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Environ Sci Technol ; 58(33): 14687-14697, 2024 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39115966


As global change processes modify the extent and functions of terrestrial-aquatic interfaces, the variability of critical and dynamic transitional zones between wetlands and uplands increases. However, it is still unclear how fluctuating water levels at these dynamic boundaries alter groundwater biogeochemical cycling. Here, we used high-temporal resolution data along gradients from wetlands to uplands and during fluctuating water levels at freshwater coastal areas to capture spatiotemporal patterns of groundwater redox potential (Eh). We observed that topography influences groundwater Eh that is higher in uplands than in wetlands; however, the high variability within TAI zones challenged the establishment of distinct redox zonation. Declining water levels generally decreased Eh, but most locations exhibited significant Eh variability, which is associated with rare instances of short-term water level fluctuations, introducing oxygen. The Eh-oxygen relationship showed distinct hysteresis patterns, reflecting redox poising capacity at higher Eh, maintaining more oxidizing states longer than the dissolved oxygen presence. Surprisingly, we observed more frequent oxidizing states in transitional areas and wetlands than in uplands. We infer that occasional oxygen entering specific wetland-upland boundaries acts as critical biogeochemical control points. High-resolution data can capture such rare yet significant biogeochemical instances, supporting redox-informed models and advancing the predictability of climate change feedback.

Groundwater , Oxidation-Reduction , Wetlands , Groundwater/chemistry
Water Resour Res ; 59(7): e2022WR034053, 2023 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38440781


Contradictory interpretations of transient storage modeling (TSM) results of past studies hamper the understanding of how hydrologic conditions control solute transport in streams. To address this issue, we conduct 30 instantaneous tracer experiments in the Weierbach stream, Luxembourg. Using an iterative modeling approach, we calibrate TSM parameters and assess their identifiability across various hydrologic conditions. Near-stream groundwater monitoring wells and LIDAR scans of the streambed are used to evaluate the area of the hyporheic zone and of the submerged sediments for each experiment. Our findings show that increasing discharge enhances parameters interaction requiring more samples of TSM parameters to obtain identifiable results. Our results also indicate that transient storage at the study site is influenced by in-stream and hyporheic exchange processes during low discharge, likely due to the hyporheic zone's large extent and the relatively low water level compared to the size of slate fragments on the streambed. However, as discharge increases, in-stream storage zones become part of the advective channel and the lower localized stream water losses to the adjacent groundwater suggests a decrease of the hyporheic exchange on transient storage. The results obtained were utilized to generate a hydrograph for the study site illustrating the dynamic evolution of in-stream and hyporheic storage with varying discharge, providing insights into the expected influence of different transient storage processes prior to tracer experiments. Overall, our study enhances the understanding of the role of the hyporheic area and in-stream storage zones in transient storage and helps estimate TSM parameters more accurately.

J Environ Manage ; 343: 118153, 2023 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37229853


The vertical hydraulic conductivity (KV) of riverbeds plays a pivotal role in controlling water exchanges between the surface water and groundwater. The recent papers have focused on the spatial and temporal variability of KV (K measured in the "z" direction), while point measurement schemes seem to require more attention. The most popular measurement technique is the falling head method, in which a PVC pipe is placed in the riverbed. The most commonly used formulas to determine hydraulic conductivity are those based on the Darcy's law and its modifications. This article presents how the falling head method should be carried out and what errors need to be considered in conditions of the riverbank intake. The simultaneous measurements and analyses of the falling head vs. the riverbed head can produce satisfying outcomes and reduce errors. A full utility MS Excel spreadsheet based on an automated formula with a solver was developed.

Groundwater , Rivers , Poland , Water Movements , Water
Environ Monit Assess ; 195(7): 892, 2023 Jun 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37368078


High-frequency monitoring of water quality in catchments brings along the challenge of post-processing large amounts of data. Moreover, monitoring stations are often remote and technical issues resulting in data gaps are common. Machine learning algorithms can be applied to fill these gaps, and to a certain extent, for predictions and interpretation. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate six different machine learning models for gap-filling in a high-frequency nitrate and total phosphorus concentration time series, (2) to showcase the potential added value (and limitations) of machine learning to interpret underlying processes, and (3) to study the limits of machine learning algorithms for predictions outside the training period. We used a 4-year high-frequency dataset from a ditch draining one intensive dairy farm in the east of The Netherlands. Continuous time series of precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater levels, discharge, turbidity, and nitrate or total phosphorus were used as predictors for total phosphorus and nitrate concentrations respectively. Our results showed that the random forest algorithm had the best performance to fill in data-gaps, with R2 higher than 0.92 and short computation times. The feature importance helped understanding the changes in transport processes linked to water conservation measures and rain variability. Applying the machine learning model outside the training period resulted in a low performance, largely due to system changes (manure surplus and water conservation) which were not included as predictors. This study offers a valuable and novel example of how to use and interpret machine learning models for post-processing high-frequency water quality data.

