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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47: e13, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37114168


This article describes progress in tackling noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the Americas since the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) started its NCD program 25 years ago. Changes in the epidemiology of NCDs, NCD policies, health service capacity, and surveillance are discussed. PAHO's NCD program is guided by regional plans of action on specific NCDs and risk factors, as well as a comprehensive NCD plan. Its work involves implementing evidence-based World Health Organization technical packages on NCDs and their risk factors with the aim of achieving the Sustainable Development Goal target of a one third reduction in premature mortality caused by NCDs by 2030. Important advances have been made in the past 25 years in implementation of: policies on NCD risk factors; interventions to improve NCD diagnosis and treatment; and NCD surveillance. Premature mortality from NCDs decreased by 1.7% a year between 2000 and 2011 and 0.77% a year between 2011 and 2019. However, policies on risk factor prevention and health promotion need to be strengthened to ensure more countries are on track to achieving the NCD-related health goals of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Actions are recommended for governments to raise the priority of NCDs by: making NCDs a core pillar of primary care services, using revenues from health taxes to invest more in NCD prevention and control; and implementing policies, laws, and regulations to reduce the demand for and availability of tobacco, alcohol, and ultra-processed food products.

En este artículo se describe el progreso en la lucha contra las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) en la Región de las Américas desde que la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) iniciara su programa contra las ENT hace 25 años. Se abordan los cambios en las características epidemiológicas, las políticas, la capacidad de los servicios de salud y la vigilancia de estas enfermedades. Este programa de la OPS se rige por planes regionales de acción sobre enfermedades y factores de riesgo específicos, así como por un plan integral de ENT. Su labor consiste en poner en práctica paquetes técnicos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud basados en la evidencia sobre las ENT y sus factores de riesgo con el objetivo de alcanzar la meta de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de reducir en un tercio la mortalidad prematura causada por las ENT para el 2030. En los últimos 25 años se han logrado importantes avances en la ejecución de políticas sobre los factores de riesgo de estas enfermedades, en las intervenciones para mejorar su diagnóstico y tratamiento, y en la vigilancia. La mortalidad prematura por ENT disminuyó 1,7% anual entre el 2000 y el 2011 y 0,77% anual entre los años 2011 y 2019. Sin embargo, es necesario fortalecer las políticas de prevención de factores de riesgo y promoción de la salud para garantizar que más países estén bien encaminados para lograr las metas de salud de los ODS relacionadas con las ENT para el 2030. Se recomiendan medidas para que los gobiernos prioricen más las ENT y las conviertan en un pilar central de los servicios de atención primaria, al usar los ingresos generados por los impuestos en el sector de la salud para incrementar las inversiones en la prevención y control de las ENT, y ejecutar políticas, leyes y regulaciones para reducir la demanda y la disponibilidad de tabaco, alcohol y alimentos ultraprocesados.

Este artigo descreve o progresso no combate às doenças não transmissíveis (DNTs) nas Américas desde que a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) iniciou seu programa para essas doenças há 25 anos. Discute-se como evoluíram a epidemiologia das DNTs, as políticas contra essas doenças, a capacidade dos serviços de saúde e a vigilância. O programa da OPAS para as DNTs é orientado por planos de ação regionais sobre DNTs específicas e fatores de risco, bem como por um plano integral contra essas doenças. O trabalho envolve a implementação de pacotes técnicos da Organização Mundial da Saúde baseados em evidências sobre as DNTs e seus fatores de risco, no intuito de alcançar a meta do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de reduzir em um terço a mortalidade prematura causada pelas DNTs até 2030. Avanços importantes foram obtidos nos últimos 25 anos na implementação de políticas sobre fatores de risco das DNTs, intervenções para melhorar o diagnóstico e o tratamento das DNTs, e vigilância das DNTs. A mortalidade prematura causada pelas DNTs diminuiu 1,7% ao ano entre 2000 e 2011 e 0,77% ao ano entre 2011 e 2019. Contudo, as políticas sobre a prevenção dos fatores de risco e a promoção da saúde precisam ser fortalecidas para que mais países estejam no rumo certo para alcançar as metas de saúde relacionadas a essas doenças, no âmbito dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável até 2030. São recomendadas medidas para que os governos elevem a prioridade das DNTs ao torná-las um pilar central dos serviços de atenção primária, usando a receita dos tributos saudáveis para investir mais na prevenção e no controle das DNTs, e ao implementar políticas, leis e regulamentos para reduzir a demanda e a disponibilidade de álcool, tabaco e produtos alimentícios ultraprocessados.

