The ability to continuously adjust posture and balance is necessary for reliable motor behavior. Vestibular and proprioceptive systems influence postural adjustments during movement by signaling functionally complementary sensory information. Using viral tracing and mouse genetics, we reveal two patterns of synaptic specificity between brainstem vestibular neurons and spinal motor neurons, established through distinct mechanisms. First, vestibular input targets preferentially extensor over flexor motor pools, a pattern established by developmental refinement in part controlled by vestibular signaling. Second, vestibular input targets slow-twitch over fast motor neuron subtypes within extensor pools, while proprioceptors exhibit inversely correlated connectivity profiles. Genetic manipulations affecting the functionality of proprioceptive feedback circuits lead to adjustments in vestibular input to motor neuron subtypes counterbalancing the imposed changes, without changing the sparse vestibular input to flexor pools. Thus, two sensory signaling systems interact to establish complementary synaptic input patterns to the final site of motor output processing.
Equilibrio Postural , Postura , Propiocepción , Núcleos Vestibulares/metabolismo , Animales , Ratones , Ratones de la Cepa 129 , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Neuronas Motoras/metabolismo , NADPH Oxidasas/genética , NADPH Oxidasas/metabolismo , Sinapsis , Vestíbulo del Laberinto/metabolismoRESUMEN
Human standing balance relies on the continuous monitoring and integration of sensory signals to infer our body's motion and orientation within the environment. However, when sensory information is no longer contextually relevant to balancing the body (e.g., when sensory and motor signals are incongruent), sensory-evoked balance responses are rapidly suppressed, much earlier than any conscious perception of changes in balance control. Here, we used a robotic balance simulator to assess whether associatively learned postural responses are similarly modulated by sensorimotor incongruence and contextual relevance to postural control. Twenty-nine participants in three groups were classically conditioned to generate postural responses to whole-body perturbations when presented with an initially neutral sound cue. During catch and extinction trials, participants received only the auditory stimulus but in different sensorimotor states corresponding to their group: 1) during normal active balance, 2) while immobilized, and 3) throughout periods where the computer subtly removed active control over balance. In the balancing and immobilized states, conditioned responses were either evoked or suppressed, respectively, according to the (in)ability to control movement. Following the immobilized state, conditioned responses were renewed when balance was restored, indicating that conditioning was retained but only expressed when contextually relevant. In contrast, conditioned responses persisted in the computer-controlled state even though there was no causal relationship between motor and sensory signals. These findings suggest that mechanisms responsible for sensory-evoked and conditioned postural responses do not share a single, central contextual inference and assessment of their relevance to postural control, and may instead operate in parallel.
Equilibrio Postural , Humanos , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Postura/fisiología , Aprendizaje/fisiologíaRESUMEN
Fluctuations in brain activity alter how we perceive our body and generate movements but have not been investigated in functional whole-body behaviors. During reactive balance, we recently showed that evoked brain activity is associated with the balance ability in young individuals. Furthermore, in PD, impaired whole-body motion perception in reactive balance is associated with impaired balance. Here, we investigated the brain activity during the whole-body motion perception in reactive balance in young adults (9 female, 10 male). We hypothesized that both ongoing and evoked cortical activity influences the efficiency of information processing for successful perception and movement during whole-body behaviors. We characterized two cortical signals using electroencephalography localized to the SMA: (1) the "N1," a perturbation-evoked potential that decreases in amplitude with expectancy and is larger in individuals with lower balance function, and (2) preperturbation ß power, a transient rhythm that favors maintenance of the current sensorimotor state and is inversely associated with tactile perception. In a two-alternative forced choice task, participants judged whether pairs of backward support surface perturbations during standing were in the "same" or "different" direction. As expected, lower whole-body perception was associated with lower balance ability. Within a perturbation pair, N1 attenuation was larger on correctly perceived trials and associated with better balance, but not perception. In contrast, preperturbation ß power was higher on incorrectly perceived trials and associated with poorer perception, but not balance. Together, ongoing and evoked cortical activity have unique roles in information processing that give rise to distinct associations with perceptual and balance ability.
