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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 48-51, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1553297


INTRODUÇÃO: O manejo dos pacientes vítimas de PAF possui vertentes divergentes a respeito do tratamento cirúrgico, que pode ser realizado de forma imedata ou tardia. Em lesões auto-infligidas, a distância entre a arma e a região acometida é menor, causando consequências estéticas e funcionais mais devastadoras. Aliado ao fato desse tipo de trauma criar uma ferida suja devido à comunicação com a cavidade oral e seios paranasais, o manejo das lesões representam um desafio mesmo à cirurgiões experientes. OBJETIVO: Estre trabalho relata o manejo cirúrgico de uma ferida auto-infligida por arma de fogo que resultou em avulsão dos tecidos moles na região maxilofacial. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 35 anos, vítima de projétil de arma de fogo auto-infligido em região maxilofacial, cursando com extenso ferimento em região de língua e mento. Clinicamente, o paciente não apresentava sinais de fratura em ossos da face. Ambos os ferimentos apresentavam secreção purulenta e o paciente manifestava disfonia devido a grande destruição tecidual. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: O tratamento de ferimentos por arma de fogo não só é um grande desafio para o cirurgião, como para toda a equipe multidisciplinar requerida para tais casos, visto que não há protocolos bem definidos para o tratamento dessas lesões(AU)

INTRODUCTION: The management of patients who are victims of FAP has divergent aspects regarding surgical treatment, which can be performed immediately or late. In self-inflicted injuries, the distance between the weapon and the affected region is smaller, causing more devastating aesthetic and functional consequences. Allied to the fact that this type of trauma creates a dirty wound due to the communication with the oral cavity and paranasal sinuses, the management of injuries represents a challenge even for experienced surgeons. OBJECTIVE: This paper reports the surgical management of a self-inflicted gunshot wound that resulted in soft tissue avulsion in the maxillofacial region. CASE DESCRIPTION: Male patient, 35 years old, victim of a self-inflicted firearm projectile in the maxillofacial region, coursing with extensive injury in the region of the tongue and chin. Clinically, the patient did not show signs of facial bone fractures. Both wounds had purulent secretion and the patient had dysphonia due to extensive tissue destruction. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The treatment of gunshot wounds is not only a great challenge for the surgeon, but also for the entire multidisciplinary team required for such cases, since there are no well-defined protocols for the treatment of these injuries(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Língua/lesões , Infecção dos Ferimentos , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo , Palato Duro/lesões , Ferimentos e Lesões , Ferimentos Penetrantes , Palato Duro , Equimose , Edema , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(2): 35-38, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1390983


Introdução: O cisto do ducto nasopalatino é uma lesão não odontogênica com etiologia controversa. No entanto, fatores irritantes, como trauma local e infecções bacterianas, podem estimular o remanescente epitelial do ducto nasopalatino, levando a uma formação cística. Sua predileção ocorre em homens adultos entre a quarta e a sexta décadas. Geralmente é assintomático, sendo detectado por exame de rotina. O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar e discutir um caso de cisto do Ducto Nasopalatino, analisando-se os aspectos clínicos e imaginológicos da patologia em face, comparando-o com dados provenientes da literatura corrente. Relato de caso: Como resultado este artigo apresenta a abordagem de um caso cirúrgico de cisto do Ducto Nasopalatino em face, assintomático, descoberto em exame imaginológico de rotina, biopsiado e enucleado cirurgicamente, com acompanhamento de 5 anos sem recidiva. Considerações finais: É evidente, portanto, que a literatura ainda não é unânime quanto ao aspecto epidemiológico, contudo, se reafirma a forma de abordagem cirúrgica excisional como tratamento eficaz definitivo. Faz-se necessária, portanto, a análise clínica, imaginológica e histopatológica para a confirmação diagnóstica da lesão. A observação de tais aspectos é de fundamental importância para um tratamento eficaz e definitivo, reduzindo as chances de recidiva... (AU)

