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Nano Lett ; 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38620181


Advancements in photonic quantum information systems (QIS) have driven the development of high-brightness, on-demand, and indistinguishable semiconductor epitaxial quantum dots (QDs) as single photon sources. Strain-free, monodisperse, and spatially sparse local-droplet-etched (LDE) QDs have recently been demonstrated as a superior alternative to traditional Stranski-Krastanov QDs. However, integration of LDE QDs into nanophotonic architectures with the ability to scale to many interacting QDs is yet to be demonstrated. We present a potential solution by embedding isolated LDE GaAs QDs within an Al0.4Ga0.6As Huygens' metasurface with spectrally overlapping fundamental electric and magnetic dipolar resonances. We demonstrate for the first time a position- and size-independent, 1 order of magnitude increase in the collection efficiency and emission lifetime control for single-photon emission from LDE QDs embedded within the Huygens' metasurfaces. Our results represent a significant step toward leveraging the advantages of LDE QDs within nanophotonic architectures to meet the scalability demands of photonic QIS.

Opt Express ; 32(6): 9809-9819, 2024 Mar 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571206


Terahertz (THz) continuous wave (CW) spectroscopy systems can offer extremely high spectral resolution over the THz band by photo-mixing high-performance telecommunications-band (1530-1565 nm) lasers. However, typical THz CW detectors in these systems use narrow band-gap photoconductors, which require elaborate material growth and generate relatively large detector noise. Here we demonstrate that two-step photon absorption in a nano-structured low-temperature grown GaAs (LT-GaAs) metasurface which enables switching of photoconductivity within approximately one picosecond. We show that LT-GaAs can be used as an ultrafast photoconductor in CW THz detectors despite having a bandgap twice as large as the telecommunications laser photon energy. The metasurface design harnesses Mie modes in LT GaAs resonators, whereas metallic electrodes of THz detectors can be designed to support an additional photonic mode, which further increases photoconductivity at a desired wavelength.

Nano Lett ; 22(3): 896-903, 2022 Feb 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35043628


Enhancing the efficiency of second-harmonic generation using all-dielectric metasurfaces to date has mostly focused on electromagnetic engineering of optical modes in the meta-atom. Further advances in nonlinear conversion efficiencies can be gained by engineering the material nonlinearities at the nanoscale, however this cannot be achieved using conventional materials. Semiconductor heterostructures that support resonant nonlinearities using quantum engineered intersubband transitions can provide this new degree of freedom. By simultaneously optimizing the heterostructures and meta-atoms, we experimentally realize an all-dielectric polaritonic metasurface with a maximum second-harmonic generation power conversion factor of 0.5 mW/W2 and power conversion efficiencies of 0.015% at nominal pump intensities of 11 kW/cm2. These conversion efficiencies are higher than the record values reported to date in all-dielectric nonlinear metasurfaces but with 3 orders of magnitude lower pump power. Our results therefore open a new direction for designing efficient nonlinear all-dielectric metasurfaces for new classical and quantum light sources.

Nano Lett ; 22(22): 9077-9083, 2022 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36367359


The effect of terahertz (THz) pulse generation has revolutionized broadband coherent spectroscopy and imaging at THz frequencies. However, THz pulses typically lack spatial structure, whereas structured beams are becoming essential for advanced spectroscopy applications. Nonlinear optical metasurfaces with nanoscale THz emitters can provide a solution by defining the beam structure at the generation stage. We develop a nonlinear InAs metasurface consisting of nanoscale optical resonators for simultaneous generation and structuring of THz beams. We find that THz pulse generation in the resonators is governed by optical rectification. It is more efficient than in ZnTe crystals, and it allows us to control the pulse polarity and amplitude, offering a platform for realizing binary-phase THz metasurfaces. To illustrate this capability, we demonstrate an InAs metalens, which simultaneously generates and focuses THz pulses. The control of spatiotemporal structure using nanoscale emitters opens doors for THz beam engineering and advanced spectroscopy and imaging applications.

