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J Fish Biol ; 103(6): 1312-1320, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37602957


The sympatric red snappers, Lutjanus erythropterus and Lutjanus malabaricus, are highly valued by commercial and recreational fishers along the tropical northern coasts of Australia and throughout their distribution. Studies on the life history and ecology of these congeners are confounded by difficulties in distinguishing the cryptic juveniles of each species (i.e., < 200 mm total length). This study aimed to validate a robust and cost-effective method to discriminate these juveniles using body and/or otolith morphometric data in a multivariate analysis. Juvenile samples were collected from the northwest (n = 71) and northeast (n = 19) coasts of Australia, and species identification was confirmed using DNA barcoding. The most parsimonious multivariate models achieved accurate species prediction rates of 98.8%, which consisted of just three body variables (dorsal fin length, the distance from the snout to the anterior edge of the eye, and either jaw length or distance from the snout to the preoperculum). The high level of discrimination for these cryptic juveniles highlights the robustness of this morphometric approach. The slightly lower rate of discrimination using otolith morphology (84.9%) was associated with greater regional variation in L. malabaricus between the northwest and northeast coasts. Slight variations in otolith shape are typically used to determine stock structure, which highlights the potential need to collect samples over a broader area of a species geographic range when using an otolith morphometric discrimination model. The method outlined in this study could be applied to distinguish other cryptic congeneric fish species, including from archived otolith collections. Moreover, this method has the potential to be utilized in assessing species compositions using body measurements from in situ stereo-video.

Otolithic Membrane , Perciformes , Animals , Otolithic Membrane/anatomy & histology , Perciformes/genetics , Fishes/genetics , DNA , Ecology
Conserv Biol ; 36(2): e13807, 2022 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34312893


Marine fisheries in coastal ecosystems in many areas of the world have historically removed large-bodied individuals, potentially impairing ecosystem functioning and the long-term sustainability of fish populations. Reporting on size-based indicators that link to food-web structure can contribute to ecosystem-based management, but the application of these indicators over large (cross-ecosystem) geographical scales has been limited to either fisheries-dependent catch data or diver-based methods restricted to shallow waters (<20 m) that can misrepresent the abundance of large-bodied fished species. We obtained data on the body-size structure of 82 recreationally or commercially targeted marine demersal teleosts from 2904 deployments of baited remote underwater stereo-video (stereo-BRUV). Sampling was at up to 50 m depth and covered approximately 10,000 km of the continental shelf of Australia. Seascape relief, water depth, and human gravity (i.e., a proxy of human impacts) were the strongest predictors of the probability of occurrence of large fishes and the abundance of fishes above the minimum legal size of capture. No-take marine reserves had a positive effect on the abundance of fishes above legal size, although the effect varied across species groups. In contrast, sublegal fishes were best predicted by gradients in sea surface temperature (mean and variance). In areas of low human impact, large fishes were about three times more likely to be encountered and fishes of legal size were approximately five times more abundant. For conspicuous species groups with contrasting habitat, environmental, and biogeographic affinities, abundance of legal-size fishes typically declined as human impact increased. Our large-scale quantitative analyses highlight the combined importance of seascape complexity, regions with low human footprint, and no-take marine reserves in protecting large-bodied fishes across a broad range of species and ecosystem configurations.

