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J Great Lakes Res ; 48(2): 264-273, 2022 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35958892


We examined three decades of changes in dreissenid populations in Lake Ontario and predation by round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Dreissenids (almost exclusively quagga mussels, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) peaked in 2003, 13 years after arrival, and then declined at depths <90 m but continued to increase deeper through 2018. Lake-wide density also increased from 2008 to 2018 along with average mussel lengths and lake-wide biomass, which reached an all-time high in 2018 (25.2 ± 3.3 g AFTDW/m2). Round goby densities were estimated at 4.2 fish/m2 using videography at 10 to 35 m depth range in 2018. This density should impact mussel populations based on feeding rates, as indicated in the literature. While the abundance of 0-5 mm mussels appears to be high in all three years with measured length distributions (2008, 2013, 2018), the abundance of 5 to 12 mm dreissenids, the size range most commonly consumed by round goby, was low except at >90 m depths. Although the size distributions indicate that round goby is affecting mussel recruitment, we did not find a decline in dreissenid density in the nearshore and mid-depth ranges where goby have been abundant since 2005. The lake-wide densities and biomass of quagga mussels have increased over time, due to both the growth of individual mussels in the shallower depths, and a continuing increase in density at >90 m. Thus, the ecological effects of quagga mussels in Lake Ontario are likely to continue into the foreseeable future.

J Great Lakes Res ; 48(2): 274-288, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36092777


The Laurentian Great Lakes have experienced multiple anthropogenic changes in the past century, including cultural eutrophication, phosphorus abatement initiatives, and the introduction of invasive species. Lake Ontario, the most downstream lake in the system, is considered to be among the most impaired. The benthos of Lake Ontario has been studied intensively in the last six decades and can provide insights into the impact of environmental changes over time. We used multivariate community analyses to examine temporal changes in community composition over the last 54 years, and to assess the major drivers of long-term changes in benthos. The benthic community of Lake Ontario underwent significant transformations that correspond with three major periods. The first period, termed the pre/early Dreissena period (1964-1990), was characterized by high densities of Diporeia, Sphaeriidae, and Tubificidae. During the next period defined by zebra mussel dominance (the 1990s) the same groups were still prevalent, but at altered densities. In the most recent period (2000s to present), which is characterized by the dominance and proliferation of quagga mussels deeper into the lake, the community has changed dramatically: Diporeia almost completely disappeared, Sphaeriidae have greatly declined, and densities of quagga mussels, Oligochaeta and Chironomidae have increased. The introduction of invasive dreissenids has changed the Lake Ontario benthic community, historically dominated by Diporeia, Oligochaeta and Sphaeriidae, to a community dominated by quagga mussels and Oligochaeta. Dreissenids, especially the quagga mussel, were the major drivers of these changes over the last half century.

Oecologia ; 193(3): 773-785, 2020 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32712872


Modification of flow regimes and habitat degradation are the strongest, most common, and often co-occurring human activities affecting riverine populations. Ongoing efforts to restore peak flow events found under pristine flow regimes could increase advection-driven dispersal for many species. In rivers with extensive habitat loss, increased advection could transport individuals from remnant populations into degraded downstream areas, causing restored flow regimes to decrease persistence of threatened species. To demonstrate such possible 'washout' effects across imperiled taxa, we evaluate population growth in spatial models of insect, fish, and mollusc taxa that experience advective dispersal and either long-term habitat loss or temporary drought disturbances. As a case study to quantify advective dispersal in threatened species, we use intensive mark-recapture methods in a Rio Grande population of the endangered mussel Popenaias popeii belonging to the Unionida order, the most threatened faunal taxa worldwide. Our mark-recapture models estimate high levels of annual downstream emigration (16-51%) and immigration from upstream habitats (32-48%) of adult P. popeii, a result consistent with hydrodynamic experiments. Across taxa where such advective dispersal occurs in specific life stages, our population model suggests that washout effects might strongly reduce population recovery under high levels of habitat loss, especially for sessile or shorter lived species. Averting this potential negative consequence of restoring hydrology requires simultaneously restoring or protecting long, contiguous stretches of suitable habitats. In heavily impacted systems, we suggest integrating hydrodynamic studies and field surveys to detect the presence of advective dispersal and prioritize areas for habitat restoration to enhance population persistence.