Opt Express ; 30(19): 34533-34544, 2022 Sep 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36242463


All-dielectric metasurfaces have recently led to a paradigm shift in nonlinear optics as they allow for circumventing the phase matching constraints of bulk crystals and offer high nonlinear conversion efficiencies when normalized by the light-matter interaction volume. Unlike bulk crystals, in all-dielectric metasurfaces nonlinear conversion efficiencies primarily rely on the material nonlinearity, field enhancements, and the modal overlaps, therefore most efforts to date have only focused on utilizing these degrees of freedom. In this work, we demonstrate that for second-harmonic generation in all-dielectric metasurfaces, an additional degree of freedom is the control of the polarity of the nonlinear susceptibility. We demonstrate that semiconductor heterostructures that support resonant nonlinearities based on quantum-engineered intersubband transitions provide this new degree of freedom. We can flip and control the polarity of the nonlinear susceptibility of the dielectric medium along the growth direction and couple it to the Mie-type photonic modes. Here we demonstrate that engineering the χ(2) polarity in the meta-atom enables the control of the second-harmonic radiation pattern and conversion efficiency. Our results therefore open a new direction for engineering and optimizing second-harmonic generation using all-dielectric intersubband nonlinear metasurfaces.

Nanotechnology ; 33(40)2022 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35671741


Metasurfaces control optical wavefronts via arrays of nanoscale resonators laid out across a surface. When combined with III-V semiconductors with strong optical nonlinearities, a variety of nonlinear effects such as harmonic generation and all-optical modulation can be enabled and enhanced at the nanoscale. This review presents our research on engineering and boosting nonlinear effects in ultrafast and nonlinear semiconductor metasurfaces fabricated at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies. We cover our recent works on parametric generation of harmonic light via direct and cascaded processes in GaAs-metasurfaces using Mie-like optical resonances or symmetric-protected bound state in the continuum, and then describe the recent advances on harmonic generation in all-dielectric metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions in III-V semiconductor heterostructures. The review concludes on the potential of metasurfaces to serve as the next platform for on-chip quantum light generation.

Nano Lett ; 21(23): 9930-9938, 2021 Dec 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34797671


Recent advances in emerging atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors with strong light-matter interactions and tunable optical properties provide novel approaches for realizing new material functionalities. Coupling two-dimensional semiconductors with all-dielectric resonant nanostructures represents an especially attractive opportunity for manipulating optical properties in both the near-field and far-field regimes. Here, by integrating single-layer WSe2 and titanium oxide (TiO2) dielectric metasurfaces with toroidal resonances, we realized robust exciton emission enhancement over 1 order of magnitude at both room and low temperatures. Furthermore, we could control exciton dynamics and annihilation by using temperature to tailor the spectral overlap of excitonic and toroidal resonances, allowing us to selectively enhance the Purcell effect. Our results provide rich physical insight into the strong light-matter interactions in single-layer TMDs coupled with toroidal dielectric metasurfaces, with important implications for optoelectronics and photonics applications.

Nano Lett ; 21(1): 367-374, 2021 Jan 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33347293


Mie-resonant dielectric metasurfaces are excellent candidates for both fundamental studies related to light-matter interactions and for numerous applications ranging from holography to sensing to nonlinear optics. To date, however, most applications using Mie metasurfaces utilize only weak light-matter interaction. Here, we go beyond the weak coupling regime and demonstrate for the first time strong polaritonic coupling between Mie photonic modes and intersubband (ISB) transitions in semiconductor heterostructures. Furthermore, along with demonstrating ISB polaritons with Rabi splitting as large as 10%, we also demonstrate the ability to tailor the strength of strong coupling by engineering either the semiconductor heterostructure or the photonic mode of the resonators. Unlike previous plasmonic-based works, our new all-dielectric metasurface approach to generate ISB polaritons is free from ohmic losses and has high optical damage thresholds, thereby making it ideal for creating novel and compact mid-infrared light sources based on nonlinear optics.

