BACKGROUND: A conceptual model of effective symptom management was previously developed from interviews with multidisciplinary healthcare professionals (HCP) working in English hospices. Here we aimed to answer the question; does a HCP data-derived model represent the experience of patients and carers of people with advanced cancer? METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with six patients with advanced cancer and six carers to gain an in-depth understanding of their experience of symptom management. Analysis was based on the framework method; transcription, familiarisation, coding, applying analytical framework (conceptual model), charting, interpretation. Inductive framework analysis was used to align data with themes in the existing model. A deductive approach was also used to identify new themes. RESULTS: The experience of patients and carers aligned with key steps of engagement, decision making, partnership and delivery in the HCP-based model. The data aligned with 18 of 23 themes. These were; Role definition and boundaries, Multidisciplinary team decision making, Availability of services/staff, Clinician-Patient relationship/rapport, Patient preferences, Patient characteristics, Quality of life versus treatment need, Staff time/burden, Psychological support -informal, Appropriate understanding, expectations, acceptance and goals- patients, Appropriate understanding, expectations, acceptance and goals-HCPs, Appropriate understanding, expectations, acceptance and goals- family friends, carers, Professional, service and referral factors, Continuity of care, Multidisciplinary team working, Palliative care philosophy and culture, Physical environment and facilities, Referral process and delays. Four additional patient and carer-derived themes were identified: Carer Burden, Communication, Medicines management and COVID-19. Constructs that did not align were Experience (of staff), Training (of staff), Guidelines and evidence, Psychological support (for staff) and Formal psychological support (for patients). CONCLUSIONS: A healthcare professional-based conceptual model of effective symptom management aligned well with the experience of patients with advanced cancer and their carers. Additional domains were identified. We make four recommendations for change arising from this research. Routine appraisal and acknowledgement of carer burden, medicine management tasks and previous experience in healthcare roles; improved access to communication skills training for staff and review of patient communication needs. Further research should explore the symptom management experience of those living alone and how these people can be better supported.
Cuidadores , Cuidados Paliativos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos/métodos , Cuidados Paliativos/psicologia , Cuidados Paliativos/normas , Cuidadores/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Neoplasias/terapia , Neoplasias/psicologia , Adulto , Pacientes/psicologia , Entrevistas como Assunto/métodosRESUMO
Objetivo: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa cujo objetivo foi sumarizar a literatura atual referente à documentação odontológica e suas aplicações, relacionada à responsabilidade civil do cirurgião-dentista. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scielo e Periódicos CAPES, e na literatura cinza (Google Acadêmico) entre agosto e setembro de 2022, bem como em endereços eletrônicos oficiais para busca de leis e normativas, utilizando a combinação dos descritores: "documentação", "responsabilidade legal", "odontologia" e "odontologia legal". Resultados: Encontrou-se dez publicações no âmbito da odontologia forense quatro relacionadas à documentação odontológica (prontuários, termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, odontograma, imagens), quatro em relação as ações judiciais, uma sobre prescrição de medicamentos e uma sobre notificação dos casos suspeitos e confirmados de violência. Conclusão: As universidades, instituições de ensino superior e as unidades de saúde tem um papel importante na formação e capacitação do odontólogo para o preenchimento correto das prescrições de medicamentos, de prontuário, de notificações compulsórias, armazenamento de documentos odontológicos, bem como, esclarecimento sobre responsabilidade subjetiva e objetiva do cirurgião dentista, dano e nexo causal... (AU)
Objective: This is an integrative review whose objective was to summarize the current literature regarding dental documentation and its applications, related to the civil liability of the dental surgeon. Methodology: A search was carried out in the databases PubMed, LILACS, Scielo and Periódicos CAPES, and in gray literature (Google Scholar) between August and September 2022, as well as in official electronic addresses to search for laws and regulations, using the combination of descriptors: "documentation", "legal responsibility", "dentistry" and "legal dentistry". Results: Ten publications were found in the field of forensic dentistry, four related to dental documentation (medical records, informed consent form, odontogram, images), four related to legal actions, one on medication prescription and one on case notification suspected and confirmed cases of violence. Conclusion: Universities, higher education institutions and health units have an important role in training and qualifying dentists to correctly fill out medication prescriptions, medical records, compulsory notifications, and storage of dental documents, as well as, clarification on the dentist's subjective and objective liability, damage and causal link... (AU)
