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Mali Med ; 37(1): 54-60, 2022.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38196252


OBJECTIVE: to report the epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic characteristics of the first COVID 19 patients in intensive care. PATIENTS AND METHOD: retrospective descriptive and analyticalstudy over 4 months, covering all adult patients tested positive for SARS-Cov-2 and admitted to intensive care. RESULTS: 49 patients, 35 men and 14 women (2% of cases) were admitted to intensive care. The median age was 64 years [26 - 92]. Hypertension (16; 32.6%), and diabetes (11; 22.4%) were the mostcommoncomorbidities. The most common symptoms on admission were cough (38; 80.9%), shortness of breath (35; 74.5%), and fever (33; 70.2%). The median time to onset of symptoms was 11 days. Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) was used in 21 patients (42.9%). Fourteen (28.6%) wereintubated and put onassisted ventilation. The mean hospital stay was 7.77 ± 7.30 days. We recorded 20 (40.8%) deaths. Factors associated with death were high blood pressure, onset of shock, and on mechanical ventilation. CONCLUSION: Covid-19 remains a public healthproblemwith high morbidity and mortality. The morbidity and mortalityfactorsare: comorbidities and the severity of the clinicalpicture.

OBJECTIF: rapporter les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques, paracliniques et thérapeutiques des premiers patients COVID 19 en réanimation. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODE: étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique sur 4 mois, portant sur l'ensemble des patients adultes testés positif au SARS-Cov-2 et admis en réanimation. RÉSULTATS: 49 patients, 35 hommes et 14 femmes (2% des cas) étaient admis en réanimation. L'âge médian était de 64 ans [26 ­ 92]. L'HTA (16 ; 32,6%), et le diabète (11 ; 22,4%) étaient les comorbidités les plus fréquentes. Les symptômes les plus fréquents à l'admission étaient la toux (38 ; 80,9%), l'essoufflement (35 ; 74,5%), et la fièvre (33 ; 70,2%). Le délai médian d'apparition des symptômes était de 11 jours. La ventilation non invasive (VNI) a été utilisée chez 21 patients (42,9%). Quatorze (28,6%) ont été intubés et mise sous ventilation assistée. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 7,77 ± 7,30 jours. Nous avons enregistré 20 (40,8%) décès. Les facteurs associés au décès étaient l'hypertension artérielle, la survenue d'un état de choc, la mise sous ventilation assistée. CONCLUSION: la Covid-19 reste un problème de santé publique avec une morbi mortalité élevée. Les facteurs de morbi-mortalité sont : les comorbidités et la sévérité du tableau clinique.

Mali Med ; 34(1): 48-52, 2019.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35897256


Envenomation by snakebite remains a public health problem in Africa. The purpose of our work was to study the acute complications of snakebite envenomation and the risk factors for its complications. METHOD: This was a retrospective and prospective study over a period of 07 years, which was performed in the department of anesthesia resuscitation and emergencies of CHU-Mother Child "Luxembourg" of Bamako. RESULTS: During this period, 76 cases of Ophidian envenomation were recorded. The average age of the patients was 34 ± 12 years old. . The family of vipers (Echis and Bitis) was the most incriminated 84,61% of the cases. Hemorrhagic complications were observed in 78.94% of patients, other complications (cardiovascular, neurological, dermatological, ophthalmological ...) were observed in 21.05% of patients. The main risk factor for complication observed was the delay in management (> 6 hours delay) in 100% of patients. The absence of serotherapy and or the initial resort to traditional treatment have been complicating risk factors. Almost all victims of Elapidae bites, 89.9% (5/6 cases) died. Serotherapy was performed urgently in 97.4% of cases. The morbidity in our study was 10.52% with a 7.8% mortality. CONCLUSION: in our context, the management of envenomations by snake bite remains dependent on a multitude of complications. The prognosis is conditioned by the early administration of symptomatic treatment and a specific antidote.

L'envenimation par morsure de serpent reste un problème de santé publique en Afrique. Notre travail avait pour objectif d'étudier les complications aigues de l'envenimation par morsure de serpent, ainsi que les facteurs de risque de ses complications. MÉTHODE: Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective et prospective sur une période de 07 ans, qui a été réalisée dans le département d'anesthésie réanimation et des urgences du CHU-Mère enfant le « Luxembourg ¼ de Bamako. RÉSULTATS: Durant cette période, 76 cas d'envenimations ophidiennes ont été enregistrés. L'âge moyen des patients était de 34±12 ans. . La famille des vipéridés (Echis et Bitis) était la plus incriminée 84,61% des cas. Les complications hémorragiques ont été observées chez 78,94% des patients, d'autres complications (cardiovasculaire, neurologique, dermatologique, ophtalmologique...) ont été observées chez 21,05% des patients. Le principal facteur de risque de survenu de complication observé, était le retard de prise en charge (délai> 6heures) Chez 100% des patients. L'absence de la sérothérapie et ou le recours initial à un traitement traditionnel ont été des facteurs de risques de complication. La presque totalité des victimes par morsures d'Elapidés soit 89,9% (5/6 cas) sont décédées. La sérothérapie a été effectuée en urgence chez 97,4% des cas. La morbidité dans notre étude a été de 10,52% avec une mortalité à 7,8%. CONCLUSION: dans notre contexte, la prise en charge des envenimations par morsure de serpent reste tributaire d'une multitude de complications. Le pronostic est conditionné par l'administration précoce d'un traitement symptomatique et d'un antidote spécifique.