Opt Express ; 29(4): 5567-5579, 2021 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726091


Optical metasurfaces were suggested as a route for engineering advanced light sources with tailored emission properties. In particular, they provide a control over the emission directionality, which is essential for single-photon sources and LED applications. Here, we experimentally study light emission from a metasurface composed of III-V semiconductor Mie-resonant nanocylinders with integrated quantum dots (QDs). Specifically, we focus on the manipulation of the directionality of spontaneous emission from the QDs due to excitation of different magnetic quadrupole resonances in the nanocylinders. To this end, we perform both back focal plane imaging and momentum-resolved spectroscopy measurements of the emission. This allows for a comprehensive analysis of the effect of the different resonant nanocylinder modes on the emission characteristics of the metasurface. Our results show that the emission directionality can be manipulated by an interplay of the excited quadrupolar nanocylinder modes with the metasurface lattice modes and provide important insights for the design of novel smart light sources and new display concepts.

Opt Lett ; 46(13): 3159-3162, 2021 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34197405


Despite their wide use in terahertz (THz) research and technology, the application spectra of photoconductive antenna (PCA) THz detectors are severely limited due to the relatively high optical gating power requirement. This originates from poor conversion efficiency of optical gate beam photons to photocurrent in materials with sub-picosecond carrier lifetimes. Here we show that using an ultra-thin (160 nm), perfectly absorbing low-temperature grown GaAs metasurface as the photoconductive channel drastically improves the efficiency of THz PCA detectors. This is achieved through perfect absorption of the gate beam in a significantly reduced photoconductive volume, enabled by the metasurface. This Letter demonstrates that sensitive THz PCA detection is possible using optical gate powers as low as 5 µW-three orders of magnitude lower than gating powers used for conventional PCA detectors. We show that significantly higher optical gate powers are not necessary for optimal operation, as they do not improve the sensitivity to the THz field. This class of efficient PCA THz detectors opens doors for THz applications with low gate power requirements.

Nano Lett ; 20(10): 7052-7058, 2020 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32940476


The color of light is a fundamental property of electromagnetic radiation; as such, control of the frequency is a cornerstone of modern optics. Nonlinear materials are typically used to generate new frequencies, however the use of time-variant systems provides an alternative approach. Utilizing a metasurface that supports a high-quality factor resonance, we demonstrate that a rapidly shifting refractive index will induce frequency conversion of light that is confined in the nanoresonator meta-atoms. We experimentally observe this frequency conversion and develop a time-dependent coupled mode theory model that well describes the system. The intersection of high quality-factor resonances, active materials, and ultrafast transient spectroscopy leads to the demonstration of metasurfaces operating in a time-variant regime that enables enhanced control over light-matter interaction.

Nano Lett ; 19(7): 4620-4626, 2019 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31181166


Strong coupling of an intersubband (ISB) electron transition in quantum wells to a subwavelength plasmonic nanoantenna can give rise to intriguing quantum phenomena, such as ISB polariton condensation, and enable practical devices including low threshold lasers. However, experimental observation of ISB polaritons in an isolated subwavelength system has not yet been reported. Here, we use scanning probe near-field microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to detect formation of ISB polariton states in a single nanoantenna. We excite the nanoantenna by a broadband IR pulse and spectrally analyze evanescent fields on the nanoantenna surface. We observe the distinctive splitting of the nanoantenna resonance peak into two polariton modes and two π-phase steps corresponding to each of the modes. We map ISB polariton dispersion using a set of nanoantennae of different sizes. This nano-FTIR spectroscopy approach opens doors for investigations of ISB polariton physics in the single subwavelength nanoantenna regime.