Objetivo: Se trata de una revisión integradora cuyo objetivo fue resumir la literatura actual sobre la documentación odontológica y sus aplicaciones, relacionadas con la responsabilidad civil del cirujano dentista. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, LILACS, Scielo y Periódicos CAPES, y en literatura gris (Google Scholar) entre agosto y septiembre de 2022, así como en direcciones electrónicas oficiales para buscar leyes y regulaciones, utilizando la combinación de descriptores: "documentación", "responsabilidad legal", "odontología" y "odontología legal". Resultados: Se encontraron diez publicaciones en el campo de la odontología forense, cuatro relacionadas con documentación odontológica (historia médica, consentimiento informado, odontograma, imágenes), cuatro relacionadas con acciones legales, una sobre prescripción de medicamentos y una sobre notificación de casos sospechosos y confirmados. de violencia. Conclusión: Las universidades, instituciones de educación superior y unidades de salud tienen un papel importante en la formación y calificación de los odontólogos para el correcto llenado de recetas de medicamentos, historias clínicas, notificaciones obligatorias y almacenamiento de documentos odontológicos. así como, aclaración sobre la responsabilidad subjetiva y objetiva del odontólogo, daño y nexo causal... (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pacientes , Prontuários Médicos , Responsabilidade Legal , Responsabilidade Civil , Odontologia LegalRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Patients who have benefited from specialist intervention during periods of acute/complex palliative care needs often transition from specialist-to-primary care once such needs have been controlled. Effective communication between services is central to co-ordination of care to avoid the potential consequences of unmet needs, fragmented care, and poor patient and family experience. Discharge communications are a key component of care transitions. However, little is known about the experiences of those primarily receiving these communications, to include patients', carers' and primary care healthcare professionals. This study aims to have a better understanding of how the discharge communications from specialist palliative care services to primary care are experienced by patients, carers, and healthcare professionals, and how these communications might be improved to support effective patient-centred care. METHODS: This is a 15-month qualitative study. We will interview 30 adult patients and carers and 15 healthcare professionals (n = 45). We will seek a range of experiences of discharge communication by using a maximum variation approach to sampling, including purposively recruiting people from a range of demographic backgrounds from 4-6 specialist palliative care services (hospitals and hospices) as well as 5-7 general practices. Interview data will be analysed using a reflexive thematic approach and will involve input from the research and advisory team. Working with clinicians, commissioners, and PPI representatives we will co-produce a list of recommendations for discharge communication from specialist palliative care. DISCUSSION: Data collection may be limited by the need to be sensitive to participants' wellbeing needs. Study findings will be shared through academic publications and presentations. We will draft principles for how specialist palliative care clinicians can best communicate discharge with patients, carers, and primary care clinicians. These will be shared with clinicians, policy makers, commissioners, and PPI representatives and key stakeholders and organisations (e.g. Hospice UK) and on social media. Key outputs will be recommendations for a specialist palliative care discharge proforma. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered in ISRCTN Registry on 29.12.2023 ref: ISRCTN18098027.
Cuidadores , Comunicação , Cuidados Paliativos , Alta do Paciente , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos/métodos , Cuidados Paliativos/normas , Alta do Paciente/normas , Cuidadores/psicologia , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Atenção Primária à Saúde/normas , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Entrevistas como Assunto/métodos , Pacientes/psicologia , Continuidade da Assistência ao Paciente/normasRESUMO
Introduction: Multiple sclerosis significantly affects the quality of life of those suffering from this specific condition. Objective: To assess the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis and analyse the correlation between the disease and its associated effects and different sociodemographic, clinical, and functional variables. Materials and Methods: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational and quantitative study conducted using a non-probabilistic convenience sample composed of 70 patients suffering from multiple sclerosis registered with the Multiple Sclerosis Association of the Central Region of Portugal. The data collection protocol included sociodemographic and clinical questions, the Family Apgar Scale, and the Barthel Index. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to process the data. Data collection took place between April and July 2021. Results: The majority of participants reported a moderate overall quality of life (M=51,78 ± 24,09). Higher scores were observed in the social relationships and environmental health domains, while lower scores were recorded for the physical domain. Better quality of life was found to be positively associated with being under 45 years old, having higher educational qualifications, living in functional families, and experiencing greater functional independence in activities of daily living. Discussion: The variables with the strongest association were those capable of influencing the physical and social domains. Those variables explained 59.00% and 53.00% of the variability. Conclusions: These results indicate that people with multiple sclerosis have a compromised quality of life, highlighting the need for new strategies focusing on early diagnosis and effective preventive interventions meant to improve quality of life across all its domains.
