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Nature ; 612(7940): 454-458, 2022 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36424409


Correlations are fundamental in describing many-body systems. However, in experiments, correlations are notoriously difficult to assess on a microscopic scale, especially for electron spins. Even though it is firmly established theoretically that the electrons in a Cooper pair1 of a superconductor form maximally spin-entangled singlet states with opposite spin projections2-4, no spin correlation experiments have been demonstrated so far. Here we report the direct measurement of the spin cross-correlations between the currents of a Cooper pair splitter5-13, an electronic device that emits electrons originating from Cooper pairs. We use ferromagnetic split-gates14,15, compatible with nearby superconducting structures, to individually spin polarize the transmissions of the quantum dots in the two electronic paths, which act as tunable spin filters. The signals are detected in standard transport and in highly sensitive transconductance experiments. We find that the spin cross-correlation is negative, consistent with spin singlet emission, and deviates from the ideal value mostly due to the overlap of the Zeeman split quantum dot states. Our results demonstrate a new route to perform spin correlation experiments in nano-electronic devices, especially suitable for those relying on magnetic field sensitive superconducting elements, like triplet or topologically non-trivial superconductors16-18, or to perform Bell tests with massive particles19,20.

Nano Lett ; 24(3): 790-796, 2024 Jan 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38189790


We experimentally and computationally investigate the magneto-conductance across the radial heterojunction of InAs-GaSb core-shell nanowires under a magnetic field, B, up to 30 T and at temperatures in the range 4.2-200 K. The observed double-peak negative differential conductance markedly blue-shifts with increasing B. The doublet accounts for spin-polarized currents through the Zeeman split channels of the InAs (GaSb) conduction (valence) band and exhibits strong anisotropy with respect to B orientation and marked temperature dependence. Envelope function approximation and a semiclassical (WKB) approach allow to compute the magnetic quantum states of InAs and GaSb sections of the nanowire and to estimate the B-dependent tunneling current across the broken-gap interface. Disentangling different magneto-transport channels and a thermally activated valence-to-valence band transport current, we extract the g-factor from the spin-up and spin-down dI/dV branch dispersion, revealing a giant, strongly anisotropic g-factor in excess of 60 (100) for the radial (tilted) field configurations.

Nano Lett ; 22(21): 8502-8508, 2022 Nov 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36285780


We report nonreciprocal dissipation-less transport in single ballistic InSb nanoflag Josephson junctions. Applying an in-plane magnetic field, we observe an inequality in supercurrent for the two opposite current propagation directions. Thus, these devices can work as Josephson diodes, with dissipation-less current flowing in only one direction. For small fields, the supercurrent asymmetry increases linearly with external field, and then it saturates as the Zeeman energy becomes relevant, before it finally decreases to zero at higher fields. The effect is maximum when the in-plane field is perpendicular to the current vector, which identifies Rashba spin-orbit coupling as the main symmetry-breaking mechanism. While a variation in carrier concentration in these high-quality InSb nanoflags does not significantly influence the supercurrent asymmetry, it is instead strongly suppressed by an increase in temperature. Our experimental findings are consistent with a model for ballistic short junctions and show that the diode effect is intrinsic to this material.

Nano Lett ; 21(20): 8587-8594, 2021 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34618458


Low-dimensional nanosystems are promising candidates for manipulating, controlling, and capturing photons with large sensitivities and low noise. If quantum engineered to tailor the energy of the localized electrons across the desired frequency range, they can allow devising of efficient quantum sensors across any frequency domain. Here, we exploit the rich few-electron physics to develop millimeter-wave nanodetectors employing as a sensing element an InAs/InAs0.3P0.7 quantum-dot nanowire, embedded in a single-electron transistor. Once irradiated with light, the deeply localized quantum element exhibits an extra electromotive force driven by the photothermoelectric effect, which is exploited to efficiently sense radiation at 0.6 THz with a noise equivalent power <8 pWHz-1/2 and almost zero dark current. The achieved results open intriguing perspectives for quantum key distributions, quantum communications, and quantum cryptography at terahertz frequencies.