Percepción de Movimiento , Equilibrio Postural , Adulto Joven , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Electroencefalografía , Potenciales Evocados/fisiología , Movimiento , Percepción de Movimiento/fisiologíaRESUMEN
Mature vertebrates maintain posture using vestibulospinal neurons that transform sensed instability into reflexive commands to spinal motor circuits. Postural stability improves across development. However, due to the complexity of terrestrial locomotion, vestibulospinal contributions to postural refinement in early life remain unexplored. Here we leveraged the relative simplicity of underwater locomotion to quantify the postural consequences of losing vestibulospinal neurons during development in larval zebrafish of undifferentiated sex. By comparing posture at two timepoints, we discovered that later lesions of vestibulospinal neurons led to greater instability. Analysis of thousands of individual swim bouts revealed that lesions disrupted movement timing and corrective reflexes without impacting swim kinematics, and that this effect was particularly strong in older larvae. Using a generative model of swimming, we showed how these disruptions could account for the increased postural variability at both timepoints. Finally, late lesions disrupted the fin/trunk coordination observed in older larvae, linking vestibulospinal neurons to postural control schemes used to navigate in depth. Since later lesions were considerably more disruptive to postural stability, we conclude that vestibulospinal contributions to balance increase as larvae mature. Vestibulospinal neurons are highly conserved across vertebrates; we therefore propose that they are a substrate for developmental improvements to postural control.
Equilibrio Postural , Pez Cebra , Animales , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Masculino , Larva , Médula Espinal/fisiología , Médula Espinal/crecimiento & desarrollo , Femenino , Natación/fisiología , Núcleos Vestibulares/fisiología , Neuronas/fisiologíaRESUMEN
To maintain stable posture of the head and body during our everyday activities, the brain integrates information across multiple sensory systems. Here, we examined how the primate vestibular system, independently and in combination with visual sensory input, contributes to the sensorimotor control of head posture across the range of dynamic motion experienced during daily life. We recorded activity of single motor units in the splenius capitis and sternocleidomastoid muscles in rhesus monkeys during yaw rotations spanning the physiological range of self-motion (up to 20 Hz) in darkness. Splenius capitis motor unit responses continued to increase with frequency up to 16 Hz in normal animals, and were strikingly absent following bilateral peripheral vestibular loss. To determine whether visual information modulated these vestibular-driven neck muscle responses, we experimentally controlled the correspondence between visual and vestibular cues of self-motion. Surprisingly, visual information did not influence motor unit responses in normal animals, nor did it substitute for absent vestibular feedback following bilateral peripheral vestibular loss. A comparison of muscle activity evoked by broadband versus sinusoidal head motion further revealed that low-frequency responses were attenuated when low- and high-frequency self-motion were experienced concurrently. Finally, we found that vestibular-evoked responses were enhanced by increased autonomic arousal, quantified via pupil size. Together, our findings directly establish the vestibular system's contribution to the sensorimotor control of head posture across the dynamic motion range experienced during everyday activities, as well as how vestibular, visual, and autonomic inputs are integrated for postural control.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Our sensory systems enable us to maintain control of our posture and balance as we move through the world. Notably, the vestibular system senses motion of the head and sends motor commands, via vestibulospinal pathways, to axial and limb muscles to stabilize posture. By recording the activity of single motor units, here we show, for the first time, that the vestibular system contributes to the sensorimotor control of head posture across the dynamic motion range experienced during everyday activities. Our results further establish how vestibular, autonomic, and visual inputs are integrated for postural control. This information is essential for understanding both the mechanisms underlying the control of posture and balance, and the impact of the loss of sensory function.