Bull World Health Organ ; 100(10): 628-635, 2022 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36188018


The World Health Organization (WHO) African Region is struggling with increasing harm associated with alcohol consumption. Legislators of Sao Tome and Principe, concerned about this harm and the high prevalence of alcohol use disorders, designed a comprehensive alcohol control bill to tackle this situation. Input into the design of the bill was obtained through interviews involving many stakeholders. The process had five phases: (i) scoping the problem to understand the social burden of the harm caused by alcohol consumption; (ii) updating the evidence on alcohol policies and identifying areas for legislative interventions; (iii) drafting the bill; (iv) aligning the legislative framework of the bill; and (v) initiating the parliamentary procedure. The new bill scored 92/100 using a standardized alcohol control policy scale. The bill covers all domains of WHO's 2010 global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, and includes the three most cost-effective interventions for reducing alcohol consumption: increased excise taxes on alcohol; bans or comprehensive restrictions on exposure to alcohol advertising; and restrictions on the availability of retailed alcohol through reduced hours of sale. The National Assembly plenary session upheld the bill, which is now under evaluation of the specialized First Commission on Political, Legal, Constitutional and Ethical Affairs. Approval of the bill requires the final voting once it is back with the National Assembly and its promulgation by the President. Drafting an alcohol control bill which is country-led, inclusive, evidence-based and free of interference by the alcohol industry helps prioritize public health objectives over other interests.

La Région africaine de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) fait face à une hausse des dégâts causés par l'alcool. Préoccupés par la situation et par la forte prévalence des troubles liés à cette consommation, les législateurs de Sao Tomé-et-Principe ont élaboré un projet de loi détaillé afin d'y remédier. À l'origine de sa conception, plusieurs entretiens avec différentes parties prenantes. Le processus s'est divisé en cinq phases: (i) définir l'étendue du problème pour évaluer le fardeau que les dégâts provoqués par l'alcool font peser sur la société; (ii) actualiser les données probantes relatives aux politiques en matière d'alcool et identifier les domaines nécessitant une intervention législative; (iii) rédiger le projet de loi; (iv) aligner le cadre législatif du projet de loi; et enfin, (v) initier la procédure parlementaire. Le nouveau projet de loi a obtenu un score de 92/100 sur une échelle d'évaluation standard des mesures de lutte contre l'alcool. Il couvre tous les thèmes repris dans la Stratégie mondiale de l'OMS visant à réduire l'usage nocif de l'alcool, publiée en 2010. Il prévoit également les trois interventions les plus rentables en termes de diminution de la consommation d'alcool: l'augmentation des taxes d'accise sur l'alcool; l'interdiction ou l'instauration de conditions strictes en matière d'exposition à la publicité pour l'alcool; et une disponibilité restreinte des boissons alcoolisées dans le commerce en limitant les heures de vente. L'Assemblée nationale a soutenu le projet de loi en séance plénière. Il est désormais en cours d'évaluation au sein de la première Commission spécialisée en affaires politiques, juridiques, constitutionnelles et éthiques. Pour être adopté, le projet de loi doit revenir à l'Assemblée nationale pour un vote final, puis être promulgué par le président. Une loi globale de lutte contre l'alcool, élaborée par le pays lui-même, fondée sur des faits et n'ayant subi aucune ingérence de la part de l'industrie de l'alcool contribue à faire passer les objectifs de santé publique avant d'autres intérêts.

La Región de África de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) está tratando de hacer frente a los crecientes daños derivados del consumo de alcohol. Los legisladores de Santo Tomé y Príncipe, preocupados por estos daños y por la alta prevalencia de los trastornos por consumo de alcohol, diseñaron un proyecto de ley integral para el control del alcohol con el fin de solucionar esta situación. Las contribuciones al diseño del proyecto de ley se obtuvieron a través de entrevistas en las que participaron muchas partes interesadas. El proceso constó de cinco fases: (i) la delimitación del problema para comprender la carga social de los daños causados por el consumo de alcohol; (ii) la actualización de los datos sobre las políticas de alcohol y la identificación de las áreas de intervención legislativa; (iii) la redacción del proyecto de ley; (iv) la adaptación del marco legislativo del proyecto de ley; y (v) el inicio del procedimiento parlamentario. El nuevo proyecto de ley obtuvo una puntuación de 92/100 según una escala estandarizada de políticas para el control del alcohol. El proyecto de ley abarca todos los ámbitos de la estrategia mundial que la OMS puso en marcha en 2010 para reducir el uso nocivo del alcohol, e incluye las tres intervenciones más rentables para reducir el consumo de alcohol: el aumento de los impuestos especiales sobre el alcohol; la prohibición o la restricción general de la exposición a la publicidad del alcohol; y la restricción de la disponibilidad del alcohol al por menor mediante la reducción del horario de venta. La sesión plenaria de la Asamblea Nacional respaldó el proyecto de ley, que ahora está bajo evaluación de la Comisión Primera especializada en Asuntos Políticos, Jurídicos, Constitucionales y Éticos. La aprobación del proyecto de ley requiere la votación final una vez que regrese a la Asamblea Nacional y que el Presidente lo promulgue. La elaboración de un proyecto de ley para el control del alcohol que sea liderado por el país, inclusivo, basado en la evidencia y libre de interferencias por parte de la industria del alcohol ayuda a priorizar los objetivos de salud pública sobre otros intereses.

