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Campbell Syst Rev ; 18(4): e1277, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36908839


Background: The use of information and communications technologies (ICT) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) has increased significantly in the last several years, particularly in health, including related areas such as preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against women and children. While the evidence for ICT effectiveness has grown significantly in the past 5 years in other aspects of health, it has not for effectiveness of using ICT for the prevention and response to SGBV against women and children in LMIC. Objectives: The primary goal of this evidence and gap map (EGM) is to establish a baseline for the state of the evidence connected with the use of ICT for preventing and responding to SGBV against women and children in LMIC. Objectives that contribute to the achievement of this goal are: (1)identifying evidence of effectiveness for the use of ICT targeting the prevention of, and response to, SGBV against women and children in LMIC;(2)identifying key gaps in the available ICT for SGBV prevention and/or response evidence;(3)identifying research methodology issues reflected in the current evidence;(4)identifying any clusters of evidence in one or more ICT interventions suitable for systematic review;(5)identifying enabling factors associated with effective interventions using ICT for the prevention of, and response to, SGBV against women and children in LMIC; and(6)providing a structured and accessible guide to stakeholders for future investment into interventions and research using ICT for SGBV prevention and response in LMIC. Search Methods: The date of the last search from which records were evaluated, and any studies identified were incorporated into the EGM was July 11, 2021. Twenty (20) databases were searched, and identified under "Methods." Selection Criteria: We conducted systematic searches of multiple academic databases using search terms and criteria related to the use of ICT for prevention and/or response to SGBV against women and children. Although excluded, we did consider studies conducted in higher-income countries (HIC) only to provide context and contrast for the EGM discussion of the eligible studies from LMIC. Data Collection and Analysis: The EGM search process included five phases: (1) initial search of academic databases conducted by two researchers simultaneously; (2) comparison of search results, and abstract screening by two researchers collaboratively; (3) second screening by reviewing full articles of the studies identified in the first screening by two reviewers independently; (4) comparison of results of second screening; resolution of discrepancies of screening results; and (5) data extraction and analysis. Main Results: The EGM includes 10 studies published in English of which 4 were systematic, literature or scoping reviews directly addressing some aspect of the use of ICT for SGBV prevention and/or response in women and girls. The six individual studies were, or are being, conducted in LMIC (a condition for eligibility). No eligible studies addressed children as a target group, although a number of the ineligible studies reported on the use of ICT for intermediate outcomes connected with violence against children (e.g., digital parenting). Yet, such studies did not explicitly attach those intermediate outcomes to SGBV prevention or response outcomes. Countries represented among the eligible individual studies include Cambodia, Kenya, Nepal Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Lebanon. Of the 10 eligible studies (individual and reviews), most focused on intimate partner violence against women (IPV). Intervention areas among the eligible studies include safety planning using decision algorithms, educational and empowerment messaging regarding norms and attitudes towards gender-based violence (GBV), multi-media radio drama for social behavior change, the collection of survivor experience to inform SGBV/GBV services, and the collection of forensic evidence connected to the perpetration of SGBV. Thirty-one studies which otherwise would have been eligible for the evidence and gap map (EGM) were conducted in HIC (identified under "Excluded Reviews"). None of the eligible studies reported results related to effectiveness of using ICT in a control setting, for the primary prevention of SGBV as an outcome, but rather reported on outcomes such as usability, secondary and tertiary prevention, feasibility, access to services and other outcomes primarily relating to the development of the interventions. Two studies identified IPV prevention as a measurable outcome within their protocols, but one of these had not yet formally published results regarding primary prevention as an outcome. The other study, while reporting on the protocol (and steps to adapt the ICT application, previously reported as effective in HIC contexts to a specific LMIC context), has not yet as of the date of writing this EGM, published outcome results related to the reduction of IPV. Of the four reviews identified as eligible, two are better characterized as either a literature review or case study rather than as traditional systematic reviews reporting on impact outcomes with methodologically rigorous protocols. Authors' Conclusions: The evidence baseline for using ICT to prevent and/or respond to SGBV against women and children in LMIC is nascent. Promising areas for future study include: (1) how ICT can contribute changing gender and social norms related to SGBV and primary prevention; (2) mobile phone applications that promote safety and security; (3) mobile technology for the collection and analysis of survivors' experience with SGBV response services; and (4) digital tools that support the collection of forensic evidence for SGBV response and secondary prevention. Most striking is the paucity of eligible studies examining the use of ICT in connection with preventing or responding to SGBV against children. In light of the exponential increase in the use of ICT by children and adolescents, even in LMIC, greater attention should be given to examining how ICT can be used during adolescence to address gender norms that lead to SGBV. While there appears to be interest in using ICT for SGBV prevention and/or response in LMIC, other than several ad hoc studies, there is little evidence of if, and how effective these interventions are. Further inquiry should be made regarding if and how interventions proven effective in HIC can be adapted to LMIC contexts.

