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Nature ; 632(8026): 749-751, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38914112


The gravitational wave detectors have shown a population of massive black holes that do not resemble those observed in the Milky Way1-3 and whose origin is debated4-6. According to a possible explanation, these black holes may have formed from density fluctuations in the early Universe (primordial black holes)7-9, and they should comprise several to 100% of dark matter to explain the observed black hole merger rates10-12. If these black holes existed in the Milky Way dark matter halo, they would cause long-timescale gravitational microlensing events lasting years13. The previous experiments were not sufficiently sensitive to such events14-17. Here we present the results of the search for long-timescale microlensing events among the light curves of nearly 80 million stars located in the Large Magellanic Cloud that were monitored for 20 years by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment survey18. We did not find any events with timescales longer than 1 year, whereas all shorter events detected may be explained by known stellar populations. We find that compact objects in the mass range from 1.8 × 10-4M⊙ to 6.3M⊙ cannot make up more than 1% of dark matter, and those in the mass range from 1.3 × 10-5M⊙ to 860 M⊙ cannot make up more than 10% of dark matter. Thus, primordial black holes in this mass range cannot simultaneously explain a substantial fraction of dark matter and gravitational wave events.

Nature ; 548(7666): 183-186, 2017 08 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28738410


Planet formation theories predict that some planets may be ejected from their parent systems as result of dynamical interactions and other processes. Unbound planets can also be formed through gravitational collapse, in a way similar to that in which stars form. A handful of free-floating planetary-mass objects have been discovered by infrared surveys of young stellar clusters and star-forming regions as well as wide-field surveys, but these studies are incomplete for objects below five Jupiter masses. Gravitational microlensing is the only method capable of exploring the entire population of free-floating planets down to Mars-mass objects, because the microlensing signal does not depend on the brightness of the lensing object. A characteristic timescale of microlensing events depends on the mass of the lens: the less massive the lens, the shorter the microlensing event. A previous analysis of 474 microlensing events found an excess of ten very short events (1-2 days)-more than known stellar populations would suggest-indicating the existence of a large population of unbound or wide-orbit Jupiter-mass planets (reported to be almost twice as common as main-sequence stars). These results, however, do not match predictions of planet-formation theories and surveys of young clusters. Here we analyse a sample of microlensing events six times larger than that of ref. 11 discovered during the years 2010-15. Although our survey has very high sensitivity (detection efficiency) to short-timescale (1-2 days) microlensing events, we found no excess of events with timescales in this range, with a 95 per cent upper limit on the frequency of Jupiter-mass free-floating or wide-orbit planets of 0.25 planets per main-sequence star. We detected a few possible ultrashort-timescale events (with timescales of less than half a day), which may indicate the existence of Earth-mass and super-Earth-mass free-floating planets, as predicted by planet-formation theories.

Nature ; 537(7622): 649-651, 2016 Sep 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27533036


Cataclysmic variable stars-novae, dwarf novae, and nova-likes-are close binary systems consisting of a white dwarf star (the primary) that is accreting matter from a low-mass companion star (the secondary). From time to time such systems undergo large-amplitude brightenings. The most spectacular eruptions, with a ten-thousandfold increase in brightness, occur in classical novae and are caused by a thermonuclear runaway on the surface of the white dwarf. Such eruptions are thought to recur on timescales of ten thousand to a million years. In between, the system's properties depend primarily on the mass-transfer rate: if it is lower than a billionth of a solar mass per year, the accretion becomes unstable and the matter is dumped onto the white dwarf during quasi-periodic dwarf nova outbursts. The hibernation hypothesis predicts that nova eruptions strongly affect the mass-transfer rate in the binary, keeping it high for centuries after the event. Subsequently, the mass-transfer rate should significantly decrease for a thousand to a million years, starting the hibernation phase. After that the nova awakes again-with accretion returning to the pre-eruption level and leading to a new nova explosion. The hibernation model predicts cyclical evolution of cataclysmic variables through phases of high and low mass-transfer. The theory gained some support from the discovery of ancient nova shells around the dwarf novae Z Camelopardalis and AT Cancri, but direct evidence for considerable mass-transfer changes prior, during and after nova eruptions has not hitherto been found. Here we report long-term observations of the classical nova V1213 Cen (Nova Centauri 2009) covering its pre- and post-eruption phases and precisely documenting its evolution. Within the six years before the explosion, the system revealed dwarf nova outbursts indicative of a low mass-transfer rate. The post-nova is two orders of magnitude brighter than the pre-nova at minimum light with no trace of dwarf nova behaviour, implying that the mass-transfer rate increased considerably as a result of the nova explosion.

Science ; 365(6452): 478-482, 2019 08 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31371611


The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, with physical properties inferred from various tracers informed by the extrapolation of structures seen in other galaxies. However, the distances of these tracers are measured indirectly and are model-dependent. We constructed a map of the Milky Way in three dimensions, based on the positions and distances of thousands of classical Cepheid variable stars. This map shows the structure of our Galaxy's young stellar population and allows us to constrain the warped shape of the Milky Way's disk. A simple model of star formation in the spiral arms reproduces the observed distribution of Cepheids.