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Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355088


RESUMO: A participação em atividades lúdicas e reflexivas poderia aumentar a resiliência dos estudantes ao estresse associado ao curso de medicina. Nesse sentido, a música poderia facilitar o desenvolvimento de sentimentos e atitudes, como inclusão social, equilíbrio, atenção, imaginação e reflexão essenciais à prática clínica. Neste artigo relatamos nossa experiência com a disciplina optativa "Introdução à história da música erudita ocidental". Ela é oferecida anualmente aos estudantes de medicina desde 2015. As avaliações anônimas recebidas por 62,5% dos 64 estudantes que frequentaram a disciplina até o momento evidenciaram uma elevada satisfação (100% de avaliações caracterizadas como boa ou ótima) e o reconhecimento de sua importância para a formação médica (95% de avaliações caracterizadas como boa ou ótima). Estes resultados são encorajadores para a continuidade da disciplina e a introdução de atividades optativas similares no currículo da nossa Faculdade. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Participation in playful and reflective activities could increase the students' resilience to the stress associated with the medical course. In this sense, music could facilitate the development of feelings and attitudes, such as social inclusion, balance, attention, imagination, and reflection, essential for clinical practice. In this article, I report my experience with the optional discipline "Introduction to the history of Western classical music." This course has been offered annually to medical students since 2015. The anonymous evaluations received by 62.5% of the 64 students who have attended the discipline so far showed a high satisfaction rate (100% of the assessments marked as good or excellent) and the recognition of its importance for medical training (95% of evaluations marked as good or excellent). These results encourage the continuation of the discipline and the introduction of similar activities into our curriculum.

Humanos , Estudantes de Medicina , Ensino , Relatório de Pesquisa , Inclusão Social , Música/história
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(3): e3441, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289635


RESUMEN Introducción: Los himnos son composiciones poéticas que expresan júbilo. Este canto se ejecuta por todos a la vez, y se convierte en el símbolo de los sentimientos y de los ideales de un grupo determinado. Objetivo: Describir las características principales de los himnos de la Enfermería en el contexto Iberoamericano haciendo, especial énfasis, en el Himno de la Enfermería Argentina. Método: Se realizó una investigación documental de corte histórico, en la cual se emplearon métodos teóricos que permitieron efectuar un análisis objetivo sustentado en la adecuada interacción de los siguientes métodos: análisis documental, análisis histórico-lógico y enfoque de sistema. Se utilizaron diversas bases de datos bibliográficas; así como el buscador del Google para identificar, a partir de palabras claves, los himnos por países. Desarrollo: Se caracterizó el Himno de la Enfermería del Consejo Internacional de Enfermería, organización internacional, y el Himno de la Enfermería Mexicana, Himno de la Enfermería Española, Himno a la Enfermera(o) Peruana(o), Himno de la Enfermería Cubana y el Himno de las Enfermeras de Costa Rica, con carácter nacional. Por otro lado, se describieron las características y significados del Himno de Enfermería Argentina. Consideraciones finales: El empoderamiento constituye un proceso constante de construcción, lo que precisa de claridad en las metas, en donde los cambios sociales y las expectativas de la profesión calcen en amalgama perfecta. En tal sentido, el empoderamiento exige reconocer la identidad profesional, lo que depende de diversos factores, entre los que podría contribuir en ese proceso de construcción y consolidación el Himno de Enfermería Argentina.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Anthems are poetic compositions written to express rejoicing. It is a music written specifically for group singing and becomes the symbol of feelings and ideals of a distinct group. Objective: To describe main characteristics of Ibero-American nursing anthem, specially, in the Argentine's nursing anthem. Method: A historical documentary research was conducted, in which theoretical methods were used to carry out an objective analysis based on the appropriate interaction of the following methods: documentary analysis, historical-logical analysis and system approach. Several bibliographic databases were used, as well as the Google Search engine, in order to identify, using key words, the anthems used by countries. Development: The International Council of Nurses, as International organization, and the Mexican, Spanish, Peruvian, Cuban, and Costa Rican nursing anthem were categorized as national anthems. In the other hand, the characteristics and meanings of the Argentine Nursing Anthem were described. Conclusions: Empowerment is a constant process of construction, which requires clarity in goals, where social changes and the profession´s expectations fit together perfectly. In this regard, empowerment requires for the recognition of professional identity depending on several factors to be effective, factors in which the argentine anthem is part of and it could contribute to the expected construction and consolidation process.