Ecosystem , Rivers , Animals , Endangered Species , Fishes , Humans , Hydrology
J Great Lakes Res ; 44(4): 629-638, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31359906


In contrast to marine systems where remote sensing methods in studies of benthic organisms have been widely used for decades, these methods have experienced limited use in studies of freshwater benthos due to the general lack of large epifauna. The situation has changed with the introduction of dreissenid bivalves capable of creating visible aggregations on lake bottoms into North American freshwaters in the 1980s and 1990s. The need for assessment of Dreissena densities prompted exploration of videography as a potentially cost-effective tool. We developed a novel sampling method that analyzes video recorded using a GoPro camera mounted to a benthic sled to estimate Dreissena coverage, density, and biomass over relatively large areas of the lake bed in the Laurentian Great Lakes compared to traditional sampling methods. Using this method, we compared quagga mussel coverage, density, and biomass estimates based on three replicate Ponar grabs vs. 500 m-long video transects across 43 stations sampled in Lake Michigan in 2015. Our results showed that analysis of images from video transects dramatically increased the bottom area surveyed compared to Ponar grabs and increased the precision of Dreissena density and biomass estimations at monitoring stations. By substantially increasing the ability to detect relatively small (<20%) changes between years within a particular station, this method could be a useful and cost-effective addition for monitoring Dreissena populations in the Great Lakes and other freshwater systems where they occur.

J Great Lakes Res ; 44(4): 600-617, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31031520


We used the results of seventeen years of Great Lakes benthic monitoring conducted by the U.S. EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of benthic communities, assess their status, trends, and main drivers, and to infer the potential impact of these community changes on ecosystem functioning. Benthic abundance and diversity were higher at shallow (<70 m in depth) stations with chlorophyll concentrations above 3 µg/L than at deeper sites (<1 µg/L).We infer that lake productivity, measured by chlorophyll was likely the major driver of benthic abundance and diversity across lakes. Consequently, benthic diversity and abundance were the highest in the most productive Lake Erie, followed by lakes Ontario, Michigan, Huron, and Superior. Multivariate analysis distinguished three major communities shared among lakes (littoral, sublittoral, and profundal) that differed in species composition and abundance, functional group diversity, and tolerance to organic pollution. Analysis of temporal trends revealed that the largest changes occurred in profundal communities, apparent in significant shifts in dominant taxa across all lakes except Lake Superior. In lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario, the former dominant Diporeia was replaced with Dreissena and Oligochaeta. Profundal species, with the exception of dreissenids, became less abundant, and their depth distribution has shifted. In contrast, density and diversity of native littoral and sublittoral communities increased. The invasion of dreissenids was among the most important drivers of changes in benthic communities. Continued monitoring is critical for tracking unprecedented changes occurring in the Great Lakes ecosystem.

J Great Lakes Res ; 44(4): 650-659, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30505066


It is well documented that the introduction of dreissenid bivalves in eutrophic lakes is usually associated with decreases in turbidity and total phosphorus concentrations in the water column, concomitant increases in water clarity, as well as other physical changes to habitat that may have cascading effects on other species in the invaded waterbody. In contrast, there is a paucity of data on the ecological ramifications of the elimination or decline of dreissenids due to pollution, bottom hypoxia, or other mechanisms. Using data collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes National Program Office's Long-Term Biology and Water Quality Monitoring Programs, we analyzed the impacts of the hypoxia-induced declines in Dreissena densities in the central basin of Lake Erie on major water chemistry and physical parameters. Our analysis revealed that the decline in Dreissena density in the central basin was concomitant with a decrease in spring dissolved silica concentrations and an increase in total phosphorus and near bottom turbidity not seen in the western or eastern basins. In contrast, opposite patterns in water quality were observed in the eastern basin, which was characterized by a high and relatively stable Dreissena population. We are the first to report that dreissenid-related shifts in water quality of invaded waterbodies are reversible by documenting that the sharp decline of Dreissena in the central basin of Lake Erie was concomitant with a shift from clear to turbid water.