Percepción de Movimiento , Vestíbulo del Laberinto , Animales , Músculos del Cuello/fisiología , Vestíbulo del Laberinto/fisiología , Músculo Esquelético , Primates , Percepción de Movimiento/fisiología , Equilibrio Postural/fisiologíaRESUMEN
"Trying too hard" can interfere with skilled movement, such as sports and music playing. Postural control can similarly suffer when conscious attention is directed toward it ("conscious movement processing"; CMP). However, the neural mechanisms through which CMP influences balance remain poorly understood. We explored the effects of CMP on electroencephalographic (EEG) perturbation-evoked cortical responses and subsequent balance performance. Twenty healthy young adults (ageâ =â 25.1 ± 5â years; 10 males and 10 females) stood on a force plate-embedded moveable platform while mobile EEG was recorded. Participants completed two blocks of 50 discrete perturbations, containing an even mix of slower (186â mm/s peak velocity) and faster (225â mm/s peak velocity) perturbations. One block was performed under conditions of CMP (i.e., instructions to consciously control balance), while the other was performed under "Control" conditions with no additional instructions. For both slow and fast perturbations, CMP resulted in significantly smaller cortical N1 signals (a perturbation-evoked potential localized to the supplementary motor area) and lower sensorimotor beta EEG activity 200-400â ms postperturbation. Significantly greater peak velocities of the center of pressure (i.e., greater postural instability) were also observed during the CMP condition. Our findings provide the first evidence that disruptions to postural control during CMP may be a consequence of insufficient cortical activation relevant for balance (i.e., insufficient cortical N1 responses followed by enhanced beta suppression). We propose that conscious attempts to minimize postural instability through CMP acts as a cognitive dual-task that dampens the sensitivity of the sensorimotor system for future losses of balance.
Atención , Electroencefalografía , Movimiento , Equilibrio Postural , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Adulto , Atención/fisiología , Adulto Joven , Movimiento/fisiología , Estado de Conciencia/fisiología , Corteza Cerebral/fisiología , Potenciales Evocados/fisiología , Desempeño Psicomotor/fisiologíaRESUMEN
Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) notably exhibit impairments in posture and visual attention. The objective of the present study was to determine whether PD patients were able to exhibit adaptive postural control in a goal-directed visual task. We hypothesized that the patients would reduce their centre of pressure (COP) movement and/or postural sway to a lesser extent than age-matched controls in the goal-directed visual (search) task, compared with the control free-viewing task (i.e., a lower degree of relative postural adaptation). We also expected the PD patients to sway more than controls in the goal-directed task (i.e., a lower degree of absolute adaptive postural control). The study included 39 PD patients (mean age: 59; mean Hoehn and Yahr stage: 2.1; mean Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale score: 22; mean Montreal Cognitive Assessment score: 28 (on-drug)) and 40 age-matched adults (mean age: 62 years). The participants gazed at domestic ecological images (visual angle: 100°). Movements of the COP, head, upper back and lower back and variations in pupil dilatation were analysed. As expected, PD patients exhibited greater COP and body sway than controls in both tasks (p < 0.05). Unexpectedly, the difference in COP and/or body sway between the two tasks was greater in PD patients than in controls (p < 0.05). Our results showed that PD patients are able to exhibit adaptive postural control for goal-directed visual tasks. On a practical level and at a more general level, our findings emphasize the likely benefits of rehabilitation with goal-directed tasks requiring a visual attentional focus (walking on footprints on the ground, etc.).