RESUMO Introdução: Os hinos são composições poéticas que expressam alegria. Essa música é tocada por todos ao mesmo tempo, e se torna o símbolo dos sentimentos e ideais de um determinado grupo. Objetivo: Descrever as principais características dos hinos da enfermagem no contexto ibero-americano, com especial destaque para o hino da enfermagem argentino. Método: Foi realizada uma investigação documental de natureza histórica, na qual foram utilizados métodos teóricos que permitiram realizar uma análise objetiva a partir da interação adequada dos seguintes métodos: análise documental, análise histórico-lógica e abordagem sistêmica. Várias bases de dados bibliográficas foram utilizadas; bem como o motor de busca Google para identificar, a partir de palavras-chave, os hinos por país. Desenvolvimento: O Hino de Enfermagem do Conselho Internacional de Enfermagem, uma organização internacional, e o Hino de Enfermagem do México, Hino de Enfermagem em Espanhol, Hino de Enfermagem do Peru, Hino de Enfermagem de Cuba e o Hino Nacional das Enfermeiras da Costa Rica. Por outro lado, foram descritas as características e significados do Hino da Enfermagem Argentina. Considerações finais: O empoderamento é um processo constante de construção, que exige clareza de objetivos, onde as mudanças sociais e as expectativas da profissão se encaixam perfeitamente. Nesse sentido, o empoderamento requer o reconhecimento da identidade profissional, o que depende de vários fatores, entre os quais o Hino da Enfermagem Argentino pode contribuir para este processo de construção e consolidação.

História da Enfermagem , Música/história
Am Surg ; 87(4): 507-510, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33064016


Music and surgery have a long and shared history, and the existence of musician-surgeons has been well documented. Best known for his 2 gastric reconstruction operations, Theodor Billroth was also a skilled musician and made valuable contributions to the field of music theory and composition. While he was a prolific composer during his lifetime, most of his works have unfortunately been lost. His 1 surviving composition Todessehnsucht offers insight into his composition process and serves as a testament to the amalgamation of his personal life, his career as a surgeon, and his lifelong love of music. This article seeks to analyze Billroth's only musical composition from a historical, musical, and sociopolitical perspective and to illustrate the close interplay between science and art in one of the most quintessential musician-surgeons in history.

Cirurgia Geral/história , Música/história , História do Século XIX , Prússia
Rev. bras. neurol ; 56(4): 39-43, out.-dez. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140830


Ludwig van Beethoven, the great composer, born 250 years ago, had several health problems and a progressive hearing loss. Gastrointestinal symptoms prevailed among his physical complaints, but there were also frequent headaches, eye pain, and polyarthralgia. Likewise, there are many reports about his alcohol intake and frequent walks. There were also peculiar behavioral and awkward physical aspects of the famous composer. All may take part as a determinant for the communicative aspects of his music. Spite Beethoven's corporal structure could be considered just a developmental variant, it can also be congenitally related to many bone-nervous abnormalities such as craniovertebral junction malformation with interference in the Genius' health. In reality, it is almost impossible to cover Beethoven's entire health problem with just one underlying disease. Most likely, he had comorbidities, one of which, although not fatal, was that related to abnormalities in the development of the skull and cervical spine worsened by a baseline autoimmune disorders that injured joints, and maybe even the VIII cranial nerve and inner ear.

