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IEEE Trans Knowl Data Eng ; 29(3): 698-711, 2017 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28943741


Cheap ubiquitous computing enables the collection of massive amounts of personal data in a wide variety of domains. Many organizations aim to share such data while obscuring features that could disclose personally identifiable information. Much of this data exhibits weak structure (e.g., text), such that machine learning approaches have been developed to detect and remove identifiers from it. While learning is never perfect, and relying on such approaches to sanitize data can leak sensitive information, a small risk is often acceptable. Our goal is to balance the value of published data and the risk of an adversary discovering leaked identifiers. We model data sanitization as a game between 1) a publisher who chooses a set of classifiers to apply to data and publishes only instances predicted as non-sensitive and 2) an attacker who combines machine learning and manual inspection to uncover leaked identifying information. We introduce a fast iterative greedy algorithm for the publisher that ensures a low utility for a resource-limited adversary. Moreover, using five text data sets we illustrate that our algorithm leaves virtually no automatically identifiable sensitive instances for a state-of-the-art learning algorithm, while sharing over 93% of the original data, and completes after at most 5 iterations.

J Biomed Inform ; 61: 97-109, 2016 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27020263


OBJECTIVE: Electronic medical records (EMRs) are increasingly repurposed for activities beyond clinical care, such as to support translational research and public policy analysis. To mitigate privacy risks, healthcare organizations (HCOs) aim to remove potentially identifying patient information. A substantial quantity of EMR data is in natural language form and there are concerns that automated tools for detecting identifiers are imperfect and leak information that can be exploited by ill-intentioned data recipients. Thus, HCOs have been encouraged to invest as much effort as possible to find and detect potential identifiers, but such a strategy assumes the recipients are sufficiently incentivized and capable of exploiting leaked identifiers. In practice, such an assumption may not hold true and HCOs may overinvest in de-identification technology. The goal of this study is to design a natural language de-identification framework, rooted in game theory, which enables an HCO to optimize their investments given the expected capabilities of an adversarial recipient. METHODS: We introduce a Stackelberg game to balance risk and utility in natural language de-identification. This game represents a cost-benefit model that enables an HCO with a fixed budget to minimize their investment in the de-identification process. We evaluate this model by assessing the overall payoff to the HCO and the adversary using 2100 clinical notes from Vanderbilt University Medical Center. We simulate several policy alternatives using a range of parameters, including the cost of training a de-identification model and the loss in data utility due to the removal of terms that are not identifiers. In addition, we compare policy options where, when an attacker is fined for misuse, a monetary penalty is paid to the publishing HCO as opposed to a third party (e.g., a federal regulator). RESULTS: Our results show that when an HCO is forced to exhaust a limited budget (set to $2000 in the study), the precision and recall of the de-identification of the HCO are 0.86 and 0.8, respectively. A game-based approach enables a more refined cost-benefit tradeoff, improving both privacy and utility for the HCO. For example, our investigation shows that it is possible for an HCO to release the data without spending all their budget on de-identification and still deter the attacker, with a precision of 0.77 and a recall of 0.61 for the de-identification. There also exist scenarios in which the model indicates an HCO should not release any data because the risk is too great. In addition, we find that the practice of paying fines back to a HCO (an artifact of suing for breach of contract), as opposed to a third party such as a federal regulator, can induce an elevated level of data sharing risk, where the HCO is incentivized to bait the attacker to elicit compensation. CONCLUSIONS: A game theoretic framework can be applied in leading HCO's to optimized decision making in natural language de-identification investments before sharing EMR data.

Confidencialidad , Registros Electrónicos de Salud , Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural , Humanos , Lenguaje , Riesgo
J Am Med Inform Assoc ; 27(9): 1374-1382, 2020 07 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32930712


OBJECTIVE: Effective, scalable de-identification of personally identifying information (PII) for information-rich clinical text is critical to support secondary use, but no method is 100% effective. The hiding-in-plain-sight (HIPS) approach attempts to solve this "residual PII problem." HIPS replaces PII tagged by a de-identification system with realistic but fictitious (resynthesized) content, making it harder to detect remaining unredacted PII. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using 2000 representative clinical documents from 2 healthcare settings (4000 total), we used a novel method to generate 2 de-identified 100-document corpora (200 documents total) in which PII tagged by a typical automated machine-learned tagger was replaced by HIPS-resynthesized content. Four readers conducted aggressive reidentification attacks to isolate leaked PII: 2 readers from within the originating institution and 2 external readers. RESULTS: Overall, mean recall of leaked PII was 26.8% and mean precision was 37.2%. Mean recall was 9% (mean precision = 37%) for patient ages, 32% (mean precision = 26%) for dates, 25% (mean precision = 37%) for doctor names, 45% (mean precision = 55%) for organization names, and 23% (mean precision = 57%) for patient names. Recall was 32% (precision = 40%) for internal and 22% (precision =33%) for external readers. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 70% of leaked PII "hiding" in a corpus de-identified with HIPS resynthesis is resilient to detection by human readers in a realistic, aggressive reidentification attack scenario-more than double the rate reported in previous studies but less than the rate reported for an attack assisted by machine learning methods.