Mali Med ; 33(4): 19-22, 2018.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35897240


OBJECTIVES: to study the morbidity operative peri in digestive surgery. PATIENT AND METHOD: It was about a prospective and descriptive survey in the services of digestive surgery and anesthesia resuscitation from February to August 2014. The population of survey was constituted of the whole patients having benefitted an anesthesia for programmed digestive surgery. The statistical test used for the comparison of the qualitative variables was CHI2 with p <0,05 considered meaningful. RESULTS: during the period 125 files have been collected. The patients having presented at least an undesirable event were of 86 either 68,8%. These events had occurred in 77.9% of cases during the interview. The middle age was of 47.46±15, 68years with extremes of 18years. and 85 years. Sex ratio was of 1, 55. Patients were classified ASA I in 83.2%. The predominant operative indication was the gastric tumor in 26.4 % of the cases. General anesthesia was practiced in 82.4% of the cases. Anesthesia were achieved in 55.2% of the cases by male nurses' anesthetists and 44,8% by the students in diploma of studies specials(DES).Main recovered undesirable events were of cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive nature (nausea and vomiting). Intervening of the undesirable events was bound to the technique of anesthesia, Anesthetic time length of intervention, used narcotic and to the antecedents of the patients with p <0, 05. CONCLUSION: Factors of avoidable operative morbidity peri are nearly present in all our acts for digestive surgery. The formation of the staff and the setting to disposition of products better tolerated will permit to reduce these factors.

OBJECTIF: Etudier la morbidité péri-opératoire en chirurgie digestive. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODES: Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale dans les services de chirurgie digestive et d'anesthésie réanimation de Février à août 2014. La population d'étude était constituée de l'ensemble des patients ayant bénéficié d'une anesthésie pour chirurgie digestive programmée. Le test statistique utilisé pour la comparaison des variables qualitatives a été le CHI2 avec p< 0,05 considérée comme significative. RÉSULTATS: pendant la période 125 dossiers de patients ont été colligés. Les patients ayant présenté au moins un événement indésirable étaient de 86 soit 68,8 %. Ces événements étaient survenus dans 77,9 % des cas à la phase d'entretien. L'âge moyen était de 47,46±15,68 avec des extrêmes de 18 ans et 85 ans. Le sexe ratio était de 1,55. Les patients étaient classés ASA I dans 83,2 %. L'indication opératoire prédominante était la tumeur gastrique avec 26,4 % des cas. L'anesthésie générale était pratiquée dans 82,4% des cas. L'anesthésies était réalisée dans 55,2 % des cas par les infirmiers anesthésistes et 44,8 % par les étudiants en diplôme d'études spéciales(DES). Les principaux événements indésirables retrouvés étaient de nature cardiovasculaire, respiratoire et digestive. La survenue des événements indésirables était liée à la technique d'anesthésie, au temps anesthésique, à la durée de l'intervention, au narcotique utilisé et aux antécédents des patients avec p < 0,05. CONCLUSION: Les facteurs de morbidité évitables péri-opératoire sont quasiment présents dans tous nos actes pour chirurgie digestive. La formation du personnel et la mise à disposition de produits mieux tolérés permettront de réduire ces facteurs.

Mali Med ; 32(2): 14-18, 2017.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30079664


INTRODUCTION: Following the progress made regarding anesthesia reanimation, caesarean have become a much safer procedure. However, factors of mobi-mortality are still numerous. The main objective of this study was to analyze the factors of morbi-mortality arising during a caesarean. PATIENT AND METHOD: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2007 to December 2011 in the gynecology-obstetric and anesthesia reanimation services of the Gabriel TOURE University Hospital. The analysis looked at the medical files of women undergoing a caesarean and hospitalized in the gynecology-obstetric and anesthesia reanimation services. Data analysis was carried out with SPSS.19 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) and the Epiinfo.7 softwares. Chi2 tests were performed to compare frequencies where a value of p≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: 269 medical files were analysed. Mean age was of 28.46 ± 6.702. The most frequent peroperative morbidity factors were cardiovascular. Death rate was of 5.2%. The most frequent cause of these deaths was eclampsia. Factors influencing morbi-mortalities were iterative caesareans and urgency of the caesarean. The evacuated mothers had presented complications in 37.3% of cases. CONCLUSION: The caesarean is a procedure that is not sufficiently safe in our services and there are a lot of factors of mobi-mortality.

INTRODUCTION: La sécurité au cours de la césarienne est devenue très grande grâce aux progrès de l'anesthésie réanimation. Cependant les facteurs de mobi-mortalité sont nombreux. Le but de ce travail était d'étudier les facteurs de morbi-mortalité au cours de la césarienne. PATIENTES ET MÉTHODE: Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale rétrospective de janvier 2007 à décembre 2011 dans les services de gynéco-obstétrique et d'anesthésie réanimation du centre hospitalier universitaire Gabriel TOURE. Elle a porté sur les dossiers des parturientes césarisées et hospitalisées dans les services de gynéco-obstétrique et d'anesthésie réanimation. L'analyse des données a été faite à l'aide du logiciel SPSS.19 (Statistical package for Social Sciences) et l'Epiinfo.7. Le test de khi2 était utilisé pour comparer les fréquences avec une valeur de p ≤ 0,05 considérée comme significative. RÉSULTATS: Le nombre de dossiers analysés était de 269. L'âge moyen était de 28,46 ± 6,702. Les événements morbides per opératoires fréquents étaient cardio-vasculaires. Le taux de létalité était de 5,2 %. La cause la plus fréquente des décès était l'éclampsie. Les facteurs de morbi-mortalités retrouvés ont été la césarienne itérative, le contexte urgent de la césarienne. Les parturientes évacuées avaient présenté une complication dans 37,3% des cas. CONCLUSION: La césarienne est un acte qui n'est pas suffisamment sûr dans notre structure. Les facteurs de mobi-mortalité sont nombreux.