Ludwig van Beethoven, o grande compositor, nascido há 250 anos, teve vários problemas de saúde e uma perda auditiva progressiva. Os sintomas gastrointestinais prevaleceram entre suas queixas físicas, mas também houve frequentes episódios de cefaleia, dores nos olhos e poliartralgia. Da mesma forma, há muitos relatos sobre sua ingestão de álcool e caminhadas frequentes. Havia também aspectos físicos peculiares e estranhos do famoso compositor. Todos podem tomar parte como um determinante para os aspectos comunicativos de sua música. Apesar da estrutura corporal de Beethoven poder ser considerada apenas uma variante de desenvolvimento, pode também estar relacionada a algumas anormalidades ósseo- neural, tais como a malformação da junção craniovertebral com interferência na saúde do Gênio. Na realidade, é quase impossível cobrir todo o problema de saúde de Beethoven com apenas uma doença subjacente. Muito provavelmente, ele tinha comorbidades, uma das quais, embora não fatal, era aquela relacionada a anormalidades no desenvolvimento do crânio e da coluna cervical agravadas por uma desordem auto-imune de base que lesionava as articulações, e talvez até o VIII nervo craniano e o ouvido interno.

Humanos , Masculino , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , Surdez/etiologia , Pessoas Famosas , Perda Auditiva/complicações , Música/história , Crânio/anormalidades , Surdez/história
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 162(3): 319-321, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31959057


Harriet Martineau was a 19th-century sociologist who had a progressive form of deafness. Her 1834 essay, Letters to the Deaf, was the earliest historical document depicting the social challenges of hearing loss. Martineau details complex situations that hard-of-hearing people experienced in the 19th century such as social isolation due to frustrations with communication, physician shortcomings, limited music appreciation, and the stigma of hearing amplification devices. Her descriptions of these experiences are commonly faced by hard-of-hearing people in present-day society. Advancements in technology and recognition of the negative social impact of hearing loss have improved the social experience for the hard of hearing; however, social challenges remain relevant. In this article, we review Letters to the Deaf and note the ways in which this essay provides a dual perspective regarding how much we have advanced as a society and how much we still have to overcome in addressing the social challenges of hearing loss.

Perda Auditiva/história , Perda Auditiva/psicologia , Sociologia/história , Auxiliares de Audição/história , Auxiliares de Audição/psicologia , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Música/história , Relações Médico-Paciente , Isolamento Social , Estigma Social
J Endocrinol Invest ; 43(6): 873-874, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31907822


PURPOSE: There are many of the representations in iconography of individuals with goiters reported in the literature. METHODS: The article describe a unique representation of goiter, as observed by the authors in a sculpture in Italy. RESULTS: In a Nativity, in the upper part of the altar of the Church of the Annunciata, Boccioleto (Val Sermenza, Piedmont, Italy), a horn player with a huge goiter, gladdens the Holy Family. Wooden work by Francesco Antonio d'Alberto, 1694. CONCLUSION: This is an appropriate example of the iconography of "real goiter," since in this case the sculptor had the aim of showing person with goiter.

Bócio/história , Medicina nas Artes/história , Música/história , Escultura/história , História do Século XVI , Humanos , Itália
J Med Biogr ; 28(2): 90-95, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31475883


William Wallace (1860-1940) received the degrees MB, MCh, and MD from the University of Glasgow, and qualified as an ophthalmologist in 1888. Even as he was training in eye surgery, he was already composing music, and Wallace became more attracted to the ear than to the eye and abandoned medicine to become a classical music composer. He never practiced ophthalmology after 1889, except during First World War when he volunteered to serve in the Royal Army Medical Corps. He studied briefly at the Royal Academy of Music in London, but was mostly self-taught. Wallace was influenced by the music of Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner, and thus became a champion for late Romantic music. He wrote many types of music: his most successful were symphonic or tone poems. He was a playwright, music critic, translator, artist, and advocate for composers' copyright interests in Parliament. After the War, he never again composed but held important positions in organized music such as Professor of Harmony and Composition at the Royal Academy of Music. Only about 30% of his compositions were performed or published in his lifetime, but recently, there has been increased interest in performing and recording his music.