J Great Lakes Res ; 44(4): 573-589, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31156289


The lower food webs of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have experienced similar reductions in the spring phytoplankton bloom and summer populations of Diporeia and cladocerans since the early 2000s. At the same time phosphorus concentrations have decreased and water clarity and silica concentrations have increased. Key periods of change, identified by using a method based on sequential t-tests, were 2003-2005 (Huron) and 2004-2006 (Michigan). Estimated filtration capacity suggests that dreissenid grazing would have been insufficient to directly impact phytoplankton in the deeper waters of either lake by this time (mid 2000s). Despite some evidence of decreased chlorophyll:TP ratios, consistent with grazing limitation of phytoplankton, the main impact of dreissenids on the offshore waters was probably remote, e.g., through interception of nutrients by nearshore populations. A mass balance model indicates that decreased phosphorus loading could not account for observed in-lake phosphorus declines. However, model-inferred internal phosphorus dynamics were strongly correlated between the lakes, with periods of increased internal loading in the 1990s, and increased phosphorus loss starting in 2000 in Lake Michigan and 2003 in Lake Huron, prior to dreissenid expansion into deep water of both lakes. This suggests a limited role for deep populations of dreissenids in the initial phosphorus declines in the lakes, and also suggests a role for meteorological influence on phosphorus dynamics. The high synchrony in lower trophic level changes between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron suggests that both lakes should be considered when investigating underlying causal factors of these changes.

J Great Lakes Res ; 44(4): 639-649, 2018 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30713364


Due to cultural eutrophication and global climate change, an exponential increase in the number and extent of hypoxic zones in marine and freshwater ecosystems has been observed in the last few decades. Hypoxia, or low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations, can produce strong negative ecological impacts and, therefore, is a management concern. We measured biomass and densities of Dreissena in Lake Erie, as well as bottom DO in 2014 using 19 high frequency data loggers distributed throughout the central basin to validate a three-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecological lake model. We found that a deep, offshore hypoxic zone was formed by early August, restricting the Dreissena population to shallow areas of the central basin. Deeper than 20 m, where bottom hypoxia routinely develops, only young of the year mussels were found in small numbers, indicating restricted recruitment and survival of young Dreissena. We suggest that monitoring Dreissena distribution can be an effective tool for mapping the extent and frequency of hypoxia in freshwater. In addition, our results suggest that an anticipated decrease in the spatial extent of hypoxia resulting from nutrient management has the potential to increase the spatial extent of profundal habitat in the central basin available for Dreissena expansion.

Ecol Appl ; 25(2): 430-40, 2015 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26263665


Understanding factors controlling the introduction and spread of species is crucial to improving the management of both natural populations and introduced species. The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is considered the most aggressive freshwater invader in the Northern Hemisphere, and is a convenient model system for invasion biology, offering one of the best aquatic examples for examining the invasion process. We used data on 553 of the 1040 glacial lakes in the Republic of Belarus that were examined for the presence of zebra mussels. We used these data to build, test, and construct modified models to predict the spread of this invader, including selection of important parameters that could limit the spread of this invader. In spite of 200 years of continuous invasion, by 1996, zebra mussels were found in only 16.8% of all lakes studied. Of those lakes without zebra mussels in 1996, 66% were predicted to be susceptible to invasion by zebra mussels in the future, and 33% were predicted to be immune to successful invasion due to their water chemistry. Eighty lakes free of zebra mussels in 1996 were reexamined from 1997 to 2008. Of these, zebra mussels successfully invaded an additional 31 lakes, all of which were classified initially as suitable for zebra mussels; none of the lakes previously classified as unsuitable were invaded. We used the Random Forests classification algorithm with 16 environmental variables to determine the most important factors that differed between invaded lakes and those lakes suitable for invasion that have not yet been invaded. Distance to the nearest infested lakes was found to be the most important variable, followed by the lake area, color, average depth, and concentration of chloride, magnesium, and bicarbonate. This study provides a useful approach for predicting the spread of an invader across a landscape with variable habitat suitability that can be applied to a variety of species and systems.