Environmental Monitoring , Nitrates , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Nitrates/analysis , Water Quality , Machine Learning , Phosphorus/analysis
Environ Monit Assess ; 194(3): 198, 2022 Feb 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35178617


Distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic controls on the proportions of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) in the environment is important for water resource management. In this study, the dynamics of uranium (U) and thorium (Th), two of the most prominent NORM elements, were investigated in the Red Deer River basin using monitoring data collected from 2015 to 2018. More than twofold increases in median proportions of total U (from 0.73 to 1.53 µg/L) and Th (from 0.008 to 0.104 µg/L) were observed for sites located downstream of the Steveville badlands, an area of highly erodible bedrock that a ~ 300 km section of the river flows through. Input is highly variable, coinciding mainly with increases in total suspended solids during intense rainstorms in the late summer. In-depth examination of monitoring data through factor analysis, multiple linear regression, mass balance calculations, and land use analysis highlights the importance of erosion and subsequent particle transport along river banks in the badlands area on the distribution of total U and Th, while also revealing that groundwater-surface water interaction affects proportions of dissolved U throughout the river. No significant influence from industry or land use on U and Th export was found, and proportions of U and Th in water and suspended sediment are within the natural ranges expected for surface waters and sediments/soils. Methodology employed in this study provides a basic framework for analysis of environmental monitoring datasets, which can be employed in the absence of radiochemical data to study the fate, transport, and sources of NORMs.

Deer , Uranium , Alberta , Animals , Environmental Monitoring , Geologic Sediments/analysis , Rivers , Thorium/analysis , Uranium/analysis
Hydrogeol J ; 29(1): 259-279, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33603565


Several different approaches have been developed to model the specific characteristics of karst aquifers, taking account of their inherent complex spatial and temporal heterogeneities. This paper sets out the development of a semidistributed modelling approach for applications in an Irish karst context using urban drainage software. The models have proven to be very useful for different studies, with examples given for the ecohydrology of ephemeral karst lakes, extreme groundwater-flood alleviation, karst network investigation, submarine groundwater discharge, and quantification of different recharge and flow components. The limitations of the approach are also highlighted, in particular not being able to simulate diffuse infiltration and flow paths explicitly across the groundwater catchment. Hence, a more distributed, finite-difference modelling approach using MODFLOW Unstructured Grid (USG) with the newly developed Connected Linear Network (CLN) process is then compared against the semidistributed approach on the same karst catchment. Whilst it has proven difficult to achieve the same levels of model performance in simulating the spring flows in the distributed model compared to the semidistributed model, the ability to interrogate the flow paths at any point on the three-dimensional aquifer is demonstrated, which can give new insights into flows (and potential contaminant transport) through such complex systems. The influence of the proximity of highly transmissive conduits on the flow dynamics through the much-lower transmissive matrix cells in which the network is embedded has been particularly investigated.

Plusieurs approches différentes ont été développées pour modéliser les caractéristiques spécifiques des aquifères karstiques, prenant en compte leurs hétérogénéités spatiales et temporelles associées à leur complexité intrinsèque. Cet article présente le développement d'une approche de modélisation semi-distribuée appliquée à un contexte karstique irlandais en utilisant un logiciel de drainage urbain. Ces modèles se sont avérés très utiles pour différentes études, avec des exemples appliqués à l'écohydrologie de lacs karstiques éphémères, l'atténuation de crues extrêmes liées aux eaux souterraines, à l'étude du réseau karstique, à la décharge des sources sous-marines et à la quantification des différentes composantes aussi bien de la recharge que du débit. Les limites de cette approche sont aussi mises en évidence, avec en particulier l'incapacité de simuler l'infiltration diffuse et les voies d'écoulement de manière explicite au sein du bassin d'alimentation d'eaux souterraines. Par conséquent, une approche de modélisation plus distribuée aux différences finies utilisant le logiciel MODFLOW avec une grille non structurée (USG) intégrant le processus récemment développé de réseau linéaire connecté (CLN) est ensuite comparée à l'approche semi-distribuée appliquée au même bassin karstique. Alors qu'il s'est avéré difficile d'atteindre les mêmes niveaux de performance du modèle concernant la simulation du débit à la source à l'aide du modèle distribué en comparaison au modèle semi-distribué, la possibilité d'examiner les voies d'écoulement en tout point de l'aquifère en 3D est démontrée, ce qui peut donner de nouvelles connaissances sur les écoulements (et le transport potentiel de contaminants) au sein de tels systèmes complexes. L'influence de la proximité de conduits hautement transmissifs sur les écoulements dynamiques au travers des cellules de transmissivité plus faible de la matrice au sein de laquelle le réseau est intégré, a été particulièrement étudiée.

