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J Cancer Educ ; 2024 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622328


Residents are actively involved in patient assessment and all aspects of patient care, and they are critical in providing nutritional support education and treatment for patients with cancer. This study aims to assess the nutritional knowledge and performance of resident physicians, providing insights into existing gaps in awareness and practices related to cancer nutrition. A total of 300 resident physicians undergoing standardized residency training in China participated in this study. An anonymous online questionnaire covering demographic characteristics, nutritional knowledge, clinical practice, and training requirements was designed and administered through the "Wenjuanxing" platform. Data were collected from June 1, 2023, to July 31, 2023. Among the participants, only 40.00% demonstrated adequate knowledge of cancer nutrition, and merely 32.00% exhibited proficient performance in nutritional care. Socio-demographic analysis revealed that residents without affiliations and those specializing in obstetrics and gynecology had superior knowledge, while surgery specialists showed significantly worse performance. Most participants expressed a lack of exposure to cancer nutrition education during academic and standardized residency training. The study highlights the demand for enhanced education and the preference for case-based teaching methods. The findings underscore an urgent need for comprehensive oncology nutrition education within China's standardized residency training. Targeted interventions and curriculum enhancements are essential to improve medical talent development and enhance patient care outcomes in oncology. The study emphasizes the critical role of practical, case-based teaching methods in addressing identified gaps in nutritional knowledge and practices among resident physicians.

Public Health Nurs ; 41(3): 446-457, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38450824


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of case-based teaching method applied to fourth year nursing students on their professional competence and clinical decision-making levels. DESIGN: A quasi-experimental design study with a sequential-exploratory mixed-method approach. SAMPLE: 64 nursing students enrolled in the Public Health Nursing course. METHODS: A case-based teaching program was applied to the students that cover the topics of the Public Health Nursing course. Quantitative phase data were collected with the Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Scale and Nursing Students' Competence Scale. For the qualitative part, focus group interviews were conducted with a Structured Interview Form. RESULTS: It was determined that the total and subscale posttest scores of the students increased significantly compared to their pretest scores (p < .001). A moderate positive correlation was found between the total scores received from the scale and a significant positive correlation was found between researching information and adopting new information impartially and all sub-dimensions except care (p < .05). Three main themes emerged from the focus group interviews conducted after the case-based teaching method experience: usefulness, limitations, and improvement. CONCLUSIONS: Case-based teaching method is effective on students' professional competence and clinical decision-making scores. Students' professional competence levels positively affect their clinical decision-making levels.

Bachillerato en Enfermería , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Humanos , Enfermería en Salud Pública , Competencia Clínica , Competencia Profesional , Toma de Decisiones Clínicas , Bachillerato en Enfermería/métodos , Enseñanza
Eur J Dent Educ ; 25(4): 649-656, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33314476


BACKGROUND: At our dental education, the examination failure rate amongst students has increased, resulting in subsequent involuntary dropouts. One of the main problems seems to be that the students struggle with taking the necessary responsibility for their learning, as required by the problem-based learning (PBL) methodology. AIM: To describe the background to, and the transition process from, pure PBL to case-based teaching and learning (CBT) with flipped classroom seminars at the dental programme at [anonymised for peer review]. METHODS: In this position paper, we describe our observed problems with the PBL methodology, as implemented at this faculty, and the potential benefits of a change towards CBT. The current implementation of CBT is presented, along with educational research supporting the choice of activities. RESULTS: Tentative findings are that the flipped classroom seminars and the clearer instructions appear to be successful with higher levels of activity, engagement and attendance amongst the students, and the students have evaluated the seminars as very good learning activities. CONCLUSION: Tentative findings suggest that the current implementation of CBT may be a fruitful way of teaching in dental education today. Most of the teaching staff have been reawakened to teaching, and as a result, the content of the courses are being reviewed and improved. The students appreciate that what is expected of them has been made clearer and that there is a variety of learning activities.