Introduction: The nasopalatine duct cyst is a non-odontogenic lesion with controversial etiology. However, irritating factors, such as local trauma and bacterial infections, can stimulate the epithelial remnant of the nasopalatine duct, leading to a cystic formation. Its predilection occurs in adult men between the fourth and sixth decades. It is usually asymptomatic, being detected by routine examination. Objectives: To present and discuss a case of cyst of the Nasopalatine duct, analyzing the clinical and imaging aspects of the pathology in the face, comparing it with data from the current literature. Case Report: As a result, this article presents the approach of a surgical case of Nasopalatine Ducto cyst in the face, asymptomatic, discovered in a routine imaging exam, biopsied and surgically enucleated, with a 5-year follow-up without recurrence. Final considerations: It is evident, therefore, that the literature is not yet unanimous in terms of the epidemiological aspect, however, the form of excisional surgical approach as a definitive effective treatment is reaffirmed. Therefore, clinical, imaging and histopathological analysis is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of the lesion. The observation of such aspects is of fundamental importance for an effective and definitive treatment, reducing the chances of recurrence... (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Recidiva , Cistos Odontogênicos/cirurgia , Cistos Odontogênicos/patologia , Infecções Bacterianas , Palato Duro/lesões
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200189, 2021. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279392


Resumo As alterações vasculares ocorrem frequentemente em região de cabeça e pescoço, sendo o hemangioma a mais comum. Paciente do sexo feminino, 61 anos, queixou-se de dor intensa em palato duro. Notou-se lesão arroxeada, de 1,5 cm, sensível à palpação e com histórico de hemorragia. A paciente era edêntula total, e a prótese total superior comprimia o local da lesão. Foi realizada a vitropressão, confirmando a origem vascular. A hipótese diagnóstica foi de hemangioma. Na primeira sessão, aplicou-se o laser vermelho (660 nm) em quatro pontos ao redor da lesão, sendo 0,5 J em cada ponto afim de se obter analgesia e iniciar o processo de reparo, além do reembasamento da prótese total superior. Na segunda sessão, foi feita aplicação de 2 mL de oleato de monoetanolamina 5%. Após 14 dias, observou-se regressão total da lesão. Os cirurgiões-dentistas devem estar aptos a reconhecer, diagnosticar e tratar as lesões vasculares em cavidade oral.

Abstract Vascular changes frequently involve the head and neck region and hemagioma is the most common. A 61-year-old female patient complained of severe pain in the hard palate. A purple lesion was found, measuring 1.5 cm, sensitive to palpation, and with a history of hemorrhage. The patient was fully edentulous and her upper denture compressed the lesion site. Diascopy confirmed the lesion's vascular origin. A diagnostic hypothesis of hemangioma was raised. In the first session, red laser light (660nm) was applied at 4 points around the lesion, with 0.5 J at each point, in order to obtain analgesia and trigger the repair process. The upper denture was also relined. In the second session, 2 mL of 5% monoethanolamine oleate was applied. After 14 days, total regression of the lesion was observed. Dental surgeons must be able to recognize, diagnose and treat vascular lesions in the oral cavity.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Escleroterapia/métodos , Palato Duro/lesões , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Lesões do Sistema Vascular/terapia , Hemangioma/terapia , Boca Edêntula , Medicina Bucal , Palato Duro/irrigação sanguínea , Prótese Total Superior , Hemangioma/diagnóstico
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 30(58): 9-12, jul. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1119102


El abuso del consumo de cocaína puede ocasionar problemas físicos y mentales graves. Dicha droga puede ser utilizada de varias formas y sus efectos sobre la cavidad oral varían según la vía de administración, causando desde erosiones en las piezas dentarias, abrasiones cervicales, caries, enfermedad periodontal, disfunción temporomandibular, xerostomía, ulceraciones hasta la perforación del paladar duro y/o blando. Se describirá el caso clínico de un paciente cocainómano que concurrió al servicio de odontología del Hospital San Martin de La Plata, presentando dos perforaciones en el paladar duro debido al consumo crónico, y el tratamiento de urgencia correspondiente mediante una placa obturatríz que favorece la deglución y el habla del paciente (AU)

Abuse of cocaine use can cause serious physical and mental problems. is drug can be used in several ways and its effects on the oral cavity vary according to the route of administration, causing from erosions in the teeth, cervical abrasions, caries, periodontal disease, temporomandibular dysfunction, xerostomia, ulcerations to the perforation of the hard palate and / or soft.The clinical case of a cocaine patient who attended the dentistry service of the San Martin de La Plata Hospital will be described, presenting two perforations in the hard palate due to chronic consumption, and the corresponding emergency treatment by means of an obturator plate that favors swallowing and He speaks of the patient (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Cocaína/efeitos adversos , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Cocaína/complicações , Palato Duro/lesões , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Argentina , Ferimentos Penetrantes , Unidade Hospitalar de Odontologia , Tratamento de Emergência
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 8(3): 249-253, jul. 31, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145343