Se han elaborado varios enfoques diferentes para modelar las características específicas de los acuíferos kársticos, teniendo en cuenta sus complejas y propias heterogeneidades espaciales y temporales. En el presente documento se expone la elaboración de un enfoque de modelización semidistribuido para aplicaciones en un contexto kárstico de Irlanda utilizando programas informáticos de drenaje urbano. Los modelos han demostrado ser muy útiles para diferentes estudios, y se dan ejemplos para la ecohidrología de los lagos kársticos efímeros, la mitigación de las inundaciones extremas de aguas subterráneas, la investigación de redes kársticas, la descarga submarina de aguas subterráneas y la cuantificación de diferentes componentes de la recarga y el flujo. También se ponen de relieve las limitaciones del enfoque, en particular el hecho de no poder simular explícitamente la infiltración difusa y las trayectorias de flujo a través de la cuenca de captación de aguas subterráneas. Por lo tanto, un enfoque de modelización de diferencias finitas distribuidas utilizando la red no estructurada (USG) de MODFLOW con el proceso de la Red Lineal Conectada (CLN) recientemente desarrollado se compara entonces con el enfoque semidistribuido en la misma cuenca kárstica. Si bien se ha demostrado que es difícil lograr los mismos niveles de rendimiento del modelo en la simulación de los flujos de manantiales en el modelo distribuido en comparación con el modelo semidistribuido, se demuestra la capacidad de interrogar las trayectorias de los flujos en cualquier punto del acuífero tridimensional, lo que puede dar nuevos conocimientos sobre los flujos (y el transporte de contaminantes potenciales) a través de sistemas tan complejos. Se ha investigado en particular la influencia de la proximidad de conductos altamente transmisivos en la dinámica de los flujos a través de las células de la matriz transmisiva, mucho más bajas, en las que está incorporada la red.

Diversas abordagens diferentes foram desenvolvidas para modelar as características específicas dos aquíferos cársticos, levando em consideração suas complexas heterogeneidades espaciais e temporais inerentes. Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem de modelagem semidistribuída para aplicações em um contexto cárstico irlandês usando software de drenagem urbana. Os modelos provaram ser muito úteis para diferentes estudos, com exemplos dados para a ecohidrologia de lagos cársticos efêmeros, alívio de inundações subterrâneas extremas, investigação de rede cárstica, descarga de água subterrânea submarina e quantificação de diferentes componentes de recarga e fluxo. As limitações da abordagem também são destacadas, em particular não ser capaz de simular infiltração difusa e caminhos de fluxo explicitamente através da captação de água subterrânea. Portanto, uma abordagem de modelagem de diferenças finitas, mais distribuída, usando MODFLOW Unstructured Grid (USG) com o processo de Rede Linear Conectada (RLC) recém-desenvolvido é então comparada com a abordagem semidistribuída na mesma bacia cárstica. Embora tenha se mostrado difícil alcançar os mesmos níveis de desempenho do modelo na simulação dos fluxos de nascente no modelo distribuído em comparação com o modelo semidistribuído, a capacidade de interrogar os caminhos de fluxo em qualquer ponto do aquífero tridimensional é demonstrada, o que pode dar novas percepções sobre os fluxos (e o transporte potencial de contaminantes) por meio de tais sistemas complexos. A influência da proximidade de condutos altamente transmissivos na dinâmica do fluxo através das células da matriz transmissiva muito inferior nas quais a rede está inserida foi investigada particularmente.