Educación en Odontología , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Docentes , Humanos , Aprendizaje , Estudiantes
BMC Med Educ ; 19(1): 31, 2019 Jan 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30674302


BACKGROUND: Case-based teaching with real patient cases provides benefit of simulating real-world cognition. However, while clinical practice involves a prospective approach to cases, preclinical instruction typically involves full disclosure of case content to faculty, introducing hindsight bias into faculty teaching in medical curricula. METHODS: During 2015-2018, we piloted an optional medical school curriculum involving 6-7 one-hour sessions over a 3-month period each year. New groups enrolled each year from first- and second-year classes. A facilitator provided a blinded physician discussant and blinded students with case information during and not in advance of each session, allowing prospective case-based discussions. Cases were based on real patients treated in the Department of Medicine. Clinical material was presented in the chronologic sequence encountered by treating physicians. Content covered a median of 5 patient visits/case (range: 2-10) spanning over months. A 14-item survey addressing components of the reporter-interpreter-manager-educator (RIME) scheme was developed and used to compare self-reported clinical skills between course participants and non-participant controls during the 2016 course iteration. RESULTS: This elective curriculum at Stanford School of Medicine involved 170 preclinical students (22.7% of 750 eligible). During the 2016 course iteration, a quasi-experimental study compared self-reported clinical skills between 29 course participants (response rate: 29/49 [59.2%]) and 35 non-participant controls (response rate: 35/132 [26.5%]); students self-assessed clinical skills via the RIME-based survey developed for the course. Two-sample t-tests compared the change in pre- and post-course skills between course participants and non-participants. Of 15 Department of Medicine faculty members invited as discussants, 12 (80%) consented to participate. Compared with controls, first-year participants self-assessed significantly greater improvement in understanding how clinicians reason through cases step-by-step to arrive at diagnoses (P = 0.049), work through cases in longitudinal settings (P = 0.049), and share information with patients (P = 0.047). Compared with controls, second-year participants self-assessed significantly greater improvement (P = 0.040) in understanding how clinicians reason through cases step-by-step to arrive at diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: Prospective case-based discussions with blinding of faculty and students to clinical content circumvents hindsight bias and may impart real-world cognitive skills as determined by student self-report.

Competencia Clínica/normas , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Estudiantes de Medicina , Enseñanza/normas , Curriculum , Docentes , Humanos , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas/normas , Estudios Prospectivos , Facultades de Medicina
BMC Med Educ ; 17(1): 225, 2017 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29162061


BACKGROUND: With an aging American population, the burden of neurologic disease is intensifying and the decline in neurology residents and practicing neurologists is leaving these patients helpless and unable to find care. 'Neurophobia', a chronic illness that begins early in medical school, has been identified as a cause for the low number of neurology residents. METHODS: A longitudinal study surveyed medical students at the beginning of their first year (M1) and then again at the beginning of their second year (M2). Three neuroscience educational interventions were studied: team based learning (TBL), case based teaching (CBT), and problem based learning (PBL). Participants provided self-reported neurophobia levels, attitudes about neuroscience, and the effectiveness of educational interventions. RESULTS: A total of 446 students during M1 and 206 students during M2 participated in the survey. A significant change in self-reported neurophobia (p = 0.035) was observed from 19% in M1 to 26% in M2. Neuroscience knowledge and confidence managing a neurologic condition also significantly increased (p < 0.001 and p = 0.038 respectively). Perceived interest, difficulty, and desire to pursue a career in neuroscience did not a change significantly. Majority of students perceived CBT (76%), TBL (56%), and PBL (66%) beneficial. Only CBT demonstrated a statistical difference (p = 0.026) when stratified by self-reported change in neurophobia. CONCLUSION: An increase in neurophobia after completing a neuroscience was observed but the prevalence rate of 26% was lower than previous studies. Knowledge about neuroscience increased significantly and educational interventions were considered beneficial by students. Thus, interventions that increase knowledge and decrease neurophobia can lead to an increase in students pursuing neurology residencies.