Nanotechnology ; 32(14): 145204, 2021 Apr 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33361570


We fabricate dual-gated electric double layer (EDL) field effect transistors based on InAs nanowires gated with an ionic liquid, and we perform electrical transport measurements in the temperature range from room temperature to 4.2 K. By adjusting the spatial distribution of ions inside the ionic liquid employed as gate dielectric, we electrostatically induce doping in the nanostructures under analysis. We extract low-temperature carrier concentration and mobility in very different doping regimes from the analysis of current-voltage characteristics and transconductances measured exploiting global back-gating. In the liquid gate voltage interval from -2 to 2 V, carrier concentration can be enhanced up to two orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, the effect of the ionic accumulation on the nanowire surface turns out to be detrimental to the electron mobility of the semiconductor nanostructure: the electron mobility is quenched irrespectively to the sign of the accumulated ionic species. The reported results shine light on the effective impact on crucial transport parameters of EDL gating in semiconductor nanodevices and they should be considered when designing experiments in which electrostatic doping of semiconductor nanostructures via electrolyte gating is involved.

Nanotechnology ; 32(7): 075001, 2021 Feb 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33096537


We have studied the effects of optical-frequency light on proximitized InAs/Al Josephson junctions based on highly n-doped InAs nanowires at varying incident photon flux and at three different photon wavelengths. The experimentally obtained IV curves were modeled using a resistively shunted junction model which takes scattering at the contact interfaces into account. Despite the fact that the InAs weak link is photosensitive, the Josephson junctions were found to be surprisingly robust, interacting with the incident radiation only through heating, whereas above the critical current our devices showed non-thermal effects resulting from photon exposure. Our work indicates that Josephson junctions based on highly-doped InAs nanowires can be integrated in close proximity to photonic circuits. The results also suggest that such junctions can be used for optical-frequency photon detection through thermal processes by measuring a shift in critical current.

Nano Lett ; 20(3): 1693-1699, 2020 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32048854


We report results on the control of barrier transparency in InAs/InP nanowire quantum dots via the electrostatic control of the device electron states. Recent works demonstrated that barrier transparency in this class of devices displays a general trend just depending on the total orbital energy of the trapped electrons. We show that a qualitatively different regime is observed at relatively low filling numbers, where tunneling rates are rather controlled by the axial configuration of the electron orbital. Transmission rates versus filling are further modified by acting on the radial configuration of the orbitals by means of electrostatic gating, and the barrier transparency for the various orbitals is found to evolve as expected from numerical simulations. The possibility to exploit this mechanism to achieve a controlled continuous tuning of the tunneling rate of an individual Coulomb blockade resonance is discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(7): 076802, 2020 Aug 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32857585


Fractional conductance is measured by partitioning a ν=1 edge state using gate-tunable fractional quantum Hall (FQH) liquids of filling 1/3 or 2/3 for current injection and detection. We observe two sets of FQH plateaus 1/9, 2/9, 4/9 and 1/6, 1/3, 2/3 at low and high magnetic field ends of the ν=1 plateau, respectively. The findings are explained by magnetic field dependent equilibration of three FQH edge modes with conductance e^{2}/3h arising from edge reconstruction. The results reveal a remarkable enhancement of the equilibration lengths of the FQH edge modes with increasing magnetic field.

Nanotechnology ; 31(38): 384002, 2020 Sep 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32516756


Research interest in indium antimonide (InSb) has increased significantly in recent years owing to its intrinsic properties and the consequent opportunities to implement next-generation quantum devices. Hence, the precise, reproducible control over morphology and crystalline quality becomes of paramount importance for a practical quantum-device technology. Here, we investigate the growth of InSb nanostructures with different morphologies on InAs stems without pre-growth efforts (patterning). InSb nanostructures such as nanowires (1D), nanoflags (2D) and nanocubes (3D) have been realized by means of Au-assisted chemical beam epitaxy by tailoring the growth parameters like growth temperature, precursor fluxes, sample rotation and substrate orientation. Through morphological and crystallographic characterization, all the as-grown InSb 2D nanostructures are found to be single-crystalline with zinc blende structure, free from any defects such as stacking faults and twin planes. The existence of two families of 2D nanostructures, characterised by an aperture angle at the base of 145° and 160°, is observed and modelled. This study provides useful guidelines for the controlled growth of high-quality InSb nanostructures with different shape.