Alcoholism , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking/prevention & control , Alcoholism/complications , Humans , Sao Tome and Principe , Taxes , World Health Organization
Alcohol Clin Exp Res ; 46(4): 498-513, 2022 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35412673


The objective of this study is to summarize the research on the relationships between exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic or previous pandemics and changes in alcohol use. A systematic search of Medline and Embase was performed to identify cohort and cross-sectional population studies that examined changes in alcohol use during or following a pandemic compared to before a pandemic occurred. Outcomes examined included differences in the volume and frequency of alcohol consumption and the frequencies of heavy episodic drinking (HED) and alcohol-related problems during a pandemic compared to before a pandemic. Quality assessment was performed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for Nonrandomized Studies. This study was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The search yielded 672 articles; 27 were included in the narrative review, of which 6 were cohort studies (all from high-income countries). A total of 259,188 participants were included. All cohort studies examined the impact of COVID-19 and associated pandemic-related policies, including social distancing and alcohol-specific policies, on alcohol use. Cohort studies demonstrated a consistent significant decrease in total alcohol consumption (Australia) and a significant increase in the frequency of alcohol use (United States). A significant decrease in the frequency of HED was observed in Australia and Spain but not in the United States. A significant increase in the proportion of people with problematic alcohol use was observed in the United Kingdom. Initial insights into changes in alcohol use indicate substantial heterogeneity. Alcohol use may have decreased in some countries, while HED and the proportion of people with problematic alcohol use may have increased. The lack of high-quality studies from low- and middle-income countries reflects a dearth of information from countries inhabited by most of the world's population.

Alcohol-Related Disorders , COVID-19 , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Alcohol-Related Disorders/epidemiology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Humans , Pandemics
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e116, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36060199


Objective: To report the risk from alcohol, cannabis, and their combined use for non-fatal road traffic injuries for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Methods: Risk was estimated using the case-crossover method. Participants (N= 306) were injured patients from an emergency department in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Results: Alcohol use (OR= 6.78, CI 95% 3.75-12.25) as well as combined alcohol and cannabis use (OR= 7.05, CI 95% 1.16-42.73) significantly increased the risk of a road traffic injuries. Alcohol use increased the risk in both, women (OR= 8.87, CI 95% 2.69-29.21) and men (OR= 6.16, CI 95% 3.10-12.23); in those >30 years old (OR= 6.01, CI 95% 2.09-17.24) and those <30 years old (OR= 7.15, CI 95% 3.49-14.65). This last group also had an increased risk after combined alcohol and cannabis use (OR= 7.05, CI 95% 1.16-42.75). Both drivers (OR= 6.40, CI 95% 3.23-12.69) and passengers (OR= 13.83, CI 95% 2.87-66.42) had an increased risk after alcohol consumption. Conclusions: To our knowledge, these are the first estimates of the risk of having a road traffic injury after alcohol and cannabis consumption in one of the countries of the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay). These results highlight the urgent need to implement and enforce comprehensive alcohol control measures. Furthermore, given the global trend towards legalizing cannabis for recreational use, our results could also inform policymakers to enact or amend impaired driving laws.

J Hepatol ; 75(3): 536-546, 2021 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33892007


BACKGROUND & AIMS: Despite a marked reduction in new cases of cirrhosis caused by HCV infection, over 500,000 new cirrhosis cases in this category were estimated globally in 2019. This contribution quantifies the relationship between alcohol use and the progression of liver disease in people with HCV infections. METHODS: The causal impact of different levels of alcohol use on cirrhosis has previously been established. The quantification of this relationship was undertaken based on a systematic search of the literature and a meta-analysis. We limited our search to longitudinal and case-control studies with biologically verified outcomes. Different sensitivity analyses were conducted to check on key assumptions and on the generalizability of the relationship. RESULTS: Alcohol use has a dose-dependent relationship with incident cirrhosis, which is linear on the log-linear level, and thus exponential on the level of odds ratios or other risk indicators. Each standard drink of 12 grams of pure alcohol per day increases the risk by about 11%. The results were stable regardless of the statistical model used, level of adjustment, quality of the study, or outcome (i.e., cirrhosis, decompensated cirrhosis, liver-related death). CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol use has a marked impact on the progression of HCV infections to cirrhosis and more severe liver outcomes. LAY SUMMARY: Alcohol consumption has a significant impact on the progression of liver disease in people with HCV infections. Each alcoholic drink per day is associated with an increase in the risk of cirrhosis of 11%.

Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Hepatitis C/complications , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Hepatitis C/physiopathology , Humans , Liver Diseases/complications , Liver Diseases/physiopathology , Risk Factors
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 45: e28, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33727909