Música/história , Oftalmologistas/história , História do Século XX , Londres , Oftalmologia/história , Escócia
Med Hypotheses ; 133: 109401, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31542612


JacquelineduPré (26 January 1945-19 October 1987) is one of the greatest cellists in the 20th century. Her musical career was terminated at age 28, allegedly due to multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is an immune-mediated demyelinating disease of the central nervous system with axonal involvement, characterized by the dissemination in time and space of the lesions (plaques). Diverse neurological symptoms may occur in MS, and a variety of symptoms relentlessly accumulated in her case after the diagnosis in 1973, which is concordant with primary progressive rather than relapsing-remitting form of MS. No radiological confirmation was however possible in her days and the diagnosis should be reconsidered, because her symptoms had some unusual features in MS. First, her principal symptoms, aside from transient visual and urological problems noticed earlier, began in the upper and lower limbs, often only in the upper limbs, then followed by the involvement of lower cranial nerves, and by the cognitive decline with changes in character. Hence the pattern of progression was ascending from the cervical spinal cord to the brainstem and to the cerebrum, which is not the pattern of dissemination in space typical of MS. Her clinical status appeared steroid-dependent temporarily in the early stage of the disease, which is also unusual in MS and some different etiology deserves consideration. We suppose that Uhthoff phenomenon, i.e. worsening of symptoms by the elevation of body temperature, may have been negative contrary to the previous interpretation, and if we are correct the absence of this sign does not support the demyelinating pathophysiology of her disease. Now that there is no objective medical information sufficiently disclosed, another scenario may be hypothesized, although MS is still a likely possibility. We discuss that syringomyelia/syringobulbia associated with Chiari malformation type I and obstructive hydrocephalus can be an alternative diagnosis.

Malformação de Arnold-Chiari/diagnóstico , Hidrocefalia/diagnóstico , Esclerose Múltipla Crônica Progressiva/diagnóstico , Música/história , Siringomielia/diagnóstico , Corticosteroides/uso terapêutico , Malformação de Arnold-Chiari/complicações , Neoplasias Encefálicas/diagnóstico , Transtornos Cognitivos/etiologia , Depressão/etiologia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Progressão da Doença , Tolerância a Medicamentos , Feminino , História do Século XX , Humanos , Hidrocefalia/etiologia , Hipestesia/etiologia , Debilidade Muscular/etiologia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/diagnóstico , Avaliação de Sintomas , Siringomielia/complicações
Rev Med Chil ; 147(3): 356-360, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31344173


Johann Sebastian Bach suffered during the last year of his life of a progressive visual defect despite two operations done by a famous but quite controversial English ocular surgeon of that time. The exact diagnosis of his ocular problems is unclear but cataracts and complicated glaucoma seem the most plausible. A septic complication following the ocular surgery could have weakened Bach's health leading to his death only three months after the last intervention. In this paper diverse less known aspects of Bach's disease and life are reported.

Pessoas Famosas , Música/história , Transtornos da Visão/história , Inglaterra , Alemanha , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVIII , Humanos , Oftalmologia/história , Médicos , Transtornos da Visão/cirurgia
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(3): 356-360, mar. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004356


Johann Sebastian Bach suffered during the last year of his life of a progressive visual defect despite two operations done by a famous but quite controversial English ocular surgeon of that time. The exact diagnosis of his ocular problems is unclear but cataracts and complicated glaucoma seem the most plausible. A septic complication following the ocular surgery could have weakened Bach's health leading to his death only three months after the last intervention. In this paper diverse less known aspects of Bach's disease and life are reported.

Humanos , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVIII , Transtornos da Visão/história , Pessoas Famosas , Música/história , Oftalmologia/história , Médicos , Transtornos da Visão/cirurgia , Inglaterra , Alemanha
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 77(2): 136-138, Feb. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-983888


ABSTRACT Maurice Ravel is one of the most important French musicians. In the last years of his life, Ravel was victim of a dementia of uncertain etiology that caused aphasia, apraxia, agraphia and amusia. The artistic brain of the author of eternal musical compositions was progressively silenced due to his neurodegenerative disease. On the 90th anniversary of Boléro, this historical note revisits Ravel's case and discusses the relationship of his dementia to his artistic production. It illustrates the intimacy that can exist between art, music, creativity, and neurology.