Mali Med ; 31(2): 1-9, 2016.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30079675


OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to analyze the epidemio- clinical characteristic and the prognosis of patients with eclampsia admitted to the intensive care unit at the University Hospital of Point G. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinical records of all patients admitted to intensive care for eclampsia from September 2009 to February 2011 were retrospectively collected. We analyzed the following parameters: age, parity, gravidity, the admission deadline, the beginning of eclampsia compared to the term of pregnancy, the number of seizure, mode of delivery, score of Glasgow, blood pressure, proteinuria, complications and evolution. RESULTS: Among 702 admissions, 158 patients, with a mean age of 20 ± 4 were hospitalized for eclampsia (22.5%). We recorded 106 cases of first pregnancies (67.1%) and 104 primiparous (65.8%). The admission period after the first seizure was over 6 hours for 90 patients (57%). The first seizure had occurred in ante-partum period for 69 patients, in per-partum period for 4 patients and in postpartum period for 85 patients.Ninety-three patients (59%) had consciousness disorders at admission, 12 patients received oxygen treatment .Vaginal delivery was the mode of delivery for 93 patients and cesarean section for 65 patients.Eclampsia was associated with renal failure in 25 patients, HELLP syndrome for 15 patients, the stroke for 5 patients, acute pulmonary edema for 3 patients, the coagulation disorders for one patient; and the sepsis for 6 patients. Maternal and perinatal lethality was 9.5% and 10.8% respectively. CONCLUSION: Eclampsia is a frequent medical and obstetric emergency in intensive care unit of the University Hospital of Point G and affects young patients during their first pregnancy and delivery. Maternal and perinatal lethality remains high, due to the delay in the cases management and the associated factors of gravity. Strong actions are needed to raise awareness for early medical visit and to prepare medical teams for better cases management.

OBJECTIF: Analyser les caractéristiques épidémio - clinique et le pronostic de l'éclampsie en réanimation au centre hospitalier et universitaire (CHU) du Point G. MATÉRIELS ET MÉTHODE: Les dossiers cliniques de toutes les patientes hospitalisées en réanimation pour une éclampsie de septembre 2009 à février 2011 ont été colligés de façon rétrospective. Nous avons analysé les paramètres suivants: l'âge, la parité, la gestité, le délai d'admission, le délai de survenue de l'éclampsie par rapport au terme de la grossesse, le nombre de crise convulsive, le mode d'accouchement, le score de Glasgow, la pression artérielle, la protéinurie, les complications et l'évolution. RÉSULTATS: Sur 702 admissions, 158 patientes, d'âge moyen 20 ans ± 4 ont été hospitalisées pour éclampsie (22,5%). Nous avons enregistré 106 dossiers de primigestes (67,1%) et 104 primipares (65,8%). Le délai d'admission après la première crise convulsive était supérieur à 6 heures chez 90 patientes (57%). La première crise convulsive était survenue en antépartum chez 69 patientes, en perpartum chez 4 patientes et en postpartum chez 85 patientes. Quatre vingt treize patientes (59%) avaient présenté des troubles de la conscience à l'admission, 12 patientes ont été mises sous assistance ventilatoire. La voie basse était le mode d'accouchement chez 93 patientes, et la césarienne chez 65 patientes. L'éclampsie était associée à l'insuffisance rénale chez 25 patientes, au HELLP-syndrome chez 15 patientes, à l'accident vasculaire cérébral chez 5 patientes, à l'œdème aigue du poumon chez 3 patientes, aux troubles de la coagulation chez une patiente; et une septicémie était retrouvé chez 6 patientes. La létalité maternelle et périnatale était respectivement de 9,5 % et de 10,8 %. CONCLUSION: L'éclampsie est une urgence médico ­ obstétricale fréquente au service de réanimation du CHU du Point G et touche les patientes jeunes primigesteset primipares. La létalité maternelle et périnatalereste élevée, liée au retard de la prise en charge et aux facteurs de gravité associés. Pour renverser cette situation il est nécessaire de sensibiliser les populations pour une consultation précoce mais aussi de mieux préparer les équipes médicales pour une meilleure prise en charge.

Med Trop (Mars) ; 65(5): 449-52, 2005 Nov.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16465814


The purpose of this prospective study conducted from January 2001 to December 2001 was to ascertain the value of computer tomography for evaluation of brain injuries. Computer tomography was performed using a Toshiba X VID system with contiguous 5 mm axial sections through the posterior fossa and 10 mm contiguous axial sections through the subtentorial region without contrast injection. A total of 107 patients with brain injuries were enrolled over the one-year study period. These patients accounted for 0.8% of all admissions to surgical emergency unit of Gabriel Toure Hospital in Bamako, Mali. The predominant age group for brain injuries was the 20- to 29-year-old group (35 cases). The male-to-female sex ratio was 5:1. Vehicular accident was the most frequent cause of brain injury (76 cases). Trauma was severe in 48 patients with a Glasgow score less than 8. Coma occurred immediately after injury in 90 cases. Ventricular hemorrhage led to coma in 100% of cases whereas brain hemorrhage and hematoma led to coma in 93.3% and 83.3% of cases respectively. Treatment was medical in 99 cases and neurosurgical in 8. The mortality rate was 34% and the morbidity rate (permanent sequels) was 36%. Computer tomography is a valuable tool for therapeutic decision-making in medico-surgical emergencies involving brain injuries.