Environ Monit Assess ; 191(2): 116, 2019 Jan 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30701325


Riparian wetlands (RW) are important variable source areas for runoff generation. They are usually characterised by a combination of groundwater exfiltration-which maintains saturated conditions in low-lying organic-rich soils-and direct precipitation. Both processes interact to generate overland flow as a dominant runoff process. The small-scale details of groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) interactions are usually not well understood in RW. Here, we report the results of a study from an experimental catchment in the Scottish Highlands where spatio-temporal runoff processes in RW were investigated using isotopes, alkalinity and hydrometric measurements. We focused on perennial micro-catchments within the RW and ephemeral zero-order channels draining peatland hollows and hummocks to better understand the heterogeneity in GW-SW interactions. The 12-month study period was dominated by the wettest winter (December/January) period on record. Runoff generation in the RW was strongly controlled by the local groundwater response to direct rainfall, but also the exfiltration of groundwater from upslope. This groundwater drainage is focused in the hollows in ephemeral and perennial drainage channels, but in wet conditions, as exfiltration rates increase, can affect hummocks as well. The hollows provide the dominant areas for mixing groundwater, soil water and direct rainfall to deliver water to the stream network as hollows "fill and spill" to increase connectivity. They also provide wet areas for evaporation which is evident in enriched isotope signatures in summer. Although there is some degree of heterogeneity in the extent to which groundwater influences specific micro-catchments, particularly under low flows, the overall isotopic response is quite similar, especially when the catchment is wet and this responses can explain the isotope signatures observed in the stream. In the future, more longitudinal studies of micro-catchments are needed to better explain the heterogeneity observed.

Environmental Monitoring/methods , Groundwater/analysis , Wetlands , Rivers , Seasons , Soil/chemistry , Water/analysis , Water Movements , Water Supply
J Environ Manage ; 220: 233-245, 2018 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29783177


Identifying and quantifying groundwater exchange is critical when considering contaminant fate and transport at the groundwater/surface-water interface. In this paper, areally distributed temperature and point seepage measurements are used to efficiently assess spatial and temporal groundwater discharge patterns through a glacial-kettle lakebed area containing a zero-valent iron permeable reactive barrier (PRB). Concern was that the PRB was becoming less permeable with time owing to biogeochemical processes within the PRB. Patterns of groundwater discharge over an 8-year period were examined using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing (FO-DTS) and snapshot-in-time point measurements of temperature. The resulting thermal maps show complex and uneven distributions of temperatures across the lakebed and highlight zones of rapid seepage near the shoreline and along the outer boundaries of the PRB. Repeated thermal mapping indicates an increase in lakebed temperatures over time at periods of similar stage and surface-water temperature. Flux rates in six seepage meters permanently installed on the lakebed in the PRB area decreased on average by 0.021 md-1 (or about 4.5 percent) annually between 2004 and 2015. Modeling of diurnal temperature signals from shallow vertical profiles yielded mean flux values ranging from 0.39 to 1.15 md-1, with stronger fluxes generally related to colder lakebed temperatures. The combination of an increase in lakebed temperatures, declines in direct seepage, and observations of increased cementation of the lakebed surface provide in situ evidence that the permeability of the PRB is declining. The presence of temporally persistent rapid seepage zones is also discussed.

Groundwater , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Iron , Lakes , Water Movements
J Environ Manage ; 202(Pt 2): 337-347, 2017 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28117113


There are numerous wetland rehabilitation projects worldwide, but their efficiency is seldom assessed comprehensively. Oxbow lakes are wetlands of particular sensitivity. Within a large-scale floodplain rehabilitation project in Hungary, the Old Drava Programme, water replenishment was first carried out for the Cún-Szaporca oxbow lakes, a key area in the project. To assess its sustainability, the entire hydrological system has been monitored. From the data of hydrological monitoring (infiltration, soil moisture, groundwater/lakewater interaction) it is claimed that water replenishment involves significant losses through seepage (4.1 and 1.46 mm d-1) and evaporation (3.01 and 1.44 mm d-1) in the studied pre-intervention and replenishment periods, resp. Infiltration alone is insufficient to replenish groundwater and raise oxbow lake levels. In the critical summer half-year evaporation is intensive in the neighbouring agricultural fields. Groundwater table dynamics are controlled by hyporheic and groundwater flow. Major impact on the water balance of the oxbow lakes is exerted by the regime of the Drava River. A deepened lakebed is recommended to ensure more effective water retention in the oxbow lake. From the local study conclusions are drawn for the feasibility of rehabilitation at floodplain scale and in areas with similar hydromorphological conditions.

