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Nature ; 600(7887): 54-58, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34666338


The Moon has a magmatic and thermal history that is distinct from that of the terrestrial planets1. Radioisotope dating of lunar samples suggests that most lunar basaltic magmatism ceased by around 2.9-2.8 billion years ago (Ga)2,3, although younger basalts between 3 Ga and 1 Ga have been suggested by crater-counting chronology, which has large uncertainties owing to the lack of returned samples for calibration4,5. Here we report a precise lead-lead age of 2,030 ± 4 million years ago for basalt clasts returned by the Chang'e-5 mission, and a 238U/204Pb ratio (µ value)6 of about 680 for a source that evolved through two stages of differentiation. This is the youngest crystallization age reported so far for lunar basalts by radiometric dating, extending the duration of lunar volcanism by approximately 800-900 million years. The µ value of the Chang'e-5 basalt mantle source is within the range of low-titanium and high-titanium basalts from Apollo sites (µ value of about 300-1,000), but notably lower than those of potassium, rare-earth elements and phosphorus (KREEP) and high-aluminium basalts7 (µ value of about 2,600-3,700), indicating that the Chang'e-5 basalts were produced by melting of a KREEP-poor source. This age provides a pivotal calibration point for crater-counting chronology in the inner Solar System and provides insight on the volcanic and thermal history of the Moon.

Nature ; 600(7887): 59-63, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34666339


Mare volcanics on the Moon are the key record of thermo-chemical evolution throughout most of lunar history1-3. Young mare basalts-mainly distributed in a region rich in potassium, rare-earth elements and phosphorus (KREEP) in Oceanus Procellarum, called the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT)4-were thought to be formed from KREEP-rich sources at depth5-7. However, this hypothesis has not been tested with young basalts from the PKT. Here we present a petrological and geochemical study of the basalt clasts from the PKT returned by the Chang'e-5 mission8. These two-billion-year-old basalts are the youngest lunar samples reported so far9. Bulk rock compositions have moderate titanium and high iron contents  with KREEP-like rare-earth-element and high thorium concentrations. However, strontium-neodymium isotopes indicate that these basalts were derived from a non-KREEP mantle source. To produce the high abundances of rare-earth elements and thorium, low-degree partial melting and extensive fractional crystallization are required. Our results indicate that the KREEP association may not be a prerequisite for young mare volcanism. Absolving the need to invoke heat-producing elements in their source implies a more sustained cooling history of the lunar interior to generate the Moon's youngest melts.

Geophys Res Lett ; 49(12): e2022GL098756, 2022 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35865913


The mechanisms driving crustal deformation and uplift of orogenic plateaus are fundamental to continental tectonics. Large-scale crustal flow has been hypothesized to occur in eastern Tibet, but it remains controversial due to a lack of geologic evidence. Geochemical and isotopic data from Cenozoic igneous rocks in the eastern Tibet-Gongga-Zheduo intrusive massif, provide a way to test this model. Modeling results suggest that Cenozoic magmas originated at depths of ∼30-40 km, the depth that crustal flow has been postulated to occur at. Detailed isotopic analyses indicate that the igneous rocks are derived from partial melting of the local Songpan-Ganzi crust, arguing against a long-distance crustal flow. Episodic magmatism during the Cenozoic showing a repeated shifting of magmatic sources can be correlated with crustal uplift. The continued indentation of the Indian Block and upwelling of the asthenosphere contribute to the crustal deformation, magmatism, and uplift.

Geostand Geoanal Res ; 42(4): 431-457, 2018 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30686958


Here, we document a detailed characterisation of two zircon gemstones, GZ7 and GZ8. Both stones had the same mass at 19.2 carats (3.84 g) each; both came from placer deposits in the Ratnapura district, Sri Lanka. The U-Pb data are in both cases concordant within the uncertainties of decay constants and yield weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages (95% confidence uncertainty) of 530.26 Ma ± 0.05 Ma (GZ7) and 543.92 Ma ± 0.06 Ma (GZ8). Neither GZ7 nor GZ8 have been subjected to any gem enhancement by heating. Structure-related parameters correspond well with the calculated alpha doses of 1.48 × 1018 g-1 (GZ7) and 2.53 × 1018 g-1 (GZ8), respectively, and the (U-Th)/He ages of 438 Ma ± 3 Ma (2s) for GZ7 and 426 Ma ± 9 Ma (2s) for GZ8 are typical of unheated zircon from Sri Lanka. The mean U mass fractions are 680 µg g-1 (GZ7) and 1305 µg g-1 (GZ8). The two zircon samples are proposed as reference materials for SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry) U-Pb geochronology. In addition, GZ7 (Ti mass fractions 25.08 µg g-1 ± 0.18 µg g-1; 95% confidence uncertainty) may prove useful as reference material for Ti-in-zircon temperature estimates.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6050, 2024 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39025886