OBJECTIVE: To describe the toxicology of suicide cases recorded in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from 2017 to 2019. METHOD: The present descriptive, cross-sectional study examined all the medico-legal reports and police records related to suicide deaths in the state. Multiple correspondence analyses were performed along with independent logistic regression models having ethanol, anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs, illicit drugs, and non-medical substances as dependent variables. RESULTS: Ethanol was investigated in 2 978 samples, with positive results in 28.5%. The odds of a positive ethanol finding were 0.5 time higher (95%CI: 1.1; 2.2) for suicides occurring at night, 1.0 (95%CI: 1.4; 2.9) time higher for suicides occurring on weekends, and 0.9 (95%CI: 1.3; 2.7) time higher in individuals with a prior criminal record. Investigation of psychotropic drugs (2 900 samples) was positive in 30.4% samples. Anxiolytics were the most common medication detected, with 1.5 (95%CI: 1.6; 4.1) time higher odds of occurrence in women and 0.8 time higher odds (95%CI: 1.2; 2.7) for suicides occurring in the fall-winter. The odds of detecting illicit drugs (n = 338) were 4.1 times higher (95%CI: 1.9; 14.4) in the regions of Pelotas (south of the state) vs. Passo Fundo (north), and 1.2 (95%CI: 1.3; 3.6) time higher in cases with positive ethanol results, without significant difference between adolescents and adults. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the lack of evidence on causality, the present results support a link between suicide and several psychoactive drugs. Medico-legal experts should be guided regarding the need to perform toxicological tests in all suicide cases.

OBJETIVO: Describir el perfil toxicológico de todas las víctimas de suicidio en Rio Grande do Sul desde el 2017 hasta el 2019. MÉTODOS: En este estudio descriptivo y transversal se consultaron todos los informes periciales y policiales sobre las muertes por suicidio en el estado. Se realizaron análisis de correspondencia múltiple y se crearon modelos independientes de regresión logística, con empleo de etanol, productos ansiolíticos y antidepresivos, sustancias ilícitas y agentes tóxicos no medicamentosos como variables dependientes. RESULTADOS: Se realizaron 2 978 exámenes de alcoholemia, con resultado positivo en un 28,5%. La probabilidad de obtener resultados positivos para alcoholemia aumentó 0,5 (IC95%: 1,1-2,2) en casos de suicidio durante la noche, 1,0 (IC95%: 1,4-2,9) en casos de suicidio en los fines de semana y 0,9 (IC95%: 1,3-2,7) cuando había antecedentes penales. En la investigación de productos psicotrópicos (2 900 muestras) se detectó algún medicamento en un 30,4%. Los ansiolíticos fueron la clase detectada con más frecuencia, con un aumento de la probabilidad de 1,5 (IC95%: 1,6-4,1) en las mujeres y de 0,8 (IC95%: 1,2-2,7) en casos de suicidio durante el otoño y el invierno. El aumento de la probabilidad de detección de sustancias ilícitas (n = 338) fue de 4,1 (IC95%: 1,9-14,4) en la macrorregión de Pelotas en comparación con la de Passo Fundo y de 1,2 (IC95%: 1,3-3,6) en personas con resultados positivos en la prueba de detección de etanol, sin que hubiera ninguna diferencia significativa entre adolescentes y adultos. CONCLUSIONES: Aun sin haberse comprobado la causalidad, los resultados muestran que existe un vínculo entre el suicidio y diversos productos psicoactivos. Es preciso orientar a los médicos legistas con respecto a la necesidad de realizar exámenes toxicológicos en todos los casos de suicidio.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 45: e52, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34025727


OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between drinking behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine, anxiety symptoms, and sociodemographic characteristics in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). METHOD: Data was collected through a cross-sectional online survey (non-probabilistic sample) conducted by the Pan American Health Organization between May 22 and June 30, 2020, in 33 countries and two territories of LAC. Participants were 18 years of age or older and must not have traveled outside of their country since March 15, 2020 (n= 12 328, M age= 38.1 years, 65% female). Four drinking behaviors (online socializing drinking [OSD], drinking with child present [DCP], drinking before 5 p.m. [DB5]), heavy episodic drinking [HED]) were response variables, and quarantining, anxiety symptoms and sociodemographic covariables were explanatory variables. RESULTS: Quarantine was positively associated with a higher frequency of OSD and with DCP, but negatively associated with a higher frequency of HED. Anxiety symptoms were associated with a higher frequency of HED, more OSD, and DB5. Higher incomes seemed to be more associated with all the studied drinking behaviors. Women tended to report less DB5 and less HED during the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: Quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic seems to affect drinking behavior and mental health indicators like anxiety symptoms. This study is the first effort to measure the consequences of the quarantine on alcohol consumption and mental health in LAC during the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the associations found, screenings and brief interventions targeting alcohol consumption and mental health are recommended.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 45: e142, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34703464


The objective of this study was to estimate trends in alcohol per capita consumption from 1990 to 2016 in the Region of the Americas, covering 35 Member States. Data from the WHO Global Information System on Alcohol and Health were used to calculate the annual percent change of alcohol per capita consumption in each of the 35 countries of the Americas. The Americas as a whole showed no change in the total period, with a slight decrease in the period 2010-2016. From 1990 to 2016, all the countries that presented a trend of annual increase in annual percent change of alcohol per capita consumption were in the Caribbean and Central America. Large increases were found in the recent years in Cuba, Colombia, Uruguay, El Salvador, and several countries of the Non-Latin Caribbean. In conclusion, alcohol use remains a significant obstacle to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3.5. To date, the policy response has been inadequate in protecting the people in the Americas from alcohol-attributable harms. Improving country capacity to collect and analyze data on alcohol per capita consumption is urgently needed to monitor progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and to serve to promote proven alcohol policies for reducing the harmful use of alcohol.