Malignant-or-paraneoplastic acanthosis nigricans is a verrucous and hyperpigmented tumor affecting the mucosa and skin. In most cases malignant acanthosis nigricans is a distant manifestation of an intra-abdominal primary cancer. While the diagnosis of malignant acanthosis nigricans is challenging, some specific clinical and histopathological findings could lead to an accurate diagnosis. A rare clinical case of a 59-year-old female, who was referred to the maxillofacial surgery service due to a painful oral lesion in the palatine region, is presented. Upon examination, papillomatous lesions were observed on the hard palate, that were later diagnosed as intraoral malignant acanthosis nigricans secondary to gastric cancer. Both local and systemic evaluations are discussed, highlighting the relevance of a multidisciplinary approach consistent with the fact that these manifestations, although infrequent, should generate suspicion among clinicians and therefore motivation to perform a diligent and complete study since it can reveal the presence of a malignant pathology.

La acantosis nigricans maligna o paraneoplásica es un tumor verrugoso e hiperpigmentado que afecta la mucosa y la piel. En la mayoría de los casos, la acantosis nigricans maligna es una manifestación distante de un cáncer primario intraabdominal. Si bien el diagnóstico de acantosis nigricans maligna es desafiante, algunos hallazgos clínicos e histopatológicos específicos podrían conducir a un diagnóstico preciso. Se presenta un caso clínico raro de una mujer de 59 años, que fue derivada al servicio de cirugía maxilofacial debido a una lesión oral dolorosa en la región palatina. En el examen, se observaron lesiones papilomatosas en el paladar duro, que posteriormente se diagnosticaron como acantosis nigricans maligna intraoral secundaria a cáncer gástrico. Se discuten tanto las evaluaciones locales como las sistémicas, destacando la relevancia de un enfoque multidisciplinario consistente con el hecho de que estas manifestaciones, aunque poco frecuentes, deberían generar sospecha entre los clínicos y, por lo tanto, motivación para un estudio diligente y completo, ya que puede revelar la presencia de una patología maligna.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias Gástricas/complicações , Acantose Nigricans/terapia , Síndromes Paraneoplásicas , Cirurgia Bucal , Palato Duro/lesões , Acantose Nigricans/diagnóstico
Acta Biomater ; 91: 209-219, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31029828


Oral cavity wound healing occurs in an environment that sustains ongoing physical trauma and is rich in bacteria. Despite this, injuries to the mucosal surface often heal faster than cutaneous wounds and leave less noticeable scars. Patients undergoing cleft palate repair have a high degree of wound healing complications with up to 60% experiencing oronasal fistula (ONF) formation. In this study, we developed a mouse model of hard palate mucosal injury, to study the endogenous injury response during oral cavity wound healing and ONF formation. Immunophenotyping of the inflammatory infiltrate following hard palate injury showed delayed recruitment of non-classical LY6Clo monocytes and failure to resolve inflammation. To induce a pro-regenerative inflammatory response, delivery of FTY720 nanofiber scaffolds following hard palate mucosal injury promoted complete ONF healing and was associated with increased LY6Clo monocytes and pro-regenerative M2 macrophages. Alteration in gene expression with FTY720 delivery included increased Sox2 expression, reduction in pro-inflammatory IL-1, IL-4 and IL-6 and increased pro-regenerative IL-10 expression. Increased keratinocyte proliferation during ONF healing was observed at day 5 following FTY720 delivery. Our results show that local delivery of FTY720 from nanofiber scaffolds in the oral cavity enhances healing of ONF, occurring through multiple immunomodulatory mechanisms. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Wound healing complications occur in up to 60% of patients undergoing cleft palate repair where an oronasal fistula (ONF) develops, allowing food and air to escape from the nose. Using a mouse model of palate mucosal injury, we explored the role of immune cell infiltration during ONF formation. Delivery of FTY720, an immunomodulatory drug, using a nanofiber scaffold into the ONF was able to attract anti-inflammatory immune cells following injury that enhanced the reepithelization process. ONF healing at day 5 following FTY720 delivery was associated with altered inflammatory and epithelial transcriptional gene expression, increased anti-inflammatory immune cell infiltration, and increased proliferation. These findings demonstrate the potential efficacy of immunoregenerative therapies to improve oral cavity wound healing.

