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Heliyon ; 8(4): e09329, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35520622


An analysis of the scientific production of Ecuador is performed by means of the composite indicator computed for Ecuador-based authors as compared to their counterparts of other South American countries. The dataset employed was obtained from the Databricks platform of the ELSEVIER's International Center for Science Research, ICSR. Therefore, this analysis is limited to the metadata of the documents published in journals indexed in SCOPUS. Comparison of the results obtained for two decades: 2001-2010 and 2011-2020 showed that the number of Ecuador-based researchers has significantly increased in different areas of knowledge. Moreover, comparison between the total number of authors that worked in Ecuador at any given year of the 2011-2020 period and the number of authors that are still working in this country up to the date of the data extraction (i.e., June 2021) showed an average of ∼68% of permanency. Analysis of the percentage distribution in terms of range quarters of the composite indicator (i.e., Q4: 0-1.5, Q3: 1.5-3.0, Q2: 3.0-4.5, and Q1: 4.5-6.0) showed that nearly the totality of the Ecuador-based researchers has composite indicators that lay in the Q4 and Q3 ranges for all the scientific fields considered. The latter was observed to be an effect of the scientific impact of South American countries, with larger investments in science and technology in comparison to Ecuador (i.e., Argentina, Brazil, and Chile). Exclusion of this group of countries in the calculation of the composite indicator of Ecuador-based authors resulted in a noticeable increment of scientists with composite indicators within Q2. Finally, our results suggest, in agreement with previous studies, a correlation between the sustained growth of scientific productivity in the decade 2011-2020 with the scientific programs and policies created by the state, where the initiative of scientific culture is shown as a strategy for growth and development.

Int J Biochem Cell Biol ; 32(2): 255-62, 2000 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10687959


Peroxidase has been associated with estrogen action in the uterus. This enzyme plays an important role in the control of hydrogen peroxide levels and in catechol estrogen production. Since the uterus, during early pregnancy, is subjected to estrogen and progesterone regulation, we analyzed the changes of peroxidase activity in relation to receptivity and uterine early response to the embryo. Soluble and microsomal peroxidase activity were determined in the rat uterus during the estrus phase and early pregnancy (days 3 through 6). Soluble peroxidase activity increased significantly (p < 0.01) from day 3 (1.50 +/- 0.24) to day 4 (3.5 +/- 0.3) and 5 (5 +/- 0.5 U/mg protein, mean +/- S.D., n = 6) of pregnancy. During day 6, a significant decrease was noted in both the implantation site and the nonimplantation uterine tissue. Microsomal calcium-extractable peroxidase showed a similar pattern, with lower specific activity than, the soluble peroxidase. During estrus, the uterine tissue showed the highest activity of calcium-extracted peroxidase (8.7 +/- 1.35 U/mg protein), statistically greater when compared with days 3, 4, 5 and 6 of pregnancy. In conclusion, high peroxidase activity was associated with uterine receptivity. The decrease of activity on day 6 might be due to a progesterone-estrogen interaction, and consequently, hydrogen peroxide can be utilized for hydroxile production by means of the Fenton reaction. Lipoperoxidation may be necessary for changes in membrane fluidity for embryo attachment to endometrial epithelium.

Peroxidasas/metabolismo , Preñez/metabolismo , Útero/enzimología , Animales , Implantación del Embrión/fisiología , Estrógenos/metabolismo , Estro/metabolismo , Femenino , Peróxido de Hidrógeno/metabolismo , Microsomas/enzimología , Embarazo , Progesterona/metabolismo , Ratas , Ratas Sprague-Dawley , Solubilidad , Útero/metabolismo
Rev. salud pública Parag ; 4(1): [P27-P34], ene.-feb. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-964536