Objetivos , Enfermedad de Parkinson , Equilibrio Postural , Humanos , Enfermedad de Parkinson/fisiopatología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Masculino , Femenino , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Anciano , Percepción Visual/fisiología , Adaptación Fisiológica/fisiología , Atención/fisiología , Desempeño Psicomotor/fisiologíaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Bilateral vestibular hypofunction is associated with chronic disequilibrium, postural instability, and unsteady gait owing to failure of vestibular reflexes that stabilize the eyes, head, and body. A vestibular implant may be effective in alleviating symptoms. METHODS: Persons who had had ototoxic (7 participants) or idiopathic (1 participant) bilateral vestibular hypofunction for 2 to 23 years underwent unilateral implantation of a prosthesis that electrically stimulates the three semicircular canal branches of the vestibular nerve. Clinical outcomes included the score on the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency balance subtest (range, 0 to 36, with higher scores indicating better balance), time to failure on the modified Romberg test (range, 0 to 30 seconds), score on the Dynamic Gait Index (range, 0 to 24, with higher scores indicating better gait performance), time needed to complete the Timed Up and Go test, gait speed, pure-tone auditory detection thresholds, speech discrimination scores, and quality of life. We compared participants' results at baseline (before implantation) with those at 6 months (8 participants) and at 1 year (6 participants) with the device set in its usual treatment mode (varying stimulus pulse rate and amplitude to represent rotational head motion) and in a placebo mode (holding pulse rate and amplitude constant). RESULTS: The median scores at baseline and at 6 months on the Bruininks-Oseretsky test were 17.5 and 21.0, respectively (median within-participant difference, 5.5 points; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0 to 10.0); the median times on the modified Romberg test were 3.6 seconds and 8.3 seconds (difference, 5.1; 95% CI, 1.5 to 27.6); the median scores on the Dynamic Gait Index were 12.5 and 22.5 (difference, 10.5 points; 95% CI, 1.5 to 12.0); the median times on the Timed Up and Go test were 11.0 seconds and 8.7 seconds (difference, 2.3; 95% CI, -1.7 to 5.0); and the median speeds on the gait-speed test were 1.03 m per second and 1.10 m per second (difference, 0.13; 95% CI, -0.25 to 0.30). Placebo-mode testing confirmed that improvements were due to treatment-mode stimulation. Among the 6 participants who were also assessed at 1 year, the median within-participant changes from baseline to 1 year were generally consistent with results at 6 months. Implantation caused ipsilateral hearing loss, with the air-conducted pure-tone average detection threshold at 6 months increasing by 3 to 16 dB in 5 participants and by 74 to 104 dB in 3 participants. Changes in participant-reported disability and quality of life paralleled changes in posture and gait. CONCLUSIONS: Six months and 1 year after unilateral implantation of a vestibular prosthesis for bilateral vestibular hypofunction, measures of posture, gait, and quality of life were generally in the direction of improvement from baseline, but hearing was reduced in the ear with the implant in all but 1 participant. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others; number, NCT02725463.).
Vestibulopatía Bilateral/cirugía , Marcha/fisiología , Pérdida Auditiva/etiología , Neuroestimuladores Implantables , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Calidad de Vida , Vestíbulo del Laberinto/cirugía , Anciano , Vestibulopatía Bilateral/inducido químicamente , Vestibulopatía Bilateral/complicaciones , Mareo/etiología , Femenino , Trastornos Neurológicos de la Marcha/etiología , Humanos , Neuroestimuladores Implantables/efectos adversos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Estudios Prospectivos , Canales Semicirculares/inervación , Nervio Vestibular/efectos de los fármacosRESUMEN
During forward swinging of the arm, the central nervous system must anticipate the effect of upraising upon the body. Little is known about the cerebellar network that coordinates these anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs). Stimulating different cerebellar regions with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and with different polarities modulated the APAs. We used surface electromyography (sEMG) to measure muscle activities in a bilateral rapid shoulder flexion task. The onset of APAs was altered after tDCS over the vermis, while the postural stability and the kinematics of arm raising were not affected. To our knowledge, this is the first human cerebellar-tDCS (c-tDCS) study to separate cerebellar involvement in core muscle APAs in bilateral rapid shoulder flexion. These data contribute to our understanding of the cerebellar network supporting APAs in healthy adults. Modulated APAs of the erector spinae by tDCS on the vermis may be related to altered cerebellar brain inhibition (CBI), suggesting the importance of the vermal-cerebral connections in APAs regulation.
Estimulación Transcraneal de Corriente Directa , Adulto , Humanos , Músculo Esquelético/fisiología , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Electromiografía , Movimiento/fisiologíaRESUMEN
Motor and somatosensory pathway dysfunction due to degeneration of long tracts in hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSP) indicates that postural abnormalities may be a relevant disease feature. However, balance assessments have been underutilized to study these conditions. How does the static balance of individuals with HSP with eyes open and closed differ from healthy controls, and how does it relate to disease severity? This cross-sectional case-control study assessed the static balance of 17 subjects with genetically confirmed HSP and 17 healthy individuals, evaluating the center of pressure (COP) variables captured by a force platform. The root-mean-square of velocities and mean of displacements amplitudes in mediolateral and anteroposterior axes were correlated with disease severity. All COP parameters' performances were significantly impaired in HSP subjects compared to controls (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). COP with eyes open and closed differed for all variables within the HSP group, whereas in the control group, differences were observed only for anteroposterior velocity and amplitude. Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale presented moderate direct correlations with the most COP variables (Rho = - 0.520 to - 0.736). HSP individuals presented significant postural instability with eyes open and to a greater extent with eyes closed, corroborating the clinical findings of somatosensorial and proprioceptive pathways dysfunction. The degrees of proprioceptive and motor impairments are mutually correlated, suggesting that similar pathophysiological mechanisms operate for the degeneration of these long tracts. COP parameters can be seen as disease severity biomarkers of HSP, and they should be assessed in future clinical trials.