Cloridrato de Fingolimode , Imunomodulação/efeitos dos fármacos , Palato Duro , Cicatrização , Animais , Citocinas/imunologia , Cloridrato de Fingolimode/química , Cloridrato de Fingolimode/farmacologia , Regulação da Expressão Gênica/efeitos dos fármacos , Regulação da Expressão Gênica/imunologia , Macrófagos/imunologia , Macrófagos/patologia , Camundongos , Nanofibras/química , Nanofibras/uso terapêutico , Palato Duro/imunologia , Palato Duro/lesões , Palato Duro/patologia , Fatores de Transcrição SOXB1/imunologia , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Cicatrização/imunologia
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 56(5): 411-415, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29685338


The maxilla is arguably the most anatomically intricate structure of the craniofacial skeleton, and the hard palate is an important bone that regulates the width and architecture of the face. The management of palatal fractures has long been a matter of debate, and varies with anatomical pattern and other injuries to the craniofacial skeleton. We have studied 18 palatal fractures during a five-year period that were treated using 3-dimensional rectangular plates placed across the palatal vault together with fixation of other fractures of the facial bones. Healing was satisfactory in all patients by 12weeks, with no complications. We think that open reduction and internal fixation of palatal fractures with 3-dimensional plates offers adequate stability with minimal complications.

Placas Ósseas , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Fraturas Maxilomandibulares/cirurgia , Redução Aberta/métodos , Palato Duro/lesões , Adulto , Feminino , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/instrumentação , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional , Fraturas Maxilomandibulares/diagnóstico por imagem , Fraturas Maxilomandibulares/etiologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Redução Aberta/instrumentação , Palato Duro/diagnóstico por imagem , Desenho de Prótese , Radiografia , Adulto Jovem
J Craniofac Surg ; 28(5): e438-e440, 2017 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28538066


The radial forearm free flap is beneficial for reconstruction of large palatal defect with oronasal fistula.A 51-year-old male patient who had anterior palate defect including alveolus after the radiation therapy of malignant cancer on the nasopharyngeal area undertook the radial forearm osteocutaneous free flap to close the oronasal fisula and restore the alveolar arch. The small radial bone segment was fixed in the alveolar defect and vascular anastomoses were performed with facial vessels in neck. The donor site was closed with split thickness skin graft. All suture wounds in the oral and nasal side had healed primarily with no complication within 1 month. The patient was able to swallow soluble foods in the 3 weeks postoperatively without the leakage phenomena in the nose and decreased hypernasality nature in his speech. Grafted bone union at alveolus was confirmed by follow-up computed tomography scan. There was no complication at left forearm donor site with intact musculoskeletal function.Radial forearm osteocutaneous free flap is a versatile option for its capability of reconstruction in complicated defect of soft and hard plate with alveolar defect.

Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Neoplasias Nasofaríngeas/radioterapia , Palato Duro , Lesões por Radiação , Rádio (Anatomia)/transplante , Transplante de Pele/métodos , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Palato Duro/lesões , Palato Duro/cirurgia , Lesões por Radiação/etiologia , Lesões por Radiação/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Resultado do Tratamento
J Craniofac Surg ; 28(3): e219-e221, 2017 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28468193


A 19-year-old male presented with complaint of a bluish mass in the hard palate since 3 months. The patient had a history of trauma 8 years back in the left zygomatic area with a pen. It was lodged in the wound and removed at that time. Computed tomography scan was revealed a linear heterogenous dense structure extending from left infratemporal fossa to oral cavity, traversing through left maxillary sinus, with bone defect seen in lateral and medial wall of maxilla, and in the hard palate, most likely a neglected foreign body. The foreign body was removed by navigation-assisted endoscopic surgery and the palatal perforation repaired using local rotation flap. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. Navigation-guided removal of foreign body in proximity to vital structures, in the infratemporal region, is a valuable option with minimal morbidity.

Endoscopia/métodos , Migração de Corpo Estranho/cirurgia , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Otorrinolaringológicos/métodos , Palato Duro/cirurgia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Migração de Corpo Estranho/diagnóstico , Humanos , Masculino , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/lesões , Palato Duro/diagnóstico por imagem , Palato Duro/lesões , Adulto Jovem
Int J Mol Sci ; 17(11)2016 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27886093