El objetivo de este estudio es estimar las tendencias en el consumo per cápita de alcohol desde 1990 hasta el 2016 en 35 Estados Miembros de la Región de las Américas. Se emplearon datos del Sistema Mundial de Información sobre el Alcohol y la Salud de la OMS para calcular la variación porcentual por año del consumo per cápita de alcohol en cada uno de los 35 países de la Región. En general, la Región no mostró cambio en todo el período, salvo una disminución leve entre el 2010 y el 2016. De 1990 al 2016, todos los países que registraron una tendencia al alza en la variación anual porcentual del consumo per cápita de alcohol se encontraban en el Caribe y Centroamérica. En los últimos años se observó un aumento importante en Cuba, Colombia, Uruguay, El Salvador y varios países del Caribe no latino. En conclusión, el consumo de alcohol sigue siendo un obstáculo significativo para lograr el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 3.5. Hasta la fecha, la respuesta de las políticas ha sido inadecuada para proteger a la población de la Región de los daños atribuibles al alcohol. Es necesario mejorar de manera urgente la capacidad a nivel de país para recopilar y analizar datos sobre el consumo per cápita de alcohol a fin de monitorear el progreso de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y promover políticas relativas al alcohol cuya eficacia en cuanto a la reducción del consumo nocivo ha sido comprobada.

O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar as tendências do consumo de álcool per capita de 1990 a 2016 na Região das Américas, cobrindo os 35 Estados Membros. Dados do Sistema Mundial de Informação sobre Álcool e Saúde da OMS foram usados para calcular a mudança percentual anual do consumo de álcool per capita de cada um dos 35 países das Américas. As Américas, como um todo, não mostraram mudança alguma no período total, com uma diminuição leve no período entre 2010 e 2016. De 1990 a 2016, todos os países que apresentaram uma tendência de aumento anual na mudança percentual anual do consumo de álcool per capita estão no Caribe e na América Central. Um grande aumento foi encontrado nos anos recentes em Cuba, Colômbia, Uruguai, El Salvador e vários países não latinos do Caribe. Em conclusão, o consumo de álcool continua sendo um obstáculo significativo para o cumprimento do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 3.5. Até o momento, a resposta política foi inadequada para proteger a população nas Américas dos danos atribuíveis ao álcool. Melhorar a capacidade dos países de coletar e analisar dados sobre o consumo de álcool per capita é urgentemente necessário para monitorar o progresso dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e para promover políticas comprovadas de redução do consumo nocivo de álcool.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 45: e31, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33790955


OBJECTIVE: To report demographic and substance use characteristics and risk of road traffic injury (RTI) from alcohol use, cannabis use, and combined use in a sample of emergency department patients from two countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. METHODS: A cross-sectional study in which patients 18 years and older admitted within six hours of suffering an RTI to one emergency department in Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic (n = 501) and in Lima, Peru (n = 431) were interviewed. Case-crossover analysis, based on self-reported use prior to the RTI, was used to analyze risk from alcohol, cannabis, and co-use. RESULTS: Overall, 15.3% reported alcohol use prior to the event and 2.5% cannabis use. Drivers using alcohol only were over twice as likely to have an RTI (OR = 2.46, p < 0.001), and nearly eight times more likely if using both alcohol and cannabis (OR = 6.89, p < 0.01), but risk was not elevated for cannabis alone. Significant differences were not found for passengers or pedestrians. CONCLUSIONS: Risk of RTI for drivers in these two samples is significantly elevated from alcohol use, and more so for co-use with cannabis. Differences between the two countries underscore the need for similar data from the region to determine risk of RTI from substance use, including risk for passengers and pedestrians. Data suggest that alcohol contributes significantly to the burden of RTI, which calls for more stringent enforcement of alcohol control policy related to drink driving in the region.

Alcohol Clin Exp Res ; 43(10): 2028-2037, 2019 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386768


BACKGROUND: The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) was developed for use in primary health care settings to identify hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption, and is often used to screen for alcohol use disorders (AUDs). This study examined the AUDIT as a screening tool for AUDs. METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed of electronic bibliographic databases (CINAHL, Embase, ERIC, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science) without language or geographic restrictions for original quantitative studies published before September 1, 2018, that assess the AUDIT's ability to screen for AUDs. Random-effects meta-regression models were constructed by sex to assess the potential determinants of the AUDIT's specificity and sensitivity. From these models and ecological data from the Global Information System on Alcohol and Health, the true- and false-positive and true- and false-negative proportions were determined. The number of people needed to be screened to treat 1 individual with an AUD was estimated for all countries globally where AUD data exist, using a specificity of 0.95. RESULTS: A total of 36 studies met inclusion criteria for the meta-regression. The AUDIT score cut-point was significantly associated with sensitivity and specificity. Standard drink size was found to affect the sensitivity and specificity of the AUDIT for men, but not among women. The AUDIT performs less well in identifying women compared to men, and countries with a low prevalence of AUDs have higher false-positive rates compared to countries with a higher AUD prevalence. CONCLUSIONS: The AUDIT does not perform well as a screening tool for identifying individuals with an AUD, especially in countries and among populations with a low AUD prevalence (e.g., among women), and thus should not be used for this purpose.