Paraplejía Espástica Hereditaria , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , PropiocepciónRESUMEN
This study aimed to identify quantitative biomarkers of motor function for cerebellar ataxia by evaluating gait and postural control using an RGB-depth camera-based motion analysis system. In 28 patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia and 33 age- and sex-matched healthy controls, motor tasks (short-distance walk, closed feet stance, and stepping in place) were selected from a previously reported protocol, and scanned using Kinect V2 and customized software. The Clinical Assessment Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) was also evaluated. Compared with the normal control group, the cerebellar ataxia group had slower gait speed and shorter step lengths, increased step width, and mediolateral trunk sway in the walk test (all P < 0.001). Lateral sway increased in the stance test in the ataxia group (P < 0.001). When stepping in place, the ataxia group showed higher arrhythmicity of stepping and increased stance time (P < 0.001). In the correlation analyses, the ataxia group showed a positive correlation between the total SARA score and arrhythmicity of stepping in place (r = 0.587, P = 0.001). SARA total score (r = 0.561, P = 0.002) and gait subscore (ρ = 0.556, P = 0.002) correlated with mediolateral truncal sway during walking. These results suggest that the RGB-depth camera-based motion analyses on mediolateral truncal sway during walking and arrhythmicity of stepping in place are useful digital motor biomarkers for the assessment of cerebellar ataxia, and could be utilized in future clinical trials.
Ataxia Cerebelosa , Equilibrio Postural , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Ataxia Cerebelosa/fisiopatología , Ataxia Cerebelosa/diagnóstico , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Biomarcadores , Adulto , Fenómenos Biomecánicos/fisiología , Marcha/fisiologíaRESUMEN
With disease-modifying drugs on the horizon for degenerative ataxias, ecologically valid, finely granulated, digital health measures are highly warranted to augment clinical and patient-reported outcome measures. Gait and balance disturbances most often present as the first signs of degenerative cerebellar ataxia and are the most reported disabling features in disease progression. Thus, digital gait and balance measures constitute promising and relevant performance outcomes for clinical trials.This narrative review with embedded consensus will describe evidence for the sensitivity of digital gait and balance measures for evaluating ataxia severity and progression, propose a consensus protocol for establishing gait and balance metrics in natural history studies and clinical trials, and discuss relevant issues for their use as performance outcomes.
Biomarcadores , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto , Consenso , Marcha , Equilibrio Postural , Humanos , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Marcha/fisiología , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto/métodos , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto/normas , Ataxia/diagnóstico , Trastornos Neurológicos de la Marcha/terapia , Trastornos Neurológicos de la Marcha/diagnóstico , Trastornos Neurológicos de la Marcha/fisiopatología , Análisis de la Marcha/métodos , Ataxia Cerebelosa/tratamiento farmacológico , Ataxia Cerebelosa/diagnóstico , Ataxia Cerebelosa/terapia , Ataxia Cerebelosa/fisiopatologíaRESUMEN
The mastery of skills, such as balancing an inverted pendulum, implies a very accurate control of movements to achieve the task goals. Traditional accounts of skilled action control that focus on either routinization or perceptual control make opposite predictions about the ways we achieve mastery. The notion of routinization emphasizes the decrease of the variance of our actions, whereas the notion of perceptual control emphasizes the decrease of the variance of the states we visit, but not of the actions we execute. Here, we studied how participants managed control tasks of varying levels of difficulty, which consisted of controlling inverted pendulums of different lengths. We used information-theoretic measures to compare the predictions of alternative accounts that focus on routinization and perceptual control, respectively. Our results indicate that the successful performance of the control task strongly correlates with the decrease of state variability and the increase of action variability. As postulated by perceptual control theory, the mastery of skilled pendulum control consists in achieving stable control of goals by flexible means.