High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is tightly connected to the process of tissue organization upon tissue injury. Here we show that HMGB1 controls epithelium and connective tissue regeneration both in vivo and in vitro during palatal wound healing. Heterozygous HMGB1 (Hmgb1+/-) mice and Wild-type (WT) mice were subjected to palatal injury. Maxillary tissues were stained with Mallory Azan or immunostained with anti-HMGB1, anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), anti-nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) p50 and anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antibodies. Palatal gingival explants were cultured with recombinant HMGB1 (rHMGB1) co-treated with siRNA targeting receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGEs) for cell migration and PCNA expression analysis. Measurement of the wound area showed differences between Hmgb1+/- and WT mice on Day 3 after wounding. Mallory Azan staining showed densely packed of collagen fibers in WT mice, whereas in Hmgb1+/- mice weave-like pattern of low density collagen bundles were present. At three and seven days post-surgery, PCNA, NF-κB p50 and VEGF positive keratinocytes of WT mice were greater than that of Hmgb1+/- mice. Knockdown of RAGE prevents the effect of rHMGB1-induced cell migration and PCNA expression in gingival cell cultures. The data suggest that HMGB1/RAGE axis has crucial roles in palatal wound healing.

Proteína HMGB1/genética , Queratinócitos/metabolismo , Palato Duro/metabolismo , Receptor para Produtos Finais de Glicação Avançada/genética , Cicatrização/genética , Animais , Anticorpos Monoclonais/química , Regulação da Expressão Gênica , Gengiva/lesões , Gengiva/metabolismo , Proteína HMGB1/metabolismo , Imuno-Histoquímica , Queratinócitos/patologia , Maxila/lesões , Maxila/metabolismo , Camundongos , Camundongos Knockout , Mucosa Bucal/lesões , Mucosa Bucal/metabolismo , Subunidade p50 de NF-kappa B/genética , Subunidade p50 de NF-kappa B/metabolismo , Palato Duro/lesões , Antígeno Nuclear de Célula em Proliferação/genética , Antígeno Nuclear de Célula em Proliferação/metabolismo , RNA Interferente Pequeno/genética , RNA Interferente Pequeno/metabolismo , Receptor para Produtos Finais de Glicação Avançada/antagonistas & inibidores , Receptor para Produtos Finais de Glicação Avançada/metabolismo , Transdução de Sinais , Técnicas de Cultura de Tecidos , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular/genética , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular/metabolismo
Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 40(6): 850-853, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27631545


BACKGROUND: Nasal septoplasty is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures by otolaryngologists or plastic surgeons and is generally performed to improve the quality of life. Although nasal surgeries are generally safe and effective procedures, various complications have been described in the literature. METHODS: In this article, we present a rare case of fracture of a part of the hard palate resulting in palatal perforation after nasal septoplasty surgery early diagnosed and successfully treated. RESULTS: Patient follow-up 1 year after oronasal closure revealed complete healing of the hard palate without the presence of fistula. CONCLUSIONS: Palatal perforation during septoplasty is extremely rare and, even though it is not a life-threatening complication, has potentially annoying effects; according to its size, it can result in nasal speech, oral health problems, and nasal regurgitation of liquids and is sometimes related with reconstructive challenging problems. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE V: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the A5 online Instructions to Authors. .

Septo Nasal/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais/métodos , Fístula Bucoantral/cirurgia , Palato Duro/lesões , Rinoplastia/efeitos adversos , Seguimentos , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fístula Bucoantral/etiologia , Palato Duro/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/cirurgia , Doenças Raras , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Rinoplastia/métodos , Medição de Risco , Resultado do Tratamento
J Craniofac Surg ; 27(6): e559-60, 2016 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27526239


Septoplasty is a frequent and relatively low-risk procedure in otolaryngology practice. Palatal perforation complication is very rare in the literature and only a few patients have been reported. In this clinical report, a patient with palatal perforation that has been developed and noticed during the septoplasty operation with no anatomical abnormality and alternative repair method are reported with video of the procedure.

Complicações Intraoperatórias , Septo Nasal/cirurgia , Deformidades Adquiridas Nasais/cirurgia , Palato Duro/lesões , Rinoplastia/efeitos adversos , Doença Aguda , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Palato Duro/diagnóstico por imagem , Ruptura/diagnóstico , Ruptura/etiologia , Ruptura/cirurgia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
J Craniofac Surg ; 27(2): e133-8, 2016 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26967097


Maxillofacial traumas with long-barreled guns may sometimes cause catastrophic results by means of smashing in facial structures. In these patients, reconstruction strategies of both fragmented/lost soft and hard tissues still remain controversial. In their clinic, the authors treated 5 patients with severely injured face after failed suicide attempt between 2008 and 2013. In this study, the authors aimed to present their clinical experiences on these severely injured maxillofacial gunshot traumas and offer a treatment algorithm to gain a result as possible as satisfactory in terms of functionality and appearance.

