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Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103537, 2022 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319376


Infrared Imaging Video Bolometer (IRVB) measures the radiation from plasma in two-dimensions. IRVB uses a few micrometer thick metal foil as a radiation absorber. The foil being ultra-thin has several limitations. A new radiation absorbing module is proposed here that can effectively overcome the shortcomings of the foils used in IRVB. This module is developed by depositing carbon and metal thin films on an infrared transmitting substrate using magnetron sputtering. This patented module is termed Deposited Layer on a Substrate. A prototype is developed and laboratory tests are carried out using a laser source to demonstrate its feasibility as a radiation detector. The advantages of this module over conventional foils, its development, and experimental results validating the concept are discussed in this article.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103512, 2022 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319325


Hard x-ray (HXR) spectroscopy is applied for diagnostics of runaway electrons in nuclear fusion reactors. The scintillation counter is one of the most commonly used types of detectors for HXR spectroscopy. It consists of a detector that emits light when excited by HXR radiation (scintillator) directly coupled to a PMT (Photomultiplier Tube) that converts light pulses into an electrical signal. This type of detector is commonly used in existing tokamaks, such as Joint European Torus (JET), Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), Compact Assembly (COMPASS), and Axially Symmetric Divertor Experiment (ASDEX-U). In all these cases, the scintillator is directly coupled to the PMT to provide the best possible light transmission efficiency. The Hard X-ray Monitor (HXRM) is one among the first plasma diagnostic systems at ITER that provides information about the energy distribution of runaway electrons inside a tokamak by HXR spectroscopy. This system also uses a scintillator and a PMT as a detector. Due to the heavy shielding of the blanket modules, vacuum vessel, and port-plugs, it is not possible to assemble the scintillator outside the tokamak vacuum vessel. The PMT detector cannot be installed in the close vicinity of the tokamak due to either the significant magnetic field or temperature. A possible solution is to decouple the scintillator from the PMT and place the PMT inside the port-cell. Light pulses will be transmitted to the PMT via a 12 m long optical fiber bundle. Evaluation of the optical transmission was carried out to assess the performance of the HXR monitor and verify possible problems related to the PMT pulse discrimination under low light conditions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(11): 113548, 2022 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461494


A Fast Visible Imaging Diagnostic (FVID) system, measuring the visible light emission spectrum (400-1000 nm) from tokamak plasma, has been installed on the Aditya-U tokamak to monitor the two-dimensional dynamics of the poloidal cross section of the plasma. In this work, we present the design and installation of the FVID system on the Aditya-U tokamak. The evolution of plasma and plasma-wall interactions is described. The signature of the runaway electron beam in visible imaging and its correlation with other diagnostics is presented. The estimation of the electron cyclotron resonance layer position during pre-ionization is also discussed in this work.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(11): 113529, 2022 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36461525


Nascent observations about the influence of kinetic instabilities on electron cyclotron emission (ECE) from runaway electrons (REs) have been detected and explored at the Aditya-Upgrade (Aditya-U) tokamak. The developed broadband ECE radiometer system offers wideband measurements by integrating several radio frequency units with a fixed intermediate frequency receiver with multiple channels, which is a novel approach to meet the needs of the localized measurements at various toroidal fields and extend the system dynamic range. The low density (ne ≤ 1 × 10-19 m-3) plasma discharges at Aditya-U are consistently accompanied by a 20%-40% increase in the ECE radiometer signal amplitude within 100 µs and sporadic step-like modulations. The Pitch Angle Scattering (PAS) of REs induced by kinetic instabilities is a potential candidate for their occurrence. This steep jump in the radiometer signals was detected due to its high temporal resolution of 10 µs. A "PREDICT" code that employs the relativistic test particle model validates these experimental findings of the radiometer diagnostic for the first time for Aditya-U tokamak. Preliminary observations of the ECE radiometer signals also show that additional gas puffs can be used to vary the trigger timings of such PAS events or even lead to their complete avoidance.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(4): 043534, 2021 Apr 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34243463


An infrared imaging video bolometer (IRVB) is proposed for ITER having a tangential view of the entire ITER cross section. For the initial estimate of the signal level, a 840 m3 plasma is assumed to uniformly radiate 67.3 MW. A more detailed estimate of the signal strength is provided by synthetic images based on radiation data from SOLPS and SANCO models for the edge and core plasma, respectively. The Pt foil used as the radiation absorber would have the dimensions of 7 × 9 cm2 and a thickness of 16 µm that will stop 95% of the radiated power. Two different InSb based IR cameras having a sensitivity of 15 mK are considered for measuring the temperature rise of the foil due to the radiation. The first has 1280 × 1024 pixel2 and a frame rate of 105 fps. The second has 640 × 512 pixel2 and a frame rate of 1000 fps. The resulting IRVBs have 40 × 30 pixel2, 10 ms time resolution, and a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 17 and 20 × 15 pixel2, 3 ms time resolution, and a SNR of 35, respectively. The synthetic image data give SNRs of 30 and 59, respectively.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(2): 024901, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26931878