Pacientes , Qualidade de Vida , Doenças Desmielinizantes , Estimulantes do Sistema Nervoso Central , Esclerose MúltiplaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: In the end of life context, patients are often seen as somewhat passive recipients of care provided by health professionals and relatives, with little opportunity to be perceived as autonomous and active agents. Since studies show a very high prevalence of altruistic dispositions in palliative care patients, we strive to investigate the concept of patient altruism in a set of six interdisciplinary studies by considering three settings: (1) in the general palliative context-by studying to what extent patient altruism is associated with essential psychological outcomes of palliative care (subproject 1a), how altruism is understood by patients (subproject 1b) and how altruism expressed by patients is experienced by palliative care nurses (subproject 1c); (2) in two concrete decision-making contexts-advance care planning (subproject 2a) and assisted suicide (subproject 2b); and (3) through verbal and non-verbal patient communication in palliative care settings (subproject 3). METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Subproject 1a: a cross-sectional study using validated and standardised questionnaires. Subprojects 1b and 1c: a constructivist grounded theory method aiming at developing a novel theory from semistructured interviews in both patients and nurses. Subproject 2a: a thematic analysis based on (1) audio-recordings of advance care planning encounters and (2) follow-up semidirective interviews with patients and their relatives. Subproject 2b: a qualitative study based on thematic analysis of interviews with patients actively pursuing assisted suicide and one of their relatives.Subproject 3: a conversation analysis based on audio and video-recorded interactions in two settings: (1) palliative inpatient unit and (2) advance care planning discussions. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study project was approved by the Ethics Committees of the Canton of Vaud, Bern and Ticino (no: 2023-00088). In addition to participation in national and international conferences, each project will be the subject of two scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals. Additional publications will be realised according to result triangulation between projects. A symposium opened to professionals, patients and the public will be organised in Switzerland at the end of the project.
Altruísmo , Morte , Pacientes , Cuidados Paliativos , Estudos Transversais , Pacientes/psicologia , HumanosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to explore how palliative care staff reason about the autonomy challenge that arises when a patient who has first said he wants full information appears to change his mind and rejects being informed. METHODS: The study had a qualitative and exploratory design. Participants (physicians, registred nurses, social workers, physiotherapists and occupational therapists) were recruited from palliative care teams in southern Sweden. Six separate focus group interviews with a total number of 33 participants were conducted. The teams were asked to discuss a fictional case of a man who first wants, then rejects, information about his situation. The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Reflexive thematic analysis following Braun and Clarke was undertaken to analyse data. RESULTS: The analysis resulted in three themes: Patients have a right to reject information, Questioning whether this patient WANTS to reject information and There are other values at stake, too. Although participants endorsed a right to reject information, they were unsure whether this right was relevant in this situation, and furthermore felt that it should be balanced against counteracting factors. The effect of such balancing was that participants would aim to find a way to present relevant information to the patient, but in a probing and flexible way. CONCLUSIONS: In their work with dying patients, palliative care staff meet many autonomy challenges. When faced with a choice to withhold information as per a patient's wishes, or to provide information with the patient's best interest in mind, staff find it hard to balance competing values. Staff also find it hard to balance their own interests against a purely professional stance. The overall strategy seems to be to look for caring ways to impart the information.