Las pesquerías marinas de los ecosistemas costeros en muchas áreas del mundo históricamente han removido a individuos de gran tamaño, potencialmente perjudicando el funcionamiento ambiental y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de las poblaciones de peces. Los reportes sobre los indicadores basados en el tamaño que se vinculan con la estructura de la red alimenticia pueden contribuir al manejo basado en el ecosistema, aunque la aplicación de estos indicadores a grandes (inter-ecosistemas) escalas geográficas ha estado limitada a datos de captura dependientes de las pesquerías o métodos basados en el buceo restringidos a aguas someras (<20 m), lo cual puede representar erróneamente la abundancia de peces de gran tamaño capturados para la pesca. Obtuvimos los datos de la estructura del tamaño corporal de 82 teleósteos marinos demersales focalizados por razones recreativas o comerciales tomados de 2,904 despliegues de video estéreo subacuático remoto con cebo (stereo-BRUV, en inglés). El muestreo se realizó hasta los 50 metros de profundidad y abarcó aproximadamente 10,000 km del talud continental de Australia. El relieve marino, la profundidad del agua y la gravedad humana (es decir, un indicador de los impactos humanos) fueron los pronosticadores más sólidos de la probabilidad de incidencia de los peces de gran tamaño y de la abundancia de peces por encima del tamaño legal mínimo de captura. Las reservas marinas de protección total tienen un efecto positivo sobre la abundancia de los peces que están por encima del tamaño legal, aunque el efecto varió según el grupo de especies. Como contraste, los peces de tamaño sublegal fueron pronosticados de mejor manera usando gradientes de la temperatura de la superficie marina (media y varianza). En las áreas con un impacto humano reducido, los peces de gran tamaño corporal tenían hasta tres veces mayor probabilidad de aparecer y los peces de tamaño legal eran aproximadamente cinco veces más abundantes. Para los grupos de especies conspicuas con afinidades contrastantes de hábitat, ambiente y biogeografía, la abundancia de peces de tamaño legal normalmente declinó conforme aumentó el impacto humano. Nuestros análisis cuantitativos a gran escala resaltan la importancia conjunta que tienen la complejidad marina, las regiones con una huella humana reducida y las reservas marinas de protección total para la protección de los peces de gran tamaño corporal en una extensa gama de especies y configuraciones ecosistémicas. Efectos de la Huella Humana y los Factores Biofísicos sobre la Estructura del Tamaño Corporal de Especies Marinas Capturadas para la Pesca.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Animals , Australia , Body Size , Fisheries , Fishes , Humans
J Fish Biol ; 101(6): 1540-1556, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36307378


A new species of deep-water epinephelid fish is described from the west coast of Australia based on 14 specimens, 99-595 mm standard length. Hyporthodus griseofasciatus sp. nov. is endemic to Western Australia from Barrow Island to Two Peoples Bay in depths of 76-470 m. It has a series of eight grey bands alternating with eight brown bands along the body and the soft dorsal, soft anal and caudal fin margins are pale cream to white. It is distinguished from its nearest congener, H. ergastularius, by the presence of a star-like pattern of radiating lines on the head versus an overall brownish colour in the latter as well as significant differences in the quantitative analyses of 25 morphological characters. The two species have allopatric distributions on either side of the Australian continent. H. griseofasciatus is distinguished from H. octofasciatus by several grey bands being distinctly narrower than other grey bands (vs. all grey bands subequal in the latter) and the presence of broad white margins on the dorsal, caudal and anal fins (vs. narrow or absent in the latter). Some scale counts appear to also differ. Analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 sequences revealed reciprocally monophyletic clades with fixed differences and genetic distances typical of recently diverged species of fishes.

Bass , Perciformes , Animals , Australia , Water , Perciformes/anatomy & histology , Bass/genetics , Western Australia
Glob Chang Biol ; 27(15): 3432-3447, 2021 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34015863


Marine reserves are a key tool for the conservation of marine biodiversity, yet only ~2.5% of the world's oceans are protected. The integration of marine reserves into connected networks representing all habitats has been encouraged by international agreements, yet the benefits of this design has not been tested empirically. Australia has one of the largest systems of marine reserves, providing a rare opportunity to assess how connectivity influences conservation success. An Australia-wide dataset was collected using baited remote underwater video systems deployed across a depth range from 0 to 100 m to assess the effectiveness of marine reserves for protecting teleosts subject to commercial and recreational fishing. A meta-analytical comparison of 73 fished species within 91 marine reserves found that, on average, marine reserves had 28% greater abundance and 53% greater biomass of fished species compared to adjacent areas open to fishing. However, benefits of protection were not observed across all reserves (heterogeneity), so full subsets generalized additive modelling was used to consider factors that influence marine reserve effectiveness, including distance-based and ecological metrics of connectivity among reserves. Our results suggest that increased connectivity and depth improve the aforementioned marine reserve benefits and that these factors should be considered to optimize such benefits over time. We provide important guidance on factors to consider when implementing marine reserves for the purpose of increasing the abundance and size of fished species, given the expected increase in coverage globally. We show that marine reserves that are highly protected (no-take) and designed to optimize connectivity, size and depth range can provide an effective conservation strategy for fished species in temperate and tropical waters within an overarching marine biodiversity conservation framework.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Animals , Australia , Ecosystem , Fisheries , Fishes , Oceans and Seas
J Fish Biol ; 99(6): 1869-1886, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34431089