Campbell Syst Rev ; 17(1): e1153, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37050973


This is the protocol for the development of a Campbell Collaboration evidence and gaps map (EGM). The primary objective of this evidence and gap map (EGM) is to answer the following question: (1) What is the evidence connected with the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) for preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against women and children in lower- and middle-income countries (LMIC)? (a) the EGM will provide a structured and accessible contextual framework for research to stakeholders and policymakers in SGBV and ICT; (b) the EGM will identify gaps in the available ICT and SGBV evidence; (c) the EGM will identify clusters of evidence suitable for systematic review; and (d) the EGM will look for and build connections between related areas of research in ICT and SGBV. As part of identifying the evidence connected with the use of ICT for preventing and responding to SGBV we seek to answer the following questions based upon the available evidence: (a)Does the use of ICT prevent SGBV against women and children in LMIC?(b)How effective is ICT at improving access to quality services for SGBV survivors in LMIC?(c)Does the use of ICT contribute to effectively achieving intermediate outcomes that lead to the prevention of SGBV against women and children, and/or improving access for SGBV survivors to response services in LMIC?(d)What are the enabling factors associated with the implementation of ICT and SGBV interventions?

Glob Health Promot ; 27(3): 56-64, 2020 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31347439


INTRODUCTION: Brazil's HIV burden has greatly increased over the past decade, especially for socially marginalized and vulnerable groups such as adolescents, women, and men who have sex with men. The reasoning for worsening HIV outcomes is complex, but ongoing economic and political crises have placed extreme operational and financial burdens on both the public health system and HIV-related civil society, affecting both treatment and prevention efforts and delivery. CONTEXT: Community-based HIV-related health-promotion activities have continued in Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, despite these setbacks. These efforts have been led by a semi-independent community advisory board and engagement group based at the Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu with support from researchers based at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. METHODS: The research team supported, documented, and participated in various activities led by the community advisory board and engagement group from 2017-2018 including meetings, community workshops/lectures, production of health promotion materials, and the dissemination of research findings. RESULTS: The research team utilized the concepts of vernacular knowledge and critical pedagogy to describe and document the ongoing, bottom-up approach, community-led efforts of the community advisory board and engagement group. In particular, we describe the process of stakeholder engagement, popularization of research results, and resource sharing spearheaded by the community advisory board in Nova Iguaçu. CONCLUSION: The community advisory board demonstrates how community-led efforts are essential to HIV and AIDS response efforts in light of worsening HIV burdens and global shifts towards biomedicalization. Their HIV-related activities rely on existing community networks and resources with secondary support from a research team. This illustrates a key intervention point between traditional research and an empowering community mobilization that can inform similar efforts in other low-resource settings.

HIV Infections , Health Promotion , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Adolescent , Brazil , Community Participation , Female , Homosexuality, Male , Humans , Male
Rev. patol. trop ; 50(3)2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292484


Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death amongst adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The lifetime risk of tuberculosis disease for a person with latent infection is estimated at 5-10% with most cases occurring within five years of initial infection. The World Health Organization recommends isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for latent tuberculosis treatment, amongst other strategies. The aim was to assess tuberculosis incidence, survival (free of tuberculosis) and associated factors in HIV-positive patients. IPT was offered to participants with a positive (≥5mm) tuberculin skin test. Participants were followed from February 2003-December 2016. Kaplan-Meier was used for survival analysis. Variables with p-value ≤ 0.2 in the univariate analysis entered into the multivariate Cox-Model, keeping those with p-value ≤ 0.05. The 95% confidence interval of incidence of tuberculosis was estimated using Poisson distribution. One hundred nineteen patients completed the IPT and were followed for a median duration of 110.7 months (IQR 93.1-121.0). The probability of developing tuberculosis (10 years post-IPT) was 5.4%. Tuberculosis incidence was 0.58/100 patient/years (CI 95% 0.213-1.264). IPT over 6 months provided long-term protection against tuberculosis. AIDS-defining illness was the only statistically significant variable (HR=5.67) in the multivariate model.

Humans , Survival Analysis , HIV , Latent Tuberculosis , Isoniazid