Movimiento , Equilibrio Postural , Humanos , Entropía , Orientación EspacialRESUMEN
The walking human body is mechanically unstable. Loss of stability and falling is more likely in certain groups of people, such as older adults or people with neuromotor impairments, as well as in certain situations, such as when experiencing conflicting or distracting sensory inputs. Stability during walking is often characterized biomechanically, by measures based on body dynamics and the base of support. Neural control of upright stability, on the other hand, does not factor into commonly used stability measures. Here we analyze stability of human walking accounting for both biomechanics and neural control, using a modeling approach. We define a walking system as a combination of biomechanics, using the well known inverted pendulum model, and neural control, using a proportional-derivative controller for foot placement based on the state of the center of mass at midstance. We analyze this system formally and show that for any choice of system parameters there is always one periodic orbit. We then determine when this periodic orbit is stable, i.e. how the neural control gain values have to be chosen for stable walking. Following the formal analysis, we use this model to make predictions about neural control gains and compare these predictions with the literature and existing experimental data. The model predicts that control gains should increase with decreasing cadence. This finding appears in agreement with literature showing stronger effects of visual or vestibular manipulations at different walking speeds.
Marcha , Caminata , Humanos , Anciano , Retroalimentación , Pie , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Equilibrio PosturalRESUMEN
The role of the cortex in shaping automatic whole-body motor behaviors such as walking and balance is poorly understood. Gait and balance are typically mediated through subcortical circuits, with the cortex becoming engaged as needed on an individual basis by task difficulty and complexity. However, we lack a mechanistic understanding of how increased cortical contribution to whole-body movements shapes motor output. Here we use reactive balance recovery as a paradigm to identify relationships between hierarchical control mechanisms and their engagement across balance tasks of increasing difficulty in young adults. We hypothesize that parallel sensorimotor feedback loops engaging subcortical and cortical circuits contribute to balance-correcting muscle activity, and that the involvement of cortical circuits increases with balance challenge. We decomposed balance-correcting muscle activity based on hypothesized subcortically- and cortically-mediated feedback components driven by similar sensory information, but with different loop delays. The initial balance-correcting muscle activity was engaged at all levels of balance difficulty. Its onset latency was consistent with subcortical sensorimotor loops observed in the lower limb. An even later, presumed, cortically-mediated burst of muscle activity became additionally engaged as balance task difficulty increased, at latencies consistent with longer transcortical sensorimotor loops. We further demonstrate that evoked cortical activity in central midline areas measured using electroencephalography (EEG) can be explained by a similar sensory transformation as muscle activity but at a delay consistent with its role in a transcortical loop driving later cortical contributions to balance-correcting muscle activity. These results demonstrate that a neuromechanical model of muscle activity can be used to infer cortical contributions to muscle activity without recording brain activity. Our model may provide a useful framework for evaluating changes in cortical contributions to balance that are associated with falls in older adults and in neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.