Dreissena/physiology , Introduced Species , Lakes/chemistry , Animals , Ecosystem , Models, Biological , Population Density , Republic of Belarus , Time Factors
Ecology ; 105(5): e4301, 2024 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571283


Benthic invertebrates are important trophic links in food webs and useful bioindicators of environmental conditions, but long-term benthic organism abundance data across broad geographic areas are rare and historic datasets are often not readily accessible. This dataset provides densities of benthic macroinvertebrates collected from 1930 to 2019 during surveys in Lake Erie, a Laurentian Great Lake. The surveys were funded by the governments of the United States and Canada to investigate the status and changes in the benthic community. From the total of 21 lake-wide and basin-wide benthic surveys conducted in Lake Erie from 1929 to 2019, we were able to acquire data for 17 surveys, including species-level data for 10 surveys and data by higher taxonomic groups for seven surveys. Our amassed Lake Erie dataset includes data from 11 surveys (including five with species-level data) conducted in the western basin in 1930-2019, seven surveys (six with species-level data) in the central basin, and eight surveys (seven with species-level data) in the eastern basin (1973-2019). This Lake Erie dataset represents the most extensive temporal dataset of benthic invertebrates available for any of the Laurentian Great Lakes. Benthic samples were collected using Ponar or Shipek bottom dredges and taxa densities were calculated as individuals per square meter using the area of the dredge. Density data are provided for taxa in the Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Cnidaria, Nemertea, and Platyhelminthes phyla. Current taxonomy was used for most groups but, in a few cases, older taxonomic names were used for consistency with historical data. Analysis of this dataset indicates that eutrophication, water quality improvement, and dreissenid introduction were the major drivers of changes in the benthic community in the western basin, while hypoxia was a major factor in the central basin, and dreissenid introduction was the most important driver in the eastern basin. Considering the rarity of high taxonomic resolution long-term benthic data for lake ecosystems, this dataset could be useful to explore broader aspects of ecological theory, including effects of eutrophication, hypoxia, invasive species, and other factors on community organization, phylogenetic and functional diversity, and spatial and temporal scales of variation in community structure. In addition, the dataset could be useful for studies on individual species, including abundance and distribution, species co-occurrence, and how the patterns of dominance and rarity change over space and time. Use of this dataset for academic or educational purposes is encouraged as long as this data paper is properly cited.

Invertebrates , Lakes , Animals , Invertebrates/physiology , Invertebrates/classification , Biodiversity , Population Density , Time Factors , Environmental Monitoring
J Invertebr Pathol ; 113(1): 104-14, 2013 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23295683


Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) are the "poster children" of high-impact aquatic invasive species. In an effort to develop an effective and environmentally acceptable method to control their fouling of raw-water conduits, we have investigated the potential use of bacteria and their natural metabolic products as selective biological control agents. An outcome of this effort was the discovery of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CL145A - an environmental isolate that kills these dreissenid mussels by intoxication (i.e., not infection). In the present paper, we use molecular methods to reconfirm that CL145A is a strain of the species P. fluorescens, and provide a phylogenetic analysis of the strain in relation to other Pseudomonas spp. We also provide evidence that the natural product lethal to dreissenids is associated with the cell wall of P. fluorescens CL145A, is a heat-labile secondary metabolite, and has degradable toxicity within 24 h when applied to water. CL145A appears to be an unusual strain of P. fluorescens since it was the only one among the ten strains tested to cause high mussel mortality. Pipe trials conducted under once-through conditions indicated: (1) P. fluorescens CL145A cells were efficacious against both zebra and quagga mussels, with high mortalities achieved against both species, and (2) as long as the total quantity of bacterial cells applied during the entire treatment period was the same, similar mussel mortality could be achieved in treatments lasting 1.5-12.0 h, with longer treatment durations achieving lower mortalities. The efficacy data presented herein, in combination with prior demonstration of its low risk of non-target impact, indicate that P. fluorescens CL145A cells have significant promise as an effective and environmentally safe control agent against these invasive mussels.

