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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(23): 233402, 2024 Jun 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38905654


A key method to produce trapped and laser-cooled molecules is the magneto-optical trap (MOT), which is conventionally created using light red detuned from an optical transition. In this work, we report a MOT for CaF molecules created using blue-detuned light. The blue-detuned MOT (BDM) achieves temperatures well below the Doppler limit and provides the highest densities and phase-space densities reported to date in CaF MOTs. Our results suggest that BDMs are likely achievable in many relatively light molecules including polyatomic ones, but our measurements suggest that BDMs will be challenging to realize in substantially heavier molecules due to sub-mK trap depths. In addition to record temperatures and densities, we find that the BDM substantially simplifies and enhances the loading of molecules into optical tweezer arrays, which are a promising platform for quantum simulation and quantum information processing. Notably, the BDM reduces molecular number requirements ninefold compared to a conventional red-detuned MOT, while not requiring additional hardware. Our work therefore substantially simplifies preparing large-scale molecular tweezer arrays, which are a novel platform for simulation of quantum many-body dynamics and quantum information processing with molecular qubits.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(5): 053202, 2023 Aug 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37595242


We report on a novel bichromatic fluorescent imaging scheme for background-free detection of single CaF molecules trapped in an optical tweezer array. By collecting fluorescence on one optical transition while using another for laser cooling, we achieve an imaging fidelity of 97.7(2)% and a nondestructive detection fidelity of 95.5(6)%. Notably, these fidelities are achieved with a modest photon budget, suggesting that the method could be extended to more complex laser-coolable molecules with less favorable optical cycling properties. We also report on a framework and new methods to characterize various loss mechanisms that occur generally during fluorescent detection of trapped molecules, including two-photon decay and admixtures of higher excited states that are induced by the trapping light. In particular, we develop a novel method to dispersively measure transition matrix elements between electronically excited states. The method could also be used to measure arbitrarily small Franck-Condon factors between electronically excited states, which could significantly aid in ongoing efforts to laser cool complex polyatomic molecules.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(21): 213201, 2022 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35687464


Recent work with laser-cooled molecules in attractive optical traps has shown that the differential ac Stark shifts arising from the trap light itself can become problematic, limiting collisional shielding efficiencies, rotational coherence times, and laser-cooling temperatures. In this Letter, we explore trapping and laser cooling of CaF molecules in a ring-shaped repulsive optical trap. The observed dependences of loss rates on temperature and barrier height show characteristic behavior of repulsive traps and indicate strongly suppressed average ac Stark shifts. Within the trap, we find that Λ-enhanced gray molasses cooling is effective, producing similar minimum temperatures as those obtained in free space. By combining in-trap laser cooling with dynamical reshaping of the trap, we also present a method that allows highly efficient and rapid transfer from molecular magneto-optical traps into conventional attractive optical traps, which has been an outstanding challenge for experiments to date. Notably, our method could allow nearly lossless transfer over millisecond timescales.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(8): 083604, 2020 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32167328


We report the first realization of large momentum transfer (LMT) clock atom interferometry. Using single-photon interactions on the strontium ^{1}S_{0}-^{3}P_{1} transition, we demonstrate Mach-Zehnder interferometers with state-of-the-art momentum separation of up to 141 ℏk and gradiometers of up to 81 ℏk. Moreover, we circumvent excited state decay limitations and extend the gradiometer duration to 50 times the excited state lifetime. Because of the broad velocity acceptance of the interferometry pulses, all experiments are performed with laser-cooled atoms at a temperature of 3 µK. This work has applications in high-precision inertial sensing and paves the way for LMT-enhanced clock atom interferometry on even narrower transitions, a key ingredient in proposals for gravitational wave detection and dark matter searches.

Science ; 382(6675): 1143-1147, 2023 Dec 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38060644


Entanglement is crucial to many quantum applications, including quantum information processing, quantum simulation, and quantum-enhanced sensing. Because of their rich internal structure and interactions, molecules have been proposed as a promising platform for quantum science. Deterministic entanglement of individually controlled molecules has nevertheless been a long-standing experimental challenge. We demonstrate on-demand entanglement of individually prepared molecules. Using the electric dipolar interaction between pairs of molecules prepared by using a reconfigurable optical tweezer array, we deterministically created Bell pairs of molecules. Our results demonstrate the key building blocks needed for quantum applications and may advance quantum-enhanced fundamental physics tests that use trapped molecules.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 66(5): 425-432, 2021 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36654179


The iron-chalcogenide high temperature superconductor Fe(Se,Te) (FST) has been reported to exhibit complex magnetic ordering and nontrivial band topology which may lead to novel superconducting phenomena. However, the recent studies have so far been largely concentrated on its band and spin structures while its mesoscopic electronic and magnetic response, crucial for future device applications, has not been explored experimentally. Here, we used scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy for its sensitivity to both local diamagnetic susceptibility and current distribution in order to image the superfluid density and supercurrent in FST. We found that in FST with 10% interstitial Fe, whose magnetic structure was heavily disrupted, bulk superconductivity was significantly suppressed whereas edge still preserved strong superconducting diamagnetism. The edge dominantly carried supercurrent despite of a very long magnetic penetration depth. The temperature dependences of the superfluid density and supercurrent distribution were distinctively different between the edge and the bulk. Our Heisenberg modeling showed that magnetic dopants stabilize anti-ferromagnetic spin correlation along the edge, which may contribute towards its robust superconductivity. Our observations hold implication for FST as potential platforms for topological quantum computation and superconducting spintronics.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(9): 093702, 2016 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27782557


Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) microscopy has excellent magnetic field sensitivity, but suffers from modest spatial resolution when compared with other scanning probes. This spatial resolution is determined by both the size of the field sensitive area and the spacing between this area and the sample surface. In this paper we describe scanning SQUID susceptometers that achieve sub-micron spatial resolution while retaining a white noise floor flux sensitivity of ≈2µΦ0/Hz1/2. This high spatial resolution is accomplished by deep sub-micron feature sizes, well shielded pickup loops fabricated using a planarized process, and a deep etch step that minimizes the spacing between the sample surface and the SQUID pickup loop. We describe the design, modeling, fabrication, and testing of these sensors. Although sub-micron spatial resolution has been achieved previously in scanning SQUID sensors, our sensors not only achieve high spatial resolution but also have integrated modulation coils for flux feedback, integrated field coils for susceptibility measurements, and batch processing. They are therefore a generally applicable tool for imaging sample magnetization, currents, and susceptibilities with higher spatial resolution than previous susceptometers.