Actitud del Personal de Salud , Selección de Profesión , Neurología/educación , Neurociencias/educación , Estudiantes de Medicina/psicología , Adulto , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina/métodos , Femenino , Grenada , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Trastornos Fóbicos , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Autoinforme , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Adulto Joven
Cureus ; 15(12): e49805, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38161558


Introduction Virtual escape rooms (VERs) have provided education in healthcare settings. VERs were developed to provide medical education related to pediatric toxicology. This study explores simulation technologies, specifically portals to create and host VERs, including Google Sites, a website-building platform, and Articulate 360, an e-learning platform. The design objective was to create an engaging educational tool using a VER on two pediatric toxicology scenarios. Methods Case-based VERs were developed on Google Sites and Articulate 360. The cases focused on organophosphate toxicity and acute iron toxicity. Google Sites technology was used to build the organophosphate toxicity case, which was implemented and piloted with emergency medicine (EM) trainees in India and workshop participants at the International Pediatric Simulation Symposia and Workshops (IPSSW) in 2022. The iron toxicity case was developed using Articulate 360 and piloted at IPSSW in 2023. Feedback was collected as a survey from participants. Questions focused on using VERs as an engaging educational model, benefits, areas for improvement, and future participation in VERs. Following the study, a focus group meeting was held with facilitators and developers and subsequently analyzed. Results Evaluations from participants and a focus group provided data demonstrating both platforms' utility. Participants completed surveys after each VER. Overall, 84.2% of respondents (n=60) from EM training programs in India, 90.9% of respondents (n=11) from IPSSW in 2022, and 100% of respondents (n=23) from IPSSW in 2023 agreed or strongly agreed that this was an engaging education model. Conclusion Different platforms may be used to develop engaging VERs for gamification in education. This study found that VERs based on pediatric toxicology scenarios created on Google Sites and Articulate 360 are engaging educational tools for distance learning. Simulation technologies have benefits and disadvantages for Google Sites and Articulate 360. Simulation developers and educators should consider time, funding, technological needs, and participant feedback when deciding which portal to choose when building a VER.

Cureus ; 15(3): e36944, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37131566


INTRODUCTION: The pediatric emergency department (PED) provides a wealth of learning opportunities for residents. However, delivering dedicated education can be a significant challenge due to considerable variability in day-to-day schedules, volume, cases, time, and resource availability. Case-based and learner-centered teaching models are well suited for ambulatory settings like the emergency department. Using the Kern model, we designed an educational intervention titled "Case Cards" to facilitate active learning conversations in pediatric emergency medicine (PEM). Our goal was to improve clinical teaching in the PED to demonstrate self-reported satisfaction, knowledge acquisition, confidence, and commitment among residents rotating in this fast-paced, challenging clinical environment. METHODS:  After general and targeted needs assessments, we developed a compendium of 30 high-yield case cards to facilitate case-based learning conversations between learners and preceptors. Case topics mirror the American Board of Pediatrics Content Outline of Emergent Conditions. The "Learner Card" presents a PEM case for the learner to read and hold, while the "Teacher Card" contains evidence-based teaching prompts following established learner-centered clinical teaching models to guide and facilitate the case. Post-implementation surveys queried Kirkpatrick New World educational outcomes in a retrospective format. RESULTS: We collected data from 24 pediatric and emergency medicine residents between July 2021 and January 2022. All respondents agreed or strongly agreed that case cards are enjoyable, educational, applicable to clinical practice, enhanced confidence, and would be recommended to others. CONCLUSION: Case cards for learner-centered teaching in the pediatric emergency setting are well-received and demonstrate resident self-reported satisfaction, knowledge, and confidence in core PEM conditions. Having established and readily available teaching topics, such as case cards, can enhance the clinical experience in the PED and other challenging settings and augment clinical exposure to core content. Educators may wish to expand and explore evolving technologies to facilitate learner-centered clinical teaching.

