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J Intell ; 10(3)2022 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35997413


Criterion-referenced testing is usually applied to the assessment of achievement. In this article, we suggest how it can also be applied to the assessment of adaptive intelligence, that is, intelligence as adaptation to the environment. In the era of the Anthropocene, we argue that adaptive intelligence is what is most important not only for individual success, but also for success in terms of preservation of the world as we know it. We define criterion-referenced testing and compare it to norm-referenced testing. We then discuss two kinds of scoring of criterion-referenced testing, namely, with respect to external criteria and with respect to internal (theory-based) criteria. We then discuss past research on intelligence that could be viewed as criterion-referenced. Finally, we suggest how criterion-referencing could be applied to the assessment of adaptive intelligence.

Biomed Eng Online ; 15(1): 52, 2016 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27160751


BACKGROUND: Laryngo-pharyngeal mechano-sensitivity (LPMS) is involved in dysphagia, sleep apnea, stroke, irritable larynx syndrome and cough hypersensitivity syndrome among other disorders. These conditions are associated with a wide range of airway reflex abnormalities. However, the current device for exploring LPMS is limited because it assesses only the laryngeal adductor reflex during fiber-optic endoscopic evaluations of swallowing and requires a high degree of expertise to obtain reliable results, introducing intrinsic expert variability and subjectivity. METHODS: We designed, developed and validated a new air-pulse laryngo-pharyngeal endoscopic esthesiometer with a built-in laser range-finder (LPEER) based on the evaluation and control of air-pulse variability determinants and on intrinsic observer variability and subjectivity determinants of the distance, angle and site of stimulus impact. The LPEER was designed to be capable of delivering precise and accurate stimuli with a wide range of intensities that can explore most laryngo-pharyngeal reflexes. RESULTS: We initially explored the potential factors affecting the reliability of LPMS tests and included these factors in a multiple linear regression model. The following factors significantly affected the precision and accuracy of the test (P < 0.001): the tube conducting the air-pulses, the supply pressure of the system, the duration of the air-pulses, and the distance and angle between the end of the tube conducting the air-pulses and the site of impact. To control all of these factors, an LPEER consisting of an air-pulse generator and an endoscopic laser range-finder was designed and manufactured. We assessed the precision and accuracy of the LPEER's stimulus and range-finder according to the coefficient of variation (CV) and by looking at the differences between the measured properties and the desired values, and we performed a pilot validation on ten human subjects. The air-pulses and range-finder exhibited good precision and accuracy (CV < 0.06), with differences between the desired and measured properties at <3 % and a range-finder measurement error of <1 mm. The tests in patients demonstrated obtainable and reproducible thresholds for the laryngeal adductor, cough and gag reflexes. CONCLUSIONS: The new LPEER was capable of delivering precise and accurate stimuli for exploring laryngo-pharyngeal reflexes.

Ar , Endoscopia/instrumentação , Laringe , Faringe , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Desenho de Equipamento , Feminino , Humanos , Laringe/fisiologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Faringe/fisiologia , Pressão , Reflexo , Sensação
Acta méd. colomb ; 33(4): 268-275, dic. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635276