Brain Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Brain Injuries/therapy , Child , Child, Preschool , Diagnosis, Differential , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Middle Aged , Prognosis , Prospective Studies , Severity of Illness Index
Med Trop (Mars) ; 65(5): 453-7, 2005 Nov.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16465815


The purpose of this prospective study conducted between January 2000 and December 2001 was to identify tomodensitometric aspects of stroke. The relationship between lesion type (hemorrhagic, ischemic, and transient ischemic) and prognosis was assessed. Axial sections were made through the posterior fossa (5 mm at 5mm intervals) and subtentorial region (10 mm at 10 mm intervals). The Virchow plan was used as the reference for sections. The chi square test was used to evaluate the correlation between lesion type and prognosis. A total of 159 stroke patients with a mean age of 44.5 years were enrolled during the study period. There were 90 men (56.6%) and 69 women (43.3%). In 118 patients (74.2%), CT scans showed cerebral abnormalities including ischemic lesions in 71 (44.6%) and hemorrhagic lesions in 47 (29.6%). Overall mortality was 45.7% (54/118). Hemorrhagic lesions were fatal in 51.1% (24/47) of cases and ischemic lesions in 35.2% (25/71). Transitory ischemic accidents were fatal in 0.12% of cases (5/41). This study demonstrates that CT scan is an important tool for stroke management by identifying the type and location of lesions.

Brain Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Stroke/diagnostic imaging , Stroke/epidemiology , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Brain Ischemia/complications , Child , Female , Humans , Incidence , Male , Mali , Middle Aged , Prospective Studies , Stroke/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Ann Chir ; 127(5): 350-5, 2002 May.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12094417


INTRODUCTION: The pulmonary hydatid disease has not been the subject of many studies in Mali. OBJECTIVE: List the cases hydatid cyst of the lung operated on in Mali, in order to analyze their surgical aspects. METHODS AND PATIENTS: This is a retrospective study of consecutive and non-selected cases. From 1960 to 2000, eleven cases of the pulmonary hydatid disease were operated on in Mali. The earliest case dates back to 1968 and the most recent was in 2000. All of these patients were taken care of at the "Point G Hospital" in Bamako. RESULTS: Patients were aged between 4 and 42 years, with an estimated average at 20. The gender ratio (F/M) was 1.75. The circumstance leading to the discovery stems from 8 cases of cough. Seven patients had at least a sign of complicated cyst. Out of a total of 12 cysts, 9 were located to the right lung. The treatment of the cyst consisted in a kystectomy accompanied by an atypical resection of the parenchyma on 6 patients and a typical resection of the attacked lobe on 5 others. The operating effects were complicated in 5 cases. No mortality was reported. Anatomopathology confirmed pulmonary hydatidosis in all cases. CONCLUSION: Paradoxically, the frequency of pulmonary hydatidosis is low in Mali. Patients were consulted late. This explains in part the high level of lobectomy during surgical treatment.

Echinococcosis, Pulmonary/surgery , Pneumonectomy/methods , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Cough/etiology , Female , Humans , Incidence , Male , Mali , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Mali Med ; 28(3): 1-5, 2013.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30049158


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of peritonitis by typhoid ileal perforation in the teaching hospitals of Bamako and Kati. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study over a 24 years period (1984-2007). Every patient admitted and operated in urgency for peritonitis by ileal perforation were listed and included in this study. RESULTS: During the study period, 1868 acute peritonitis were operated on in the three major health centres of Bamako and Kati. We collected data concerning 543 typhoid ileal perforations which represented 29.0% of all peritonitis. The peritonitis by typhoid perforation constituted 28.5% of the peritonitis in the teaching hospital of the Point G, 30.6% in the Gabriel Touré teaching hospital and 6.4% in the teaching hospital of Kati. Among the peritonitis by typhoid perforation, 56.7% were listed in the Point G teaching hospital, 43.0% in the Gabriel Torre teaching hospital and 0.3% in the Kati teaching hospital. Between 1984-2004 we collected data from two hundred and fifty seven (257) patients suffering from peritonitis by typhoid ileal perforation, a total of 24.4% of the peritonitis recorded. Between 2005-2007, the data for two hundred eighty six (286) patients suffering from peritonitis by typhoid ileal perforation was collected, a total of 35% of the peritonitis recorded. The typhoid ileum perforation remains the 2nd overall cause of generalized peritonitis after that of appendicular origin. CONCLUSION: Peritonitis by typhoid ileum perforation has seen a significant increase from 2004 in the teaching hospitals of Bamako and Kati.

BUT: L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la fréquence de la péritonite par perforation iléale d'origine typhique dans les CHU de Bamako et de Kati. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODES: Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective sur une période de 24 ans (1984­2007). Tous les malades admis et opérés en urgence pour une péritonite par perforation iléale ont été recensés et inclus dans cette étude. RÉSULTATS: Durant la période d'étude, 1868 péritonites aiguës ont été opérées dans les trois grandes structures de santé de Bamako et Kati. Nous avons colligé 543 perforations iléales d'origine typhique soit 29,0 % des péritonites. La péritonite par perforation typhique a constitué 28,5% des péritonites au CHU du Point G, 30,6% au CHU Gabriel Touré et 6,4% au CHU de Kati. Parmi les péritonites par perforation typhique, 56,7% ont été recensés au CHU du Point « G ¼, 43,0% au CHU Gabriel Touré et 0,3% au CHU Kati. De 1984­2004 nous avons colligé deux cent cinquante sept (257) malades souffrant d'une péritonite par perforation iléale d'origine typhique soit 24,4% des péritonites. Entre 2005­2007, deux cent quatre vingt six (286) malades ont été colligés soit une fréquence de 35%. La perforation iléale d'origine typhique reste globalement la 2ème cause de péritonite généralisée après celle d'origine appendiculaire. CONCLUSION: La péritonite par perforation iléale d'origine typhique a connu une augmentation importante à partir de 2004 dans les CHU de Bamako et de Kati.