Cureus ; 15(11): e49508, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38152785


INTRODUCTION:  The practice of learning from medical errors is well-established and well-researched in the literature on morbidity and mortality conferences. However, durable learning from case-based education occurs not only through the analysis of medical errors but also through the evaluation of how critical decisions were made to result in a positive clinical outcome, what we will call a "good save." The aim of the current study is to provide an overview of how US-based emergency medicine residencies are teaching using "good saves." METHODS: A national survey of emergency medicine (EM) residency leadership was distributed through the Council of Residency Directors (CORD) and the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) listservs. A descriptive analysis of the results was undertaken. RESULTS: Residency leadership representing 67 different US EM training programs participated in our survey. Of these, only 19 programs use formal learning objectives and dedicated education time to teach from "good saves." Thirty-six programs provide informal recognition, often in the form of a "shout-out." Residency leadership is motivated to provide this recognition and learning through efforts to promote wellness and resiliency among EM residents. Notably, the use of prizes and awards is not necessary. DISCUSSION: Some EM residencies in the United States are making targeted efforts to promote the recognition of successful clinical care. This recognition and education are being used as tools both to promote wellness and to teach resiliency. However, there is wide heterogeneity in approaches. Our survey provides examples of the many ways that "good saves" can be incorporated into any EM residency curriculum with the potential for significant impact.

Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao ; 38(7): 2639-2648, 2022 Jul 25.
Artículo en Zh | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35871631


Synthetic biology, a course with a sound theoretical system and a wide application range, plays a role in the cultivation of innovative talents in the field of bioengineering. To this end, we have set up a synthetic biology course in our university. First, according to the concept of imparting basic knowledge, highlighting innovative practice, and keeping up with cutting-edge progress, we assembled a high-level teaching team for synthetic biology. The team constantly adjusted and optimized the course contents and achieved a novel and reasonable course system. Second, we introduced frontier cases of synthetic biology reported in high-level journals, as well as breaking news in this field in classroom teaching, which enriched the teaching contents and aroused students' interest. Third, taking these cases as the breakthrough point, we guided students to in-depth discussions through the learning-centered teaching mode to improve students' abilities of critical thinking and theoretical innovation. In summary, the course has achieved good teaching outcomes and improved the cultivation of innovative talents. Therefore, we share our work with peer teachers, aiming to give new insights into the teaching reform of synthetic biology and other related courses.

Estudiantes , Biología Sintética , Bioingeniería , Humanos , Aprendizaje , Universidades
Future Healthc J ; 9(3): 252-254, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36561809


The COVID-19 pandemic engendered an era of virtual teaching, supporting the digital aspirations outlined in The Topol Review. We recognise that to fulfil these aspirations, clinicians must be equipped with the technical skills to effectively deliver such teaching. At Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, we implemented a case-based teaching programme that improved presenters' confidence in delivering online teaching. Through our work, we offer a sustainable solution for the continued education of medical professionals while simultaneously enhancing competency in digital literacy.

J Taibah Univ Med Sci ; 16(1): 22-28, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33603628


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to formulate and implement a case-based cardiovascular physiology module for second year clinical pharmacy (CP) students. We also evaluated the students' feedback and compared the academic performance between a case-based teaching (CBT) group and a traditional didactic lectures (TDL) group. METHODS: This descriptive quantitative study was conducted on 181 students who were divided into two groups. Group 1 (77 students) underwent TDL and the same topics were delivered to Group 2 (94 students) through CBT. A written examination was conducted at the end of both modules. A validated questionnaire was used to obtain feedback from the CBT group regarding CBT and their assessment grades (response rate - 93.6%). RESULTS: Students' feedback about CBT was positive. The majority of students, 63 (72%), preferred learning and understanding through CBT, finding it an enjoyable experience. Participants stated that CBT stimulated critical thinking (67; 76%) and linked theory to practice (69, 78%). Furthermore, 70 (80%) preferred this type of teaching and assessment in the future and 70 (80%) agreed to include CBT in all preclinical subjects. Students feedback was supported by exam results: the mean percentage of exam scores in the CBT group was significantly higher in comparison to the TDL group (81.2% vs. 79%, p value <0.05). Further comparison within the CBT group revealed improved student performance in "case-based" as compared to "conventional" questions (82.75% vs. 80%, p value <0.05). CONCLUSION: Students greatly appreciated CBT, as it stimulated logical thinking and active participation in the class, resulting in improved performance in exams.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34444177