Electroencefalografía , Retroalimentación Sensorial , Equilibrio Postural , Humanos , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Retroalimentación Sensorial/fisiología , Masculino , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Femenino , Músculo Esquelético/fisiología , Corteza Sensoriomotora/fisiología , Corteza Cerebral/fisiología , Biología Computacional , ElectromiografíaRESUMEN
Balance impairments are common in cerebral palsy. When balance is perturbed by backward support surface translations, children with cerebral palsy have increased co-activation of the plantar flexors and tibialis anterior muscle as compared to typically developing children. However, it is unclear whether increased muscle co-activation is a compensation strategy to improve balance control or is a consequence of reduced reciprocal inhibition. During translational perturbations, increased joint stiffness due to co-activation might aid balance control by resisting movement of the body with respect to the feet. In contrast, during rotational perturbations, increased joint stiffness will hinder balance control as it couples body to platform rotation. Therefore, we expect increased muscle co-activation in response to rotational perturbations if co-activation is caused by reduced reciprocal inhibition but not if it is merely a compensation strategy. We perturbed standing balance by combined backward translational and toe-up rotational perturbations in 20 children with cerebral palsy and 20 typically developing children. Perturbations induced forward followed by backward movement of the center of mass. We evaluated reactive muscle activity and the relation between center of mass movement and reactive muscle activity using a linear feedback model based on center of mass kinematics. In typically developing children, perturbations induced plantar flexor balance correcting muscle activity followed by tibialis anterior balance correcting muscle activity, which was driven by center of mass movement. In children with cerebral palsy, the switch from plantar flexor to tibialis anterior activity was less pronounced than in typically developing children due to increased muscle co-activation of the plantar flexors and tibialis anterior throughout the response. Our results thus suggest that a reduction in reciprocal inhibition causes muscle co-activation in reactive standing balance in children with cerebral palsy.
Parálisis Cerebral , Músculo Esquelético , Equilibrio Postural , Parálisis Cerebral/fisiopatología , Humanos , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Niño , Masculino , Femenino , Músculo Esquelético/fisiopatología , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Rotación , Electromiografía , Biología Computacional , AdolescenteRESUMEN
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients with episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2) suffer from recurrent paroxysmal episodes of vertigo and oscillopsia. Pathophysiologically, altered neuronal excitability has been suspected. Vestibular excitability in 22 EA2 patients and 22 age-matched healthy participants was compared. METHODS: Galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) was used to assess vestibular excitability by vestibular motion perception thresholds and mean postural sway velocity during various visual and proprioceptive conditions in the two groups. Control stimuli using sham and no GVS were established to identify the specificity of GVS-induced postural sway. RESULTS: In the baseline condition, EA2 patients showed larger postural instability. However, motion perception thresholds and the increase in mean postural sway velocity during vestibular stimulation (stimulation ratio) did not differ between groups. Postural sway during suprathreshold GVS increased with the vestibular motion perception threshold in EA2 patients, in contrast to healthy participants. CONCLUSIONS: The larger postural unsteadiness of EA2 patients probably reflects their progressive cerebellar degeneration. It is not related to abnormal visual (Romberg's ratio) or proprioceptive control of stance. Postural unsteadiness during vestibular stimulation does not indicate altered vestibular excitability in EA2 patients. However, vestibular stimulation increasingly destabilized postural control of EA2 patients with higher motion perception thresholds when proprioceptive information was diminished. This conclusion, however, is restricted to the postural control of EA2 patients in the interval between the vestibulo-cerebellar episodes.
Ataxia , Equilibrio Postural , Vestíbulo del Laberinto , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto , Ataxia/fisiopatología , Vestíbulo del Laberinto/fisiopatología , Vestíbulo del Laberinto/fisiología , Anciano , Percepción de Movimiento/fisiología , Estimulación Eléctrica , Nistagmo PatológicoRESUMEN
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Vigilance towards balance has been proposed to underpin various chronic dizziness disorders, including persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD). The objective of this study was to develop (through patient input) a validated balance-specific measure of vigilance that comprehensively assesses the varied ways in which this construct may manifest. METHODS: We developed the Balance Vigilance Questionnaire (Balance-VQ) through patient and clinician feedback, designed to assess vigilance towards balance. We then validated the questionnaire in 497 participants consisting of patients diagnosed with chronic dizziness disorders (including 97 individuals diagnosed with PPPD) and healthy controls. RESULTS: The final six-item Balance-VQ was shown to be a valid and reliable way to assess vigilance towards balance. Scores were significantly higher in individuals diagnosed with PPPD compared to controls. Although scores were also higher in the PPPD group compared to individuals with diagnosed vestibular disorders other than PPPD, Balance-VQ scores did not discriminate between the two groups when confounding factors (including dizziness severity) were controlled for. Scores did, however, independently discriminate between the PPPD group and individuals who experience dizziness in daily life, but who have not been diagnosed with a neuro-otological disorder. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm that the Balance-VQ is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing vigilance towards balance. As symptom vigilance has been identified as a key risk factor for developing chronic dizziness following acute vestibular symptoms or balance disruption, we recommend using the Balance-VQ as a screening tool in people presenting with such symptoms.
