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J Infect Dis ; 2023 Nov 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38015657


BACKGROUND: The inflammation in the lungs and other vital organs in COVID-19 are characterized by the presence of neutrophils and high concentration of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which also seems to mediate host tissue damage. However, it is not known whether NETs could have virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2. METHODS: We investigated whether NETs could prevent SARS-CoV-2 replication in neutrophils and epithelial cells, and what the consequence of NETs degradation in K18-humanized ACE2 transgenic mice infected with SARS-CoV-2. RESULTS: Here, by immunofluorescence microscopy we observed that viral particles co-localize with NETs in neutrophils isolated from COVID-19 patients or from healthy individuals and infected in vitro. The inhibition of NETs production increased virus replication in neutrophils. In parallel, we observed that NETs inhibited virus abilities to infect and replicate in epithelial cells after 24 h of infection. Degradation of NETs with DNase I prevented their virucidal effect in vitro. Using K18-humanized ACE2 transgenic mice we observed a higher viral load in animals treated with DNase I. On the other hand, the virucidal effect of NETs was not dependent on neutrophil elastase or myeloperoxidase activity. CONCLUSION: Our results provide evidence of the role of NETosis as a mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 viral capture and inhibition.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 634043, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33679665


Fungal infections represent a worldwide health problem. Fungal pathogens are responsible for a variety of conditions, including superficial diseases, allergic pathologies and potentially lethal invasive infections. Neutrophils and eosinophils have been implicated as effector cells in several pathologies. Neutrophils are major effector cells involved in the control of fungal infections and exhibit a plethora of antifungal mechanisms, such as phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species production, degranulation, extracellular vesicle formation, and DNA extracellular trap (ET) release. Eosinophils are polymorphonuclear cells classically implicated as effector cells in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases and helminthic infections, although their roles as immunomodulatory players in both innate and adaptive immunity are currently recognized. Eosinophils are also endowed with antifungal activities and are abundantly found in allergic conditions associated with fungal colonization and sensitization. Neutrophils and eosinophils have been demonstrated to release their nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in response to many pathogens and pro-inflammatory stimuli. ETs have been implicated in the killing and control of many pathogens, as well as in promoting inflammation and tissue damage. The formation of ETs by neutrophils and eosinophils has been described in response to pathogenic fungi. Here, we provide an overview of the mechanisms involved in the release of neutrophil and eosinophil ETs in response to fungal pathogens. General implications for understanding the formation of ETs and the roles of ETs in fungal infections are discussed.

Rev. Enferm. Atual In Derme ; 87(Edição Especial)2019.
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF | ID: biblio-1025519


O Sistema Único de Saúde deve estar orientado e capacitado para a atenção integral à saúde do paciente oncológico. Sendo assim, houve o despertar em apreender as complicações clínicas que levavam à retirada do cateter port a cath. Traçamos como objetivos: descrever as complicações que levam a retirada do cateter port a cath no paciente oncológico; analisar as complicações que levam à retirada do cateter port a cath no paciente oncológico, trazendo subsídios para os cuidados de enfermagem. O método apresenta-se como pesquisa documental, de caráter quantitativo e natureza descritiva e retrospectiva de dados extraídos de prontuários, através de um instrumento de coleta de dados. No desdobramento dos achados das complicações relatadas referentes ao cateter port a cath, empregou-se a análise de estatística descritiva e a infecção foi a principal complicação. Conclui-se que o impacto do resultado da pesquisa poderá promover a melhoria da assistência, maior disponibilidade para as mudanças de atitude e comportamento da equipe de enfermagem

The Unified Health System (SUS) should be oriented and trained to provide comprehensive health care for cancer patients. Thus, there was an awakening in learning about the clinical complications that led to the removal of the catheter port a cath. The goals of this research are: to describe and analyze the complications that lead to the removal of the port to cath catheter in cancer patients, bringing subsidies to the nursing care. Documentary, quantitative and descriptive research of data extracted from medical records through an instrument of data collection. In the unfolding of the findings of the reported complications related to the port a cath catheter, the analysis of descriptive statistics was used, and infection was the main complication. The impact of the research result may promote improved care, greater availability for changes in attitude and behavior of the nursing team

Humanos , Enfermería Oncológica , Infecciones Relacionadas con Catéteres , Catéteres Venosos Centrales
Niterói; s.n; 2015. 105 f p.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-906361