Nano Lett ; 19(5): 2888-2896, 2019 05 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30946590


Terahertz (THz) photoconductive devices are used for generation, detection, and modulation of THz waves, and they rely on the ability to switch electrical conductivity on a subpicosecond time scale using optical pulses. However, fast and efficient conductivity switching with high contrast has been a challenge, because the majority of photoexcited charge carriers in the switch do not contribute to the photocurrent due to fast recombination. Here, we improve efficiency of electrical conductivity switching using a network of electrically connected nanoscale GaAs resonators, which form a perfectly absorbing photoconductive metasurface. We achieve perfect absorption without incorporating metallic elements, by breaking the symmetry of cubic Mie resonators. As a result, the metasurface can be switched between conductive and resistive states with extremely high contrast using an unprecedentedly low level of optical excitation. We integrate this metasurface with a THz antenna to produce an efficient photoconductive THz detector. The perfectly absorbing photoconductive metasurface opens paths for developing a wide range of efficient optoelectronic devices, where required optical and electronic properties are achieved through nanostructuring the resonator network.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(10): 107402, 2019 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30932659


We demonstrate amplification of longitudinal optical (LO) phonons by polar-optical interaction with an electron plasma in a GaAs structure coupled to a metallic metasurface using two-color two-dimensional spectroscopy. In a novel scheme, the metamaterial resonator enhances broadband terahertz fields, which generate coherent LO phonons and drive free electrons in the conduction band of GaAs. The time evolution of the LO phonon amplitude is monitored with midinfrared pulses via the LO-phonon-induced Kerr nonlinearity of the sample, showing an amplification of the LO phonon amplitude by up to a factor of 10, in agreement with a theoretical estimate.

Nano Lett ; 18(11): 6906-6914, 2018 11 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30339762


Light-emitting sources and devices permeate every aspect of our lives and are used in lighting, communications, transportation, computing, and medicine. Advances in multifunctional and "smart lighting" would require revolutionary concepts in the control of emission spectra and directionality. Such control might be possible with new schemes and regimes of light-matter interaction paired with developments in light-emitting materials. Here we show that all-dielectric metasurfaces made from III-V semiconductors with embedded emitters have the potential to provide revolutionary lighting concepts and devices, with new functionality that goes far beyond what is available in existing technologies. Specifically, we use Mie-resonant metasurfaces made from semiconductor heterostructures containing epitaxial quantum dots. By controlling the symmetry of the resonant modes, their overlap with the emission spectra, and other structural parameters, we can enhance the brightness by 2 orders of magnitude, as well as reduce its far-field divergence significantly.

Small ; : e1801503, 2018 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29952107


Dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) is used to precisely position core/thick-shell ("giant") quantum dots (gQDs; ≥10 nm in diameter) exclusively on top of silicon nanodisk antennas (≈500 nm diameter pillars with a height of ≈200 nm), resulting in periodic arrays of hybrid nanostructures and demonstrating a facile integration strategy toward next-generation quantum light sources. A three-step reading-inking-writing approach is employed, where atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of the pre-patterned substrate topography are used as maps to direct accurate placement of nanocrystals. The DPN "ink" comprises gQDs suspended in a non-aqueous carrier solvent, o-dichlorobenzene. Systematic analyses of factors influencing deposition rate for this non-conventional DPN ink are described for flat substrates and used to establish the conditions required to achieve small (sub-500 nm) feature sizes, namely: dwell time, ink-substrate contact angle and ink volume. Finally, it is shown that the rate of solvent transport controls the feature size in which gQDs are found on the substrate, but also that the number and consistency of nanocrystals deposited depends on the stability of the gQD suspension. Overall, the results lay the groundwork for expanded use of nanocrystal liquid inks and DPN for fabrication of multi-component nanostructures that are challenging to create using traditional lithographic techniques.