Environmental Monitoring , Water Movements , Hungary , Lakes , Water
Sci Total Environ ; 951: 175617, 2024 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159693


Groundwater inflow can be a significant source of nutrients for riverine ecosystems, which can affect eutrophication i.e., the elevated primary production and the corresponding accumulation of algal biomass. Experimental and modelling work has shown that benthic algae (autotrophic biofilms) in particular benefit, as they have direct access to the inflowing groundwater-borne nutrients. Primarily the supply of phosphorus (P) enhances pelagic algal biomass, as it is the limiting nutrient for primary production in most freshwater systems. In this study, we estimate the effect of groundwater inflow on overall eutrophication of a large, European lowland river and tested its seasonal effect on biofilms in particular. We calculated the effects on overall eutrophication during summer according to the estimated input of groundwater-borne P and the C:P stoichiometry of planktonic algae in the Elbe River. Our model indicated that these diffuse P inputs have the potential to significantly increase eutrophication. Groundwater-P can contribute up to 1.5 t/d PO4 over the investigated 450 km stretch of the Elbe River under low flow conditions. This would result in an additional planktonic load of about 46 t/d of particulate organic carbon, thereby contributing to eutrophication at the regional scale in this river. In contrast, at the local scale, biofilms were collected seasonally from artificial substrata exposed in the river either in hydrogeologically active areas with groundwater inflow, or in areas of varying hydraulic connectivity. Analyses of biofilm macronutrients, structural components and biofilm community composition show distinct effects of season, hydrogeology and groundwater inflow. The dominant predictors were season and the interaction between hydrogeology and groundwater. Benthic eutrophication is most likely to occur in autumn in areas of loose rock with high groundwater inflow. The strong interaction of environmental factors in determining benthic eutrophication highlights the need to assess these factors in combination rather than in isolation.

Environmental Monitoring , Eutrophication , Groundwater , Phosphorus , Rivers , Rivers/chemistry , Rivers/microbiology , Groundwater/chemistry , Phosphorus/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Biofilms , Nutrients/analysis , Ecosystem
Sci Total Environ ; 946: 174102, 2024 Oct 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38908572


Barrier islands are threatened by climate change as sea-level rise and higher frequency storm surge lead to more flooding and saltwater intrusion. Vegetation plays a vital role in preventing erosion of barrier islands due to aeolian and hydrological forces. However, vegetation on barrier islands is threatened by rising water tables causing hypoxic conditions and storm-surge overwash introducing saline water to the root zone. To better protect barrier island ecosystems, it is critical to identify the relative influence of different hydrological drivers on water table elevation and salinity, and understand how this influence varies spatially and temporally. In this study, three barrier island sites were instrumented with groundwater wells monitoring water level and specific conductance. Using these data, a set of transfer function noise models were calibrated and used to determine the relative influence of hydrologic drivers including precipitation, evapotranspiration, bay and ocean water levels, and wave height on groundwater levels and specific conductance. We found that drivers of water-level change and specific conductance vary strongly among sites, depending primarily on the surface water connectivity and the geology of the island. Sites with close connection to inlets showed more salinization and responded to a larger number of drivers, while sites that were poorly connected to the ocean responded to fewer drivers.

Sci Total Environ ; 914: 169826, 2024 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38185170


Headwaters provide many ecosystems services. Currently, these vulnerable systems are subject to threats related to human activities. This work aims to analyse the spatial pattern changes (expansion/contraction) in the drainage network (DN) of a headwater sub-basin under agriculture between 1966 and 2019 in the Argentine Pampas Region. We study and discuss the hydrometeorological and land use context to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of the DN, and propose a conceptual model that synthesizes the complex interactions between the factors involved in that dynamics. A broad (1950-2019, at the Del Azul Creek basin) and a short (1996-2019, at the sub-basin of the Videla Creek -SVC-) temporal and spatial scale analysis of data were carried out. We studied rainfall, evapotranspiration, water table depth, streamflow and land use. Temporal and spatial changes in the DN of the SVC were analysed by aerial photos and historical satellite images. Four wet and three dry periods were identified, and close surface-subsurface water interactions typical of plains, were found. The area under agriculture showed a first gradual increase (1975-2012), which turned sharp from 2012 (30,908 ha year-1), with a leading role of soybeans' sown area. The area of the DN increased 1.4699*105 m2 between 1966 and 2010, both under dry conditions, which evidenced its expansion. The study of the flatlands' particular hydrology within the current land use and management trends provided key elements to understand DN area's changes. Complex interactions between processes associated with climatic forcing and the system's sensitivity (its state to receive and process the inputs), are involved in the spatial and temporal dynamics of the DN. Our work improves the understanding of the functioning of these vulnerable systems within agricultural areas, nowadays under productive pressures associated with increasing global food demand, and threats to changes in the hydrological dynamics by global change.