Ainda nos dias atuais úlcera venosa é considerada como um problema de saúde pública causando prejuízos na vida do indivíduo que a possui e para a economia do país. Contudo, é notória a preocupação por parte da comunidade científica quanto ao estímulo às pesquisas com especialidades focadas para o desenvolvimento de produtos cada vez mais eficazes vislumbrando o processo de cicatrização e a cura. Independente da faixa etária acometida, a ferida pode gerar situações limitantes como odor, dor, a falta de mobilidade, interferindo assim no desenvolvimento de suas atividades diárias, podendo levar à exclusão social e a solidão. Assim, definimos como objeto de estudo: O estilo de vida de pessoas com úlcera venosa e suas implicações no cuidado em saúde. Como problema de pesquisa, apresentamos o seguinte questionamento: de que maneira o estilo de vida interfere no cuidado com a saúde da pessoa com úlcera venosa? Como questões de pesquisa: o estilo de vida adotado pelo indivíduo pode ser um fator que contribui para o desenvolvimento de úlcera venosa? Quais as formas do cuidado com saúde realizada pela pessoa com úlcera venosa? A pessoa com úlcera venosa necessita de cuidados apropriados e de forma resolutiva, com vista ao restabelecimento da saúde e o retorno as suas atividades cotidianas, pois o desenvolvimento da ferida pode trazer implicações aos usuários em relação ao tempo de cicatrização, refletindo em sua qualidade de vida além dos gastos aos cofres públicos. Como objetivos da pesquisa: Descrever as características socioculturais da pessoa com úlcera venosa e discutir a repercussão da úlcera venosa no do estilo de vida da pessoa com a ferida. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, um estudo observacional do tipo transversal com análise descritiva. Trinta e cinco pessoas participaram da pesquisa respondendo um formulário com perguntas fechadas apresentando os seguintes: dados sócio demográficos, doenças pregressas, exame físico, crenças e religiosidade, residência (condições de moradia), integridade tissular/avaliação da ferida, palpação do pulso pedioso, como são realizados os curativos pelos sujeitos, aspectos relacionas, auto imagem corporal; todos com úlcera venosa, com idade entre 21 e 84 anos, moradores do município de Niterói- RJ, atendidos nas salas de curativos de duas Policlínicas de Saúde deste município. A escolha dos participantes ocorreu de forma probabilística casual, sem distinção de sexo. Os dados foram analisados através do programa estatístico R. Trata-se de um sistema o qual foi desenvolvido a partir da linguagem S (que também é usada numa versão comercial (o S-Plus). Com posse dos resultados obtidos, foi observado que 80% dos participantes apresentam úlcera venosa somente e 20% úlcera mista (arterial e venosa). Com relação às atividades laborais, 48,5% afirmam que estão aptos para realização do seu labor e 51,5% abandonaram seus empregos após o desenvolvimento da ferida. O estilo de vida adotado pode ser um fator colaborador para a manutenção de uma vida saudável, pois a maioria dos sujeitos compreende a sua importância. Todavia, a desgastante jornada de trabalho vivenciada pelos indivíduos, pouco favorece para a realização de atividade física e para adoção de uma dieta balanceada. O presente estudo buscou compreender o estilo de vida e suas implicações no cuidado em saúde da pessoa com úlcera venosa, com o intuito de contribuir para a ampliação de estudos focados nesta temática colaborando para formação e informação de enfermeiros, proporcionando o aprimoramento de seus conhecimentos, promovendo assim uma assistência holística e integral

Still nowadays Ulcus Cruris is considered as a public health problem causing damages in the life of the individual who has and for the country's economy. However, it is notorious the concern on the part of the scientific community regarding the stimulus to research with specialities focused to the development of increasingly effective products glimpsing the healing process and the cure. Regardless of the age group affected, the wound can generate limiting situations such as odor, pain, lack of mobility, thus interfering in the development of their daily activities, and can lead to social exclusion and loneliness. Thus, we define as object of study: the lifestyle of people with venous ulcer and its implications on health care. As a search problem, We present the following question: how lifestyle interferes with the person's health with Ulcus Cruris? As research issues: the lifestyle adopted by the individual may be a factor that contributes to the development of venous ulcer? What forms of health care held by the person with Ulcus Cruris? The person with Ulcus Cruris requires proper care and determined manner, with a view to the restoration of health and return their daily activities, because the development of the wound can bring users implications in relation to healing time, reflecting on their quality of life than spending to the public coffers. Research objectives: Describe the socio-cultural characteristics of the person with Ulcus Cruris and discuss the impact of the Ulcus Cruris in the lifestyle of the person with the wound. It is a quantitative research, an observational study of transverse type with descriptive analysis. Thirty-five people participated in the survey by answering a form with close-ended questions showing the following: socio demographic data, prior diseases, physical exam, beliefs and religiousness, residence (housing conditions), tissue integrity/evaluation of the wound, palpation of pulse pedioso, as are the bandages by subject, body image, auto-related aspects; all with Ulcus Cruris, aged 21 and 84 years, residents of the municipality of Niterói-RJ, served in the dressing rooms of two Polyclinics of Health of this municipality. The choice of participants of probabilistic form occurred irrespective of casual sex. Data were analyzed through the statistical program R. This system which was developed from the S language (which is also used in a commercial version (S-Plus). With the obtained results, it was observed that 80% of the participants present and only 20% venous ulcer Ulcer (arterial and venous) joint. With respect to industrial activities, 48.5% claim they are able to perform your labor and 51.5% abandoned their jobs after the development of the wound. The lifestyle adopted may be a contributor to the maintenance of a healthy life, because most guys understand its importance. However, the exhausting journey of work experienced by individuals, little favors for the realization of physical activity and a balanced diet. The present study sought to understand the lifestyle and its implications in the health care of the person with Ulcus Cruris, in order to contribute to the expansion of studies focused on this theme collaborating to training and information of nurses, providing improved their knowledge, thereby promoting a holistic and integral assistance

Empatía , Estilo de Vida , Enfermería , Úlcera Varicosa