The yellowspotted rockcod, Epinephelus areolatus, is a small-sized grouper that is widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific, where it forms a valuable component of the harvest derived from multispecies fisheries along continental and insular shelves. Samples of E. areolatus were collected from 2012 to 2018 from commercial catches and research surveys in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne regions of north-western Australia to improve the understanding of the life history, inherent vulnerability and stock status of this species. Histological analysis of gonads (n = 1889) determined that E. areolatus was a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite. Non-functional spermatogenic crypts were dispersed within the ovaries of 23% of mature functioning females; nonetheless, these crypts were not observed during the immature female phase. The length and age at which 50% of females matured were 266 mm total length (LT ) and 2.7 years, respectively. The spawning period was protracted over 10-12 months of the year with biannual peaks at the start of spring and autumn (i.e., September and March) when the photoperiod was at its mid-range (i.e., 12.1 h). Estimates of the lengths and ages at which 50% of E. areolatus change sex from female to male were very similar (i.e., <5% difference) between the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, i.e., L 50 sc of 364 and 349 mm LT and A 50 sc of 7.9 and 7.3 years, respectively. A maximum age of 19 years was observed in all three regions, but there was significant regional variation in growth. These variations in growth were not correlated with latitude; instead a parabolic relationship was evident, where the smallest mean length-at-age and fastest growth rates (k) occurred in the mid-latitudes of the Pilbara region. In the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, individuals were not fully selected by commercial fish traps until 5-6 years of age, hence, several years after reaching maturity. These life-history characteristics infer a high population productivity, which underpins the sustainable harvest of this species, despite comprising the largest catches of all epinephelids in the multispecies tropical fisheries across north-western Australia.

Bass , Perciformes , Animals , Female , Male , Reproduction , Sex Determination Processes , Western Australia
J Hered ; 111(5): 471-485, 2020 09 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32803261


Deep-sea habitats may drive unique dispersal and demographic patterns for fishes, but population genetic analyses to address these questions have rarely been conducted for fishes in these environments. This study investigates the population structure of 3 tropical deepwater snappers of the genus Etelis that reside at 100-400 m depth, with broad and overlapping distributions in the Indo-Pacific. Previous studies showed little population structure within the Hawaiian Archipelago for 2 of these species: Etelis coruscans and E. carbunculus. Here we extend sampling to the entire geographic range of each species to resolve the population genetic architecture for these 2 species, as well as a recently exposed cryptic species (Etelis sp.). One goal was to determine whether deepwater snappers are more dispersive than shallow-water fishes. A second goal was to determine whether submesophotic fishes have older, more stable populations than shallow reef denizens that are subject to glacial sea-level fluctuations. Both goals are pertinent to the management of these valuable food fishes. A total of 1153 specimens of E. coruscans from 15 geographic regions were analyzed, along with 1064 specimens of E. carbunculus from 11 regions, and 590 specimens of E. sp. from 16 regions. The first 2 species were analyzed with mtDNA and 9-11 microsatellite loci, while E. sp. was analyzed with mtDNA only. Etelis coruscans had a non-significant microsatellite global FST, but significant global mtDNA Ф ST = 0.010 (P = 0.0007), with the isolation of Seychelles in the western Indian Ocean, and intermittent signals of isolation for the Hawaiian Archipelago. Etelis carbunculus had a non-significant microsatellite global FST, and significant global mtDNA Ф ST = 0.021 (P = 0.0001), with low but significant levels of isolation for Hawai'i, and divergence between Tonga and Fiji. Etelis sp. had mtDNA Ф ST = 0.018 (P = 0.0005), with a strong pattern of isolation for both Seychelles and Tonga. Overall, we observed low population structure, shallow mtDNA coalescence (similar to near-shore species), and isolation at the fringes of the Indo-Pacific basin in Hawai'i and the western Indian Ocean. While most shallow-water species have population structure on the scale of biogeographic provinces, deepwater snapper populations are structured on the wider scale of ocean basins, more similar to pelagic fishes than to shallow-water species. This population structure indicates the capacity for widespread dispersal throughout the Indo-Pacific region.