Environ Toxicol Chem ; 43(7): 1524-1536, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38817108


Aquatic ecosystems are often impacted by a multitude of stressors, many of which are introduced by a combination of anthropogenic activities such as agricultural development, urbanization, damming, and industrial discharge. Determining the primary stressors responsible for ecological impairments at a site can be complex and challenging; however, it is crucial for making informed management decisions. Improper diagnosis of an impaired system can lead to misguided attempts at remediation, which can be both time consuming and costly. We focused on the development, implementation, and evaluation of methodologies that, in combination, allowed us to identify the primary stressors. These included a four-phase, weight-of-evidence (WOE) assessment including in situ Toxicity Identification and Evaluation (iTIE) testing, physicochemical and macrobenthos characterization, reciprocal sediment transplants, and laboratory and in situ toxicity testing. The contaminants of concern (COCs) at the site were elevated levels of ammonia, chloride, pH, and total dissolved solids in groundwater upwellings into a high-quality waterway. Reciprocal transplants of site sediments and nearby reference sediments and traditional benthic sampling showed impaired benthic indices and multiple stations around a contaminated industrial settling basin. Impaired stations had elevated COCs in groundwaters but exhibited a steep vertical concentration gradient, with concentrations decreasing near the sediment-surface water interface. We describe Phase 4 of the study, which focused on teasing out the role of dissolved oxygen sags in benthic macroinvertebrate responses. Extensive submerged and emergent macrophytes, algae, and cyanobacteria co-occurred at the impaired sites and increased throughout the summer. Laboratory testing suggested that ammonia and pH were possibly toxic at the sites, based on groundwater concentrations. The in situ toxicity testing, however, showed toxicity occurring even at stations with low levels of COCs concurrently with large diurnal fluxes in dissolved oxygen (DO). A final phase using a type of iTIE approach utilized limnocorrals with and without aeration and with in situ toxicity measures using Hyalella azteca. The Phase 4 assessment revealed that low DO levels were primarily responsible for impaired benthic communities, and COC upwellings were diluted at the sediment-water interface to nontoxic levels. These findings will allow for improved management decisions for more efficient and effective restoration activities. Environ Toxicol Chem 2024;43:1524-1536. © 2024 SETAC.

Environmental Monitoring , Geologic Sediments , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , Animals , Geologic Sediments/chemistry , Toxicity Tests , Ecosystem
Isotopes Environ Health Stud ; 60(3): 309-330, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38946354


The Lower Quang Tri River Group, situated in central Vietnam, faces a myriad of challenges, notably the decline in groundwater levels and the salinisation of both groundwater and surface water, significantly impacting water availability for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. To address these pressing concerns, this study adopts a comprehensive methodology integrating hydrogeological measurements, isotopic techniques, and chemical analyses of various water sources, including local precipitation, surface water bodies, reservoirs, and groundwater samples. Utilising the deuterium and oxygen-18 signatures (δ2H and δ18O) in water molecules as environmental tracers for the assessment of base flow and water sources enables a nuanced understanding of the intricate interaction between surface water and groundwater. Research findings elucidate that during the dry season, groundwater recharge primarily stems from water in the reservoirs over approximately seven months. Base flow contributes between 80 and 85 % of streamflow during the rainy season, escalating to 100 % during the dry season. The mean travelling time of the base flow is estimated at 120 ± 10 days using the sine curve model developed by Rodgers et al. The insights gleaned from this study are poised to play a pivotal role in guiding the local water resources managers in licensing for the exploitation of a right quantities of groundwater as sustainable management strategies in the region.

Deuterium , Environmental Monitoring , Groundwater , Hydrology , Oxygen Isotopes , Rivers , Vietnam , Groundwater/chemistry , Groundwater/analysis , Oxygen Isotopes/analysis , Deuterium/analysis , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Rivers/chemistry , Water Movements , Seasons
Toxicon ; 226: 107077, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36893989


Groundwater is a significant source of water across the world and constitutes about 30% of the earth's freshwater. This water source is likely to be contaminated by cyanobacteria that produce secondary metabolites called cyanotoxins. Studies on contamination of groundwater by cyanobacteria have been sketchy with limited information. There is a need for better evidence regarding groundwater contamination by cyanobacteria as their presence in surface water bodies could cause contamination of groundwater via infiltration and percolation during rainfall events or during groundwater-surface water interaction, bank infiltration or water quality exchange. Therefore, this review is aimed at exploring the occurrences and potential sources of cyanotoxins in groundwater. This was achieved by summarising the existing data on the occurrence of cyanobacteria in groundwater and their potential sources across the world. Groundwater cyanobacteria contamination can possibly pose threat to water quality because many of the cyanotoxins produced by cyanobacteria pose a severe threat to human health, animals and the environment. Concentrations of microcystins (MCs) in groundwater have been recorded in China (Chaohu), Saudi Arabia, and China (Huai River Basin), with concentrations of 1.446 µg/L, 1.8 µg/L and 1.07 µg/L, respectively. In humans, exposure to these cyanotoxins can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and skin irritation, to mention a few. This work highlights the importance of providing information or knowledge regarding public health implications of exposure to groundwater contaminated with cyanotoxins and the need to undertake risk management actions through national and international regulation. This review also points out current knowledge gaps, which could lead to future research.