The plasma facing components (PFCs) inside a tokamak are typically exposed to extremely high heat flux of the order of MW/m(2). The brazing quality between the plasma facing materials (PFMs) and the heat sink will determine the structural integrity and hence the effective service life of these PFCs. Suitable non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques for the pre-qualification of these components are thus essential to evaluate their structural integrity at various stages of their service life. Macro-brush type mockups of prototype PFCs with graphite as PFM have been inspected for their brazing quality using different active Infrared (IR)-thermographic NDT techniques. The results obtained from these techniques are compared and discussed. The brazing quality was quantified by establishing a comparison between the experimental results and the results from Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The percentage of contact between the PFM and the substrate was varied in FEA. FEA results when compared with experiments shows that tiles have different amounts of contact with the substrate ranging between 10% and 80%.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(12): 123501, 2014 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25554287


The infrared imaging video bolometer (IRVB) used for measurement of the two-dimensional (2D) radiation profiles from the Large Helical Device has been significantly upgraded recently to improve its signal to noise ratio, sensitivity, and calibration, which ultimately provides quantitative measurements of the radiation from the plasma. The reliability of the quantified data needs to be established by various checks. The noise estimates also need to be revised and more realistic values need to be established. It is shown that the 2D heat diffusion equation can be used for estimating the power falling on the IRVB foil, even with a significant amount of spatial variation in the thermal diffusivity across the area of the platinum foil found experimentally during foil calibration. The equation for the noise equivalent power density (NEPD) is re-derived to include the errors in the measurement of the thermophysical and the optical properties of the IRVB foil. The theoretical value estimated using this newly derived equation matches closely, within 5.5%, with the mean experimental value. The change in the contribution of each error term of the NEPD equation with rising foil temperature is also studied and the blackbody term is found to dominate the other terms at elevated operating temperatures. The IRVB foil is also sensitive to the charge exchange (CX) neutrals escaping from the plasma. The CX neutral contribution is estimated to be marginally higher than the noise equivalent power (NEP) of the IRVB. It is also established that the radiation measured by the IRVB originates from the impurity line radiation from the plasma and not from the heated divertor tiles. The change in the power density due to noise reduction measures such as data smoothing and averaging is found to be comparable to the IRVB NEPD. The precautions that need to be considered during background subtraction are also discussed with experimental illustrations. Finally, the analysis algorithm with all the improvements is validated and found to reproduce the input power well within 10% accuracy. This article answers many fundamental questions relevant to the IRVB and illustrates the care to be exercised while processing the IRVB data.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 84(2): 023503, 2013 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23464207


Core-ion temperature measurements have been carried out by the energy analysis of passive charge exchange (CX) neutrals escaping out of the ADITYA tokamak plasma (minor radius, a = 25 cm and major radius, R = 75 cm) using a 45° parallel plate electrostatic energy analyzer. The neutral particle analyzer (NPA) uses a gas cell configuration for re-ionizing the CX-neutrals and channel electron multipliers (CEMs) as detectors. Energy calibration of the NPA has been carried out using ion-source and ΔE∕E of high-energy channel has been found to be ∼10%. Low signal to noise ratio (SNR) due to VUV reflections on the CEMs was identified during the operation of the NPA with ADITYA plasma discharges. This problem was rectified by upgrading the system by incorporating the additional components and arrangements to suppress VUV radiations and improve its VUV rejection capabilities. The noise rejection capability of the NPA was experimentally confirmed using a standard UV-source and also during the plasma discharges to get an adequate SNR (>30) at the energy channels. Core-ion temperature Ti(0) during flattop of the plasma current has been measured to be up to 150 eV during ohmically heated plasma discharges which is nearly 40% of the average core-electron temperature (typically Te(0) ∼ 400 eV). The present paper describes the principle of tokamak ion temperature measurement, NPA's design, development, and calibration along with the modifications carried out for minimizing the interference of plasma radiations in the CX-spectrum. Performance of the NPA during plasma discharges and experimental results on the measurement of ion-temperature have also been reported here.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 82(1): 014901, 2011 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21280850


The active infrared thermography technique is used for assessing the brazing quality of an actively cooled bolometer camera housing developed for steady state superconducting tokamak. The housing is a circular pipe, which has circular tubes vacuum brazed on the periphery. A unique method was adopted to monitor the temperature distribution on the internal surface of the pipe. A stainless steel mirror was placed inside the pipe and the reflected IR radiations were viewed using an IR camera. The heat stimulus was given by passing hot water through the tubes and the temperature distribution was monitored during the transient phase. The thermographs showed a significant nonuniformity in the brazing with a contact area of around 51%. The thermography results were compared with the x-ray radiographs and a good match between the two was observed. Benefits of thermography over x-ray radiography testing are emphasized.