Cuidados Paliativos , Resolução de Problemas , Humanos , Grupos Focais , Cuidados Paliativos/métodos , Pacientes , Pesquisa QualitativaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: There are currently no data on the relationship between frailty and mortality in pleural disease. Understanding the relationship between frailty and outcomes is increasingly important for clinicians to guide decisions regarding investigation and management. This study aims to explore the relationship between all-cause mortality and frailty status in patients with pleural disease. METHODS: In this retrospective analysis of a prospectively collected observational cohort study, outpatients presenting to the pleural service at a tertiary centre in Bristol, UK with a radiologically confirmed, undiagnosed pleural effusion underwent comprehensive assessment and were assigned a final diagnosis at 12 months. The modified frailty index (mFI) was calculated and participants classified as frail (mFI ≥ 0.4) or not frail (mFI ≤ 0.2). RESULTS: 676 participants were included from 3rd March 2008 to 29th December 2020. The median time to mortality was 490 days (IQR 161-1595). A positive association was found between 12-month mortality and frailty (aHR = 1.72, 95% CI 1.02-2.76, p = 0.025) and age ≥ 80 (aHR = 1.80, 95% CI 1.24-2.62, p = 0.002). Subgroup analyses found a stronger association between 12-month mortality and frailty in benign disease (aHR = 4.36, 95% CI 2.17-8.77, p < 0.0001) than in all pleural disease. Malignancy irrespective of frailty status was associated with an increase in all-cause mortality (aHR = 10.40, 95% CI 6.01-18.01, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: This is the first study evaluating the relationship between frailty and outcomes in pleural disease. Our data demonstrates a strong association between frailty and 12-month mortality in this cohort. A malignant diagnosis is an independent predictor of 12-month mortality, irrespective of frailty status. Frailty was also strongly associated with 12-month mortality in patients with a benign underlying cause for their pleural disease. This has clinical relevance for pleural physicians; evaluating patients' frailty status and its impact on mortality can guide clinicians in assessing suitability for invasive investigation and management. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study is registered with the Health Research Authority (REC reference 08/H0102/11) and the NIHR Portfolio (Study ID 8960).
Fragilidade , Doenças Pleurais , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos de Coortes , Doenças Pleurais/complicações , Pacientes , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Fatores de RiscoRESUMO
Communication about life-threatening disease and palliative care is essential but often experienced as difficult by those concerned and has mainly been studied in terms of its verbal components. Despite the fundamentality of nonverbal communication, its dimensions in care, especially in the communication by patients and their significant others, has not been as extensively examined. Drawing on a secondary qualitative content analysis of data from 23 interviews-15 with patients in specialized palliative home care in Sweden and 8 with their significant others-this study aims at understanding and characterizing how patients verbally express experiences of conveying nonverbal cues about life-threatening disease and its consequences and how their significant others express perceiving these cues. Patients expressed experiences of nonverbal communication in the form of cues conveying meaning about their disease and its consequences, often beyond their control. Whether and how the patients reinforced these cues verbally, depended on individual needs, care for others, and evaluations of relationships. Significant others acknowledged the presence of nonverbal cues and tried to interpret their meaning. Both patients and significant others emphasized the importance of nonverbal cues and actively related to how cues in the form of bodily appearance, aids, objects and acts, serve communicative functions about disease and its consequences. These dimensions of nonverbal communication are characterized as: body talk, extension talk and action talk. This study contributes to an international knowledge base on the complexities of nonverbal communicative aspects in these dimensions and how it affects patients and significant others. Professionals should be aware that dimensions of care, such as prescribed aids, from the patients' perspective can be perceived as nonverbal cues that might "speak of" disease progression.
Sinais (Psicologia) , Cuidados Paliativos , Humanos , Comunicação não Verbal , Comunicação , PacientesRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis (MS) often presents a long and uncertain evolution. Treatment decisions in advanced MS are supported by robust evidence, but recent guidelines have suggested a shift to a palliative approach as the disease progresses. This study aims to describe what is known about the integration of palliative care (PC) in patients with severe MS (cost-effectiveness, moment of reference, and perspective of stakeholders). METHODS: A scoping review was developed, and the Scopus, Medline (PubMed), ISI Web of Knowledge, and SAGE databases were consulted, using the key terms: "multiple sclerosis" AND "palliative care". Studies on the perspectives of patients, caregivers, and health professionals regarding the integration of PC in MS were included. No restrictions were applied regarding the subtype of MS, gender, ethnicity, frequency of use of health services, and language. RESULTS: Of 158 articles identified, 19 were included in the review. Key factors were identified, such as the effectiveness of PC intervention in severe MS, the financial impact of providing PC compared to conventional care, the reduction of symptoms and caregiver burden, and the perception of unmet needs by users, health professionals, and caregivers during the PC approach. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with MS should have access to specialized PC when they reach the severe phase of the disease. Providing a multidisciplinary team to provide targeted consultations based on the patient's needs may be most appropriate. These issues have important implications for the future planning and provision of PC services.
