We present the first data-driven result for a_{µ}^{win,lqc}, the isospin-limit light-quark connected component of the intermediate-window Hadronic-vacuum-polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. Our result, (198.8±1.1)×10^{-10}, is in significant tension with eight recent mutually compatible high-precision lattice-QCD determinations, and provides enhanced evidence for a puzzling discrepancy between lattice and data-driven determinations of the intermediate-window quantity, one driven largely by a difference in the light-quark connected component.
We propose and apply a new approach to determining |V_{us}| using dispersion relations with weight functions having poles at Euclidean (spacelike) momentum which relate strange hadronic τ decay distributions to hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) functions obtained from lattice quantum chromodynamics. We show examples where spectral integral contributions from the region where experimental data have large errors or do not exist are strongly suppressed but accurate determinations of the relevant lattice HVP combinations remain possible. The resulting |V_{us}| agrees well with determinations from K physics and three-family Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity. Advantages of this new approach over the conventional hadronic τ decay determination employing flavor-breaking sum rules are also discussed.