscopia Confocal
Acta amaz ; 45(4): 347-354, out.-dez. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455275


Glandular trichomes play a major role in the morphological characterization of the Bignoniaceae. Due to their great diversity of forms and functions, this study aimed to inventory the glandular trichomes present in the aerial vegetative axis of Amphilophium magnoliifolium, Martinella obovata and Stizophyllum riparium, analyze their structure and register the participation of ants in these plants. Fresh samples from the nodal region, petiole and from medium to apical regions of the leaflet blade were fixed and processed according to usual methods in light and scanning electron microscopies. The glandular trichomes found were: peltate, capitate, stipitate, and patelliform/cupular. Peltate trichomes are the most abundant ones and present the most uniform distribution. Patelliform/cupular trichomes occur at specific regions, such as prophylls, leaflet blade and nodal regions. Martinella obovata is the only species that presents capitate and stipitate trichomes, which are widely distributed along the entire aerial vegetative axis. Ants were found in all species, mainly at nodal regions. The occurrence of the capitate-type trichome is reported for the first time to the genus.

Tricomas glandulares desempenham papel importante na caracterização morfológica de Bignoniaceae e, devido à grande diversidade de formas e funções que esses tricomas apresentam, o objetivo desse estudo foi inventariar os tricomas glandulares presentes no eixo vegetativo aéreo de Amphilophium magnoliifolium, Martinella obovata. e Stizophyllum riparium, bem como analisar sua estrutura e registrar a participação de formigas nessas espécies. Amostras frescas da região mediana à apical das lâmina foliolar, pecíolo e nó foram fixadas e processadas de acordo com os métodos usuais para microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Os tricomas glandulares encontrados nas espécies foram: peltados, capitados, estipitados e pateliformes/cupuliformes. Dentre esses tipos o mais abundante foi o tricoma peltado, apresentando também uma distribuição mais uniforme que os demais. Os tricomas pateliformes/cupuliformes estavam em regiões mais específicas, como profilos, lâmina foliolar e na região nodal. Martinella obovata foi a única espécie que apresentou os tricomas capitados e estipitados, amplamente distribuídos ao longo de todo eixo vegetativo aéreo. Em todas as espécies foram encontradas formigas, principalmente nas regiões nodais. A ocorrência do tricoma capitado é relatada pela primeira vez para o gênero.

Bignoniaceae/anatomia & histologia , Componentes Aéreos da Planta/anatomia & histologia , Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Tricomas/anatomia & histologia
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 17(1): 26-35, Jan-Mar/2015. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-742935


Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae), conhecida como aroeira-vermelha é uma espécie nativa do Brasil, perenifólia e pioneira, sendo muito utilizada para combater diversas doenças, pois apresenta, entre outras, propriedades anti-inflamatórias e cicatrizantes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar um estudo morfoanatômico do caule e da folha de S. terebinthifolius, descrevendo a organização dos tecidos e suas possíveis variações. As análises macro e microscópicas foram realizadas com material selecionado de partes vegetativas de um espécime localizado na cidade de Campina Grande - PB. A aroeira-vermelha é um vegetal arbóreo e dióico, que apresenta caule cilíndrico e simpodial, com casca rugosa e estriada. A folha é perene, alterna, coriácea e composta. As análises microscópicas evidenciaram epiderme caulinar e foliar uniestratificadas, exceto na face adaxial da folha, que é bisseriada. No caule e no pecíolo são visualizados muitos tricomas tectores unicelulares, curtos, cônicos e agudos no ápice. Encontram-se canais secretores arredondados e bem desenvolvidos na região do floema em todos os órgãos estudados, bem como cutícula revestindo as células epidérmicas e grande quantidade de drusas de oxalato de cálcio. Os feixes vasculares são circundados por células esclerenquimáticas e apresentam o floema seguido por xilema helicoidal bem desenvolvido. No caule, pecíolo e nervura central da folha, o xilema é interno e o floema, externo. A aroeira-vermelha apresenta alguns aspectos estruturais característicos de plantas xerófilas, como camada múltipla da epiderme da face adaxial foliar, que protegem o mesofilo de excessiva dessecação; presença de cutícula espessa e grande quantidade de pêlos e de estômatos; além de sistema vascular bem desenvolvido, com abundância de esclerênquima, dando sustentação ao feixe.

Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae), popularly known as Brazilian pepper, is an evergreen, pioneer and indigenous plant from Brazil, and it is used to combat various diseases, as it presents anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. The aim of this research was to study the morpho-anatomical features of the stem and leaf of S. terebinthifolius, describing the organization of the tissues and their variations. The macroscopic and microscopic analyses were performed with material selected from vegetative parts of a specimen collected in the city of Campina Grande - state of Paraíba, Brazil. The Brazilian pepper is a dioecious plant with cylindrical and sympodial stem and rough and striated bark. The leaves are evergreen, alternate, leathery and compound. The microscopic analysis showed uniseriate epidermis in the stem and leaf, except in the adaxial leaf, which is biseriate. In the stem and petiole, many unicellular, short, conical tector trichomes with acute apex are observed. In the phloem of all studied organs, we found rounded and well-developed secretory ducts, as well as cuticle covering the epidermal cells and a large amount of calcium oxalate druses. The vascular bundles are surrounded by sclerenchyma cells and present phloem followed by well-developed spiral xylem. In the stem, petiole and leaf's central vein, the xylem is internal and the phloem is external. The Brazilian pepper has some structural features characteristic of xerophilous plants, such as multiple layers of the epidermis in adaxial leaf, which protects the mesophyll from excessive drying, thick cuticle and a large quantity of hairs and stomata, well-developed vascular system with plenty of sclerenchyma, giving support to the bundle.

Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Anacardiaceae/metabolismo , Oxalato de Cálcio , Folhas de Planta/classificação
Rev. bras. plantas med ; 15(3): 380-390, 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-684155


As folhas de Costus spicatus são amplamente empregadas na medicina popular para o tratamento de várias doenças entre elas: malária, hepatite e doença do aparelho urinário. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar aspectos da anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos (folhas, caules, raízes e rizomas) associados à triagem fitoquímica visando contribuir com informações relevantes para o desenvolvimento de estudos taxonômicos e farmacológicos. A análise anatômica por meio da microscopia óptica e de varredura evidenciou folha anfi-hipoestomática, com estômatos e tricomas tectores filamentosos simples. O mesofilo é constituído por parênquima clorofiliano, que se divide em duas regiões intercaladas por cordão de fibras e feixes vasculares. O caule é do tipo atactostélico como no rizoma. A raiz é poliarca. Os testes histoquímicos indicaram a presença de amido, proteínas estruturais, alcaloides, cristais de oxalato de cálcio. A prospecção química com extratos hidroalcoólico e aquoso constatou a presença de saponinas, taninos, alcaloides, compostos fenólicos e heterosídeos cianogênicos.

The leaves of Costus spicatus are widely employed in folk medicine for the treatment of several diseases, including: malaria, hepatitis and urinary tract disease. The purpose of this paper was to identify aspects of the anatomy of vegetative organs (leaves, stems, roots and rhizomes) associated with phytochemical screening to contribute with relevant information for the development of taxonomic and pharmacological studies. The anatomic analysis through optical microscopy and scanning showed amphistomatic leaves with tetracitic type stomats and simple filamentous tector trichomes. Mesophyll is constituted by a chlorophyllian parenchyma, which is divided into two regions intersected by a strand of fibers and vascular bundles. The stem is atactostelic, such as for the rhizome. The root is polyarc. The histochemical tests indicated the presence of structural proteins, alkaloids, and calcium oxalate crystals. Chemical prospecting with hydroalcoholic and aqueous extracts attested the presence of saponins, tannins, alkaloids, phenolic compounds and heterosides as cyanogenic glucosides.

Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Costus/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia de Polarização/métodos
Braz. j. microbiol ; 43(3): 1174-1182, July-Sept. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-656688


Endophytic microorganisms, defined as fungi or bacteria that colonize the interior of plants without causing any immediate negative effects or damages, have reciprocal relationships with host plants. In some cases their presence is beneficial to the host due to the synthesis of bioactive compounds, among which several alcohols, esters, ketones and others that may react with other compounds and may be lethal to pathogenic microorganisms. Diaporthe helianthi (Phomopsis helianthi in its anamorphic phase) is available worldwide, especially in Europe, Asia and America. Isolated in Europe as an agent of the sunflower stem cancer, it has also been endophytically isolated from tropical and temperate plants. A D. helianthi strain isolated from Luehea divaricata has been employed in current research. An investigation of the secondary metabolite from D. helianthi by CC and NMR of ¹H and 13C yielded the separation of 10 fractions and the identification of the phenolic compound 2(-4 hydroxyphenyl)-ethanol (Tyrosol). Its antimicrobial reaction was tested and the ensuing antagonistic effects on the human pathogenic bacteria Enterococcus hirae, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, phytopathogenic Xanthomonas asc. phaseoli and phytopathogenic fungi were demonstrated. Results show that bioactive compounds and Tyrosol produced by D. helianthi have a biotechnological potential.