Esclerose Múltipla , Cuidados Paliativos , Humanos , Esclerose Múltipla/terapia , Cuidadores , PacientesRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Transvaginal mesh (TVM) surgeries emerged as an innovative treatment for stress urine incontinency and/or pelvic organ prolapse in 1996. Years after rapid adoption of these surgeries into practice, they are a key example of worldwide failure of healthcare quality and patient safety. The prevalence of TVM-associated harms eventually prompted action globally, including an Australian Commonwealth Government Senate Inquiry in 2017. METHOD: We analysed 425 submissions made by women (n = 417) and their advocates (n = 8) to the Australian Senate Inquiry, and documents from 5 public hearings, using deductive and inductive coding, categorisation and thematic analysis informed by three 'linked dilemmas' from healthcare quality and safety theory. We focused on women's accounts of: a) how harms arose from TVM procedures, and b) micro, meso and macro factors that contributed to their experience. Our aim was to explain, from a patient perspective, how these harms persisted in Australian healthcare, and to identify mechanisms at micro, meso and macro levels explaining quality and safety system failure. RESULTS: Our findings suggest three mechanisms explaining quality and safety failure: 1. Individual clinicians could ignore cases of TVM injury or define them as 'non-preventable'; 2. Women could not go beyond their treating clinicians to participate in defining and governing quality and safety; and. 3. Health services set thresholds for concern based on proportion of cases harmed, not absolute number or severity of harms. CONCLUSION: We argue that privileging clinical perspectives over patient perspectives in evaluating TVM outcomes allowed micro-level actors to dismiss women's lived experience, such that women's accounts of harms had insufficient or no weight at meso and macro levels. Establishing system-wide expectations regarding responsiveness to patients, and communication of patient reported outcomes in evaluation of healthcare delivery, may help prevent similar failures.
Prolapso de Órgão Pélvico , Telas Cirúrgicas , Humanos , Feminino , Segurança do Paciente , Austrália , Prolapso de Órgão Pélvico/cirurgia , PacientesRESUMO
Treatment escalation plans (TEPs) are increasingly appreciated tools in modern hospital medicine. It records and advises on the appropriate escalation of care for our patients, often when those of us who know them best are not available. It is of value in all specialties, though notably in oncology where an oncologist would be best placed at advising on the care of their patients.A baseline study in September 2021 found only 22% of patients admitted under oncology at Northampton General Hospital had TEP forms completed within 72 hours of admission. This quality improvement project aimed to significantly and sustainably improve this. Education and increasing the understanding of the medical and nursing teams about the importance of timely TEP form completion was essential. We also made TEPs a part of every multidisciplinary team discussion regarding a patient. Though, most significantly was the recognition that one of the responsibilities of the admitting registrar was to fill out a TEP form once the decision to admit had been made. Our ensuing study found an increase in our completion rate to 83% in February 2022.A fall in performance after introduction of new medical staff was swiftly remedied by re-education and encouragement to join daily board rounds. We sustained and improved the team's rate of TEP completion, within 72 hours of admission, to 80% in February 2023 and 91% in May 2023.