Improving the education of medical students and physicians can address the disparities in LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and others) health care. This study explored how teachers used case-based teaching to teach medical students about gender and LGBT+ health care and discussed the implementation and effectiveness of case-based teaching from the perspective of the teachers and students. This study employed the case study method and collected data through semi-structured interviews. This study used two gender courses in clinical psychiatric education as case studies. Two teachers and 19 medical students were recruited as participants. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) effective cases links theory to clinical practice and competency learning; (2) experience sharing by LGBT+ is highly effective; (3) discussions promote the effectiveness of case-based teaching; and (4) the challenges of case-based teaching included time limitations, the multiplexity of the cases, and multilevel learning. This study also found that using narrative cases is a form of narrative pedagogy, which can help students to integrate medicine, gender, and LGBT+ competency education. A successful narrative case-based teaching strategy involves teachers integrating knowledge related to gender, guiding students through the cases to understand the importance of these cases, and reflecting on the medical profession to make improvements. However, teachers face challenges in this approach, such as changes in the school's teaching culture and a lack of institutional support.

Médicos , Minorías Sexuales y de Género , Estudiantes de Medicina , Personas Transgénero , Femenino , Identidad de Género , Humanos
J Family Med Prim Care ; 9(2): 580-584, 2020 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32318385


BACKGROUND: Sustaining interest and promoting deep learning is a challenge in any teaching method. The purpose of the study is to find the perception of trainee doctors in Internal Medicine and teaching faculty on the usefulness of case-based learning (CBL) and to compare assessment knowledge outcome with didactic seminars. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We developed and conducted a CBL teaching program on eight topics in infectious diseases. First group had CBL and second group had didactic seminars. In step 1, a clinical case was introduced in stages. Learning objectives were formulated and topics were divided among the trainees. At step 2, trainees shared what they had learnt from self-directed learning. Faculty summarized the case and learning points. In the seminar group, trainees made presentations on the given topics. Trainees who had CBL underwent a questionnaire survey. Multiple choice questions-based test was administered for both the groups. RESULTS: The trainee doctors and staff overwhelmingly found CBL to be more interesting, stimulating, and useful compared to didactic seminars. There was no statistical difference in the test scores. CONCLUSIONS: CBL is a useful and interesting method of learning and should be employed more often in teaching for trainee doctors.

J Educ Health Promot ; 9: 256, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33225000


INTRODUCTION: Teaching is one of the most important needs of human societies, and selecting the best method of teaching is so important to improve the teaching as well as learning of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of case-based teaching (CBT) and flipped classroom methods in comparison with lecture method on students' learning and satisfaction at internship of Department of General Surgery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This experimental study was performed on fifty medical surgery internship students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2017. Students were randomly divided into two groups of control group and intervention group. The data were collected by a posttest after holding every class and a researcher-made form for evaluating students' satisfaction after the end of the project. The results of this study were analyzed by SPSS 21 software using descriptive statistical methods (mean and standard deviation) and paired t-test. RESULTS: The comparison of the mean posttest scores in the three classes showed that the mean scores of the students in the intervention group in the first and second sessions unlike the third session were higher than that in the control group; this difference was statistically significant in the first session (P = 005) and the third session (P = 0.002). Students' satisfaction with case-based learning method (4.03 ± 0.87) was higher than that of lecture method (2.88 ± 0.78). CONCLUSION: In CBT and flipped classroom, students' learning and the quality of teaching were improved. In addition, students were more satisfied with this method in comparison with the lecture method. However, it should be noted that the success of using this teaching method depends on choosing the appropriate subject.

Inquiry ; 57: 46958020964421, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33111605


Nursing skill education plays a very important part for the nursing education. It's necessary to analyze the role of the case-based teaching (CBT) in nursing skill education, to provide insights into the nursing education. The sophomore nursing students who received nursing skill teaching from September 2019 to January 2020 were selected. The students either underwent traditional teaching (control group) or CBT (CBT group) intervention. The objective structure clinical examination (OSCE), autonomous learning ability, questionnaire for effects evaluation of CBT, and student's satisfaction level on CBT were analyzed. A total of 146 participants were included. There were no significant differences in the gender, age and the final exam score as freshman between 2 groups (all P > .05). The OSCE scores and autonomous learning ability in CBT group were significantly higher than that of control group (all P < .05). The most students favored the use of CBT, and most students were satisfied with CBT. CBT is beneficial to improve the nursing skill and comprehensive ability of students, and it's conducive to increase the interest of students, which merits application in nursing education.