The redox state of arc mantle has been considered to be more oxidized and diverse than that of the mid-ocean ridge, but the cause of the variation is debated. We examine the redox state of the Cenozoic global arc mantle by compiling measured/calculated fO2 of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from arc magma and modeled fO2 based on V/Sc and Cu/Zr ratios of arc basaltic rocks. The results indicate that the redox state of Cenozoic arc mantle is latitude dependent, with less oxidized arc mantle in the low latitudes, contrasting with a near constant across-latitude trend in the mid-ocean ridges. We propose that such a latitude-dependent pattern in the arc mantle may be controlled by the variation in the redox state of subducted sediment, possibly related to a latitudinal variation in the primary production of phytoplankton, which results in more organic carbon and sulfide deposited on the low-latitude ocean floor. Our findings provide evidence for the impact of the surface environment on Earth's upper mantle.

Science ; 385(6713): 1077-1080, 2024 Sep 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236185


There is extensive geologic evidence of ancient volcanic activity on the Moon, but it is unclear how long that volcanism persisted. Magma fountains produce volcanic glasses, which have previously been found in samples of the Moon's surface. We investigated ~3000 glass beads in lunar soil samples collected by the Chang'e-5 mission and identified three as having a volcanic origin on the basis of their textures, chemical compositions, and sulfur isotopes. Uranium-lead dating of the three volcanic glass beads shows that they formed 123 ± 15 million years ago. We measured high abundances of rare earth elements and thorium in these volcanic glass beads, which could indicate that such recent volcanism was related to local enrichment of heat-generating elements in the mantle sources of the magma.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 68(17): 1918-1927, 2023 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37487790


Mare basalts returned by the Chang'E-5 (CE5) mission extend the duration of lunar volcanism almost one billion years longer than previously dated. Recent studies demonstrated that the young volcanism was related neither to radiogenic heating nor to hydrous melting. These findings beg the question of how the young lunar volcanism happened. Here we perform high-precision minor element analyses of olivine in the CE5 basalts, focusing on Ni and Co. Our results reveal that the CE5 basalt olivines have overall lower Ni and Co than those in the Apollo low-Ti basalts. The distinctive olivine chemistry with recently reported bulk-rock chemistry carries evidence for more late-stage clinopyroxene-ilmenite cumulates of the lunar magma ocean (LMO) in the CE5 mantle source. The involvement of these Fe-rich cumulates could lower the mantle melting temperature and produce low MgO magma, inhibiting Ni and Co partitioning into the magma during lunar mantle melting and forming low Ni and Co olivines for the CE5 basalts. Moreover, the CE5 olivines show a continuous decrease of Ni and Co with crystallization proceeding. Fractional crystallization modeling indicates that Co decreasing with crystallization resulted from CaO and TiO2 enrichment (with MgO and SiO2 depletion) in the CE5 primary magma. This further supports the significant contribution of late-stage LMO cumulates to the CE5 volcanic formation. We suggest that adding easily melted LMO components resulting in mantle melting point depression is a key pathway for driving prolonged lunar volcanism. This study highlights the usefulness of olivine for investigating magmatic processes on the Moon.