Biological Control Agents , Bivalvia/microbiology , Pseudomonas fluorescens/physiology , Animals , Biofouling/prevention & control , Bivalvia/physiology , Introduced Species , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Phylogeny , Pseudomonas fluorescens/genetics
Hydrobiologia ; 850(12-13): 2811-2854, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35990416


The ecosystem services approach to conservation is becoming central to environmental policy decision making. While many negative biological invasion-driven impacts on ecosystem structure and functioning have been identified, much less was done to evaluate their ecosystem services. In this paper, we focus on the often-overlooked ecosystem services provided by three notable exotic ecosystem engineering bivalves, the zebra mussel, the quagga mussel, and the golden mussel. One of the most significant benefits of invasive bivalves is water filtration, which results in water purification and changes rates of nutrient cycling, thus mitigating the effects of eutrophication. Mussels are widely used as sentinel organisms for the assessment and biomonitoring of contaminants and pathogens and are consumed by many fishes and birds. Benefits of invasive bivalves are particularly relevant in human-modified ecosystems. We summarize the multiple ecosystem services provided by invasive bivalves and recommend including the economically quantifiable services in the assessments of their economic impacts. We also highlight important ecosystem disservices by exotic bivalves, identify data limitations, and future research directions. This assessment should not be interpreted as a rejection of the fact that invasive mussels have negative impacts, but as an attempt to provide additional information for scientists, managers, and policymakers.

Hydrobiologia ; : 1-74, 2022 Oct 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36258710


We summarized existing knowledge on Dreissena polymorpha (the zebra mussel) and D. r. bugensis (the quagga mussel), including data on their taxonomy, systematics, evolution, life cycle, reproduction, feeding, growth and longevity, population dynamics, interspecific competition, habitat requirements, and distribution within and among waterbodies. We analyzed the history of spread of both species and the major pathways and vectors of their spread in Europe and North America. Special consideration was given to their ecological and economic impacts and their natural enemies, like waterfowl, fishes, and parasites, as well as the prevention of their introduction, early detection, control, and containment. We also outlined the most salient ecosystem services provided by zebra and quagga mussels, including water purification, nutrient recycling, culling the effects of eutrophication, biomonitoring, and their role as a food resource for fish and waterfowl. Finally, we identified major knowledge gaps and key studies needed to better understand the biology, ecology, and impacts of these aggressive freshwater invaders. Our review indicates that much crucial information on the quagga mussel is still missing, including key life history parameters, like spawning cues, fecundity, and longevity, particularly for the profundal zone of deep lakes.

Ambio ; 51(8): 1786-1799, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35191001


The economic costs of non-indigenous species (NIS) are a key factor for the allocation of efforts and resources to eradicate or control baneful invasions. Their assessments are challenging, but most suffer from major flaws. Among the most important are the following: (1) the inclusion of actual damage costs together with various ancillary expenditures which may or may not be indicative of the real economic damage due to NIS; (2) the inclusion of the costs of unnecessary or counterproductive control initiatives; (3) the inclusion of controversial NIS-related costs whose economic impacts are questionable; (4) the assessment of the negative impacts only, ignoring the positive ones that most NIS have on the economy, either directly or through their ecosystem services. Such estimates necessarily arrive at negative and often highly inflated values, do not reflect the net damage and economic losses due to NIS, and can significantly misguide management and resource allocation decisions. We recommend an approach based on holistic costs and benefits that are assessed using likely scenarios and their counter-factual.