Fishes/classification , Fishes/genetics , Genetics, Population , Animals , DNA, Mitochondrial , Genotyping Techniques , Indian Ocean , Microsatellite Repeats , Pacific Ocean , Pharmacogenomic Variants , Phylogeny
Glob Chang Biol ; 24(5): 1894-1903, 2018 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29411925


Entrainment of growth patterns of multiple species to single climatic drivers can lower ecosystem resilience and increase the risk of species extinction during stressful climatic events. However, predictions of the effects of climate change on the productivity and dynamics of marine fishes are hampered by a lack of historical data on growth patterns. We use otolith biochronologies to show that the strength of a boundary current, modulated by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, accounted for almost half of the shared variance in annual growth patterns of five of six species of tropical and temperate marine fishes across 23° of latitude (3000 km) in Western Australia. Stronger flow during La Niña years drove increased growth of five species, whereas weaker flow during El Niño years reduced growth. Our work is the first to link the growth patterns of multiple fishes with a single oceanographic/climate phenomenon at large spatial scales and across multiple climate zones, habitat types, trophic levels and depth ranges. Extreme La Niña and El Niño events are predicted to occur more frequently in the future and these are likely to have implications for these vulnerable ecosystems, such as a limited capacity of the marine taxa to recover from stressful climatic events.

Ecosystem , Fishes/growth & development , Tropical Climate , Animals , Climate Change , Oceans and Seas , Water Movements , Western Australia
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 100: 361-371, 2016 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27083863


Evolutionary genetic patterns in shallow coastal fishes are documented with dozens of studies, but corresponding surveys of deepwater fishes (>200m) are scarce. Here we investigate the evolutionary history of deepwater snappers (genus Etelis), comprised of three recognized Indo-Pacific species and one Atlantic congener, by constructing a phylogeny of the genus with two mtDNA loci and two nuclear introns. Further, we apply range-wide Indo-Pacific sampling to test for the presence and distribution of a putative cryptic species pair within E. carbunculus using morphological analyses and mtDNA cytochrome b sequences from 14 locations across the species range (N=1696). These analyses indicate that E. carbunculus is comprised of two distinct, non-interbreeding lineages separated by deep divergence (d=0.081 in cytochrome b). Although these species are morphologically similar, we identified qualitative differences in coloration of the upper-caudal fin tip and the shape of the opercular spine, as well as significant differences in adult body length, body depth, and head length. These two species have overlapping Indo-Pacific distributions, but one species is more widespread across the Indo-Pacific, whereas the other species is documented in the Indian Ocean and Western Central Pacific. The dated Etelis phylogeny places the cryptic species divergence in the Pliocene, indicating that the biogeographic barrier between the Indian and Pacific Oceans played a role in speciation. Based on historic taxonomy and nomenclature, the species more widespread in the Pacific Ocean is E. carbunculus, and the other species is previously undescribed (referred to here as E. sp.). The Atlantic congener E. oculatus has only recently (∼0.5Ma) diverged from E. coruscans in the Indo-Pacific, indicating colonization via southern Africa. The pattern of divergence at the Indo-Pacific barrier, and Pleistocene colonization from the Indian Ocean into the Atlantic, is concordant with patterns observed in shallow coastal fishes, indicating similar drivers of evolutionary processes.

Fishes/genetics , Africa, Southern , Animal Distribution , Animals , Atlantic Ocean , Cytochromes b/genetics , DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics , Evolution, Molecular , Fish Proteins/genetics , Fishes/anatomy & histology , Fishes/classification , Genetic Speciation , Indian Ocean , Pacific Ocean , Phylogeny , Phylogeography , Sequence Analysis, DNA
Mar Environ Res ; 170: 105403, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34271482


