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Cost Eff Resour Alloc ; 21(1): 16, 2023 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36793078


BACKGROUND: Cost-effectiveness analysis plays a key role in evaluating health systems and services. Coronary artery disease is one of the primary health concerns worldwide. This study sought to compare the cost-effectiveness of Coronary Arteries Bypass Grafting (CABG) and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) through drug stent using Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALY) index. METHODS: This is a cohort study involving all patients undergoing CABG and PCI through drug stent in south of Iran. A total of 410 patients were randomly selected to be included in the study. Data were gathered using SF-36, SAQ and a form for cost data from the patients' perspective. The data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Considering the analysis of cost-effectiveness, Markov Model was initially developed using TreeAge Pro 2020. Both deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS: Compared with the group treated with PCI, the total cost of interventions was higher in the CABG group ($102,103.8 vs $71,401.22) and the cost of lost productivity ($20,228.68 vs $7632.11), while the cost of hospitalization was lower in CABG ($67,567.1 vs $49,660.97). The cost of hotel stay and travel ($6967.82 vs $2520.12) and the cost of medication ($7340.18 vs $11,588.01) was lower in CABG. From the patients' perspective and SAQ instrument, CABG was cost-saving, with a reduction of $16,581 for every increase in effectiveness. Based on patients' perspective and SF-36 instrument, CABG was cost-saving, with a reduction of $34,543 for every increase in effectiveness. CONCLUSION: In the same indications, CABG intervention leads to more resource savings.

São Paulo; s.n; 2002. 112 p
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1378317


|a Neste estudo estimou-se o custo direto da terapia analgésica utilizada durante o período do pós-operatório (PO) e realizou-se a análise farmacoeconômica dos esquemas analgésicos administrados a pacientes submetidos à cirurgia eletiva, no 1º dia de PO de. Analisaram-se 166 prontuários de pacientes que, no período de 01 de janeiro de 1997 a 31 de dezembro de 1998, realizaram hemorroidectomia em um Hospital Geral e Privado do município de São Paulo. Os dados provenientes da população possibilitaram traçar o perfil da prescrição analgésica, identificar os esquemas terapêuticos e caracterizar o comportamento álgico dos pacientes. Para realização da análise minimização de custo e custo-efetividade, inicialmente, foram identificados os 5 esquemas analgésicos mais utilizados na prática clínica: propoxifeno 231 mg +aspirina 935 mg + cetoprofeno 200mg (DOL1A+PROF2A), cetoprofeno 300mg (PROF1B), codeína 120mg + paracetamol 2.000mg (TYL1A), codeína 120mg + paracetamol 2.000mg + cetoprofeno 200mg (TYL1A+PROF2A) e codeína 90mg + paracetamol 1.500mg + cetoprofeno 200mg (TYL1B+PROF2A); em seguida estimaram-se seus custos e respectivas efetividades, que foram medidas utilizando-se dois critérios: os registros de escapes de dor e o consumo de analgésico opióide (AO) no regime se necessário (RSN). Os resultados mostraram que o custo direto total da terapia analgésica de R$ 14.062,15 foi composto pelo regime de horário (66,77%) e regime se necessário (33,23%) e que a categoria procedimento da administração de medicamentos, realizada pela enfermagem, representou 46,99% do custo total da terapia. Os esquemas DOL1A+PROF2A e TYL1A apresentaram efetividades semelhantes e superiores aos demais, que resultaram em 30,00% de pacientes sem registro de escapes de dor nas 24 horas do 1ºPO. Na comparação destes esquemas pela análise minimização de custo o padrão TYL1A mostrou menor custo (R$19,57). O custo-efetividade médio demonstrou que o ) TYL1A foi o esquema mais efetivo e que apresentou o menor custo por paciente sem registro de escape de dor (R$65,23). Em relação à análise dos esquemas utilizando-se o critério consumo de AO no RSN verificou-se que os 5 esquemas apresentaram efetividades distintas, sendo o TYL1A+PROF2A o mais efetivo, seguido do TYL1A, com respectivamente 59,50% e 50,00% dos pacientes que não consumiram AO no RSN nas 24 horas do 1ºPO. O esquema de melhor relação custo-efetividade médio foi o TYL1A (R$39,14) seguido do TYL1A+PROF2A (R$45,74). A análise incremental apontou que o esquema TYL1A+PROF2A expressa um custo adicional de R$80,53 para se obter um benefício extra de efetividade. As análises farmacoeconômicas mostraram que a escolha do esquema analgésico mais adequado deve contemplar, além dos aspectos econômicos e clínicos das opções terapêuticas, a disponibilidade de recursos da instituição.

This study estimated the direct cost of analgesic therapy used during the postoperative (PO) period and performed a pharmacoeconomic analysis of the analgesic therapies administered to patients who underwent elective surgery on the first postoperative day. One hundred and sixty-six patient's records were assessed from January 1st, 1997 to December 31st, 1998. All these patients underwent hemorrhoidectomy in a Private General Hospital of the County of São Paulo. Population data allowed us to draw analgesic prescription profile, identify therapeutic strategies and characterize patient's breakthrough pain. At first, the 5 most used analgesic therapies in clinical practice which were propoxyphene 231 mg + aspirin 935 mg + ketoprofen 200 mg (DOL1A+PROF2A), ketoprofen 300 mg (PROF1B), codeine 120 mg + acetaminophen 2000 mg (TYL1A), codeine 120 mg + acetaminophen 2000 mg + ketoprofen 200 mg (TYL1A+PROF2A), and codeine 90 mg + acetaminophen 1500 mg + ketoprofen 200 mg (TYL1B+PROF2A) were identified in order to perform cost-minimization and cost-effectiveness analyses. Afterwards it was estimated their cost and effectiveness which were measured by two criteria: breakthrough pain registers and supplementary consumption of opioid analgesics (OA). Results showed that the total direct cost of analgesic therapy of R$ 14,062.15 included around the clock method (66.77%) and rather than as need method (33.23%) and also that the medicine administration procedure category performed by the nursing staff represented 46.99% of the total cost of the therapy. The DOL1A+PROF2A and TYL1A therapies showed similar and higher effectiveness than the others, resulting in 30% of the patients without breakthrough pain registers during the first 24 hours of PO. When comparing these therapies by cost-minimization analysis, TYL1A therapy was less costly (R$19.57). The mean cost-effectiveness showed that TYL1A was the most effective therapy and showed the lowest cost per patient without breakthrough pain register (R$65.23). Regarding therapy analysis by applying supplementary OA consumption criterion, it was observed that the 5 therapies showed different effectiveness, considering that TYL1A+PROF2A was the most effective, followed by TYL1A, with respectively 59.50% and 50% of the patients who did not take supplementary OA in the first 24 hours of PO. The therapy that showed the best mean cost-effectiveness ratio was TYL1A (R$39.14) followed by TYL1A+PROF2A (R$45.74). The incremental analysis found that TYL1A+PROF2A has an additional cost of R$80.53 in case an extra benefit of effectiveness is needed. The pharmacoeconomic analyses showed that for the most suitable analgesic therapy choice, not only should economic and clinical aspects of therapeutic choices be taken into account but also resources availability of the institution.

Dor Pós-Operatória/tratamento farmacológico , Farmacoeconomia , Enfermagem Perioperatória , Custos de Medicamentos , Economia e Organizações de Saúde , Analgesia