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AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc ; 2024: 449-458, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38827100


Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with many identifying biomarkers for diagnosis. However, whole-brain phenomena, particularly in functional MRI modalities, are not fully understood nor characterized. Here we employ the novel application of topological data analysis (TDA)-based methods of persistent homology to functional brain networks from ADNI-3 cohort to perform a subtyping experiment using unsupervised clustering techniques. We then investigate variations in QT-PAD challenge features across the identified clusters. Using a Wasserstein distance kernel with a variety of clustering algorithms, we found that the 0th-homology Wasserstein distance kernel and spectral clustering yielded clusters with significant differences in whole brain and medial temporal lobe (MTL) volume, thus demonstrating an intrinsic link between whole brain functional topology and brain morphometric structure. These findings demonstrate the importance of MTL in functional connectivity and the efficacy of using TDA-based machine learning methods in network neuroscience and neurodegenerative disease subtyping.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Feb 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38370767


Single-cell technologies have emerged as a transformative technology enabling high-dimensional characterization of cell populations at an unprecedented scale. The data's innate complexity and voluminous nature pose significant computational and analytical challenges, especially in comparative studies delineating cellular architectures across various biological conditions (i.e., generation of sample level distance matrices). Optimal Transport (OT) is a mathematical tool that captures the intrinsic structure of data geometrically and has been applied to many bioinformatics tasks. In this paper, we propose QOT (Quantized Optimal Transport), a new method enables efficient computation of sample level distance matrix from large-scale single-cell omics data through a quantization step. We apply our algorithm to real-world single-cell genomics and pathomics datasets, aiming to extrapolate cell-level insights to inform sample level categorizations. Our empirical study shows that QOT outperforms OT-based algorithms in terms of accuracy and robustness when obtaining a distance matrix at the sample level from high throughput single-cell measures. Moreover, the sample level distance matrix could be used in downstream analysis (i.e. uncover the trajectory of disease progression), highlighting its usage in biomedical informatics and data science.

ArXiv ; 2024 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38979488


In systems and network neuroscience, many common practices in brain connectomic analysis are often not properly scrutinized. One such practice is mapping a predetermined set of sub-circuits, like functional networks (FNs), onto subjects' functional connectomes (FCs) without adequately assessing the information-theoretic appropriateness of the partition. Another practice that goes unchallenged is thresholding weighted FCs to remove spurious connections without justifying the chosen threshold. This paper leverages recent theoretical advances in Stochastic Block Models (SBMs) to formally define and quantify the information-theoretic fitness (e.g., prominence) of a predetermined set of FNs when mapped to individual FCs under different fMRI task conditions. Our framework allows for evaluating any combination of FC granularity, FN partition, and thresholding strategy, thereby optimizing these choices to preserve important topological features of the human brain connectomes. By applying to the Human Connectome Project with Schaefer parcellations at multiple levels of granularity, the framework showed that the common thresholding value of 0.25 was indeed information-theoretically valid for group-average FCs despite its previous lack of justification. Our results pave the way for the proper use of FNs and thresholding methods and provide insights for future research in individualized parcellations.

bioRxiv ; 2024 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38766268


Recent advances in cytometry technology have enabled high-throughput data collection with multiple single-cell protein expression measurements. The significant biological and technical variance between samples in cytometry has long posed a formidable challenge during the gating process, especially for the initial gates which deal with unpredictable events, such as debris and technical artifacts. Even with the same experimental machine and protocol, the target population, as well as the cell population that needs to be excluded, may vary across different measurements. To address this challenge and mitigate the labor-intensive manual gating process, we propose a deep learning framework UNITO to rigorously identify the hierarchical cytometric subpopulations. The UNITO framework transformed a cell-level classification task into an image-based semantic segmentation problem. For reproducibility purposes, the framework was applied to three independent cohorts and successfully detected initial gates that were required to identify single cellular events as well as subsequent cell gates. We validated the UNITO framework by comparing its results with previous automated methods and the consensus of at least four experienced immunologists. UNITO outperformed existing automated methods and differed from human consensus by no more than each individual human. Most critically, UNITO framework functions as a fully automated pipeline after training and does not require human hints or prior knowledge. Unlike existing multi-channel classification or clustering pipelines, UNITO can reproduce a similar contour compared to manual gating for each intermediate gating to achieve better interpretability and provide post hoc visual inspection. Beyond acting as a pioneering framework that uses image segmentation to do auto-gating, UNITO gives a fast and interpretable way to assign the cell subtype membership, and the speed of UNITO will not be impacted by the number of cells from each sample. The pre-gating and gating inference takes approximately 2 minutes for each sample using our pre-defined 9 gates system, and it can also adapt to any sequential prediction with different configurations.

AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc ; 2023: 225-233, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37350917


Exploring the neural basis of intelligence and the corresponding associations with brain network has been an active area of research in network neuroscience. Up to now, the majority of explorations mining human intelligence in brain connectomics leverages whole-brain functional connectivity patterns. In this study, structural connectivity patterns are instead used to explore relationships between brain connectivity and different behavioral/cognitive measures such as fluid intelligence. Specifically, we conduct a study using the 397 unrelated subjects from Human Connectome Project (Young Adults) dataset to estimate individual level structural connectivity matrices. We show that topological features, as quantified by our proposed measurements: Average Persistence (AP) and Persistent Entropy (PE), has statistically significant associations with different behavioral/cognitive measures. We also perform a parallel study using traditional graph-theoretical measures, provided by Brain Connectivity Toolbox, as benchmarks for our study. Our findings indicate that individual's structural connectivity indeed offers reliable predictive power of different behavioral/cognitive measures, including but not limited to fluid intelligence. Our results suggest that structural connectomes provide complementary insights (compared to using functional connectomes) in predicting human intelligence and warrants future studies on human intelligence and/or other behavioral/cognitive measures involving multi-modal approach.

bioRxiv ; 2023 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38187668


Human whole-brain functional connectivity networks have been shown to exhibit both local/quasilocal (e.g., set of functional sub-circuits induced by node or edge attributes) and non-local (e.g., higher-order functional coordination patterns) properties. Nonetheless, the non-local properties of topological strata induced by local/quasilocal functional sub-circuits have yet to be addressed. To that end, we proposed a homological formalism that enables the quantification of higher-order characteristics of human brain functional sub-circuits. Our results indicated that each homological order uniquely unravels diverse, complementary properties of human brain functional sub-circuits. Noticeably, the H1 homological distance between rest and motor task were observed at both whole-brain and sub-circuit consolidated level which suggested the self-similarity property of human brain functional connectivity unraveled by homological kernel. Furthermore, at the whole-brain level, the rest-task differentiation was found to be most prominent between rest and different tasks at different homological orders: i) Emotion task H0, ii) Motor task H1, and iii) Working memory task H2. At the functional sub-circuit level, the rest-task functional dichotomy of default mode network is found to be mostly prominent at the first and second homological scaffolds. Also at such scale, we found that the limbic network plays a significant role in homological reconfiguration across both task- and subject- domain which sheds light to subsequent Investigations on the complex neuro-physiological role of such network. From a wider perspective, our formalism can be applied, beyond brain connectomics, to study non-localized coordination patterns of localized structures stretching across complex network fibers.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38013951


The knowledge of the anatomical shape of both gross and microscopic structures is the key to understanding the effects of disease processes on cellular structure. Geometric morphometric methods, such as Procrustes superimposition, and Spherical Harmonics (SPHARM), have been used to capture the biological shape variation and group differences in morphology. Previous SPHARM-MAT techniques use the CALD algorithm to parameterize the mesh surface. It starts from initial mapping and performs local and global smoothing methods alternately to control the area and length distortions simultaneously. However, this parameterization may not be sufficient in complex morphological cases. To bridge this gap, we propose SPHARM-OT, an enhanced SPHARM surface modeling method using optimal transport (OT) for spherical parameterization. First, the genus 0 3D objects are conformally mapped onto a sphere. Then the optimal transport theory via spherical power diagram is introduced to minimize the area distortion. This new algorithm can effectively reduce the area distortion and lead to a better reconstruction result. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method by applying it to the human sphenoidal paranasal sinuses.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37041884


Graph theoretical measures have frequently been used to study disrupted connectivity in Alzheimer's disease human brain connectomes. However, prior studies have noted that differences in graph creation methods are confounding factors that may alter the topological observations found in these measures. In this study, we conduct a novel investigation regarding the effect of parcellation scale on graph theoretical measures computed for fiber density networks derived from diffusion tensor imaging. We computed 4 network-wide graph theoretical measures of average clustering coefficient, transitivity, characteristic path length, and global efficiency, and we tested whether these measures are able to consistently identify group differences among healthy control (HC), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and AD groups in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohort across 5 scales of the Lausanne parcellation. We found that the segregative measure of transtivity offered the greatest consistency across scales in distinguishing between healthy and diseased groups, while the other measures were impacted by the selection of scale to varying degrees. Global efficiency was the second most consistent measure that we tested, where the measure could distinguish between HC and MCI in all 5 scales and between HC and AD in 3 out of 5 scales. Characteristic path length was highly sensitive to the variation in scale, corroborating previous findings, and could not identify group differences in many of the scales. Average clustering coefficient was also greatly impacted by scale, as it consistently failed to identify group differences in the higher resolution parcellations. From these results, we conclude that many graph theoretical measures are sensitive to the selection of parcellation scale, and further development in methodology is needed to offer a more robust characterization of AD's relationship with disrupted connectivity.