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Nature ; 438(7069): 785-91, 2005 Dec 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16319827


On the basis of previous ground-based and fly-by information, we knew that Titan's atmosphere was mainly nitrogen, with some methane, but its temperature and pressure profiles were poorly constrained because of uncertainties in the detailed composition. The extent of atmospheric electricity ('lightning') was also hitherto unknown. Here we report the temperature and density profiles, as determined by the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI), from an altitude of 1,400 km down to the surface. In the upper part of the atmosphere, the temperature and density were both higher than expected. There is a lower ionospheric layer between 140 km and 40 km, with electrical conductivity peaking near 60 km. We may also have seen the signature of lightning. At the surface, the temperature was 93.65 +/- 0.25 K, and the pressure was 1,467 +/- 1 hPa.

Science ; 194(4271): 1300-3, 1976 Dec 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17797089


The Viking 2 entry science data on the structure of Mars' atmosphere up to 100 kilometers define a morning atmosphere with an isothermal region near the surface; a surface pressure 10 percent greater than that recorded simultaneously at the Viking 1 site, which implies a landing site elevation lower by 2.7 kilometers than the reference ellipsoid; and a thermal structure to 100 kilometers at least qualitatively consistent with pre-Viking modeling of thermal tides. The temperature profile exhibits waves whose amplitude grows with altitude, to approximately 25 degrees K at 90 kilometers. These waves are believed to be a consequence of layered vertical oscillations and associated heating and cooling by compression and expansion, excited by the daily thermal cycling of the planet surface. As is necessary for gravity wave propagation, the atmosphere is stable against convection, except possibly in some very local regions. Temperature is everywhere appreciably above the carbon dioxide condensation boundary at both landing sites, precluding the occurrence of carbon dioxide hazes in northern summer at latitudes to at least 50 degrees N. Thus, ground level mists seen in these latitudes would appear to be condensed water vapor.

Science ; 205(4401): 46-9, 1979 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17778897


The altitude profiles of temperature and pressure measured during the descent of the four Pioneer Venus probes show small contrast below the clouds but significant differences within the clouds at altitudes from 45 to 61 kilometers. At 60 kilometers, the probe which entered at 59.3 degrees north latitude sensed temperatures 25 K below those of the lower latitude probes, and a sizable difference persisted down to and slightly below the cloud base. It also sensed pressure below those of the other probes by as much as 49 millibars at a mean pressure of 200 millibars. The measured pressure differences are consistent with cyclostrophic balance of zonal winds ranging from 130 +/- 20 meters per second at 60 kilometers to 60 +/- 17 meters per second at 40 kilometers, with evidence in addition of a nonaxisymmetric component of the winds. The clouds were found to be 10 to 20 K warmer than the extended profiles of the lower atmosphere, and the middle cloud is convectively unstable. Both phenomena are attributed to the absorption of thermal radiation from below. Above the clouds, in the lower stratosphere, the lapse rate decreases abruptly to 3.5 K per kilometer, and a superimposed wave is evident. At 100 kilometers, the temperature is minimum, with a mean value of about 170 K.

Science ; 193(4255): 786-8, 1976 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17747780


Results from the aeroshell-mounted neutral mass spectrometer on Viking I indicate that the upper atmosphere of Mars is composed mainly of CO(2) with trace quantities of N(2), Ar, O, O(2), and CO. The mixing ratios by volume relative to CO(2) for N(2), Ar, and O(2) are about 0.06, 0.015, and 0.003, respectively, at an altitude near 135 kilometers. Molecular oxygen (O(2)(+)) is a major component of the ionosphere according to results from the retarding potential analyzer. The atmosphere between 140 and 200 kilometers has an average temperature of about 180 degrees +/- 20 degrees K. Atmospheric pressure at the landing site for Viking 1 was 7.3 millibars at an air temperature of 241 degrees K. The descent data are consistent with the view that CO(2) should be the major constituent of the lower martian atmosphere.