A large (~2450 km2) offshore (~75 km) targeted fisheries closure (TFC) area was implemented on the North West Shelf of Australia (NWS) in 1998 as part of a suite of management controls to address overfishing concerns, and in the process to potentially mitigate any impacts of trawling to benthic habitats. Twelve years later, the benthic biota and fish assemblages in the TFC were assessed using stereo-video and compared with adjacent areas that have been consistently fished with a range of commercial fishing methods. The remote nature of the region has meant that these areas would be inaccessible to recreational fishers. After 12 years of protection there were significant differences between the TFC and comparable fished areas in both the composition and the height of biogenic structures, however the magnitude of these differences were subtle, except for branching soft corals, which were significantly taller in the TFC area. Despite the relatively young age of the TFC, significant differences in the fish abundance and biomass compositions were driven by the slower growing, longer lived and inherently less productive fishery target species. The abundance of Lutjanus sebae (red emperor) and Epinephelus multinotatus (Rankin cod), and the associated biomass of L. sebae and Pristipomoides multidens (goldband snapper) were all greater within the TFC. However, neither the abundance or biomass of the relatively shorter lived and more productive fishery species (e.g. the bluespotted emperor Lethrinus punctulatus and the brownstripe snapper Lutjanus vitta) were greater within the TFC. Growth rates of benthic biota across the NWS are unknown, however the limited detectable differences in benthic biota between the TFC and fished areas, suggests that either recovery of the benthic biota is slow and may not yet be at a threshold for detection and/or alternatively that current fishing activities are not causing adverse impacts to biogenic structures. These large, offshore targeted fishery closures provide a useful reference point to examine the natural variability, growth and recovery of benthic biota and fish assemblages after the cessation of fishing.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Fisheries , Animals , Australia , Biota , Ecosystem , Fishes
Sci Rep ; 10(1): 4319, 2020 03 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32152406


Lutjanus erythropterus and L. malabaricus are sympatric, sister taxa that are important to fisheries throughout the Indo-Pacific. Their juveniles are morphologically indistinguishable (i.e. cryptic). A DNA metabarcoding dietary study was undertaken to assess the diet composition and partitioning between the juvenile and adult life history stages of these two lutjanids. Major prey taxa were comprised of teleosts and crustaceans for all groups except adult L. erythropterus, which instead consumed soft bodied invertebrates (e.g. tunicates, comb jellies and medusae) as well as teleosts, with crustaceans being notably absent. Diet composition was significantly different among life history stages and species, which may be associated with niche habitat partitioning or differences in mouth morphology within adult life stages. This study provides the first evidence of diet partitioning between cryptic juveniles of overlapping lutjanid species, thus providing new insights into the ecological interactions, habitat associations, and the specialised adaptations required for the coexistence of closely related species. This study has improved our understanding of the differential contributions of the juvenile and adult diets of these sympatric species within food webs. The diet partitioning reported in this study was only revealed by the taxonomic resolution provided by the DNA metabarcoding approach and highlights the potential utility of this method to refine the dietary components of reef fishes more generally.

DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , DNA/genetics , Diet/statistics & numerical data , Fishes/classification , Fishes/genetics , Gastrointestinal Tract/metabolism , Genetic Speciation , Animals , DNA/analysis , Ecosystem , Fishes/growth & development , Predatory Behavior , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Species Specificity , Sympatry
PLoS One ; 10(7): e0132528, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26147291


Coral diseases represent a significant and increasing threat to coral reefs. Among the most destructive diseases is White Syndrome (WS), which is increasing in distribution and prevalence throughout the Indo-Pacific. The aim of this study was to determine taxonomic and spatial patterns in mortality rates of corals following the 2008 outbreak of WS at Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean. WS mainly affected Acropora plate corals and caused total mortality of 36% of colonies across all surveyed sites and depths. Total mortality varied between sites but was generally much greater in the shallows (0-96% of colonies at 5 m depth) compared to deeper waters (0-30% of colonies at 20 m depth). Site-specific mortality rates were a reflection of the proportion of corals affected by WS at each site during the initial outbreak and were predicted by the initial cover of live Acropora plate cover. The WS outbreak had a selective impact on the coral community. Following the outbreak, live Acropora plate coral cover at 5 m depth decreased significantly from 7.0 to 0.8%, while the cover of other coral taxa remained unchanged. Observations five years after the initial outbreak revealed that total Acropora plate cover remained low and confirmed that corals that lost all their tissue due to WS did not recover. These results demonstrate that WS represents a significant and selective form of coral mortality and highlights the serious threat WS poses to coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific.