Hospitalização , Melhoria de Qualidade , Humanos , PacientesRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: The waiting list for elective surgery in England recently reached over 7.8 million people and waiting time targets have been missed since 2010. The high-volume low complexity (HVLC) surgical hubs programme aims to tackle the backlog of patients awaiting elective surgery treatment in England. This study will evaluate the impact of HVLC surgical hubs on productivity, patient care and the workforce. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This 4-year project consists of six interlinked work packages (WPs) and is informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. WP1: Mapping current and future HVLC provision in England through document analysis, quantitative data sets (eg, Hospital Episodes Statistics) and interviews with national service leaders. WP2: Exploring the effects of HVLC hubs on key performance outcomes, primarily the volume of low-complexity patients treated, using quasi-experimental methods. WP3: Exploring the impact and implementation of HVLC hubs on patients, health professionals and the local NHS through approximately nine longitudinal, multimethod qualitative case studies. WP4: Assessing the productivity of HVLC surgical hubs using the Centre for Health Economics NHS productivity measure and Lord Carter's operational productivity measure. WP5: Conducting a mixed-methods appraisal will assess the influence of HVLC surgical hubs on the workforce using: qualitative data (WP3) and quantitative data (eg, National Health Service (NHS) England's workforce statistics and intelligence from WP2). WP6: Analysing the costs and consequences of HVLC surgical hubs will assess their achievements in relation to their resource use to establish value for money. A patient and public involvement group will contribute to the study design and materials. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study has been approved by the East Midlands-Nottingham Research Ethics Committee 23/EM/0231. Participants will provide informed consent for qualitative study components. Dissemination plans include multiple academic and non-academic outputs (eg, Peer-reviewed journals, conferences, social media) and a continuous, feedback-loop of findings to key stakeholders (eg, NHS England) to influence policy development. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Research registry: Researchregistry9364 (
Projetos de Pesquisa , Medicina Estatal , Humanos , Inglaterra , Pesquisa Qualitativa , PacientesRESUMO
The maintenance and optimization of functional capacities before, during, and after treatment are major challenges for frailty persons as cancer's patients. It is now known that physical activity in prehabilitation plays a crucial role in limiting, among other things, post-operative complications. The benefits have already been demonstrated in various studies, including a decrease in hospitalization duration, an increase in cardiorespiratory endurance, improvement in quality of life, and better fatigue management. It is observed that patients who undergo prehabilitation are those who recover their preoperative capacities the fastest. However, it is estimated that only one-third of patients with access to prehabilitation improve their physical capacities.
Exercício Pré-Operatório , Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Exercício Físico , Hospitalização , PacientesRESUMO
Improved recovery after surgery leads to a significant reduction in postoperative morbidity, but this is concentrated in the intra- and postoperative periods. Prehabilitation complements this, by taking charge of the pre-operative phase. Its aim is to improve pre-operative functional capacity and physical, nutritional and psychosocial status. Interdisciplinary collaboration is a key element of this integrated approach.
Recuperação Pós-Cirúrgica Melhorada , Exercício Pré-Operatório , Humanos , PacientesRESUMO
Undernutrition (UD) increases perioperative morbidity and mortality. Its prevention and treatment are therefore essential in surgical prehabilitation and rehabilitation programs. Nutritional treatment is individualized according to the patient's nutritional status, ingesta and protein-energy requirements. Oral nutrition is optimized to increase intakes through personalized dietary advice and oral nutritional supplements. Artificial nutrition support is indicated in cases of UD or high risk of UD before major surgery. Enteral nutrition is preferred to parenteral nutrition when the digestive tract is functional.
Desnutrição , Exercício Pré-Operatório , Humanos , Pacientes , Educação em Saúde , Desnutrição/prevenção & controleRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a rapidly progressing cancer of the blood and bone marrow, is the most common and fatal type of adult leukemia. Therapeutic web portals have great potential to facilitate AML research advances and improve health outcomes by increasing the availability of data, the speed and reach of new knowledge, and the communication between researchers and clinicians in the field. However, there is a need for stakeholder research regarding their optimal features, utility, and implementation. METHODS: To better understand stakeholder perspectives regarding an ideal pan-Canadian web portal for AML research, semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 17 clinicians, researchers, and clinician-researchers. Interview guides were inspired by De Laat's "fictive scripting", a method where experts are presented with scenarios about a future technology and asked questions about its implementation. Content analysis relied on an iterative process using themes extracted from both existing scientific literature and the data. RESULTS: Participants described potential benefits of an AML therapeutic portal including facilitating data-sharing, communication, and collaboration, and enhancing clinical trial matchmaking for patients, potentially based on their specific genomic profiles. There was enthusiasm about researcher, clinician, and clinician-researcher access, but some disagreement about the nature of potential patient access to the portal. Interviewees also discussed two key elements they believed to be vital to the uptake and thus success of a therapeutic AML web portal: credibility and user friendliness. Finally, sustainability, security and privacy concerns were also documented. CONCLUSIONS: This research adds to existing calls for digital platforms for researchers and clinicians to supplement extant modes of communication to streamline research and its dissemination, advance precision medicine, and ultimately improve patient prognosis and care. Findings are applicable to therapeutic web portals more generally, particularly in genomic and translational medicine, and will be of interest to portal end-users, developers, researchers, and policymakers.