Alcoholism/diagnosis , Alcoholism/therapy , Mass Screening/methods , Alcoholism/psychology , Humans , Reproducibility of Results , Sensitivity and Specificity
Alcohol Clin Exp Res ; 43(5): 850-856, 2019 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30779431


BACKGROUND: The dose-response relationship of alcohol and injury and the effects of country-level detrimental drinking pattern (DDP) and alcohol control policy on this relationship are examined for specific causes of injury. METHODS: The dose-response risk of injury is analyzed on 18,627 injured patients in 22 countries included in the International Collaborative Alcohol and Injury Study, using case-crossover analysis by cause of injury (traffic, violence, falls, other), DDP, and the International Alcohol Policy and Injury Index. RESULTS: Risk of all injury was higher at all volume levels in higher DDP countries compared to lower DDP countries and for each cause of injury. Risk of injury from traffic was significantly greater in higher DDP than lower DDP countries at 3.1 to 6 drinks (odds ratio (OR) = 2.64, confidence interval (CI) = 1.17 to 5.97) and at ≤3 drinks for falls (OR = 2.51, CI = 1.52 to 4.16) and injuries from other causes (OR = 1.72, CI = 1.10 to 2.69). Countries with higher restrictive alcohol policy were at a lower risk of injury at lower levels of consumption (≤3 drinks) for all injuries (OR = 0.72, CI = 0.56 to 0.92) and for injuries from other causes (OR = 0.46, CI = 0.29 to 0.73) and at a lower risk of traffic injuries at higher levels of consumption (≥10 drinks). At higher levels of consumption (≥10 drinks), countries with higher alcohol policy restrictiveness were at greater risk of all injuries (OR = 2.03, CI = 1.29 to 3.20) and those from violence (OR = 9.02, CI = 3.00 to 27.13) and falls (OR = 4.29, CI = 1.86 to 9.91). CONCLUSIONS: Countries with high DDP are at higher risk of injury from most causes at a given level of consumption, while countries with low restrictiveness of alcohol policy are at higher risk of injury at lower levels of consumption and at higher risk of traffic injuries at high levels of consumption. These findings underscore the importance of aggregate-level factors which need to be considered in developing effective intervention and prevention strategies for reducing alcohol-related injury.

Accidental Falls , Accidents, Traffic/trends , Alcohol Drinking/trends , Internationality , Public Policy/trends , Violence/trends , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Cross-Over Studies , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Emergency Service, Hospital/trends , Female , Humans , Male
Alcohol Alcohol ; 54(4): 396-401, 2019 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30855647


AIMS: The risk of injury from alcohol consumption was analyzed by gender, controlling for frequency of heavy drinking occasions, and by cause of injury (traffic, violence, fall, other). METHODS: Case-crossover analysis was conducted on 18,627 injured patients arriving at the emergency department (ED) within six hours of the event. FINDINGS: Risk of injury was similar for females and males at ≤3 drinks prior to injury (OR = 2.74 vs. 2.76, respectively). At higher volume levels females were at greater risk than males, and significantly so at 3.1-6 drinks and 6.1-10 drinks (gender by volume interaction: OR = 0.60, CI = 0.39-0.93 and OR = 0.50, CI = 0.27-0.93, respectively). For those reporting 5+ ≥ monthly, females were at higher risk than males at all volume levels, and the gender by volume interaction was stronger than for those consuming 5+

Accidental Falls , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking/psychology , Emergency Service, Hospital , Internationality , Violence/psychology , Adolescent , Adult , Alcohol Drinking/trends , Alcoholic Beverages , Cross-Over Studies , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Emergency Service, Hospital/trends , Female , Humans , Male , Risk Factors , Sex Factors , Violence/trends , Young Adult
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29628742


OBJECTIVES: The risk for violence-related injury from drinking and attributable burden in the Latin American and Caribbean region was explored. METHODS: A probability sample of 1024 emergency department patients reporting a violence-related injury was analyzed from 11 countries, using case-crossover fractional polynomial analysis of the number of drinks consumed prior to the event. RESULTS: A dose-response relationship was observed with a six-fold increase in risk (RR=5.6) for less than two drinks prior to injury. Risk was higher for females than males at 10 or more drinks, and higher for those aged 30 and older compared to those younger at all volume levels. Overall, 32.7% of the violence-related injuries were attributable to alcohol. Alcohol attributable fraction (AAF) was nearly three times larger for males (38%) than for females (12.3%). CONCLUSIONS: A dose-response relationship was found between the volume of alcohol consumed prior to the event and risk of violence-related injury. Risk was not uniform across gender or age. At higher volumes, females compared to males were at greater risk of injury but had a lower AAF due to their lower prevalence of drinking at higher levels.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29937675