Sci Adv ; 8(47): eabo4492, 2022 Nov 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36427300


Fractional crystallization plays a critical role in generating the differentiated continental crust on Earth. However, whether efficient crystal-melt separation can occur in viscous felsic magmas remains a long-standing debate because of the difficulty in discriminating between differentiated melts and complementary cumulates. Here, we found large (~1 per mil) potassium isotopic variation in 54 strongly peraluminous high-silica (silicon dioxide >70 weight %) leucogranites from the Himalayan orogen, with potassium isotopes correlated with trace elemental proxies (e.g., strontium, rubidium/strontium, and europium anomaly) for plagioclase crystallization. Quantitative modeling requires up to ~60 to 90% fractional crystallization to account for the progressively light potassium isotopic composition of the fractionated leucogranites, while plagioclase accumulation results in enrichment of heavy potassium isotopes in cumulate leucogranites. Our findings strongly support fractional crystallization of high-silica magmas and highlight the great potential of potassium isotopes in studying felsic magma differentiation.

Sci Adv ; 8(42): eabn2103, 2022 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36269823


The Chang'E-5 (CE5) mission has demonstrated that lunar volcanism was still active until two billion years ago, much younger than the previous isotopically dated lunar basalts. How the small Moon retained enough heat to drive such late volcanism is unknown, particularly as the CE5 mantle source was anhydrous and depleted in heat-producing elements. We conduct fractional crystallization and mantle melting simulations that show that mantle melting point depression by the presence of fusible, easily melted components could trigger young volcanism. Enriched in calcium oxide and titanium dioxide compared to older Apollo magmas, the young CE5 magma was, thus, sourced from the overturn of the late-stage fusible cumulates of the lunar magma ocean. Mantle melting point depression is the first mechanism to account for young volcanism on the Moon that is consistent with the newly returned CE5 basalts.

Fundam Res ; 2(1): 74-83, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38933911


As relics of ancient ocean lithosphere, ophiolites are the most important petrological evidence for marking the sutures and also play a key role in reconstructing plate configuration. They also provide valuable windows for studying crustal accretion and mantle processes occurring at modern ocean ridges. Abundant ophiolites are distributed along the Yarlung-Tsangpo suture and represent the relics of ocean lithosphere of the Neo-Tethys. They are characterized by an incomplete litho-stratigraphy, of which the mantle section is much thicker than the crustal section. Ocean crustal rocks outcropped in the Yarlung-Tsangpo ophiolites are much thinner than normal ocean crusts (~ 7 km) or even absent. Tectonic settings from which the Yarlung-Tsangpo ophiolites originated remain highly controversial, although an origin of the supra-subduction zone is prevailing. Moreover, their incomplete litho-stratigraphy has been commonly attributed to tectonic dismemberment during the late-stage emplacement after their formation. Nevertheless, such an incompleteness resembles the ocean lithosphere generated at modern ultraslow spreading ridges, such as the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR). In this paper, we present several lines of evidence that support the formation of the Yarlung-Tsangpo ophiolites at ultraslow spreading ridges, during which detachment faults were developed. This suggests that the Yarlung-Tsangpo ophiolites might represent the ocean core complexes (OCC) in the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The OCC with high topography in the seafloor were clogged in the trench and preserved as ophiolites through Indo-Eurasia collision. The clogging resulted in the demise of an old subduction and a new subduction was re-initiated beneath the clogged OCC.

Sci Adv ; 7(47): eabh1390, 2021 Nov 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34788084


The Siberian Traps large igneous province (STLIP) is commonly invoked as the primary driver of global environmental changes that triggered the end-Permian mass extinction (EPME). Here, we explore the contributions of coeval felsic volcanism to end-Permian environmental changes. We report evidence of extreme Cu enrichment in the EPME interval in South China. The enrichment is associated with an increase in the light Cu isotope, melt inclusions rich in copper and sulfides, and Hg concentration spikes. The Cu and Hg elemental and isotopic signatures can be linked to S-rich vapor produced by felsic volcanism. We use these previously unknown geochemical data to estimate volcanic SO2 injections and argue that this volcanism would have produced several degrees of rapid cooling before or coincident with the more protracted global warming. Large-scale eruptions near the South China block synchronous with the EPME strengthen the case that the STLIP may not have been the sole trigger.