Nanotechnology ; 31(32): 324004, 2020 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32325444


We analyze the benefits and shortcomings of a thermal control in nanoscale electronic conductors by means of the contact heating scheme. Ideally, this straightforward approach allows one to apply a known thermal bias across nanostructures directly through metallic leads, avoiding conventional substrate intermediation. We show, by using the average noise thermometry and local noise sensing technique in InAs nanowire-based devices, that a nanoscale metallic constriction on a SiO2 substrate acts like a diffusive conductor with negligible electron-phonon relaxation and non-ideal leads. The non-universal impact of the leads on the achieved thermal bias-which depends on their dimensions, shape and material composition-is hard to minimize, but is possible to accurately calibrate in a properly designed nano-device. Our results allow to reduce the issue of the thermal bias calibration to the knowledge of the heater resistance and pave the way for accurate thermoelectric or similar measurements at the nanoscale.

Nano Lett ; 19(5): 3033-3039, 2019 05 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30935206


We demonstrate high-temperature thermoelectric conversion in InAs/InP nanowire quantum dots by taking advantage of their strong electronic confinement. The electrical conductance G and the thermopower S are obtained from charge transport measurements and accurately reproduced with a theoretical model accounting for the multilevel structure of the quantum dot. Notably, our analysis does not rely on the estimate of cotunnelling contributions, since electronic thermal transport is dominated by multilevel heat transport. By taking into account two spin-degenerate energy levels we are able to evaluate the electronic thermal conductance K and investigate the evolution of the electronic figure of merit ZT as a function of the quantum dot configuration and demonstrate ZT ≈ 35 at 30 K, corresponding to an electronic efficiency at maximum power close to the Curzon-Ahlborn limit.

Nanotechnology ; 30(9): 094003, 2019 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30537697


The steady-state chemical composition of the In/Au alloy nanoparticles (NPs) during isothermal growth of Au-assisted InAs and InP nanowires (NWs) is different for the two materials. Therefore, when switching from one material to the other, to grow axial NW heterostructures, transient effects dominate during the time period of the NP reconfiguration. As a consequence, the precise control of the thickness of thin InP and InAs segments, which is fundamental for the realization of quantum dot (QD) structures and superlattices, can be very challenging. In this work, we present a study of the thickness/diameter dependence of two InP barriers and of the InAs short segment in between (QD), inserted into InAs NWs grown by means of Au-assisted chemical beam epitaxy. We found a broad variability of the InP segment thickness within the same as-grown sample, resulting in InAs NWs with asymmetric and non-homogeneous InP barriers. We explain the results by considering the NP reconfiguration dynamics which dominates at the early stages of the growth in both growth sequences. Moreover, we propose a strategy to control the growth rate and the dynamics of the barriers, by forcing the NP reconfiguration before starting the InP growth. This allows for the realization of InAs/InP NW heterostructures of different diameters, all having symmetric InP barriers with well controlled thickness, which are crucial parameters for the realization of advanced electronic quantum devices.

Nanotechnology ; 31(13): 135003, 2019 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31778992


We present a comprehensive electrical characterization of an InAs/InP nanowire (NW) heterostructure, comprising of two InP barriers forming a quantum dot (QD), two adjacent lead segments and two metallic contacts. We demonstrate how to extract valuable quantitative information of the QD. The QD shows very regular Coulomb blockade resonances over a large gate voltage range. By analyzing the resonance line shapes, we map the evolution of the tunnel couplings from the few to the many electron regime, with electrically tunable tunnel couplings from <1 µeV to >600 µeV, and a transition from the temperature to the lifetime broadened regime. The InP segments form tunnel barriers with almost fully symmetric tunnel couplings and a barrier height of ∼350 meV. All of these findings can be understood in great detail based on the deterministic material composition and geometry. Our results demonstrate that integrated InAs/InP QDs provide a promising platform for electron tunneling spectroscopy in InAs NWs, which can readily be contacted by a variety of superconducting materials to investigate subgap states in proximitized NW regions, or be used to characterize thermoelectric nanoscale devices in the quantum regime.