Cyanobacteria , Groundwater , Animals , Humans , Cyanobacteria Toxins , Public Health , Microcystins/toxicity , Groundwater/microbiology , Fresh Water/microbiology
Water Res ; 240: 120073, 2023 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37235893


Developing strategic plans for the remediation and mitigation of pre- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in soil, groundwater, and surface water requires an understanding of the fate and transport of these chemicals on a regional scale. To fill this knowledge gap, we developed a distributed hydrogeochemical model and applied it to a large-scale watershed with various point and non-point sources of a long-chain, highly persistent PFAS compound known as perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS). The results showed that the developed model could reproduce the spatiotemporal concentration of PFOS across a large and diverse watershed. Herein, our first objective was to quantify the PFOS transport from the unsaturated zone to the groundwater and surface water via leaching, surface runoff, lateral flow, and sediment transport. The second objective was to identify factors influencing PFOS release from confirmed and suspected PFAS sites and urban and agricultural areas. The modeling results show that surface runoff played a significant role in PFOS transport, with urban areas and industrial sites being major contributors. In addition, sediment transport was found to be a notable pathway for PFOS release, particularly from sites with biosolids application. Further analysis revealed the relative importance of topography, soil water retention, and water-solid adsorption factors in determining PFOS transport dynamics at the watershed scale for better source identification and targeted management.

Alkanesulfonic Acids , Fluorocarbons , Groundwater , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Water/analysis , Alkanesulfonic Acids/analysis , Soil/chemistry , Fluorocarbons/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis
Water Res ; 242: 120236, 2023 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37356162


Tidal hydrodynamics drive the groundwater-seawater exchange and shifts in microbiota structure in the coastal zone. However, how the coastal water microbiota structure and assembly patterns respond to periodic tidal fluctuations and anthropogenic disturbance remains unexplored in the intertidal groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) continuum, although it affects biogeochemical cycles and coastal water quality therein. Here, through hourly time-series sampling in the saltmarsh tidal creek, rhythmic patterns of microbiota structure in response to daily and monthly tidal fluctuations in intertidal surface water are disentangled for the first time. The similarity in archaeal community structures between groundwater and ebb-tide surface water (R2=0.06, p = 0.2) demonstrated archaeal transport through groundwater discharge, whereas multi-source transport mechanisms led to unique bacterial biota in ebb-tide water. Homogeneous selection (58.6%-69.3%) dominated microbiota assembly in the natural intertidal GW-SW continuum and the presence of 157 rhythmic ASVs identified at ebb tide and 141 at flood tide could be attributed to the difference in environmental selection between groundwater and seawater. For intertidal groundwater in the tidal creek affected by anthropogenically contaminated riverine inputs, higher microbial diversity and shift in community structure were primarily controlled by increased co-contribution of dispersal limitation and drift (jointly 57.8%) and enhanced microbial interactions. Overall, this study fills the knowledge gaps in the tide-driven water microbial dynamics in coastal transition zone and the response of intertidal groundwater microbiota to anthropogenic pollution of overlying waters. It also highlights the potential of microbiome analysis in enhancing coastal water quality monitoring and identifying anthropogenic pollution sources (e.g., pathogenic Vibrio in aquaculture) through the detection of rhythmic microbial variances associated with intertidal groundwater discharge and seawater intrusion.