Objetivo: Describir nivel de conocimiento, actitud y práctica de medidas básicas de prevención en salud oral en odontólogos que asistieron al VI Congreso Paraguayo de Endodoncia en el año 2011.Metodología: Estudio transversal, a través de una encuesta autoaplicada validada que contenía preguntas básicas referentes a Odontología Preventiva. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 173 profesionales, con una mediana de 33 años,62,4% con 1 a 12 años de ejercicio en la profesión y 58,4% procedían de universidades públicas.El 57,8% de los encuestados demostró tener muy buenos niveles de conocimiento,de actitud en el 46,8%y38,2%en práctica.La aplicación de medidas de prevención produjo en el 64,2% de los encuestados satisfacción personal. Respecto a las medidas de control de placa, las técnicas más difundidas fueron:cepillado de Bass 80,4%,método del lazo para el hilo dental 53,8% y el flúor se aplica en el 76,9% en su presentación de enjuagues bucales. Se encontró una fuerte asociación entre el conocimiento y la actitud (OR=4,3;p<0,0001) y entre la actitud y la práctica (OR=2,3;p=0,0162) Conclusión: La práctica de la filosofía preventiva se halla condicionada por la actitud y ésta a su vez depende del conocimiento constituyéndose componentes esenciales para la mejora del estado de salud de una población. Palabras claves: Conocimiento, Odontología Preventiva, Odontólogos.

Objective: To describe the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of basic preventive measures in oral health acquired by dentists who attended the VI Paraguayan Congress of Endodontics in 2011. Methods: Cross-sectional study by a validated self-administered survey containing basic questions regarding to Preventive Dentistry. Results: The study comprised 173 professionals, with an average age of 33 years old, 62.4 % with 1-12 years of practice in the profession and almost 58.4 % were from public universities. Whatsmore, 57.8 % of respondents proved to have very good levels of knowledge, 46.8 % of them proved it in attitude and 38.2 % in practice. The application of preventive measures gave to 64.2% of respondents a personal satisfaction. Concerning plaque control measures, the most widely used techniques were: 80.4 % Bass brushing, 53.8 % in a method to tie dental floss and fluoride applies to 76.9% in its presentation of rinses mouth. Furthermore, it has been found a strong association between attitude and practice (OR = 2.3, p = 0.0162) and between knowledge and attitude (p < 0.0001 OR = 4.3) Conclusion: the practice of prevention philosophy is based on the attitude and this in turn depends on knowledge. Therefore, attitude and knowledge are essential components in order to improve the health status of a population. Keywords: Knowledge, Preventive Dentistry, Dental.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Odontología Preventiva/educación , Odontólogos , Paraguay
Enferm. univ ; 3(1): 14-19, ene.-abr. 2006. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1343476


La influenza es una enfermedad aguda viral en las vías respiratorias altas capaz de provocar complicaciones potencialmente letales en pacientes ancianos. La vacunación anual es la intervención de salud más importante para reducir el impacto de la influenza. Existen diversos factores que influyen para la aceptación o rechazo de la aplicación de la vacuna. EI propósito de este estudio fue determinar las características de la población que acepta la vacuna de la influenza e identificar grupos de población que presentan riesgo, especialmente de no vacunarse en la comunidad de San Luis Tlaxialtemalco. EI estudio fue descriptivo y transversal. Con una muestra no probabilística y conformada por 48 personas de 60 y más años de edad. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada de 25 preguntas y diferentes escalas. En cuanto a los resultados, el 84.48% aceptó la aplicación de la vacuna de la influenza. EI 81 .3% desconoce la enfermedad de la influenza, el 77.1 % cree que la influenza es grave, el 64.6% desconocía la vacuna contra la influenza, el 97.9% cree que previene la influenza y el 85.4% cree que la vacuna no le ocasionara problemas. Los factores que influyeron para la aceptación de la vacuna y en cuanto a quien se la recomendó el 31.3% refieren que fue la Enfermera y al 43.8% nadie.

Influenza is a high respitatory tract viral accute disease able to bring about potentially fatal complications in elderly patients. Theannual vaccination is the most important health intervention for decreasing the flu impact. There are several factors influencing the vaccine aplication acceptance or rejection. This study aims determining characteristics of the population that accepts the influenza vaccine and identifying in-risk population groups in the event they don´t receive it within San Luis Tlaxialtemalco area. It was a descriptive transversal study witha no-probalistic sample including 48 people, 60or more years old. A strctured survey with 25 questions and different scales. Regarding outcomes, 84.48% accepted the influenza vaccine application. The 81.3% are not familiar with influenza disease, 77.1% believes the flu is grave, 64.6% is not familiar with the influenza vaccine, 97.9% believes they are taking preventive actions for the influenza, and 85.4% thinks the influenza caccine will not cause them any problems, which is influencing on the vaccine acceptance. Regarding the person who recommended them the influenza vaccine, 31.3% said was the nurse and 43.8% said nobody did.

Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Características de la Población , Anciano , Vacunas contra la Influenza