Nanotechnology ; 29(23): 235206, 2018 Jun 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29557788


We investigate the spectrally resolved internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and carrier dynamics in semipolar [Formula: see text] core-shell triangular nanostripe light-emitting diodes (TLEDs) using temperature-dependent photoluminescence (TDPL) and time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) at various excitation energy densities. Using electroluminescence, photoluminescence, and cathodoluminescence measurements, we verify the origins of the broad emission spectra from the nanostructures and confirm that localized regions of high-indium-content InGaN exist along the apex of the nanostructures. Spectrally resolved IQE measurements are then performed, with the spectra integrated from 400-450 nm and 450-500 nm to obtain the IQE of the QWs mainly near the sidewalls and apex of the TLEDs, respectively. TDPL and TRPL are used to decouple the radiative and non-radiative carrier lifetimes for different regions of the emission spectra. We observe that the IQE is higher for the spectral region between 450 nm and 500 nm compared to the IQE between 400 and 450 nm. This result is in contrast to the typical observation that the IQE of planar GaN-based LEDs is lower for longer wavelengths (i.e., higher indium contents). We also observe a longer non-radiative recombination lifetime for the longer wavelength portion of the spectrum. Several explanations are proposed for the improved IQE and longer non-radiative lifetime observed near the apex of the nanostructures. The results show that nanostructures may be leveraged to design more efficient green LEDs, potentially addressing a long-standing challenge in GaN-based materials.

Nano Lett ; 17(7): 4297-4303, 2017 07 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28590748


Dielectric metasurfaces that exploit the different Mie resonances of nanoscale dielectric resonators are a powerful platform for manipulating electromagnetic fields and can provide novel optical behavior. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate independent tuning of the magnetic dipole resonances relative to the electric dipole resonances of split dielectric resonators (SDRs). By increasing the split dimension, we observe a blue shift of the magnetic dipole resonance toward the electric dipole resonance. Therefore, SDRs provide the ability to directly control the interaction between the two dipole resonances within the same resonator. For example, we achieve the first Kerker condition by spectrally overlapping the electric and magnetic dipole resonances and observe significantly suppressed backward scattering. Moreover, we show that a single SDR can be used as an optical nanoantenna that provides strong unidirectional emission from an electric dipole source.

Nano Lett ; 17(2): 1049-1055, 2017 02 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28118019


We report lasing from nonpolar p-i-n InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well core-shell single-nanowire lasers by optical pumping at room temperature. The nanowire lasers were fabricated using a hybrid approach consisting of a top-down two-step etch process followed by a bottom-up regrowth process, enabling precise geometrical control and high material gain and optical confinement. The modal gain spectra and the gain curves of the core-shell nanowire lasers were measured using micro-photoluminescence and analyzed using the Hakki-Paoli method. Significantly lower lasing thresholds due to high optical gain were measured compared to previously reported semipolar InGaN/GaN core-shell nanowires, despite significantly shorter cavity lengths and reduced active region volume. Mode simulations show that due to the core-shell architecture, annular-shaped modes have higher optical confinement than solid transverse modes. The results show the viability of this p-i-n nonpolar core-shell nanowire architecture, previously investigated for next-generation light-emitting diodes, as low-threshold, coherent UV-visible nanoscale light emitters, and open a route toward monolithic, integrable, electrically injected single-nanowire lasers operating at room temperature.

Gálio/química , Índio/química , Lasers , Nanofios/química , Nitrogênio/química , Luz , Nanocompostos/química , Nanotecnologia , Tamanho da Partícula , Semicondutores , Relação Estrutura-Atividade , Propriedades de Superfície
Opt Express ; 25(3): 2178-2186, 2017 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29519065


The internal quantum efficiencies (IQE) and carrier lifetimes of semipolar (202¯1¯) InGaN/GaN LEDs with different active regions are measured using temperature-dependent, carrier-density-dependent, and time-resolved photoluminescence. Three active regions are investigated: one 12-nm-thick single quantum well (SQW), two 6-nm-thick QWs, and three 4-nm-thick QWs. The IQE is highest for the 12-nm-thick SQW and decreases as the well width decreases. The radiative lifetimes are similar for all structures, while the nonradiative lifetimes decrease as the well width decreases. The superior IQE and longer nonradiative lifetime of the SQW structure suggests using thick SQW active regions for high brightness semipolar (202¯1¯) LEDs.