Mali Med ; 28(4): 25-31, 2013.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30049151


GOAL: The aim of this study was to take stock of the practice of the loco-regional anesthesia (LRA) at the University Hospital Center of Point G from January 2004 to December 2008. MATERIALS AND METHOD: This is a retrospective study, assessing the practice of LRA. The demographic data, the surgery, the technical characteristics of the procedure made, the type of local anesthetic used, adverse events were evaluated. RESULTS: The LRA involved 1261 patients - 8.30% of the total number of surgical procedures occurring during the studied period. The American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) classification was used for the evaluation of patients in scheduled surgery. The patients belonged to class 1 (50.40%) and Class 2 (49.60%). The main surgical procedures were: 26.20% surgical prostatic adenomectomy, 23.80% of caesarean section, and the fistulogram test for 19.04%. The LRA techniques performed were: spinal anesthesia, 87.60%, epidural anesthesia, 12%. Three hundred and three adverse events (24%) have been reported, three (1%) of them have resulted in the death of the patient. The incidence of arterial hypotension was 94.40%, and 4.6% for bradycardia. The three heart attacks were fatal (0.024 ‰). Patients operated under spinal anesthesia and patients aged 60 years and older had more adverse events with 20% and 10.38% for p <0.05 respectively. Sixty eight failures (5.4%) were observed. CONCLUSION: The practice of LRA at the University Hospital of Point G is characterized by adverse events and a low number of deaths. Patients operated under spinal anesthesia and patients aged 60 years and older are at greatest risk of adverse events.

OBJECTIF: Etait de faire le point de la pratique de l'ALR au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) du Point G, de janvier 2004 à décembre 2008. MATERIELS ET METHODE: Il s'agissait d'une étude retrospective, évaluant la pratique de l'ALR. Les données démographiques, l'acte chirurgical, les caractéristiques techniques du geste effectué, le type d'anesthésique local utilisé, les événements indésirables ont été évalués. RESULTATS: L'ALR avait concerné 1.261 patients, soit 8,30%. La classification de l'American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) était utilisée pour l'évaluation des patients en chirurgie programmé. Les patients étaient de la classe ASA1 (50,40%) et de la classe ASA2 (49,60%). Les principaux actes chirurgicaux étaient: l'adénomectomie 26,20%, la césarienne 23,80% et la fistulorraphie 19,04%. Les techniques d'ALR réalisées étaient: la rachianesthésie, 87,60%, l'anesthésie péridurale, 12%. Trois cents trois événements indésirables soit 24% ont été rapportés, dont trois soit 1% ont entrainé le décès du patient. L'incidence de l'hypotension artérielle a été de 94,40%, la bradycardie de 4,6%. Les trois arrêts cardiaques ont été fatals (0,024‰). Les patients opérés sous rachianesthésie et les patients âgés de 60 ans et plus avaient présenté plus d'événements indésirables avec respectivement 20% et 10,38% pour un p < 0,05. Soixante huit échecs (soit 5,4%) avaient été constatés. CONCLUSION: La pratique de l'ALR au CHU du Point G est caractérisée par des événements indésirables et un nombre de décès faible. Les patients opérés sous rachianesthésie et les patients âgés de 60 ans et plus sont les plus exposés aux événements indésirables.

Mali Med ; 28(3): 6-11, 2013.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30049159


AIMS: The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and therapeutic aspects of peritonitis by typhoid ileal perforation in a tropical typhoid fever endemic area. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A descriptive retrospective study over an 8 year period (January 2000 to December 2007) was undertaken in a visceral service of the Point G teaching hospital in Bamako, Mali. Only patients diagnosed and operated for peritonitis presenting lesions or perforations of the final ileum were included in the study. RESULTS: The data from 120 patients meeting the inclusion criteria was collected. The average age was 22.7 years old. Triad abdominal pains (120 cases; 100%), vomiting (41; 62.3%), lack of matter and gas (22; 32.3%) constituted the main part of the functional signs. The physical examination showed a localised abdominal defence (7 cases, 10.3%), generalized defence (98 cases; 81.6%), and 2 unspecified cases (2.9%). A "wood belly" abdomen was palpated among 105 patients (87.5%), as well as umbilical hernias (106 cases; 88.3%). The Felix and Widal agglutination test was positive for 75 patients (62.5%) and negative for 27 patients (22.5%). During the operation, the quantity of aspirated pus was higher than 1500 ml in 2 cases and lower or equal to 500 ml in 57.4% of cases. The site of the perforation was ante mesenteric in 64 cases (53.3%). Excision-suture and abdominal cleansing were the most common surgical procedures (68 cases; 57%). Postoperatively 19 patients (15.83%) died of septic shock. The average duration of hospitalization was 20.6 days. CONCLUSION: The peritonitis by typhoid ileum perforation is still the cause of a high mortality rate in our country. The prevention by the vaccination in young populations could decrease the incidence of pathology and the serious complications which result from this.

BUT DE L'ÉTUDE: Le but de cette étude était de décrire les aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques de la péritonite par perforation iléale d'origine typhique en milieu d'endémie typhique tropicale. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODES: Une étude rétrospective descriptive sur une période de 8 ans (janvier 2000 à décembre 2007) a été menée dans un service de chirurgie viscérale du CHU du POINT G, Bamako, Mali. Les malades diagnostiqués et opérés pour péritonites présentant des lésions de perforations de l'iléon terminal ont été inclus dans l'étude. Les perforations iléales d'autres étiologies n'ont pas été retenues. RÉSULTATS: Un total de 120 malades répondant aux critères d'inclusion ont été recensés. La moyenne d'âge était de 22,7 ans. La triade douleurs abdominales (120 cas; 100%), vomissements (41; 62,3%), arrêt de matières et de gaz (22; 32,3%) a constitué l'essentiel des signes fonctionnels. A l'examen physique existait une défense abdominale localisée (7 cas, 10,3%), généralisée (98 cas; 81,6%), indéterminée 2 fois (2,9%). La contracture abdominale en « ventre de bois ¼ était palpée chez 105 malades (87,5%), ainsi qu'un cri de l'ombilic (106; 88,3%). Le test d'agglutination ou sérodiagnostic de Felix et Widal était positif pour 75 malades (62,5%) et négatif pour 27 malades (22,5%). En per opératoire la quantité de pus aspiré était supérieure à 1500 ml pour 2 cas et inférieure ou égale à 500 ml pour 57,4% de cas. Le siège de l'orifice de perforation était anté-mésentérique dans 64 cas, soit 53,3%. L'excision-suture et toilette abdominale a été la procédure chirurgicale la plus courante (68 cas soit 57%). En post opératoire 19 malades (15,83%) sont décédés de choc septique. La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation a été de 20,6 jours. CONCLUSION: La péritonite par perforation typhique iléale, est toujours et encore responsable d'une mortalité forte dans nos pays. La prévention par la vaccinationn de la population jeune pourrait diminuer l'incidence de la pathologie et les complications graves qui en découlent.