Science ; 203(4382): 787-90, 1979 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17832998


The four Pioneer Venus entry probes transmitted data of good quality on the structure of the atmosphere below the clouds. Contrast of the structure below an altitude of 50 kilometers at four widely separated locations was found to be no more than a few degrees Kelvin, with slightly warmer temperatures at 30 degrees south latitude than at 5 degrees or 60 degrees north. The atmosphere was stably stratified above 15 or 20 kilometers, indicating that the near-adiabatic state is maintained by the general circulation. The profiles move from near-adiabatic toward radiative equilibrium at altitudes above 40 kilometers. There appears to be a region of vertical convection above the dense cloud deck, which lies at 47.5 to 49 kilometers and at temperature levels near 360 K. The atmosphere is nearly isothermal around 100 kilometers (175 to 180 K) and appears to exhibit a sizable temperature wave between 60 and 70 kilometers. This is where the 4-day wind is believed to occur. The temperature wave may be related to some of the wavelike phenomena seen in Mariner 10 ultraviolet photographs.

Science ; 278(5344): 1752-8, 1997 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9388169


The Mars Pathfinder atmospheric structure investigation/meteorology (ASI/MET) experiment measured the vertical density, pressure, and temperature structure of the martian atmosphere from the surface to 160 km, and monitored surface meteorology and climate for 83 sols (1 sol = 1 martian day = 24.7 hours). The atmospheric structure and the weather record are similar to those observed by the Viking 1 lander (VL-1) at the same latitude, altitude, and season 21 years ago, but there are differences related to diurnal effects and the surface properties of the landing site. These include a cold nighttime upper atmosphere; atmospheric temperatures that are 10 to 12 degrees kelvin warmer near the surface; light slope-controlled winds; and dust devils, identified by their pressure, wind, and temperature signatures. The results are consistent with the warm, moderately dusty atmosphere seen by VL-1.

Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Marte , Atmósfera , Dióxido de Carbono , Presión , Temperatura , Viento
Science ; 231(4744): 1420-2, 1986 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17748084


Thermal structure measurements obtained by the two VEGA balloons show the Venus middle cloud layer to be generally adiabatic. Temperatures measured by the two balloons at locations roughly symmetric about the equator differed by about 6.5 kelvins at a given pressure. The VEGA-2 temperatures were about 2.5 kelvins cooler and those of VEGA-1 about 4 kelvins warmer than temperatures measured by the Pioneer Venus Large Probe at these levels. Data taken by the VEGA-2 lander as it passed through the middle cloud agreed with those of the VEGA-2 balloon. Study of individual frames of the balloon data suggests the presence of multiple discrete air masses that are internally adiabatic but lie on slightly different adiabats. These adiabats, for a given balloon, can differ in temperature by as much as 1 kelvin at a given pressure.

Science ; 231(4744): 1422-5, 1986 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17748085


Both VEGA balloons encountered vertical winds with typical velocities of 1 to 2 meters per second. These values are consistent with those estimated from mixing length theory of thermal convection. However, small-scale temperature fluctuations for each balloon were sometimes larger than predicted. The approximate 6.5-kelvin difference in temperature consistently seen between VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 is probably due to synoptic or planetary-scale nonaxisymmetric disturbances that propagate westward with respect to the planet. There is also evidence from Doppler data for the existence of solar-fixed nonaxisymmetric motions that may be thermal tides. Surface topography may influence atmospheric motions experienced by the VEGA-2 balloon.

Science ; 231(4744): 1411-4, 1986 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17748081


The VEGA balloons made in situ measurements of pressure, temperature, vertical wind velocity, ambient light, frequency of lightning, and cloud particle backscatter. Both balloons encountered highly variable atmospheric conditions, with periods of intense vertical winds occurring sporadically throughout their flights. Downward winds as large as 3.5 meters per second occasionally forced the balloons to descend as much as 2.5 kilometers below their equilibrium float altitudes. Large variations, in pressure, temperature, ambient light level, and cloud particle backscatter (VEGA-1 only) correlated well during these excursions, indicating that these properties were strong functions of altitude in those parts of the middle cloud layer sampled by the balloons.