Traumatismos Faciais/cirurgia , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Tentativa de Suicídio , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/cirurgia , Adolescente , Adulto , Materiais Biocompatíveis/uso terapêutico , Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Pálpebras/lesões , Feminino , Armas de Fogo , Humanos , Lábio/lesões , Masculino , Fraturas Mandibulares/cirurgia , Traumatismos Mandibulares/cirurgia , Maxila/lesões , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Retalho Miocutâneo/transplante , Nariz/lesões , Órbita/lesões , Palato Duro/lesões , Reto do Abdome/transplante
J Oral Maxillofac Surg ; 74(2): 328-36, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26501426


PURPOSE: Hard palate trauma is a relatively infrequent occurrence compared with other craniofacial injuries. Several techniques of hard palate fracture repair have been described. To date, there is no consensus on the optimal management of this type of fracture. The purpose of this study was to compile and analyze studies describing hard palate fracture repair techniques with outcomes data. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review of the Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases was performed for articles describing hard palate fracture repair techniques. RESULTS: Eight articles were ultimately included in the review. Of the collective 310 fractures reported, postoperative malocclusion occurred in 21 of 235 cases (8.9%) and other complications occurred in 13 of 299 cases (4.3%). The most important variability in technique was the method of palatal vault stabilization. Three studies described wiring techniques, 3 described internal fixation techniques, and 2 described external fixation techniques. Studies describing internal fixation techniques reported higher rates of wound complications. Proponents of rigid internal fixation believe that this technique provides better fracture reduction. External fixation techniques appear to impart low rates of wound complications, but their overall effectiveness remains in question. CONCLUSIONS: Hard palate fractures are associated with high rates of malocclusion and wound complications. The most established methods of palatal vault stabilization are closed reduction with wiring and internal plate fixation. Depending on the fracture type, patient comorbidities, and associated injuries, either technique might be preferable in a given circumstance.

Fraturas Maxilomandibulares/cirurgia , Palato Duro/lesões , Fixação de Fratura/instrumentação , Fixação de Fratura/métodos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/instrumentação , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Humanos , Má Oclusão/etiologia , Palato Duro/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Resultado do Tratamento
J Craniofac Surg ; 27(1): 109-11, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26703049


OVERVIEW: Cervical spine injury may present with pediatric patients having sustained fractures of the craniofacial skeleton. Management considerations of the cervical spine often take priority to the fractures of the facial skeleton. The goal of this study was to examine this subset of patients with a focus on initial presentation and need for intervention. METHODS: A retrospective review from 2000 to 2012 of all facial fractures in patients ≤ 18 years at a level 1 trauma center was performed. Patient demographics, location of fractures, and the presence of a cervical spine injury were collected. RESULTS: During this time period, 285 patients met inclusion criteria. Ten patients were found to have a cervical spine injury. Fractures of the zygoma and orbit were significantly associated with a cervical spine injury. Patients with a cervical spine injury had a Glasgow Coma Scale of 11.2 compared with 13.8 in those without (P < 0.05). C1 was injured in 4 patients, C2 in 2 patients, and C3 to C7 in 4 patients. A surgical airway was required in 1 patient, and 6 were intubated in the trauma bay. Fractures of the mandible were significantly associated with injury to C2. Le Fort fractures and palate fractures approached significance with injury to C1. Only 1 patient had neurologic impairment at presentation, manifested as upper extremity parasthesias, and underwent decompression and fusion in the operating room. Those patients admitted (90%) were all admitted for reasons other than management of the cervical spine injury. The majority of patients (70%) were treated with collar immobilization. One patient expired. No patients had a neurologic deficit at the time of discharge. CONCLUSIONS: In this study only 1 cervical spine injury necessitated intervention, with an eventual full recovery. Cervical spine injuries presenting with fractures of the facial skeleton appear to be relatively benign in this series; however, care must be taken to identify all such injuries to avoid exacerbation during maneuvers commonly used for facial fracture treatment. Special caution should be used when examining patients with a depressed Glasgow Coma Scale or in those with upper midface fractures.