Mareo , Enfermedades Vestibulares , Humanos , Vértigo , Enfermedades Vestibulares/complicaciones , Atención , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Equilibrio PosturalRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: The efficacy of subthalamic stimulation on axial signs of Parkinson's disease (PD) is debated in the literature. This study delves into the dynamic interplay of gait and posture, specifically probing their nuanced response to subthalamic stimulation and levodopa. METHODS: We used wearable sensor technology to examine alterations in the spatiotemporal parameters of gait and posture in individuals with PD before and 6 months after subthalamic deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) surgery. Thirty-three subjects with PD were evaluated in two pre-operative and four post-operative conditions comprising OFF/ON medication and stimulation states. Standardized response mean (SRM) values were calculated to assess treatment responsiveness. RESULTS: Significant improvements in spatiotemporal gait parameters, including speed, stride length, cadence, and turning, were observed following STN-DBS surgery. Quantitatively, stimulation outperformed levodopa in enhancing gait speed, stride length, and turning, as indicated by SRM. Levodopa moderately improved stride time variability and asymmetry, while stimulation alone demonstrated limited efficacy. Postural parameters exhibited minimal change following STN-DBS, although stimulation showed a slight benefit in certain postural aspects. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest positive effects of stimulation and levodopa on gait and postural parameters, with STN-DBS demonstrating superior efficacy in enhancing gait speed, stride length, and turning. However, gait variability remains unaddressed by current therapies, highlighting the need for novel treatments targeting regions beyond the basal ganglia.
Antiparkinsonianos , Estimulación Encefálica Profunda , Levodopa , Enfermedad de Parkinson , Núcleo Subtalámico , Dispositivos Electrónicos Vestibles , Humanos , Levodopa/administración & dosificación , Levodopa/farmacología , Levodopa/uso terapéutico , Estimulación Encefálica Profunda/métodos , Enfermedad de Parkinson/terapia , Enfermedad de Parkinson/tratamiento farmacológico , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Núcleo Subtalámico/efectos de los fármacos , Estudios Prospectivos , Antiparkinsonianos/uso terapéutico , Marcha/efectos de los fármacos , Marcha/fisiología , Postura/fisiología , Trastornos Neurológicos de la Marcha/etiología , Trastornos Neurológicos de la Marcha/terapia , Equilibrio Postural/efectos de los fármacos , Equilibrio Postural/fisiologíaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The specific pathophysiological mechanisms underlying postural instability/gait difficulty (PIGD) and cognitive function in Parkinson's disease (PD) remain unclear. Both postural and gait control, as well as cognitive function, are associated with the cholinergic basal forebrain (cBF) system. METHODS: A total of 84 PD patients and 82 normal controls were enrolled. Each participant underwent motor and cognitive assessments. Diffusion tensor imaging was used to detect structural abnormalities in the cBF system. The cBF was segmented using FreeSurfer, and its fiber tract was traced using probabilistic tractography. To provide information on extracellular water accumulation, free-water fraction (FWf) was quantified. FWf in the cBF and its fiber tract, as well as cortical projection density, were extracted for statistical analyses. RESULTS: Patients had significantly higher FWf in the cBF (p < 0.001) and fiber tract (p = 0.021) than normal controls, as well as significantly lower cBF projection in the occipital (p < 0.001), parietal (p < 0.001) and prefrontal cortex (p = 0.005). In patients, a higher FWf in the cBF correlated with worse PIGD score (r = 0.306, p = 0.006) and longer Trail Making Test A time (r = 0.303, p = 0.007). Attentional function (Trail Making Test A) partially mediated the association between FWf in the cBF and PIGD score (indirect effect, a*b = 0.071; total effect, c = 0.256; p = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that degeneration of the cBF system in PD, from the cBF to its fiber tract and cortical projection, plays an important role in cognitive-motor interaction.