Sensors (Basel) ; 19(13)2019 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31284650


In this work, we isolate individual wurtzite InAs nanowires and fabricate electrical contacts at both ends, exploiting the single nanostructures as building blocks to realize two different architectures of conductometric sensors: (a) the nanowire is drop-casted onto-supported by-a SiO2/Si substrate, and (b) the nanowire is suspended at approximately 250 nm from the substrate. We test the source-drain current upon changes in the concentration of humidity, ethanol, and NO2, using synthetic air as a gas carrier, moving a step forward towards mimicking operational environmental conditions. The supported architecture shows higher response in the mid humidity range (50% relative humidity), with shorter response and recovery times and lower detection limit with respect to the suspended nanowire. These experimental pieces of evidence indicate a minor role of the InAs/SiO2 contact area; hence, there is no need for suspended nanostructures to improve the sensing performance. Moreover, the sensing capability of single InAs nanowires for detection of NO2 and ethanol in the ambient atmosphere is reported and discussed.

Nano Lett ; 18(1): 167-174, 2018 01 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29186660


The possibility to expand the range of material combinations in defect-free heterostructures is one of the main motivations for the great interest in semiconductor nanowires. However, most axial nanowire heterostructures suffer from interface compositional gradients and kink formation, as a consequence of nanoparticle-nanowire interactions during the metal-assisted growth. Understanding such interactions and how they affect the growth mode is fundamental to achieve a full control over the morphology and the properties of nanowire heterostructures for device applications. Here we demonstrate that the sole parameter affecting the growth mode (straight or kinked) of InP segments on InAs nanowire stems by the Au-assisted method is the nanoparticle composition. Indeed, straight InAs-InP nanowire heterostructures are obtained only when the In/Au ratio in the nanoparticles is low, typically smaller than 1.5. For higher In content, the InP segments tend to kink. Tailoring the In/Au ratio by the precursor fluxes at a fixed growth temperature enables us to obtain straight and radius-uniform InAs-InP nanowire heterostructures (single and double) with atomically sharp interfaces. We present a model that is capable of describing all the experimentally observed phenomena: straight growth versus kinking, the stationary nanoparticle compositions in pure InAs and InAs-InP nanowires, the crystal phase trends, and the interfacial abruptness. By taking into account different nanowire/nanoparticle interfacial configurations (forming wetting or nonwetting monolayers in vertical or tapered geometry), our generalized model provides the conditions of nanoparticle stability and abrupt heterointerfaces for a rich variety of growth scenarios. Therefore, our results provide a powerful tool for obtaining high quality InAs-InP nanowire heterostructures with well-controlled properties and can be extended to other material combinations based on the group V interchange.

Int J Mol Sci ; 19(2)2018 Jan 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29364852


With the increasing interest in the potential benefits of nanotechnologies, concern is still growing that they may present emerging risks for workers. Various strategies have been developed to assess the exposure to nano-objects and their agglomerates and aggregates (NOAA) in the workplace, integrating different aerosol measurement instruments and taking into account multiple parameters that may influence NOAA toxicity. The present study proposes a multi-metric approach for measuring and sampling NOAA in the workplace, applied to three case studies in laboratories each dedicated to materials with different shapes and dimensionalities: graphene, nanowires, and nanoparticles. The study is part of a larger project with the aim of improving risk management tools in nanomaterials research laboratories. The harmonized methodology proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has been applied, including information gathering about materials and processes, measurements with easy-to-use and hand-held real-time devices, air sampling with personal samplers, and off-line analysis using scanning electron microscopy. Significant values beyond which an emission can be attributed to the NOAA production process were identified by comparison of the particle number concentration (PNC) time series and the corresponding background levels in the three laboratories. We explored the relations between background PNC and microclimatic parameters. Morphological and elemental analysis of sampled filters was done to identify possible emission sources of NOAA during the production processes: rare particles, spherical, with average diameter similar to the produced NOAA were identified in the nanoparticles laboratory, so further investigation is recommended to confirm the potential for worker exposure. In conclusion, the information obtained should provide a valuable basis for improving risk management strategies in the laboratory at work.