Vértebras Cervicais/lesões , Ossos Faciais/lesões , Fraturas Cranianas/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Vértebra Cervical Áxis/lesões , Atlas Cervical/lesões , Criança , Feminino , Fixação de Fratura/instrumentação , Escala de Coma de Glasgow , Humanos , Masculino , Fraturas Mandibulares/epidemiologia , Fraturas Maxilares/epidemiologia , New Jersey/epidemiologia , Fraturas Orbitárias/epidemiologia , Palato Duro/lesões , Parestesia/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fraturas Zigomáticas/epidemiologia
J Craniofac Surg ; 26(6): e547-8, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26335326


Weapon injuries with spear gun are rare. The aim of this case report is to report the emergency and surgical management when this event occurs. A 35-year-old man attempted suicide with a spear gun. The entry of the shaft was localized through the submental area without an obvious exit point. The projectile passed through the tongue and palatal bone. A tracheotomy was performed. Preoperative cranial computed tomography (CT) showed the harpoon was gone upward through the submental area, the oral cavity, the ethmoid paranasal sinus, the cribriform plate, and the frontal region without vessel damages. Under general anesthesia, the harpoon was pulled out in order to extract the shaft tip and the articulated wishbone. Osteo-meningeal defect of the ethmoid roof was closed using a middle turbinate flap. There were no neurologic deficit and no cerebro-spinal rhinorrhea at his 3-year follow-up visit. The trajectory of the shaft is different between attempted suicide and accident. Cranial CT scan is helpful to show the trajectory of the shaft. Angiogram can be helpful to see the relations between the tip shaft and the vessels. The knowledge of the shaft tip and the imagery findings are important to decide the best surgical approach.

Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/etiologia , Tentativa de Suicídio , Ferimentos Penetrantes/etiologia , Adulto , Angiografia/métodos , Osso Etmoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Osso Etmoide/lesões , Seio Etmoidal/lesões , Lobo Frontal/lesões , Humanos , Masculino , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/diagnóstico por imagem , Boca/lesões , Cirurgia Endoscópica por Orifício Natural/métodos , Palato Duro/lesões , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/cirurgia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Língua/lesões , Resultado do Tratamento , Ferimentos Penetrantes/diagnóstico por imagem
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 44(3): 353-358, jul.-set. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-775050


Paciente femenina de 47 años, de piel negra, residente en una comunidad urbana, con antecedente patológico personal de hipertensión arterial sin tratamiento; acudió a consulta de urgencias con una inflamación crónica agudizada del paladar duro derecho. En el examen bucal se observó destrucción total de la corona del diente 12 (Incisivo superior lateral derecho) con aumento de volumen difuso en el paladar. A la vista de una radiografía oclusal, se observó en el ápice del diente en cuestión una zona radiolúcida redondeada de aproximadamente 1,5 cm de diámetro, con una limitación radiopaca. Dicho ápice se encontró intacto, lo cual impresiona un resto radicular del diente 12 con un quiste periapical. Se trata en consulta, se medica y se decide remitir para los servicios de cirugía máxilo facial donde se elimina el quiste, se extrae la cápsula, se le toma muestra, se realiza exodoncia del resto radicular del diente, irrigando con solución y sutura. En próxima consulta la paciente presentó buena evolución y se recibió informe de la biopsia arrojando presencia de varios fragmentos de tejido fibroso con inflamación crónica agudizada con áreas de hemorragia.

A 47 year old female patient of dark skin colour, resident in an urban community that, with PPA of arterial hypertension without treatment; she has an acute chronic inflammation of the right hard palate, the oral examination shows total destruction of the crown on tooth 12 (upper right lateral incisor) with increase of diffuse volume in the palate; visible in an occlusal x-ray, a rounded radiolucyd area of more than 1.5cm of diameter is observed, with a radiopaque limitation in tooth apex in question, and this apex is intact, what impresses a radicular debris of tooth 12 with a periapical cyst. It is decided to be referred to maxillo facial surgery services where the cyst is eliminated, the capsule is extracted, the sample is taken, exodontia of radicular tooth debris is carried out, it is irrigated with solution and it is sutured; in next appointment the patient presents good evolution and a report of the biopsy is obtained resulting: presence of several fragments of fibrous tissue with acute chronic inflammation with bleeding areas.

Humanos , Feminino , Radiografia Dentária/métodos , Cisto Radicular/cirurgia , Cisto Radicular/diagnóstico , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais/métodos , Palato Duro/lesões
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(6): 513-517, June 2015. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-766190


This paper reports pythiosis in a sheep from southwestern Paraná, Brazil, confirmed by indirect ELISA (Enzime-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) and immunohistochemistry, as well as it describes the macro and microscopic injuries, in order to understand the pathogenicity. A 4-year-old ewe from a flock of 30 Santa Inês sheep, raised semi-extensively with access to a weir, showed cachexia, bilateral enlargement in nasal region, a serous and bloody secretion with a fetid odor from its nose and swollen submandibular and retropharyngeal lymph nodes. Blood collection was performed trough jugular vein puncture in order to make complete blood cell count (CBC) and to obtain serum for the subsequent serological examination...

Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um caso de pitiose confirmado por ELISA (Enzime-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) indireto e imuno-histoquímica em uma ovelha do sudoeste do Paraná, Brasil, bem como suas lesões macro e microscópicas, a fim de compreender a sua patogenicidade. Trata-se de um ovino, fêmea, de 4 anos de idade, de um rebanho de 30 animais, da raça Santa Inês, criados em sistema semiextensivo, com acesso à um açude. O animal vinha apresentando aumento de volume na região do focinho, associado a emagrecimento progressivo. No exame físico apresentou-se caquético, com aumento de volume bilateral na região nasal, e com uma secreção serosanguinolenta de odor fétido fluindo das narinas, além de possuir os linfonodos submandibulares e retrofaríngeos bilateralmente infartados. Foi realizada coleta de sangue por punção da veia jugular para realização do hemograma e obtenção do soro para posterior realização de exame sorológico....

Animais , Pitiose/diagnóstico , Pitiose/patologia , Ovinos , Autopsia/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Necrose/veterinária , Pythium , Palato Duro/lesões , Perfuração do Septo Nasal/veterinária , Poluição da Água/prevenção & controle
J Craniomaxillofac Surg ; 42(7): 1310-4, 2014 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24787083


Initially described for the treatment of cleft palate, the anatomical bases of the buccinator myomucosal flap were described by Bozola et al. (1989). A meticulous search found several reports of its use for the correction of post-palatoplasty oronasal fistulas, with only a few reports of its use for other palate-related pathologies. A retrospective analysis was undertaken of patients treated by the Plastic Surgery Units at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University Hospital (HU-UFRJ) and the São Paulo University Hospital (HC-USP), suffering from palatal lesions not associated with a cleft palate and treated through the use of buccinator myomucosal flaps. The average age was 47 years, with 70% of the patients being male. Assorted aetiologies were noted for palatal defects. When there was significant damage to the soft palate, a superior base pharyngeal flap was used. Of this total, in 71% of the cases only the buccinator myomucosal flap was used. In all cases, the flaps were unilateral, adequately covering the defects in question. The buccinator myomucosal flap is a good option for reconstructing medium to large palate defects, as it is a flap with good vascularization and dimension, in addition to an ample arc of rotation, with primary closure of the donor site, without adding significant morbidity.

Músculos Faciais/transplante , Doenças da Boca/cirurgia , Mucosa Bucal/transplante , Palato/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/transplante , Adulto , Bochecha/cirurgia , Criança , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Cocaína/cirurgia , Dissecação/métodos , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Necrose , Fístula Bucal/cirurgia , Neoplasias Palatinas/cirurgia , Palato Duro/lesões , Palato Duro/cirurgia , Palato Mole/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sítio Doador de Transplante/cirurgia , Insuficiência Velofaríngea/cirurgia
J Craniomaxillofac Surg ; 42(4): e51-6, 2014 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24556523


Panfacial fractures represent a challenge, even for experienced maxillofacial surgeons, because all references for reconstructing the facial skeleton are missing. Logical reconstructive sequencing based on a clear understanding of the correlation between projection and the widths and lengths of facial subunits should enable the surgeon to achieve correct realignment of the bony framework of the face and to prevent late deformity and functional impairment. Reconstruction is particularly challenging in patients presenting with concomitant fractures at the Le Fort I level and affecting the palate, condyles, and mandibular symphysis. In cases without bony loss and sufficient dentition, we believe that accurate fixation of the mandibular symphysis can represent the starting point of a reconstructive sequence that allows successful reconstruction at the Le Fort I level. Two patients were treated in our department by reconstruction starting in the occlusal area through repair of the mandibular symphysis. Both patients considered the postoperative facial shape and profile to be satisfactory and comparable to the pre-injury situation.

Ossos Faciais/lesões , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Côndilo Mandibular/lesões , Fraturas Mandibulares/cirurgia , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Fraturas Cranianas/cirurgia , Traumatismos em Atletas/cirurgia , Placas Ósseas , Arco Dental/lesões , Oclusão Dentária , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/instrumentação , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Masculino , Fraturas Maxilares/cirurgia , Osso Nasal/lesões , Fraturas Orbitárias/cirurgia , Palato Duro/lesões , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Fraturas Zigomáticas/cirurgia