Animal Diseases/epidemiology , Anthozoa , Coral Reefs , Disease Outbreaks , Animals , Indian Ocean/epidemiology , Pacific Ocean/epidemiology
Sci Rep ; 5: 9044, 2015 Mar 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25761975


The effects of climate change on predatory fishes in deep shelf areas are difficult to predict because complex processes may govern food availability and temperature at depth. We characterised the net impact of recent environmental changes on hapuku (Polyprion oxygeneios), an apex predator found in continental slope habitats (>200 m depth) by using dendrochronology techniques to develop a multi-decadal record of growth from otoliths. Fish were sampled off temperate south-western Australia, a region strongly influenced by the Leeuwin Current, a poleward-flowing, eastern boundary current. The common variance among individual growth records was relatively low (3.4%), but the otolith chronology was positively correlated (r = 0.61, p < 0.02) with sea level at Fremantle, a proxy for the strength of the Leeuwin Current. The Leeuwin Current influences the primary productivity of shelf ecosystems, with a strong current favouring growth in hapuku. Leeuwin Current strength is predicted to decline under climate change models and this study provides evidence that associated productivity changes may flow through to higher trophic levels even in deep water habitats.

Environment , Fishes , Predatory Behavior , Animals , Ecosystem
PLoS One ; 8(3): e59959, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23555847


Marine embayments and estuaries play an important role in the ecology and life history of many fish species. Cockburn Sound is one of a relative paucity of marine embayments on the west coast of Australia. Its sheltered waters and close proximity to a capital city have resulted in anthropogenic intrusion and extensive seascape modification. This study aimed to compare the sampling efficiencies of baited videos and fish traps in determining the relative abundance and diversity of temperate demersal fish species associated with naturally occurring (seagrass, limestone outcrops and soft sediment) and modified (rockwall and dredge channel) habitats in Cockburn Sound. Baited videos sampled a greater range of species in higher total and mean abundances than fish traps. This larger amount of data collected by baited videos allowed for greater discrimination of fish assemblages between habitats. The markedly higher diversity and abundances of fish associated with seagrass and limestone outcrops, and the fact that these habitats are very limited within Cockburn Sound, suggests they play an important role in the fish ecology of this embayment. Fish assemblages associated with modified habitats comprised a subset of species in lower abundances when compared to natural habitats with similar physical characteristics. This suggests modified habitats may not have provided the necessary resource requirements (e.g. shelter and/or diet) for some species, resulting in alterations to the natural trophic structure and interspecific interactions. Baited videos provided a more efficient and non-extractive method for comparing fish assemblages and habitat associations of smaller bodied species and juveniles in a turbid environment.

Ecology/methods , Ecosystem , Fishes/physiology , Animals , Australia , Biodiversity , Geography , Population Dynamics , Temperature , Video Recording
PLoS One ; 7(11): e45973, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23209547


Age structure data is essential for single species stock assessments but length-frequency data can provide complementary information. In south-western Australia, the majority of these data for exploited species are derived from line caught fish. However, baited remote underwater stereo-video systems (stereo-BRUVS) surveys have also been found to provide accurate length measurements. Given that line fishing tends to be biased towards larger fish, we predicted that, stereo-BRUVS would yield length-frequency data with a smaller mean length and skewed towards smaller fish than that collected by fisheries-independent line fishing. To assess the biases and selectivity of stereo-BRUVS and line fishing we compared the length-frequencies obtained for three commonly fished species, using a novel application of the Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) method and the established Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. The shape of the length-frequency distribution obtained for the labrid Choerodon rubescens by stereo-BRUVS and line fishing did not differ significantly, but, as predicted, the mean length estimated from stereo-BRUVS was 17% smaller. Contrary to our predictions, the mean length and shape of the length-frequency distribution for the epinephelid Epinephelides armatus did not differ significantly between line fishing and stereo-BRUVS. For the sparid Pagrus auratus, the length frequency distribution derived from the stereo-BRUVS method was bi-modal, while that from line fishing was uni-modal. However, the location of the first modal length class for P. auratus observed by each sampling method was similar. No differences were found between the results of the KS and KDE tests, however, KDE provided a data-driven method for approximating length-frequency data to a probability function and a useful way of describing and testing any differences between length-frequency samples. This study found the overall size selectivity of line fishing and stereo-BRUVS were unexpectedly similar.

Ecosystem , Fisheries , Fishes , Animals , Models, Theoretical , Population Density , Population Dynamics , South Australia , Western Australia