Comunicação , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda , Adulto , Humanos , Canadá , Pacientes , Disseminação de Informação , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda/terapiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: In our earthquake-prone country, it is crucial to gather data from regional hospitals following earthquakes. This information is essential for preparing for future disasters and enhancing healthcare services for those affected by earthquakes. This study aimed to evaluate the Pediatric Trauma Score (PTS) and the Shock Index, Pediatric Age-Adjusted (SIPA), in children affected by earthquakes, to provide clinicians with insights into the severity of trauma and hemodynamic stability. METHODS: The study included patients admitted to our hospital's pediatric emergency service within the three weeks following the earthquake. We evaluated their age, sex, admission vital signs, mechanical ventilation requirements, development of crush syndrome, length of hospital stay, PTS, and SIPA. RESULTS: Our study included 176 children (89 females and 87 males) with trauma. Fifty-eight (32.95%) children had crush syndrome, and 87 (49.43%) were hospitalized. The median PTS was 10 (ranging from -3 to 12), and the median SIPA was 1.00 (ranging from 0.57 to 2.10). We observed a negative correlation between the time spent under debris and PTS (r=-0.228, p=0.002) and a positive correlation with the SIPA score (r=0.268, p<0.001). The time spent under debris (p<0.001) and SIPA score (p<0.001) were significantly higher in hospitalized children. PTS was significantly lower in hospitalized children than in others. A PTS cutoff point of 7.5, and a SIPA cutoff point of 1.05, predicted hospitalization in all children. Time spent under debris and SIPA were significantly higher in children with crush syndrome than in others (p<0.001). PTS at a cutoff point of 8.5 and SIPA at a cutoff point of 1.05 predicted crush syndrome in all children. CONCLUSION: PTS and SIPA are important practical scoring systems that can be used to predict the severity of trauma, hospitalization, crush syndrome, and the clinical course in pediatric patients admitted to the hospital due to earthquake trauma.
Síndrome de Esmagamento , Terremotos , Feminino , Masculino , Humanos , Criança , Hospitalização , Hospitais , PacientesRESUMO
PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and satisfaction associated with the MyInspiration intervention, a digital spiritual support tool for patients undergoing cancer surgery. Additionally, we evaluated changes in spiritual well-being and the ability to find meaning in their experience with cancer before and after the intervention. METHODS: This was a prospective, single-arm pilot study. Feasibility and acceptability were assessed by ratio of participants who completed all assessments among individuals who had signed consent forms. Satisfaction was assessed with 5 Likert-style questions around user experience. Patient spiritual well-being and finding meaning in their experience with cancer were measured at baseline and post-intervention. RESULTS: Forty patients were enrolled, the majority of whom were female (80.0%) and diagnosed with breast cancer (52.5%), with an average age of 54.4 years (SD = 13.7, range 29.0-82.0). Regarding feasibility and acceptability, 76.9% of patients who consented to participate completed the full study protocol. In assessing satisfaction, 59% of patients were satisfied with the overall experience of MyInspiration. There was no difference in spiritual well-being pre-/post-intervention. There was a difference in pre (M = 1.95, SD = .95) and post (M = 2.23, SD = .86) scores relative to "finding meaning in the cancer experience" with a mean difference of 0.28 (p = 0.008). CONCLUSION: MyInspiration was feasible and acceptable to patients, and the majority were satisfied with the tool. The intervention was associated with changes in patients' ability to find meaning within their cancer experience. A randomized control trial is needed to evaluate the efficacy of the tool in a broader population of patients with cancer.