Science ; 231(4744): 1417-9, 1986 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17748083


The VEGA balloons provided a long-term record of vertical wind fluctuations in a planetary atmosphere other than Earth's. The vertical winds were calculated from the observed displacement of the balloon relative to its equilibrium float altitude. The winds were intermittent; a large burst lasted several hours, and the peak velocity was 3 meters per second.

Nature ; 403(6770): 603, 605, 2000 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10688179
Appl Opt ; 8(7): 1305-14, 1969 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20072432


The detailed definition of the key features of Mars' atmosphere from one or a few entries and landings is a challenging task involving a variety of measurements, taken during entry and after landing, and correlated with observations to be taken from orbiters and flyby missions. The properties of interest include profiles to high altitudes of the atmospheric state properties, composition (abundant gases and minor constituents related to life processes), and meteorological factors such as winds, clouds, and variations in pressure and temperature. Profiles of the atmosphere are best measured during entry, by techniques which are described. The lander, if designed for lifetimes of days to weeks, can contribute information on diurnal variability of the atmosphere, and possibly on clouds and winds. Landings at several latitudes and in different seasonal regions will probably be required to complete a first order description of the atmosphere.

Science ; 272(5263): 842-3, 1996 May 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8662573


Changes in the speed of the Galileo probe caused by zonal winds created a small but measurable Doppler effect in the probe relay carrier frequency. Analysis of the probe relay link frequency allows direct measurements of the speed of Jupiter's zonal winds beneath the cloud tops. The deep winds were prograde and strong, reaching a sustained 190 to 200 meters per second at an altitude marked by a pressure of 24 bars. The depth and strength of the zonal winds severely constrain dynamic modeling of the deeper layers and begin to rule out many shallow weather theories.

Science ; 276(5309): 108-11, 1997 Apr 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9082979


The Atmosphere Structure Instrument on the Galileo probe detected wavelike temperature fluctuations superimposed on a 700-kelvin temperature increase in Jupiter's thermosphere. These fluctuations are consistent with gravity waves that are viscously damped in the thermosphere. Moreover, heating by these waves can explain the temperature increase measured by the probe. This heating mechanism should be applicable to the thermospheres of the other giant planets and may help solve the long-standing question of the source of their high thermospheric temperatures.

Science ; 276(5309): 102-4, 1997 Apr 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9082977


Temperatures in Jupiter's atmosphere derived from Galileo Probe deceleration data increase from 109 kelvin at the 175-millibar level to 900 ± 40 kelvin at 1 nanobar, consistent with Voyager remote sensing data. Wavelike oscillations are present at all levels. Vertical wavelengths are 10 to 25 kilometers in the deep isothermal layer, which extends from 12 to 0.003 millibars. Above the 0.003-millibar level, only 90- to 270- kilometer vertical wavelengths survive, suggesting dissipation of wave energy as the probable source of upper atmosphere heating.

Science ; 272(5263): 844-5, 1996 May 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8662574


Temperatures and pressures measured by the Galileo probe during parachute descent into Jupiter's atmosphere essentially followed the dry adiabat between 0.41 and 24 bars, consistent with the absence of a deep water cloud and with the low water content found by the mass spectrometer. From 5 to 15 bars, lapse rates were slightly stable relative to the adiabat calculated for the observed H2/He ratio, which suggests that upward heat transport in that range is not attributable to simple radial convection. In the upper atmosphere, temperatures of >1000 kelvin at the 0.01-microbar level confirmed the hot exosphere that had been inferred from Voyager occultations. The thermal gradient increased sharply to 5 kelvin per kilometer at a reconstructed altitude of 350 kilometers, as was recently predicted. Densities at 1000 kilometers were 100 times those in the pre-encounter engineering model.