RESUMO Maurice Ravel é um dos músicos franceses mais importantes. Nos últimos anos de vida, Ravel foi vítima de uma demência de etiologia incerta que causou afasia, apraxia, agrafia e amusia. O cérebro artístico do autor de eternas composições musicais foi progressivamente silenciado devido à sua doença neurodegenerativa. No 90° aniversário de Bolero, esta nota histórica revive o caso de Ravel e discute a relação de sua demência em sua produção artística. Ele ilustra a intimidade que pode existir entre arte, música e criatividade com a neurologia.

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Demência/história , Música/história , Arte/história , França , Neurologia/história
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 76(11): 791-794, Nov. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-973935


ABSTRACT Throughout history, neurosyphilis has victimized many people, including classical composers, with a wide range of clinical presentations. Methods: Six articles with descriptions of composers with possible neurosyphilis were reviewed. Results: Neurosyphilis is a possible diagnosis for composers like Beethoven, whose progressive hearing loss influenced his career, culminating in complete deafness. In his autopsy, cochlear nerve atrophy and cochlear inflammation were described. Donizetti developed behavioral changes, as well as headaches, general paresis and seizures. Both Schumann and Wolf suffered from personality changes, persecutory delusions and general paresis. Joplin and Delius also had symptoms attributed to syphilis. Autopsy findings confirmed the diagnosis of Smetana, who developed dementia, deafness and auditory hallucinations with rapid progression. His tinnitus was musically represented in his first String Quartet. Conclusion: Neurosyphilis victimized several notorious composers. It can be argued that neurosyphilis was a major source of inspiration as well, being responsible for the genesis of musical masterpieces.

RESUMO Através da história, a neurossífilis vitimou milhares de pessoas, incluindo compositores clássicos, com uma grande gama de manifestações. Métodos: Seis artigos com descrições de compositores com possível neurossífilis foram revisados. Resultados: Neurossífilis é um diagnóstico possível para compositores como Beethoven, cuja perda auditiva progressiva influenciou sua carreira, culminando com surdez completa. Em sua autópsia foram descritas inflamação e atrofia dos nervos cocleares. Donizetti desenvolveu alterações comportamentais, bem como cefaleias, paresia e convulsões. Tanto Schumann quanto Wolf sofreram com alterações comportamentais, delírios persecutórios e paresia. Joplin e Delius também tiveram sintomas relacionados a sífilis. Achados de autópsia confirmaram o diagnóstico de Smetana, que desenvolveu demência, surdez e alucinações auditivas rapidamente progressivas. Seu tinito foi musicalmente representados em seu Quarteto de Cordas No. 1. Conclusão: Neurossífilis vitimou diversos compositores de destaque. Pode-se argumentar que a doença chegou a ser grande fonte de inspiração e mesmo responsável pela gênese de diversas obras-primas.

Humanos , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Música/história , Neurossífilis/história , Estados Unidos , Europa (Continente) , Pessoas Famosas
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 24(2): 145-156, maio-go. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-897195


Objetivamos investigar o modo como a tradição é elaborada por um guardião de memórias contemporâneo: Ausier Vinícius dos Santos, fundador do bar musical Pedacinhos do Céu (Belo Horizonte - MG). Realizamos entrevista semiestruturada, analisada fenomenologicamente. Respondendo ao chamado a constituir uma obra de preservação, o sujeito elabora o passado e a alteridade como presenças a partir das quais se dá conta do próprio ser. Aceitar sacrifícios para dedicar-se ao que vem do outro significa para ele ser fiel à própria experiência, abrindo caminho para a atualização da tradição num processo pessoal de buscar contribuir para a constituição do mundo. Concluímos que para dar continuidade de modo próprio ao que lhe foi transmitido, Ausier reafirma a centralidade dos valores que convergem num ideal que a tradição suscita em si. Dando-se conta de que seu ideal lhe foi dado e o supera, vive sua obra como gratidão e doação de si a algo que lhe dá um lugar no mundo e realiza o próprio ser.