Educación en Enfermería , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Competencia Clínica , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Med Sci Educ ; 30(1): 227-233, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34457663


PURPOSE: Case-based learning (CBL), an important component of medical school curricula, is an effective inquiry-based teaching method associated with high levels of student and teacher satisfaction. However, because traditional CBL requires small groups, its feasibility is limited by faculty and resources. We developed and tested a novel team-based CBL (TB-CBL) method to be implemented in the lecture hall. METHODS: All second-year students at our institution (n = 121) were randomized to either traditional small group CBL or TB-CBL during the Endocrine block and to the other modality during the Renal block. All students were exposed to both methods. Case content was identical, and sessions were run concurrently. This cross-over, non-inferiority study tested the hypothesis that no difference in knowledge acquisition, clinical reasoning, or student satisfaction would be detected between groups. RESULTS: Based on student performance on case-relevant exam questions, no difference in knowledge acquisition was seen between groups for either block (p = 0.62 Endocrine, p = 0.38 Renal). There was also no difference in overall final exam performance between groups (p = 0.56 Endocrine, p = 0.26 Renal). Case-relevant script concordance testing revealed no difference in clinical reasoning skills between groups (p = 0.87 Endocrine, p = 0.17 Renal). Satisfaction was higher for the TB-CBL format (p = 0.005). Cost analysis revealed that each small group CBL session costs $2654, while each TB-CBL session costs approximately $221. CONCLUSIONS: TB-CBL, a novel case-based teaching method, appears to produce similar learner outcomes and higher student satisfaction when compared with small group CBL. TB-CBL may be used to supplement case-based curricula while optimizing resource allocation.

Med Sci Educ ; 30(1): 307-313, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34457672


CONTEXT: Situativity theory posits that learning and the development of clinical reasoning skills are grounded in context. In case-based teaching, this context comes from recreating the clinical environment, through emulation, as with manikins, or description. In this study, we sought to understand the difference in student clinical reasoning abilities after facilitated patient case scenarios with or without a manikin. METHODS: Fourth-year medical students in an internship readiness course were randomized into patient case scenarios without manikin (control group) and with manikin (intervention group) for a chest pain session. The control and intervention groups had identical student-led case progression and faculty debriefing objectives. Clinical reasoning skills were assessed after the session using a 64-question script concordance test (SCT). The test was developed and piloted prior to administration. Hospitalist and emergency medicine faculty responses on the test items served as the expert standard for scoring. RESULTS: Ninety-six students were randomized to case-based sessions with (n = 48) or without (n = 48) manikin. Ninety students completed the SCT (with manikin n = 45, without manikin n = 45). A statistically significant mean difference on test performance between the two groups was found (t = 3.059, df = 88, p = .003), with the manikin group achieving higher SCT scores. CONCLUSION: Use of a manikin in simulated patient case discussion significantly improves students' clinical reasoning skills, as measured by SCT. These results suggest that using a manikin to simulate a patient scenario situates learning, thereby enhancing skill development.

MedEdPORTAL ; 15: 10800, 2019 01 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31139730