Confidencialidad , Anonimización de la Información , Registros Electrónicos de Salud , Seguridad Computacional , Humanos , Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural
AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc ; 2019: 462-471, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31259000


Electronic medical records are often de-identified before disseminated for secondary uses. However, unstructured natural language records are challenging to de-identify while utilizing a considerable amount of expensive human annotation. In this investigation, we incorporate active learning into the de-identification workflow to reduce annotation requirements. We apply this approach to a real clinical trials dataset and a publicly available i2b2 dataset to illustrate that, when the machine learning de-identification system can actively request information to help create a better model from beyond the system (e.g., a knowledgeable human assistant), less training data will be needed to maintain or improve the performance of trained models in comparison to the typical passive learning framework. Specifically, with a batch size of 10 documents, it requires only 40 documents for an active learning approach to reach an F-measure of 0.9, while passive learning needs at least 25% more data for training a comparable model.

J Am Med Inform Assoc ; 26(12): 1536-1544, 2019 12 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31390016


OBJECTIVE: Clinical corpora can be deidentified using a combination of machine-learned automated taggers and hiding in plain sight (HIPS) resynthesis. The latter replaces detected personally identifiable information (PII) with random surrogates, allowing leaked PII to blend in or "hide in plain sight." We evaluated the extent to which a malicious attacker could expose leaked PII in such a corpus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We modeled a scenario where an institution (the defender) externally shared an 800-note corpus of actual outpatient clinical encounter notes from a large, integrated health care delivery system in Washington State. These notes were deidentified by a machine-learned PII tagger and HIPS resynthesis. A malicious attacker obtained and performed a parrot attack intending to expose leaked PII in this corpus. Specifically, the attacker mimicked the defender's process by manually annotating all PII-like content in half of the released corpus, training a PII tagger on these data, and using the trained model to tag the remaining encounter notes. The attacker hypothesized that untagged identifiers would be leaked PII, discoverable by manual review. We evaluated the attacker's success using measures of leak-detection rate and accuracy. RESULTS: The attacker correctly hypothesized that 211 (68%) of 310 actual PII leaks in the corpus were leaks, and wrongly hypothesized that 191 resynthesized PII instances were also leaks. One-third of actual leaks remained undetected. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: A malicious parrot attack to reveal leaked PII in clinical text deidentified by machine-learned HIPS resynthesis can attenuate but not eliminate the protective effect of HIPS deidentification.

Seguridad Computacional , Confidencialidad , Anonimización de la Información , Registros Electrónicos de Salud , Aprendizaje Automático , Información Personal , Instituciones de Atención Ambulatoria , Atención a la Salud , Humanos , Washingtón
Int J Med Inform ; 83(10): 750-67, 2014 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25106934


PURPOSE: Electronic health records contain a substantial quantity of clinical narrative, which is increasingly reused for research purposes. To share data on a large scale and respect privacy, it is critical to remove patient identifiers. De-identification tools based on machine learning have been proposed; however, model training is usually based on either a random group of documents or a pre-existing document type designation (e.g., discharge summary). This work investigates if inherent features, such as the writing complexity, can identify document subsets to enhance de-identification performance. METHODS: We applied an unsupervised clustering method to group two corpora based on writing complexity measures: a collection of over 4500 documents of varying document types (e.g., discharge summaries, history and physical reports, and radiology reports) from Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and the publicly available i2b2 corpus of 889 discharge summaries. We compare the performance (via recall, precision, and F-measure) of de-identification models trained on such clusters with models trained on documents grouped randomly or VUMC document type. RESULTS: For the Vanderbilt dataset, it was observed that training and testing de-identification models on the same stylometric cluster (with the average F-measure of 0.917) tended to outperform models based on clusters of random documents (with an average F-measure of 0.881). It was further observed that increasing the size of a training subset sampled from a specific cluster could yield improved results (e.g., for subsets from a certain stylometric cluster, the F-measure raised from 0.743 to 0.841 when training size increased from 10 to 50 documents, and the F-measure reached 0.901 when the size of the training subset reached 200 documents). For the i2b2 dataset, training and testing on the same clusters based on complexity measures (average F-score 0.966) did not significantly surpass randomly selected clusters (average F-score 0.965). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings illustrate that, in environments consisting of a variety of clinical documentation, de-identification models trained on writing complexity measures are better than models trained on random groups and, in many instances, document types.

Registros Electrónicos de Salud , Narración , Escritura , Análisis por Conglomerados