Groundwater , Microbiota , Environmental Monitoring , Hydrodynamics , Anthropogenic Effects , Groundwater/chemistry , Seawater/chemistry , Periodicity
Sci Total Environ ; 905: 167225, 2023 Dec 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37741411


Salinization of inland fresh surface waters in temperate climates is a growing concern due to increasing salt inputs from sources including chloride (Cl)-containing road salt de-icers, industrial waste, and landfill leachate. Groundwater pathways play an important role in the year-round delivery of Cl to streams, but quantifying this pathway, including spatiotemporal variability and amount of Cl mass stored in the subsurface, is challenging. The objective of this study was to demonstrate, evaluate, and compare the potential applications of the geoelectrical techniques - electromagnetics (EM) and direct current (DC) resistivity - for mapping salt contamination in shallow urban groundwater and characterizing the groundwater pathways delivering Cl to urban streams. EM and DC surveys were conducted (3D mapping and 2D time-lapse) across a 20 m salt-impacted stream section and surrounding riparian zone that is located near an arterial road and parking lot. Groundwater samples and soil cores were also collected to validate the geoelectrical results. Both the EM and DC surveys detected high salt concentrations in the shallow subsurface (up to 3 m depth) near the road, parking lot, and stream; however, DC more accurately represented groundwater Cl concentrations. DC results were used to calculate the total Cl mass in the subsurface, with the spatial mass distribution used to infer the temporal variability in the subsurface salt plume. Finally, time-lapse DC showed that the highest groundwater salt concentrations existed near the stream between June and October - this is expected to contribute to the elevated salt concentrations in the stream during summer months. This study has shown that EM and DC can be useful for identifying groundwater salt concentration, storage, and transport in a non-intrusive and efficient manner, making them valuable field tools for characterizing and quantifying groundwater salt pathways to urban streams.

Water Res ; 220: 118649, 2022 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35635915


In many parts of the world, climate change has already caused a decline in groundwater recharge, whereas groundwater demand for drinking water production and irrigation continues to increase. In such regions, groundwater tables are steadily declining with major consequences for groundwater-surface water interactions. Predominantly gaining streams that rely on discharge of groundwater from the adjacent aquifer turn into predominantly losing streams whose water seeps into the underground. This reversal of groundwater-surface water interactions is associated with an increase of low river flows, drying of stream beds, and a switch of lotic ecosystems from perennial to intermittent, with consequences for fluvial and groundwater dependent ecosystems. Moreover, water infiltrating from rivers and streams can carry a complex mix of contaminants. Accordingly, the diversity and concentrations of compounds detected in groundwater has been increasing over the past decades. During low flow, stream and river discharge may consist mainly of treated wastewater. In losing stream systems, this contaminated water seeps into the adjoining aquifers. This threatens both ecosystems as well as drinking and irrigation water quality. Climate change is therefore severely altering landscape water balances, with groundwater-surface water-interactions having reached a tipping point in many cases. Current model projections harbor huge uncertainties and scientific evidence for these tipping points remains very limited. In particular, quantitative data on groundwater-surface water-interactions are scarce both on the local and the catchment scale. The result is poor public or political awareness, and appropriate management measures await implementation.

Climate Change , Groundwater , Rivers , Water Quality , Ecosystem , Environmental Monitoring
Water Res ; 217: 118334, 2022 Jun 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35397370


The input of nitrate and other agricultural pollutants in higher-order streams largely derives from first-order streams. The streambed as the transition zone between groundwater and stream water has a decisive impact on the attenuation of such pollutants. This reactivity is not yet well understood for lower-order agricultural streams, which are often anthropogenically altered and lack the streambed complexity allowing for extensive hyporheic exchange. Reactive hot spots in such streambeds have been hypothesized as a function of hydrology, which controls the local gaining (groundwater exfiltration) or losing (infiltration) of stream water. However, streambed microbial communities and activities associated with such reactive zones remain mostly uncharted. In this study, sediments of a first-order agriculturally impacted stream in southern Germany were investigated. Along with a hydraulic dissection of distinct gaining and losing reaches of the stream, community composition and the abundance of bacterial communities in the streambed were investigated using PacBio long-read sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicons, and qPCR of bacterial 16S rRNA and denitrification genes (nirK and nirS). We show that bidirectional water exchange between groundwater and the stream represents an important control for sediment microbiota, especially for nitrate-reducing populations. Typical heterotrophic denitrifiers were most abundant in a midstream net losing section, while up- and downstream net gaining sections were associated with an enrichment of sulfur-oxidizing potential nitrate reducers affiliated with Sulfuricurvum and Thiobacillus spp. Dispersal-based community assembly was found to dominate such spots of groundwater exfiltration. Our results indicate a coupling of N- and S-cycling processes in the streambed of an agricultural first-order stream, and a prominent control of microbiology by hydrology and hydrochemistry in situ. Such detailed local heterogeneities in exchange fluxes and streambed microbiomes have not been reported to date, but seem relevant for understanding the reactivity of lower-order streams.

Environmental Pollutants , Groundwater , Microbiota , Environmental Pollutants/analysis , Groundwater/chemistry , Nitrates/analysis , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S , Water/analysis