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Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 30(54): 127-142, jul. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-910802


O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar quais são as contribuições do programa Bolsa-Atleta na carreira esportiva e pessoal de ginastas de ginástica rítmica em nível internacional. O estudo se caracteriza como um estudo de caso de caráter descritivo e abordagem qualitativa, tendo como participantes quatro atletas de ginástica rítmica do estado do Paraná. Como instrumento de coleta utilizou-se um questionário com perguntas abertas; para análise dos dados foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Como resultados da pesquisa foram possíveis elencar três categorias de respostas: Profissional, Pessoal e Participação na Seleção Brasileira. São inúmeros os fatores importantes durante todo o processo construção de uma carreira esportiva de alto rendimento, sendo o incentivo financeiro um dos principais. Tendo em vista a dedicação exclusiva para treinamentos, a necessidade de materiais adequados, bem como cuidados com aspectos para além da prática, é fundamental um suporte em todos os sentidos para o atleta.

The aim of this study was to identify the contributions of the Bolsa-Athlete program in the sports and personal careers of RG gymnasts of international level. The study is characterized as a case study of descriptive character and qualitative approach, having as participants four athletes of RG of the state of Paraná. As collection instrument, a questionnaire with open questions was used, for the analysis of the data the technique of content analysis was used. As results of the research it was possible to list three categories of answers: Professional, Personal and Participation in the Brazilian Selection. There are countless important factors throughout the process building a high-yielding sports career, with the financial incentive being one of the main ones. Given the exclusive dedication to training, the need for appropriate materials, as well as care with aspects beyond practice, it is essential to support in every way for the athlete.

El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar cuáles son las contribuciones del programa Bolsa Atleta en la carrera deportiva y personal de gimnastas de GR a nivel internacional. El estudio se caracteriza como un estudio de caso descriptivo y cualitativo, con los participantes cuatro atletas de GR del estado de Paraná. Como instrumento de recolección utilizado cuestionario con preguntas abiertas, para el análisis de los datos, utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados de la investigación fueron posible enumerar tres categorías de respuestas: profesional, personal y de participación en la selección de Brasil. Hay numerosos factores importantes a lo largo del proceso de construcción de un alto rendimiento carrera deportiva, y el incentivo financiero de una importante. Dada la dedicación exclusiva a la formación, la necesidad de materiales adecuados y aspectos de atención, además de la práctica, un soporte en todos los sentidos es fundamental para el atleta.

Política Pública , Bolsas de Estudo , Atletas , Ginástica , Brasil , Coleta de Dados
Front Psychol ; 7: 1008, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27458406


In many sports, such as figure skating or gymnastics, the outcome of a performance does not rely exclusively on objective measurements, but on more subjective cues. Judges need high attentional capacities to process visual information and overcome fatigue. Also their emotion recognition abilities might have an effect in detecting errors and making a more accurate assessment. Moreover, the scoring given by judges could be also influenced by their level of expertise. This study aims to assess how rhythmic gymnastics judges' emotion recognition and attentional abilities influence accuracy of performance assessment. Data will be collected from rhythmic gymnastics judges and coaches at different international levels. This study will employ an online questionnaire consisting on an emotion recognition test and attentional test. Participants' task is to watch a set of videotaped rhythmic gymnastics performances and evaluate them on the artistic and execution components of performance. Their scoring will be compared with the official scores given at the competition the video was taken from to measure the accuracy of the participants' evaluations. The proposed research represents an interdisciplinary approach that integrates cognitive and sport psychology within experimental and applied contexts. The current study advances the theoretical understanding of how emotional and attentional aspects affect the evaluation of sport performance. The results will provide valuable evidence on the direction and strength of the relationship between the above-mentioned factors and the accuracy of sport performance evaluation. Importantly, practical implications might be drawn from this study. Intervention programs directed at improving the accuracy of judges could be created based on the understanding of how emotion recognition and attentional abilities are related to the accuracy of performance assessment.