Air Pollutants, Occupational , Laboratories , Nanostructures , Occupational Exposure , Workplace , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Humans , Nanostructures/adverse effects , Nanostructures/chemistry , Nanostructures/ultrastructure , Occupational Health
Nano Lett ; 16(9): 5521-7, 2016 09 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27532324


We investigate light emission from nanoscale point-sources obtained in hybrid metal-GaAs nanowires embedding two sharp axial Schottky barriers. Devices are obtained via the formation of Ni-rich metallic alloy regions in the nanostructure body thanks to a technique of controlled thermal annealing of Ni/Au electrodes. In agreement with recent findings, visible-light electroluminescence can be observed upon suitable voltage biasing of the junctions. We investigate the time-resolved emission properties of our devices and demonstrate an electrical modulation of light generation up to 1 GHz. We explore different drive configurations and discuss the intrinsic bottlenecks of the present device architecture. Our results demonstrate a novel technique for the realization of fast subwavelength light sources with possible applications in sensing and microscopy beyond the diffraction limit.

Nano Lett ; 16(11): 7183-7190, 2016 11 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27760298


Au-catalyzed III-V nanowire heterostructures based on the group III interchange usually grow straight only in one of the two growth sequences, whereas the other sequence produces kinked geometries; thus, the realization of double heterostructures remains challenging. Here, we investigate the growth of Au-assisted InAs-GaAs and GaAs-InAs axial nanowire heterostructures. A detailed study of the heterostructure morphology as a function of growth parameters and chemical composition of the catalyst nanoparticle is performed by means of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. Our results clearly demonstrate that the nanoparticle composition, rather than other growth parameters, as postulated so far, controls the growth mode and the resulting nanowire morphology. Although GaAs easily grows straight on InAs, straight growth of InAs on GaAs is achieved only if the nanoparticle composition is properly tuned. We find that straight InAs segments on GaAs require high group III-to-Au ratios in the nanoparticle (greater than 0.8); otherwise, the droplet wets the sidewalls and the nanowire kinks. We discuss the observed behavior within a theoretical model that relates the nanoparticle stability to the group III-to-Au ratio. Based on this finding, we demonstrate the growth of straight nanowire heterostructures for both sequences. The proposed strategy can be extended to other III-V nanowire heterostructures based on the group III interchange, allowing for straight morphology regardless of the growth sequence, and ultimately for designing nanowire heterostructures with the required properties for different applications.

Nano Lett ; 16(9): 5688-93, 2016 09 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27479039


We demonstrate localization and field-effect spatial control of the plasmon resonance in semiconductor nanostructures, using scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy in the mid-infrared region. We adopt InAs nanowires embedding a graded doping profile to modulate the free carrier density along the axial direction. Our near-field measurements have a spatial resolution of 20 nm and demonstrate the presence of a local resonant feature whose position can be controlled by a back-gate bias voltage. In the present implementation, field-effect induces a modulation of the free carrier density profile yielding a spatial shift of the plasmon resonance of the order of 100 nm. We discuss the relevance of our electrically tunable nanoplasmonic architectures in view of innovative optoelectronic devices concepts.

Nanotechnology ; 27(41): 415201, 2016 Oct 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27586817


In this article we demonstrate type-II band alignment at the wurtzite/zinc-blende hetero-interface in InAs polytype nanowires using resonance Raman measurements. Nanowires were grown with an optimum ratio of the above mentioned phases, so that in the electronic band alignment of such NWs the effect of the difference in the crystal structure dominates over other perturbing effects (e.g. interfacial strain, confinement of charge carriers and band bending due to space charge). Experimental results are compared with the band alignment obtained from density functional theory calculations. In resonance Raman measurements, the excitation energies in the visible range probe the band alignment formed by the E 1 gap of wurtzite and zinc-blende phases. However, we expect our claim to be valid also for band alignment near the fundamental gap at the heterointerface.