Introduction: Clinical reasoning is the complex cognitive process that drives the diagnosis of disease and treatment of patients. There is a national call for medical educators to develop clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education. To address this need, we developed a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum for internal medicine clerkship students. Methods: We delivered six 1-hour sessions to approximately 40 students over the 15-week combined medicine-surgery clerkship at Penn State College of Medicine. We developed the content using previous work in clinical reasoning, including the American College of Physicians' Teaching Medicine Series book Teaching Clinical Reasoning. Students applied a clinical reasoning diagnostic framework to written cases during each workshop. Each session followed a scaffold approach and built upon previously learned clinical reasoning skills. We administered a pre- and postsurvey to assess students' baseline knowledge of clinical reasoning concepts and perceived confidence in performing clinical reasoning skills. Students also provided open-ended responses regarding the effectiveness of the curriculum. Results: The curriculum was well received by students and led to increased perceived knowledge of clinical reasoning concepts and increased confidence in applying clinical reasoning skills. Students commented on the usefulness of practicing clinical reasoning in a controlled environment while utilizing a framework that could be deliberately applied to patient care. Discussion: The longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum was effective in reinforcing key concepts of clinical reasoning and allowed for deliberate practice in a controlled environment. The curriculum is generalizable to students in both the preclinical and clinical years.

Prácticas Clínicas/métodos , Curriculum/normas , Cirugía General/educación , Medicina Interna/educación , Competencia Clínica/estadística & datos numéricos , Cognición/fisiología , Educación , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina/métodos , Evaluación Educacional/métodos , Humanos , Conocimiento , Aprendizaje/fisiología , Estudiantes de Medicina/psicología , Enseñanza/tendencias , Estados Unidos/epidemiología
Anat Sci Educ ; 11(1): 81-93, 2018 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28628732


Recent studies have highlighted a fear or difficulty with the study and understanding of neuroanatomy among medical and healthcare students. This has been linked with a diminished confidence of clinical practitioners and students to manage patients with neurological conditions. The underlying reasons for this difficulty have been queried among a broad cohort of medical, dental, occupational therapy, and speech and language sciences students. Direct evidence of the students' perception regarding specific difficulties associated with learning neuroanatomy has been provided and some of the measures required to address these issues have been identified. Neuroanatomy is perceived as a more difficult subject compared to other anatomy topics (e.g., reproductive/pelvic anatomy) and not all components of the neuroanatomy curriculum are viewed as equally challenging. The difficulty in understanding neuroanatomical concepts is linked to intrinsic factors such as the inherent complex nature of the topic rather than outside influences (e.g., lecture duration). Participants reporting high levels of interest in the subject reported higher levels of knowledge, suggesting that teaching tools aimed at increasing interest, such as case-based scenarios, could facilitate acquisition of knowledge. Newer pedagogies, including web-resources and computer assisted learning (CAL) are considered important tools to improve neuroanatomy learning, whereas traditional tools such as lecture slides and notes were considered less important. In conclusion, it is suggested that understanding of neuroanatomy could be enhanced and neurophobia be decreased by purposefully designed CAL resources. This data could help curricular designers to refocus attention and guide educators to develop improved neuroanatomy web-resources in future. Anat Sci Educ 11: 81-93. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.

Comprensión , Educación Profesional/métodos , Neuroanatomía/educación , Trastornos Fóbicos/psicología , Estudiantes del Área de la Salud/psicología , Instrucción por Computador/métodos , Curriculum , Educación a Distancia/métodos , Evaluación Educacional , Femenino , Humanos , Aprendizaje , Masculino , Percepción , Estudiantes del Área de la Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Nurse Educ Today ; 46: 29-35, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27589605


INTRODUCTION: Teaching strategies are essential in order to facilitate meaningful learning and the development of high-level thinking skills in students. OBJECTIVE: To compare three teaching methodologies (problem-based learning, case-based teaching and traditional methods) in terms of the learning outcomes achieved by nursing students. METHOD: This quasi-experimental research was carried out in the Nursing Degree programme in a group of 74 students who explored the subject of The Oncology Patient through the aforementioned strategies. A performance test was applied based on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. RESULTS: A significant correlation was found between the intragroup theoretical and theoretical-practical dimensions. Likewise, intergroup differences were related to each teaching methodology. Hence, significant differences were estimated between the traditional methodology (x-=9.13), case-based teaching (x-=12.96) and problem-based learning (x-=14.84). CONCLUSIONS: Problem-based learning was shown to be the most successful learning method, followed by case-based teaching and the traditional methodology.

Educación en Enfermería/métodos , Enfermería Oncológica/educación , Enseñanza/organización & administración , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas/métodos , Adulto Joven