OBJECTIVE: The current work develops the International Alcohol Policy Injury Index (IAPII) to measure the effectiveness of control policies that impact reduction of alcohol-related injury. METHODS: Using cross-sectional data on alcohol policies from five policy domains (physical availability, drinking context, pricing, advertising, and vehicular), injury death, and alcohol-attributable fractions (AAFs) for vehicular deaths were accessed from the WHO database for 156 countries. A composite indicator, the International Alcohol Policy Injury Index (IAPII), was created to assess the association between policy and death due to injury. FINDINGS: Controlling for per-capita alcohol consumption, injury deaths and AAF deaths were inversely associated with four of the five policy domains. The domains were weighted according to effectiveness and used to construct the IAPII which produced acceptable sensitivity and specificity. Regression results, controlling for consumption, demonstrated the IAPII was significantly associated with AAF vehicular injury death for males, AAF vehicular injury death for females and overall injury death at p< 0.01. CONCLUSION: Findings support the IAPII as a reliable indicator of the relationship between alcohol policies and injury deaths; the stronger the policy the less the likelihood of both overall and vehicular injury death. Future work should test the effectiveness of the IAPII in reducing alcohol-related injury morbidity, which accounts for a larger share of the global burden of disease than alcohol-related injury mortality.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31093038


OBJECTIVE: To analyze trends in mortality due to diseases and conditions fully attributable to alcohol in Brazil. METHODS: This was an ecological time-series study. Proportional, specific, and age-standardized mortality rates between 2000 and 2013 that were due to underlying or contributing causes fully attributable to alcohol use were analyzed by sex, ethnicity/skin color, age group, and region of residence in the country. Data on deaths were obtained from the Brazilian Mortality Information System (SIM). Prais-Winsten regression was used to analyze trends. RESULTS: Deaths with underlying causes and/or conditions contributing to death fully attributable to alcohol accounted for 2.5% of total deaths in the period. There were more deaths among men (3.8%) than among women (0.7%). In both sexes, there was a higher proportion of deaths in those 40-49 years old (27.9%) and those of black or pardo (mixed race) skin color (48.8%). Between 2000 and 2013, there was an upward trend in specific mortality rates attributable to alcohol in the country as a whole (average annual growth rate (AAGR) = 5.59%; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 3.55%-7.68%), especially in people aged less than 20 years old, in pardos (AAGR = 13.42%; 95% CI = 9.70%-17.25%), and in residents of the North region (AAGR = 17.01%; 95% CI = 14.94%-19.13%), the Northeast region (AAGR = 15.49%; 95% CI = 10.61%-20.58%), and the Midwest region (AAGR = 8.40%; 95% CI = 5.57%-11.32%). CONCLUSION: Alcohol is an important and growing cause of premature death in Brazil, especially among men, black/pardo people, and the population living in the most disadvantaged regions. This overall increase in the harmful use of alcohol reflects ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in Brazil, and it also points to the need for population-based policies to reduce the impact of morbidity and to prevent early mortality.

J Subst Use ; 23(3): 240-246, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30713470


BACKGROUND: It is estimated that up to a third of injuries requiring emergency department admission are alcohol-related. While injuries that are alcohol-related are unsurprising to emergency department staff, less is understood about the precursors to the injury event. METHODS: Using data from representative emergency department injury patients in 22 countries, we examined associations between context of injury (private or public), cause of injury (fall or trip, being stuck/cut/ or burned and violence) and alcohol use. Alcohol-related policy data were also obtained from each study locale. RESULTS: Injuries were similarly reported in private (54%) and public settings (46%) while cause of injury was most often due to falls (39%) or being struck/cut or burned (38%). Violence-related injuries were reported by approximately 1 in 5 patients (23%). Increased odds of drinking prior to the injury event was associated with injury due to violence in private settings but not public venues. Similarly, patients from regions with fewer restrictive alcohol policies were more likely to report drinking prior to an injury event and have elevated violence-related injuries in private settings. CONCLUSION: Understanding the cause and context of injury and alcohol use are important components to evaluation and development of alcohol policies.

Alcohol Clin Exp Res ; 41(10): 1731-1737, 2017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28905388


