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Opt Express ; 29(4): 5295-5303, 2021 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726068


We report on the design and automation of a mid-infrared, continuous wave, singly-resonant optical parametric oscillator. Hands-free controls and the implementation of a tuning algorithm allowed for hundreds of nanometers of continuous, effective-mode-hop-free tuning over the range of 2190-4000 nm. To demonstrate the applicability of this light source and algorithm to mid-IR spectroscopy, we performed a sample spectroscopy measurement in a C2H2 gas cell and compared the experimentally-measured absorption spectrum to HITRAN 2016 simulations. We found excellent agreement with simulation in both peak heights and peak centers; we also report a reduced uncertainty in peak centers compared to simulation.

J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf ; 217: 189-212, 2018 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32913374


We report argon-broadened water vapor transition parameters and their temperature dependence based on measured spectra spanning 6801-7188 cm-1 from a broad-bandwidth, high-resolution dual frequency comb spectrometer. The 25 collected spectra of 2% water vapor in argon ranged from 296 K to 1305 K with total pressure spanning 100 Torr to 600 Torr. A multispectrum fitting routine was used in conjunction with a quadratic speed-dependent Voigt profile to extract broadening and shift parameters, and a power-law temperature-dependence exponent for both. The measurements represent the first broad bandwidth, argon-broadened water vapor absorption study, and are an important step toward a foreign-gas-perturbed, high-temperature database developed using advanced lineshape profiles.

J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf ; 210: 240-250, 2018 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32934421


We measure speed-dependent Voigt lineshape parameters with temperature-dependence exponents for several hundred spectroscopic features of pure water spanning 6801-7188 cm-1. The parameters are extracted from broad bandwidth, high-resolution dual frequency comb absorption spectra with multispectrum fitting techniques. The data encompass 25 spectra ranging from 296 K to 1305 K and 1 to 17 Torr of pure water vapor. We present the extracted parameters, compare them to published data, and present speed-dependence, self-shift, and self-broadening temperature-dependent parameters for the first time. Lineshape data is extracted using a quadratic speed-dependent Voigt profile and a single self-broadening power law temperature-dependence exponent over the entire temperature range. The results represent an important step toward a new high-temperature database using advanced lineshape profiles.

J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf ; 186: 118-138, 2017 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27840454


Retrievals of atmospheric composition from near-infrared measurements require measurements of airmass to better than the desired precision of the composition. The oxygen bands are obvious choices to quantify airmass since the mixing ratio of oxygen is fixed over the full range of atmospheric conditions. The OCO-2 mission is currently retrieving carbon dioxide concentration using the oxygen A-band for airmass normalization. The 0.25% accuracy desired for the carbon dioxide concentration has pushed the required state-of-the-art for oxygen spectroscopy. To measure O2 A-band cross-sections with such accuracy through the full range of atmospheric pressure requires a sophisticated line-shape model (Rautian or Speed-Dependent Voigt) with line mixing (LM) and collision induced absorption (CIA). Models of each of these phenomena exist, however, this work presents an integrated self-consistent model developed to ensure the best accuracy. It is also important to consider multiple sources of spectroscopic data for such a study in order to improve the dynamic range of the model and to minimize effects of instrumentation and associated systematic errors. The techniques of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) and Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) allow complimentary information for such an analysis. We utilize multispectrum fitting software to generate a comprehensive new database with improved accuracy based on these datasets. The extensive information will be made available as a multi-dimensional cross-section (ABSCO) table and the parameterization will be offered for inclusion in the HITRANonline database.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(50): 13908-18, 2013 Dec 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24125088


The P(11) line of the ν1 + ν3 combination band of C2H2 was studied using an extended cavity diode laser locked to a frequency comb. Line shapes were measured for acetylene and nitrogen gas mixtures at a series of temperatures between 125 and 296 K and total pressures up to 1 atm. The data were fit to two speed-dependent line shape models and the results were compared. Line shape parameters were determined by simultaneously fitting data for all temperatures and pressures in a single multispectrum analysis. Earlier pure acetylene measurements [Cich et al. Appl. Phys. B 2012, 109, 373-38] were incorporated to account for self-perturbation. The resulting parameters reproduce the observed line shapes for the acetylene-nitrogen system over the range of temperatures and pressures studied with average root-mean-square observed-calculated errors of individual line measurement fits of approximately 0.01% of maximum transmission, close to the experimental signal-to-noise ratios. Errors in the pressure measurements constitute the major systematic errors in these measurements, and a statistical method is developed to quantify their effects on the line shape parameters for the present system.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(7): 073109, 2018 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30068109


We present a system level description of a cavity-enhanced millimeter-wave spectrometer that is the first in its class to combine source and detection electronics constructed from architectures commonly deployed in the mobile phone industry and traditional pulsed Fourier transform techniques to realize a compact device capable of sensitive and specific in situ gas detections. The instrument, which has an operational bandwidth of 90-102 GHz, employs several unique components, including a custom-designed pair of millimeter-wave transmitter and heterodyne receiver integrated circuit chips constructed with 65 nm complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) techniques. These elements are directly mated to a hybrid coupling structure that enables free-space interaction of the electronics with a small gas volume while also acting as a cavity end mirror. Instrument performance for sensing of volatile compounds is highlighted with experimental trials taken in bulk gas flows and seeded molecular beam environments.

Phys Rev A (Coll Park) ; 96(2)2017 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34141975


Spectroscopic studies of planetary atmospheres and high-temperature processes (e.g., combustion) require absorption line-shape models that are accurate over extended temperature ranges. To date, advanced line shapes, like the speed-dependent Voigt and Rautian profiles, have not been tested above room temperature with broadband spectrometers. We investigate pure water vapor spectra from 296 to 1305 K acquired with a dual-frequency comb spectrometer spanning from 6800 to 7200 cm-1 at a point spacing of 0.0033 cm-1 and absolute frequency accuracy of <3.3 × 10-6 cm-1. Using a multispectral fitting analysis, we show that only the speed-dependent Voigt accurately models this temperature range with a single power-law temperature-scaling exponent for the broadening coefficients. Only the data from the analysis using this profile fall within theoretical predictions, suggesting that this mechanism captures the dominant narrowing physics for these high-temperature conditions.