Ecosystem , Introduced Species , Costs and Cost Analysis
Hydrobiologia ; 848: 2421-2436, 2021 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37961048


Dreissenid bivalves (Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis bugensis) are considered the most aggressive freshwater invaders inflicting profound ecological and economic impacts on the waterbodies that they colonize. Severity of these impacts depends on dreissenid population sizes which vary dramatically across space and time. We developed a novel method that analyzes video recorded using a Benthic Imaging System (BIS) in near real-time to assess dreissenid distribution and density across large waterbodies and tested it on Lake Erie. Lake Erie basins differ dramatically in morphometry, turbidity, and productivity, as well as in Dreissena distribution, density, and length-frequency distribution, providing an excellent model to test the applicability of our method across large and dynamic environmental gradients. Results of rapid assessment were subsequently compared with dreissenid density obtained from Ponar grab samples collected at the same sites. In the eastern and central basins, the differences in basin-wide density estimations from BIS and Ponar were 3% and 23%, respectively. In the western basin, this method had limited application due to high turbidity and abundance of small (< 10 mm length) mussels. By substantially reducing the time required to assess dreissenids across large areas, rapid assessment could be a useful and cost-effective addition for monitoring their populations.

Ecology ; 102(12): e03528, 2021 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34469591


Benthic invertebrates are important trophic links in aquatic food webs and serve as useful bioindicators of environmental conditions because their responses integrate the effects of both water and sediment qualities. However, long-term data sets for benthic invertebrate assemblages across broad geographic areas are rare and, even if collected, historic data sets are often not readily accessible. This data set provides densities of benthic macroinvertebrates for all taxa collected during lake-wide surveys in Lake Ontario, a Laurentian Great Lake, from 1964 to 2018. This information resulted from surveys funded by the governments of the United States and Canada to investigate the status and changes of Lake Ontario benthic community. Of the 13 lake-wide benthic surveys conducted in Lake Ontario over the course of 54 yr, we were able to acquire taxonomic data to the species level for 11 of the surveys and data to the group level for the other two surveys. Density data are provided for taxa representing the Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Cnidaria, Nemertea, and Platyhelminthes phyla. Univariate and multivariate analyses revealed that the compositional structure of Lake Ontario invertebrate assemblages differed markedly by depth and were also significantly altered by the Dreissena spp. invasion in early 1990s. The introduction of invasive dreissenids has changed the community historically dominated by Diporeia, Oligochaeta, and Sphaeriidae, to a community dominated by quagga mussels and Oligochaeta. Considering the rarity of long-term benthic data of high taxonomic resolution in lake ecosystems, this data set could be useful to explore broader aspects of ecological theory, including effects of different environmental factors and invasive species on community organization, functional and phylogenetic diversity, and spatial scale of variation in community structure. The data set could also be useful for studies on individual species including abundance and distribution, species co-occurrence, and how the patterns of dominance and rarity change over space and time. Use of this data set for academic or educational purposes is encouraged as long as the data source is properly cited using the title of this Data Paper, the names of the authors, the year of publication, the journal name, and the article number.

Ecosystem , Lakes , Animals , Invertebrates , Ontario , Phylogeny
Zootaxa ; 4652(3): zootaxa.4652.3.2, 2019 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31716854


Lampsilis bracteata (Gould), the Texas Fatmucket, is a regional endemic species in the central Texas biogeographic province which is a candidate to be listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Lampsilis bracteata is morphologically similar to the common species L. hydiana (Lea). Here, we examine the molecular taxonomic identification of L. bracteata, and compare its historical range with its current geographic distribution. Tests of genetic affinities based on two mitochondrial genes typically used for DNA barcoding (cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, COI and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1, ND1) support recognition of L. bracteata as a full species. An unexpected spin-off result was that ND1 sequences of L. satura (Lea), a threatened species in Texas, formed a highly supported cluster within putative L. cardium Rafinesque. As an endemic species, the distribution of L. bracteata has been historically restricted; however, poor land and water management practices have further reduced its distribution from eighteen to just eight streams in the Colorado River drainage and to one stream in the Guadalupe River drainage. For L. bracteata, as for many other imperiled freshwater mussel species, effective conservation measures rely on correct species identification, definition of its geographic range and assessment of its changes in the recent past.