Objetivo: determinar la magnitud del cambio en la calidad de vida percibida, relacionada con la salud y los recursos administrados en los pacientes egresados de las unidades de cuidado intensivo. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio multicéntrico de cohorte concurrente en pacientes críticamente enfermos en las unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI) del Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael, Hospital Militar Central, Hospital de San José, Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá y Clínica del Country, de Bogotá, y la Fundación Valle de Lilly, de Cali. Durante el periodo comprendido entre noviembre de 2004 y octubre de 2006, se enrolaron 291 pacientes, a quienes se les realizaron mediciones de severidad mediante el APACHE II, evaluación de las intervenciones en los primeros tres días mediante el TISS 28, aplicación del SF36 con un recordatorio de cuatro semanas para determinar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud previa al ingreso a la unidad y posteriormente, a los seis meses de egreso de la unidad, para evaluar el cambio en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en cada una de las ocho dimensiones que evalúa el SF36 V.2, determinación de la mortalidad a los 28 días y a los seis meses de egreso de la unidad. El cálculo de tamaño de muestra se efectuó para encontrar diferencias de cinco puntos en cualquiera de las dimensiones, para muestras dependientes y con unas pérdidas por seguimiento y mortalidad estimadas en un 15%. Resultados: la mortalidad al egreso de UCI se situó en un 11,8%, a los 28 días en un 17,1% y finalmente, a los seis meses en un 25%; 176 pacientes contestaron a los seis meses nuevamente la encuesta del SF36. En los tres grupos de pacientes se observó un deterioro tanto clínico como estadísticamente significativo en el rol físico; sin embargo, en la estratificación por grupos de enfermedades por la cual se había ingresado al paciente, se observó que los pacientes de trauma deterioran la calidad de vida en todas las dimensiones con las siguientes diferencias: función física: 33.6, p (0.001); rol físico: 54.5, p <(0.001); dolor corporal: 47.5, p <(0.001); salud general: 32.4, p <(0.001); vitalidad: 32.5, p <(0.001); función social: 42, p <(0.001); rol emocional: 34.4, p <(0.001) y salud mental: 29.1, p <(0.001). En cuanto a los recursos administrados evaluados por la puntuación del TISS 28 y promedios de estancia, se observaron diferencias significativas en los pacientes con trauma, cuando se compararon con los pacientes ingresados por enfermedades de tipo médico y de tipo quirúrgico, teniendo los pacientes de trauma mayor intervención, y por ende mayores costos de atención, pero menores estancias; no se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la severidad entre los pacientes con enfermedades de tipo médico, de tipo quirúrgico y de trauma. Conclusiones: en nuestro medio, los pacientes de trauma que ingresan a las unidades de cuidado intensivo presentan un significativo deterioro clínico en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, en las ocho dimensiones evaluadas seis meses después del egreso, tiempo suficiente en el cual su condición física y mental se ha estabilizado; adicionalmente, estos pacientes consumen de manera significativa mayores recursos cuando se les compara con los pacientes con enfermedades de tipo médico y quirúrgico, lo que demuestra que el trauma en nuestro medio resulta costoso en todos los sentidos: en la atención inicial, demandando mayor uso de recursos, en los resultados obtenidos a largo plazo, en lo referente a la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y en el tipo de pacientes afectados, quienes por lo general, son pacientes jóvenes con capacidad productiva.

Objective: to determine the magnitude of the change in the perceived quality of life related with health conditions and with the administered resources, in patients discharged from the intensive care units. Methods and material: a multicentric, concurrent cohort study was made in critically ill patients at the intensive care units (ICU) of the Hospital Universitario Clinica San Rafael, Hospital Militar Central, Hospital de San Jose, Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogotá, and Clinica del Country of Bogota, and La Fundacion Valle de Lilly of Cali, Colombia. During the period between November 2004 and October 2006, 291 patients were enrolled. The severity of their condition was assessed by means of APACHE II. The interventions performed during the first three days were assessed by means of TISS 28. The SF36 was applied with a reminder of 4 weeks in order to determine the quality of life with regard to the health condition prior to admission into the unit. It was also applied six months after discharge from the unit, in order to evaluate changes in the quality of life with regard to health in each one of eight dimensions assessed by SF36 V.2. Mortality was determined at 28 days and six months after discharge from the unit. Calculation of the sample size was made to find differences of 5 points in any of the dimensions, for dependent samples and with losses due to follow-up and mortality estimated at 15%. Results: mortality was 11,8% at discharge from the ICU, 17,1% at 28 days, and 25% at six months. 176 patients answered the SF36 survey at six months. Clinical and statistically significant deterioration of the physical role was observed. Nevertheless, when stratification was performed according to the type of disease due to which the patient had been admitted into the ICU, it was found that the quality of life of patients with trauma worsened with regard to all dimensions: physical function: 33.6, p (0.001); physical role: 54.5, p<(0.001); corporal pain: 47.5, p <(0.001); general health: 32.4, p < (0.001); vitality: 32.5, p <(0.001); social function: 42, p<(0.001); emotional role: 34.4 p<(0.001) and mental health: 29.1, p <(0.001). With regard to the administered resources evaluated by the TISS 28 score and averages of stay, significant differences in patients with trauma were observedwith regard to patients admitted due to diseases of medical and surgical type. Trauma patients received more intervention and therefore were more costly, but had shorter ICU stays. There were no significant differences with regard to severity between patients with diseases of medical type, surgical type and trauma. Conclusions: In our milieu, trauma patients admitted into intensive care units show a significant clinical deterioration in their quality of life related with health, in the eight dimensions assessed six months after discharge. This period of time is considered to be enough for the stabilization of their physical and mental condition. Moreover, utilization of resources by these patients is significantly greater than that of patients with diseases of medical of surgical type. This demonstrates that, in our milieu, trauma is expensive in every sense: its initial attention demands greater use of resources; its long-term consequences with regard to quality of life are more serious, taking into account the fact that these patients are generally young people with productive capacity.