Mali Med ; 27(2): 1-4, 2012.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30049072


GOAL: To assess the surgical therapy in goiter with hyperthyroidism in a surgical unit of CHU du Point-G. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted, concerning 131 patients having undergone a thyroidectomy for goiter with hyperthyroidism from January 1st 1998 to December 31st 2007. RESULTS: The files of 131 patients were analysed. The average age of patients was 39.74 years, with 114 women and 17 men. The goiter in Basedow disease was the first indication for surgery in hyperthyroidism (48 cases; 36.6%) followed by toxic adenoma (39; 29.8% of the cases) and toxic multinodular goiter (38; 29% of cases). Ninety patients had a subtotal thyroidectomy (68.7% of cases). One total thyroidectomy (0.8%), 39 isthmolobectomies (29.7%) and one isthmectomy (0.8%) were carried out. Anatomohistology showed 67.1% of colloid benign tumours, and 8 cases of cancers (6.2% of the cases). Early postoperative follow ups were due to hemorrhage (2 cases; 1.5%) and 3 cases of dysphonia (2.5%). One patient died (0.8%). After six months, 3 cases of wound cheloide (2.5%), one case of dysphonia, and one case of hypothyroidism were noted. For 86 patients (71.1%) the postoperative follow up was simple. CONCLUSION: Surgery remains a treatment of choice for hyperthyroidism goiter. Other options are too expensive or not available.

BUT: évaluer la prise en charge chirurgicale des goitres hyperthyroïdiens dans le service de chirurgie « A ¼ du CHU du Point-G. PATIENTS ET MÉTHODES: Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective descriptive portant sur tous les patients ayant subi une thyroïdectomie pour goitre hyperthyroïdien sur la période allant du 01 Janvier 1998 au 31 Décembre 2007. RÉSULTATS: Au total 131 malades ont été recensés, soit 114 femmes et 17 hommes. La moyenne d'âge des patients était de 39,74 ans avec un écart type de 11,72. Les indications chirurgicales les plus courantes étaient les goitres de la maladie de Basedow (48; 36,6% des cas) les adénomes toxiques (39; 29,8% des cas) et les goitres multinodulaires toxiques (38; 29% des cas). La technique opératoire a été la thyroïdectomie subtotale (90; 68,7%), l'isthmolobectomies (39; 29,7%), la thyroïdectomie totale (1; 0,8%), et l'isthmectomie (1; 0,8%). L'examen histo-anatomo-pathologique des pièces opératoires a permis de mettre en évidence un taux élevé de tumeurs épithéliales bénignes (67,1%), ainsi que 8 cas de cancers (6,2%). Les suites opératoires de J0 à J3 ont été marquées par deux cas d'hémorragie (1,5%) et 1 décès (0,8%). A six mois postopératoire 3 cas de cicatrices chéloïdes (2,5%), 3 cas de dysphonie persistante (2,5%) et un cas d'hypothyroïdie biologique (0,8%) ont été enregistrés. Pour 86 malades (71,1%) les suites ont été simples. CONCLUSION: La chirurgie reste une des options privilégiées pour le traitement des goitres hyperthyroïdiens dans notre contexte. Les autres options sont onéreuses ou non disponibles.

Mali Med ; 26(1): 18-22, 2011.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22766239


AIM: Pregnant women HIV infection has main risk the contamination of newborn. MTCT actions permit to reduce that risk. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our survey has been realized in Gabriel Touré teaching hospital gynecology and obstetrics and pediatric departments. It is about an observational prospective and descriptive survey that spreads on a period from January 2005 to December 2008. Has been included in the study all the HIV positive pregnant women followed in our service and their babies that had received ARV prophylaxis and 18 months of life serology. RESULTS: We recorded 211 HIV positive pregnant women on a total of 9291 childbirths (2.27%). We noted 90.52% of HIV-1 vs 7.11% of type 2. The mother treatment consisted in a tri therapy in 77.25 vs 0.47% of bi anti retroviral and 22.28% of mono anti retro viral therapy. Maternal viral load was undetectable at the moment of delivery in 78.20% of cases. We noted vaginal delivery in 84.36% vs 15.64% of caesarean section. Newborns respectively received 67.32%; 4.88% and 22.92% of bi, tri and mono therapy. They formula-fed in 98.98%. The mother to child HIV transmission rate was 1.98%. CONCLUSION: HIV prevalence in pregnant patients is relatively height. HARRT in HIV positive mothers associated to bi therapy and formula feeding to their infants permit to obtain low vertical HIV transmission rate.

HIV Infections/transmission , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical/prevention & control , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Delivery, Obstetric/statistics & numerical data , Female , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical/statistics & numerical data , Mali , Pregnancy , Retrospective Studies
Mali Med ; 24(2): 50-2, 2009.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19666370


UNLABELLED: Our study was made with the C.H.U of the hospital of the Point G in the Service of Urology in Bamako in Mali. It is about a retrospective study in a service which has a dosage unit in load of F.V.V.O on average two hundred patients per annum. We included in our study all the F.V.V.O examined in the service which had an organic assessment. This assessment noted the aspect of the vagina and the topographic situation of the dent. Sometimes the examination of certain patients required a loco-regional anaesthesia and tests with the methylene blue to individualize the dent. CONCLUSION: The classification proposed is the result of an experiment on the ground. It is a tool for learning thus enabling him to distinguish from the types of dent with their forecast and from the technical epic to realize.