Bivalvia , Unionidae , Animals , Fresh Water , Phylogeny , Texas
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc ; 92(1): 572-607, 2017 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26727244


Freshwater mussels of the Order Unionida provide important ecosystem functions and services, yet many of their populations are in decline. We comprehensively review the status of the 16 currently recognized species in Europe, collating for the first time their life-history traits, distribution, conservation status, habitat preferences, and main threats in order to suggest future management actions. In northern, central, and eastern Europe, a relatively homogeneous species composition is found in most basins. In southern Europe, despite the lower species richness, spatially restricted species make these basins a high conservation priority. Information on freshwater mussels in Europe is unevenly distributed with considerable differences in data quality and quantity among countries and species. To make conservation more effective in the future, we suggest greater international cooperation using standardized protocols and methods to monitor and manage European freshwater mussel diversity. Such an approach will not only help conserve this vulnerable group but also, through the protection of these important organisms, will offer wider benefits to freshwater ecosystems.

Bivalvia/physiology , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Animal Distribution , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources/trends , Europe , Fresh Water
PLoS One ; 9(7): e101388, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25010705


Changes in nutrient loading and invasive species are among the strongest human-driven disturbances in freshwater ecosystems, but our knowledge on how they affect the biodiversity of lakes is still limited. We conducted a detailed historical analysis of the mollusc community of Oneida Lake based on our comprehensive lakewide study in 2012 and previous surveys dating back to 1915. In the early 20th century, the lake had a high water clarity, with abundant macrophytes and benthic algae, and hosted the most diverse molluscan community in New York State, including 32 gastropod and 9 unionid species. By the 1960s, lake turbidity increased during a period of anthropogenic eutrophication, resulting in a 38% decline in species richness and a 95% reduction in abundance of native gastropods grazing on benthic algae. Following the invasion of Dreissena spp. in 1991 and subsequent increases in water clarity, native gastropod species richness expanded by 37% and abundance increased 20-fold by 2012. In contrast, filter-feeding unionids were unaffected by increased turbidity during the period of eutrophication but were extirpated by dreissenids. Through contrasting effects on turbidity, eutrophication and Dreissena spp. have likely driven the observed changes in native grazing gastropods by affecting the abundance of light-limited benthic algae. Given the high species richness and ecological importance of benthic grazers, monitoring and managing turbidity is important in preserving molluscan diversity.

Biodiversity , Dreissena/growth & development , Eutrophication , Introduced Species/statistics & numerical data , Lakes , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources
PLoS One ; 9(12): e114926, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25490103


Determining when and where the ecological impacts of invasive species will be most detrimental and whether the effects of multiple invaders will be superadditive, or subadditive, is critical for developing global management priorities to protect native species in advance of future invasions. Over the past century, the decline of freshwater bivalves of the family Unionidae has been greatly accelerated by the invasion of Dreissena. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current infestation rates of unionids by zebra (Dreissena polymorpha) and quagga (D. rostriformis bugensis) mussels in the lower Great Lakes region 25 years after they nearly extirpated native unionids. In 2011-2012, we collected infestation data for over 4000 unionids from 26 species at 198 nearshore sites in lakes Erie, Ontario, and St. Clair, the Detroit River, and inland Michigan lakes and compared those results to studies from the early 1990 s. We found that the frequency of unionid infestation by Dreissena recently declined, and the number of dreissenids attached to unionids in the lower Great Lakes has fallen almost ten-fold since the early 1990s. We also found that the rate of infestation depends on the dominant Dreissena species in the lake: zebra mussels infested unionids much more often and in greater numbers. Consequently, the proportion of infested unionids, as well as the number and weight of attached dreissenids were lower in waterbodies dominated by quagga mussels. This is the first large-scale systematic study that revealed how minor differences between two taxonomically and functionally related invaders may have large consequences for native communities they invade.

Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Neoplasms/drug therapy , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Case-Control Studies , Combined Modality Therapy , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Lymphatic Metastasis , Male , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Grading , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/drug therapy , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology , Neoplasm Staging , Neoplasms/pathology , Prognosis , Prospective Studies , Survival Rate