Front Chem ; 8: 594316, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33363109


Clinopyroxene is a major host mineral for lithophile elements in the mantle lithosphere, and therefore, its origin is vital for constraints on mantle evolution and melt generation. In situ Sr isotopic measurement of clinopyroxene has been available since the recent development of laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) in the 2000s. Therefore, there is an increasing demand for natural clinopyroxene reference materials for Sr isotope microanalysis. In this contribution, we present six natural clinopyroxene reference materials from South Africa (JJG1424) and China (YY09-47, YY09-04, YY09-24, YY12-01, and YY12-02) for Sr isotope microanalysis. The Sr content of these clinopyroxenes ranges from 50 to 340 µg g-1, which covers most natural clinopyroxene compositions. Homogeneity of these potential reference materials were investigated and evaluated in detail over a 2-year period using 193-nm nanosecond and 257-nm femtosecond laser systems coupled to either a Neptune or Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS. Additionally, the major and trace element of these clinopyroxenes were examined by electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) as well as solution and laser ICP-MS. The in situ 87Sr/86Sr values obtained for the six natural clinopyroxene reference materials agree well with data obtained using the thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) method. The Sr isotopic stability and homogeneity of these clinopyroxenes make them potential reference materials for in situ Sr microanalysis to correct instrumental fractionation or as quality control materials for analytical sessions. The new Sr isotope data provided here might be beneficial for microbeam analysis in the geochemical community.

Nat Commun ; 7: 11888, 2016 06 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27307135


There is considerable controversy over the nature of geophysically recognized low-velocity-high-conductivity zones (LV-HCZs) within the Tibetan crust, and their role in models for the development of the Tibetan Plateau. Here we report petrological and geochemical data on magmas erupted 4.7-0.3 Myr ago in central and northern Tibet, demonstrating that they were generated by partial melting of crustal rocks at temperatures of 700-1,050 °C and pressures of 0.5-1.5 GPa. Thus Pliocene-Quaternary melting of crustal rocks occurred at depths of 15-50 km in areas where the LV-HCZs have been recognized. This provides new petrological evidence that the LV-HCZs are sources of partial melt. It is inferred that crustal melting played a key role in triggering crustal weakening and outward crustal flow in the expansion of the Tibetan Plateau.

Sci Rep ; 5: 14289, 2015 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26395973


New geochronological and geochemical data on magmatic activity from the India-Asia collision zone enables recognition of a distinct magmatic flare-up event that we ascribe to slab breakoff. This tie-point in the collisional record can be used to back-date to the time of initial impingement of the Indian continent with the Asian margin. Continental arc magmatism in southern Tibet during 80-40 Ma migrated from south to north and then back to south with significant mantle input at 70-43 Ma. A pronounced flare up in magmatic intensity (including ignimbrite and mafic rock) at ca. 52-51 Ma corresponds to a sudden decrease in the India-Asia convergence rate. Geological and geochemical data are consistent with mantle input controlled by slab rollback from ca. 70 Ma and slab breakoff at ca. 53 Ma. We propose that the slowdown of the Indian plate at ca. 51 Ma is largely the consequence of slab breakoff of the subducting Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, rather than the onset of the India-Asia collision as traditionally interpreted, implying that the initial India-Asia collision commenced earlier, likely at ca. 55 Ma.

Sci Rep ; 4: 4232, 2014 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24577190


Plate subduction continuously transports crustal materials with high-δ(18)O values down to the mantle wedge, where mantle peridotites are expected to achieve the high-δ(18)O features. Elevated δ(18)O values relative to the upper mantle value have been reported for magmas from some subduction zones. However, peridotites with δ(18)O values significantly higher than the well-defined upper mantle values have never been observed from modern subduction zones. Here we present in-situ oxygen isotope data of olivine crystals in Sailipu mantle xenoliths from South Tibet, which have been subjected to a long history of Tethyan subduction before the India-Asia collision. Our data identify for the first time a metasomatized mantle that, interpreted as the sub-arc lithospheric mantle, shows anomalously enriched oxygen isotopes (δ(18)O = +8.03 ± 0.28 ‰). Such a high-δ(18)O mantle commonly does not contribute significantly to typical island arc basalts. However, partial melting or contamination of such a high-δ(18)O mantle is feasible to account for the high-δ(18)O signatures in arc basalts.

Sedimentos Geológicos/análisis , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Compuestos de Hierro/química , Compuestos de Magnesio/química , Isótopos de Oxígeno/análisis , Silicatos/química , Planeta Tierra