Compostos Fenólicos/análise , Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Fungos/metabolismo , Fixação de Nitrogênio , Metabolismo , Métodos , Plantas/metabolismo , Virulência
Ann Bot ; 104(6): 1141-9, 2009 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19692391


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Oils are an unusual floral reward in Orchidaceae, being produced by specialized glands called elaiophores. Such glands have been described in subtribe Oncidiinae for a few species. The aims of the present study were to identify the presence of elaiophores in Gomesa bifolia, to study their structure and to understand how the oil is secreted. Additionally, elaiophores of G. bifolia were compared with those of related taxa within the Oncidiinae. METHODS: Elaiophores were identified using Sudan III. Their structure was examined by using light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Secretion of oils was from the tips of callus protrusions. The secretory cells each had a large, centrally located nucleus, highly dense cytoplasm, abundant plastids containing lipid globules associated with starch grains, numerous mitochondria, an extensive system of rough and smooth endoplasmatic reticulum, and electron-dense dictyosomes. The outer tangential walls were thick, with a loose cellulose matrix and a few, sparsely distributed inconspicuous cavities. Electron-dense structures were observed in the cell wall and formed a lipid layer that covered the cuticle of the epidermal cells. The cuticle as viewed under the scanning electron microscope was irregularly rugose. CONCLUSIONS: The elaiophores of G. bifolia are of the epithelial type. The general structure of the secretory cells resembles that described for other species of Oncidiinae, but some unique features were encountered for this species. The oil appears to pass through the outer tangential wall and the cuticle, covering the latter without forming cuticular blisters.

Orchidaceae/anatomia & histologia , Orchidaceae/metabolismo , Óleos de Plantas/metabolismo , Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Orchidaceae/citologia , Orchidaceae/ultraestrutura , Estruturas Vegetais/citologia , Estruturas Vegetais/ultraestrutura
Development ; 131(15): 3737-49, 2004 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15240552


Flowers of the parthenocarpic knuckles mutant are conditionally male sterile and contain ectopic stamens and carpels that originate from placental tissue within developing gynoecia. The mutation was mapped to a 123 Kb interval on chromosome 5 using molecular markers. All aspects of the knuckles phenotype could be complemented by a genomic fragment from the region which contained the annotated MAC12.2 gene. A guanine to adenine transition within a predicted C2H2 zinc finger-encoding region of MAC12.2 causes the second of two critical zinc-binding cysteine residues to be replaced by a tyrosine. Transgenic plants in which translational fusions of the GUS reporter to KNUCKLES were driven by the presumptive KNUCKLES promoter indicate that the gene is expressed first in developing carpel primordia, and later in stamens and ovules of flower buds. In situ hybridization experiments showed a broader pattern of transcript localization, suggesting that post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms may limit KNUCKLES protein accumulation and localization. Based on genetic evidence and the presence of a carboxy-terminal motif demonstrated by others to function as an active repression domain, we propose that KNUCKLES might function as a transcriptional repressor of cellular proliferation that regulates floral determinacy and relative size of basal pattern elements along the proximo-distal axis of the developing Arabidopsis gynoecium.

Proteínas de Arabidopsis/metabolismo , Arabidopsis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Proteínas de Transporte/metabolismo , Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Arabidopsis/genética , Arabidopsis/metabolismo , Proteínas de Arabidopsis/genética , Proteínas de Transporte/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas , Flores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Flores/metabolismo , Teste de Complementação Genética , Hibridização In Situ , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Mutação , Fenótipo , Estruturas Vegetais/anatomia & histologia , Estruturas Vegetais/metabolismo , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas , Proteínas Recombinantes de Fusão/metabolismo , Alinhamento de Sequência , Transcrição Gênica , Dedos de Zinco