Pregnancy Complications/classification , Vesicovaginal Fistula/classification , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Retrospective Studies
Mali Med ; 23(4): 5-10, 2008.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19617168


OBJECTIVE: To specify the aspects clinical, para-private clinics and therapeutic of the diverticulum of the female urethra in the services of Urology of the CHU of the Point G. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Il acts of a retrospective study relating to ten patients having been hospitalized with the diagnosis of urethral diverticulum in the service of urology of the hospital of the Point G. The clinical examination of our patients, the examinations Para biological private clinics and of medical imagery made it possible to pose the operational indication. RESULTS: The majority of our patients were a secretary of office. The average age was 32 years with extremes of 28, 65 years. In antecedents gyneco- obstetrician 80% had normal childbirth and 20% were the nulliparous ones. All patients are without surgical antecedents. The urinary infection with repetition was found in all our patients in spite of the catch of antibiotics. The symptomatology of the low urinary tract was expressed by our patients (pollakiurie, of mictionnelles burns, dysurie). et the dyspareunie by some. The vaginal examination finds a tumefaction under urethral in all our patients. Echography endo-vaginale showed the mass under urethral contained liquid evocative of a diverticulum under urethral or a cyst under urethral in all the cases. The assumption of responsibility of all our patients was surgical E (gynaecological position, even procedure: the diverticulectomie transvaginale. The histology did not announce any case of process neoplastic. The immediate continuations post operational were simple. No patient announced a urinary symptomatology after six months. CONCLUSION: The diverticulum of the urethra of the woman is an ignored affection her treatment is surgical.

Diverticulum , Urethral Diseases , Adult , Aged , Cysts/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Diagnostic Imaging , Diverticulum/complications , Diverticulum/diagnosis , Diverticulum/pathology , Diverticulum/surgery , Female , Humans , Retrospective Studies , Urethra/injuries , Urethral Diseases/complications , Urethral Diseases/diagnosis , Urethral Diseases/pathology , Urethral Diseases/surgery , Urinary Tract Infections/etiology
Mali Med ; 23(3): 44-6, 2008.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19617158


Nosocomial infections are a common and increasing problem globally, and particularly in Africa. The significant economic burden of these infections on the health care system as well as their impact on patient morbidity and mortality is well recognised within the medical communities.The goal of this study was to investigate factors that influence nosocomial infection in all in-patients from the surgery wards (surgery ward A and B, Gynoeco-obstetrics, urology and intensive care) at the national hospital of Point G in Bamako, Mali. We report the number of nosocomial infection during a prospective study between June 2003 and January 2004. Of 1043 in-patients, 102 had had a nosocomial infection with a global prevalence of 9.7% (8.0-11.4). Of 1024 patients with surgery, 101 had had a nosocomial infection, a post-surgery nosocomial infection rate of 9.8% (8.1-11.5). We observed different site of nosocomial infection such as suppuration sup-aponevrotics (41.2%), parietal infection sub-aponevrotics (32.4%), urinary infection (17.6%) and organ suppuration (3.9%). Other nosocomial infection observed were pneumonia (2.9%) and catheterisation (2.0%). The nosocomial infection rate was 10.3% in male while it was 7.3% in female. The difference between male and female was not statistically significative (chi2 = 2.33, p = 0.12). Nosocomial infection was more prevalent in patients after emergency surgery (15.1%) than in scheduled surgery patients (8.5%) (chi2 = 8.15, p = 0.004). The classes III and IV of ALTEMEIER had the higher proportion of nosocomial infection (35.9%) against 4.8% for the classes I and II (chi2 = 144.95, p < 0.001). The patients with ASA score I had a lower nosocomial infection rate than patients from the intensive care unit or patients of Class II + III + IV (chi2 = 13.2, p = 0.001). Patients classified according to the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System (NNISS) with a score 0 had a nosocomial infection rate less than patients classified as NNISS score 1, 2 or 3 (chi2 = 82.0, p < 0.001). The study results underline the need for further investigations of the role of microbial agents and antimicrobial resistance in the outcome of patients with nosocomial infection.

Cross Infection/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Female , Hospitals , Humans , Male , Mali , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors
Mali Med ; 23(1): 1-6, 2008.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19437805


PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: to bring back the clinical and therapeutic aspects of 6 cases of DPC in the service of surgery A of the hospital of the POINT G. PATIENTS AND METHODS: descriptive retrospective study of 5 years and 6 months in the service. All the patients presenting a duodéno-pancreatic malignant tumour treated by DPC with histological diagnostic confirmation were included in the study. The palliative techniques of biliary and digestive derivations were not retained. RESULTS: 6 files of patients were collected. The average age of the patients was 63 years. The average time of consultation was 8 months. The abdominal pains, the jaundice and the cutaneous prurit were the reasons for consultation of first order. The functional signs were the cutaneous prurit and vomiting, the faded saddles (2 cases, 33.3%), and the dark urines (a case, 16,7% of the cases). The seat of pain was epigastric among 3 patients (50%), diffuse with epigastric starting point in a case, pain of the right hypochondre in one case. An epigastric mass was palpated by 4 patients (66,6%). A hepatomegaly and a large blister were palpated once (16,7% of the cases). High blood amylase rates are noted by 4 patients (66,7%). The rates of bilirubine free and total in blood were very high. The echographic image was that of a mass of the head of the pancreas and a dilation of the bile ducts will intra and extrahepatic as well as channel of Wirsung (4 cases, 66.7%). The computer tomodensitometry did not objectify local vascular invasion, hepatic metastases, or of ascite. The tomodensitometric images of the lesions were a cystic tumour of the head of the pancreas (one case), a pancreatic tumour + cholestase (one case), a tumour of the head of the pancreas with compression of duodenum (4 cases). Classes ASA II (4, 66.7%) and III (2, 33.3%) were only represented. The procedures of resection were practised according to the technique of WHIPPLE or its alternatives. The ganglionic clearing out related to the 5 classical chains. The early continuations were simple for 4 patients (66,6%). A case of parietal suppuration, a pancreatic leak (operated again at J3) and a death were recorded. The average duration of the hospital stay was 16 days. Two patients died between 0 and 3 months into postoperative, and 2 others died between the 3rd month (33,33%) and the 10th month (33,3%). The results of the histological examination were 4 cases of adenocarcinomists of the pancreas (66,6%), a adenocarcinomist inflammatory and necrotic, a fairly differentiated adenocarcinomist. CONCLUSION: the tumours of the head of the pancreas very often diagnosed at a late stage are of weak frequency in our context of exercise. The DPC is burdened with a made morbidity of pancréato-jejunal dents. The rate of survival at 5 years remains around 5%.

Duodenal Neoplasms/surgery , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Pancreaticoduodenectomy , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Hospitals , Humans , Male , Mali , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies
Mali Med ; 22(3): 55-7, 2007.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19434996


the authors report the result of their first experiment of re-establishment of continuity colic coelio-assisted after a stomy for volvulus of sigmoid at a 29-year-old patient. The technical realization of the intervention profited from the trade-guild of a team from Dijon (France). Since its creation in 2001 the center of coelio surgery of Bamako in MALI profits from such a support. Technically an separation of the left as of the its gastrosplenic fasteners, pancreatic angle colic and fascia of left TOLD were necessary. Anastomosis was mechanical extra body by minis the pelvic parotomy. The duration of the intervention was of 76 min. The operational continuations were simple. The duration of the hospital stay was 7 days against 10 in the event of traditional re-establishment of continuity in the service. This re-establishment of continuity coelio-assisted mark the beginning of the surgery colic with the young center of Bamako.

Colon, Sigmoid/surgery , Digestive System Surgical Procedures/methods , Intestinal Volvulus/surgery , Laparoscopy/methods , Sigmoid Diseases/surgery , Adult , Anastomosis, Surgical , Colostomy , Humans , Male , Recovery of Function
Mali Med ; 22(2): 32-8, 2007.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19437829


OBJECT: to determine the relative frequency of the cancer of the head of the pancreas in our structures of 3(ieme) reference to Bamako as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. PATIENTS AND METHODS: It is about a descriptive retrospective study in the services of general surgery of the Hospital of the Point G and the Hospital Gabriel Touré from January 2000 to June 2004. Were included in the study all the patients presenting a malignant tumour of the head of the pancreas having been confirmed by a histological examination. RESULTS: 26 patients were listed, that is to say 0.3% of the hospitalizations for the period of the study. The reason for hospitalization was an abdominal mass in 57.14% of the cases. The average age of the patients was 58 years. The sex ratio was 4:2 in favour of the men. Clinical signs of cholestase with type of jaundice frankly accompanied by prurit were present at the clinical examination in 95.24% of the cases. The other signs were the pain, a palpable mass, a ascite representing respectively 71.43%, 66.67%, 23.81% of the cases, Abdomino-pelvic echography allowed the diagnosis in 90% of the cases and the scanner in 100% of the cases. The rate of bilirubine total and free as well as the rates of transaminases (ASAT, ALAT) was high in respectively 95.24% and 85.71% of the cases, The curative therapy consisted of a duodeno-pancreatectomy in 9 cases (39.16% of the cases). A double palliative bilio-digestive derivation was carried out in treatment in 53.84 of the cases, The histological type was the adenocarcinomist in 95.24% of the cases. The rate of survival to 1 year was 10.5% in the event of curative treatment and 5.3% in the event of palliative treatment. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of cancers of the head of the pancreas is posed at late stages in our structures. The DPC is feasible but the rate of resecability is weak. The palliative treatment can help to improve the quality of life of the patients.

Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Abdominal Pain/etiology , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Female , Humans , Jaundice, Obstructive/etiology , Male , Mali , Middle Aged , Palliative Care , Retrospective Studies
Mali Med ; 22(2): 47-51, 2007.
Article in French | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19437832


PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: To carry out the first 45 months assessment of activities of coeliochirurgie at the hospital of the Point G Bamako. PATIENTS AND METHODS: It was about a retrospective study of 45 months carried out in the service of surgery "A" of the CHU of the Point G All the patients having undergone an intervention by technique coeliochirurgicale with or without conversion into conventional surgery were retained. RESULTS: for 45 months, 426 patients profited from the technique, i.e., 18.99% of the patients operated in the service for this period. The most frequent indications were the gynaecological surgery (61.27%), with pathologies tubaires, followed digestive surgery (33.33%) with the lithiasic cholécystite and acute appendicitis. The parietal surgery and the "staging" of cancerous pathologies represented respectively (3.05%) and (2.35%). Conversion into conventional surgery related to 7.5% of patients. We listed few accidents and incidental per operational. The duration of the hospital stay shorter was compared with that of the conventional surgery. The operational continuations were simple in 97.9% of the cases. CONCLUSION: the coeliochirurgie is realizable and reliable under the conditions of exercise of the surgery in Mali. The indications are to be measured in order to avoid the complications inherent in the technique and to progress positively. The benefit of the technique is ensured for the patient and the hospital.

Endoscopy/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Length of Stay , Male , Mali , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Young Adult