BACKGROUND: This study reports dose-response estimates for the odds ratio (OR) and population attributable risk of acute alcohol use and road traffic injury (RTI). METHODS: Data were analyzed on 1,119 RTI patients arriving at 16 emergency departments (EDs) in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago. Case-crossover analysis, pair-matching the number of standard drinks consumed within the 6 hours prior to the RTI with 2 control periods (prior d/wk), was performed using fractional polynomial analysis for dose-response. RESULTS: About 1 in 6 RTI patients in EDs were positive for self-reported alcohol 6 hours prior to the injury (country range 8.6 to 24.1%). The likelihood of an RTI with any drinking prior (compared to not drinking) was 5 times higher (country range OR 2.50 to 15.00) and the more a person drinks the higher the risk. Every drink (12.8 g alcohol) increased the risk of an RTI by 13%, even 1 to 2 drinks were associated with a sizable increase in risk of an RTI and a dose-response was found. Differences in ORs for drivers (OR = 3.51; 95% CI = 2.25 to 5.45), passengers (OR = 8.12; 95% CI = 4.22 to 15.61), and pedestrians (OR = 6.30; 95% CI = 3.14 to 12.64) and attributable fractions were noted. Acute use of alcohol was attributable to 14% of all RTIs, varying from 7% for females to 19% for being injured as a passenger. CONCLUSIONS: The finding that the presence of alcohol increases risk among drivers and nondrivers alike may further help to urge interventions targeting passengers and pedestrians. Routine screening and brief interventions in all health services could also have a beneficial impact in decreasing rates of RTIs. Higher priority should be given to alcohol as a risk factor for RTIs, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Accidents, Traffic/trends , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking/trends , Emergency Service, Hospital/trends , Adolescent , Adult , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Caribbean Region/epidemiology , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Over Studies , Female , Humans , Latin America/epidemiology , Male , Risk Factors , Young Adult
Addict Biol ; 22(6): 1554-1561, 2017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27507572


This study reports dose-response estimates for the relative risk and population attributable risk (PAR) between acute alcohol use and serious suicide attempt. Data were analyzed on 272 suicide attempters arriving at 38 emergency departments within 6 hours of the event in 17 countries. Case-crossover analysis, pair-matching the number of standard drinks consumed within the 6 hours prior to the suicide attempt with that consumed during the same 6-hour period of the previous week, was performed using fractional polynomial analysis for dose-response. Every drink increased the risk of a suicide attempt by 30 percent; even one-two drinks was associated with a sizable increase in the risk of a serious suicide attempt, and a dose-response was found for the relationship between drinking 6 hours prior and the risk of a suicide attempt up to 20 drinks. Acute use of alcohol was responsible for 35 percent PAR of all suicide attempts. While very high levels of drinking were associated with larger relative risk s of suicide attempt, the control and reduction of smaller quantities of acute alcohol use also had an impact on population levels of suicide attempt, as showed here for the first time with our PAR estimates. Interventions to stop drinking or at least decrease levels of consumption could reduce the risk of suicide attempt. Screening people more at risk to suffer these acute effects of ethanol and offering interventions that work to these high-risk groups are a matter of urgent new research in the area.

Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking/psychology , Alcohol-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Alcohol-Related Disorders/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Adult , Cross-Over Studies , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Female , Humans , Internationality , Male , Risk Factors
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 41: e89, 2017 Jun 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28614487


OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy among the general population of Latin America and the Caribbean, by country, in 2012. METHODS: Three steps were taken: a comprehensive, systematic literature search; meta-analyses, assuming a random-effects model for countries with published studies; and regression modelling (data prediction) for countries with either no published studies or too few to obtain an estimate. RESULTS: Based on 24 existing studies, the pooled prevalence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy among the general population was estimated for Brazil (15.2%; 95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 10.4%-20.8%) and Mexico (1.2%; 95%CI: 0.0%-2.7%). The prevalence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy among the general population was predicted for 31 countries and ranged from 4.8% (95%CI: 4.2%-5.4%) in Cuba to 23.3% (95%CI: 20.1%-26.5%) in Grenada. CONCLUSIONS: Greater prevention efforts and measures are needed in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to prevent pregnant women from consuming alcohol during pregnancy and decrease the rates of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Additional high quality studies on the prevalence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean are also needed.

Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Caribbean Region/epidemiology , Female , Humans , Latin America/epidemiology , Pregnancy , Prevalence
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 38(6): 442-9, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27440091


OBJECTIVE: To describe the volume and patterns of alcohol consumption up to and including 2012, and to estimate the burden of disease attributable to alcohol consumption as measured in deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost in the Americas in 2012. METHODS: Measures of alcohol consumption were obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Information System on Alcohol and Health (GISAH). The burden of alcohol consumption was estimated in both deaths and DALYs lost based on mortality data obtained from WHO, using alcohol-attributable fractions. Regional groupings for the Americas were based on the WHO classifications for 2004 (according to child and adult mortality). RESULTS: Regional variations were observed in the overall volume of alcohol consumed, the proportion of the alcohol market attributable to unrecorded alcohol consumption, drinking patterns, prevalence of drinking, and prevalence of heavy episodic drinking, with inhabitants of the Americas consuming more alcohol (8.4 L of pure alcohol per adult in 2012) compared to the world average. The Americas also experienced a high burden of disease attributable to alcohol consumption (4.7% of all deaths and 6.7% of all DALYs lost), especially in terms of injuries attributable to alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol is consumed in a harmful manner in the Americas, leading to a high burden of disease, especially in terms of injuries. New cost-effective alcohol policies, such as increasing alcohol taxation, increasing the minimum legal age to purchase alcohol, and decreasing the maximum legal blood alcohol content while driving, should be implemented to decrease the harmful consumption of alcohol and the resulting burden of disease.

Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Alcohols , Americas , Disabled Persons , Female , Humans , Male , Quality-Adjusted Life Years