We aim to investigate how the tradition is elaborated by a contemporary guardian of memories: Ausier dos Santos, founder of the musical bar Pedacinhos do Céu (Belo Horizonte - MG). We conducted a semi-structured interview, analyzed phenomenologically. Responding to the call to constitute a work of preservation, he elaborates the past and otherness as presences from what he realizes his own being. Accepting sacrifices to dedicate oneself to what comes from another means that he is faithful to his own experience, opening the way for the update of the tradition in a personal process of seeking to contribute to the constitution of the world. We conclude that to give continuity in his own way what has been transmitted to him, Ausier reaffirms the centrality of the values that converge in an ideal that tradition provokes in itself. Realizing that his ideal was given to him and overcomes himself, he lives his work as gratitude and given himself to something that gives a place in the world and realizes his own self.

Objetivamos investigar cómo la tradición es elaborada por un guardián de memorias contemporáneo: Ausier dos Santos, fundador del bar musical Pedacinhos do Céu (Belo Horizonte - MG). Realizamos una entrevista semiestructurada, analizada fenomenológicamente. Respondiendo al llamado a constituir una obra de preservación, el sujeto elabora el pasado y la alteridad como presencias a partir de las cuales se da cuenta del propio ser. Aceptar sacrificios para dedicarse a lo que viene del otro significa para él ser fiel a la propia experiencia, de modo que la tradición se actualiza en un proceso personal de buscar contribuir a la constitución del mundo. Concluimos que para dar continuidad de modo propio lo que le fue transmitido, Ausier reafirma la centralidad de los valores que convergen en un ideal que la tradición suscita en sí. Dándose cuenta de que su ideal le fue dado y lo supera, vive su obra como gratitud y donación de sí a algo que le da un lugar en el mundo y realiza el propio ser.

Cultura Popular , Música/história
Br J Neurosurg ; 32(3): 303-304, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29848067


AIM: Currently, neurosurgery has gone through moments of great renewal, however, in the first half of the 20th century, unwanted outcome after surgical approach had occurred. The aim of this historical overview of a picture of the musicians is to show the development of Neurosurgery in 20 century. METHODS: History of neurosurgery in the first half of the 20th century and the current was investigated through PubMed. A brief tour of some of the major landmarks of contemporary neurosurgery was also made. RESULTS: A musician picture was found which taken in 1928. Two of the musicians suffered neurosurgical disorder, and operated in 1937, both immediately died without gaining conscious at early postoperative period. CONCLUSION: We described the role of neurosurgery in the lives of two famous musicians, George Gershwin and Maurice Ravel. A picture taken 1928, shows the developing of Neurosurgery from first half of 20th century to current.

Neoplasias Encefálicas/história , Craniotomia/história , Pessoas Famosas , Glioblastoma/história , Erros Médicos/história , Música/história , França , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Humanos , Masculino , Estados Unidos
J Card Fail ; 24(5): 342-344, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29597050


On October 17, 1849, Poland's greatest composer, Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) died aged 39. His cause of death remains unknown. An investigation of the documental sources was performed to reconstruct the medical history of the artist. Since his earliest years, his life had been dominated by poor health. Recurrent episodes of cough, fever, headaches, lymphadenopathy- a series of symptoms that may be attributed to viral respiratory infections- manifested in his teens. Later in life, he had chest pain, hemoptysis, hematemesis, neuralgia, and arthralgia. Exhaustion and breathlessness characterized all his adult life. Coughing, choking, and edema of the legs and ankles manifested four months before his death. Several hypotheses ranging from cystic fibrosis to alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency and pulmonary tuberculosis have been proposed to explain Chopin's lifelong illness. We suggest that Chopin had dilated cardiomyopathy with consequent heart failure and cirrhosis that caused his death.

Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/história , Pessoas Famosas , Insuficiência Cardíaca/história , Música/história , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/complicações , Causas de Morte , Insuficiência Cardíaca/etiologia , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Masculino , Polônia