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Ecol Appl ; 31(7): e02402, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34233059


The illegal use of natural resources, manifested in activities like illegal logging, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade, poses a global threat to biodiversity. Addressing them will require an understanding of the magnitude of and factors influencing these activities. However, assessing such behaviors is challenging because of their illegal nature, making participants less willing to admit engaging in them. We compared how indirect (randomized response technique) and direct questioning techniques performed when assessing non-sensitive (fish consumption, used as negative control) and sensitive (illegal consumption of wild animals) behaviors across an urban gradient (small towns, large towns, and the large city of Manaus) in the Brazilian Amazon. We conducted 1,366 surveys of randomly selected households to assess the magnitude of consumption of meat from wild animals (i.e., wild meat) and its socioeconomic drivers, which included years the head of household lived in urban areas, age of the head of household, household size, presence of children, and poverty. The indirect method revealed higher rates of wildlife consumption in larger towns than did the direct method. Results for small towns were similar between the two methods. The indirect method also revealed socioeconomic factors influencing wild meat consumption that were not detected with direct methods. For instance, the indirect method showed that wild meat consumption increased with age of the head of household, and decreased with poverty and years the head of household lived in urban areas. Simultaneously, when responding to direct questioning, households with characteristics associated with higher wild meat consumption, as estimated from indirect questioning, tended to underreport consumption to a larger degree than households with lower wild meat consumption. Results for fish consumption, used as negative control, were similar for both methods. Our findings suggest that people edit their answers to varying degrees when responding to direct questioning, potentially biasing conclusions, and indirect methods can improve researchers' ability to identify patterns of illegal activities when the sensitivity of such activities varies across spatial (e.g., urban gradient) or social (e.g., as a function of age) contexts. This work is broadly applicable to other geographical regions and disciplines that deal with sensitive human behaviors.

Animais Selvagens , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Cidades , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; 35(4): 1186-1197, 2021 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33124717


For the first time in history, more people live in urban areas than in rural areas. This trend is likely to continue, driven largely by rural-to-urban migration. We investigated how rural-to-urban migration, urbanization, and generational change affect the consumption of wild animals. We used chelonian (tortoises and freshwater turtles), one of the most hunted taxa in the Amazon, as a model. We surveyed 1356 households and 2776 school children across 10 urban areas of the Brazilian Amazon (6 small towns, 3 large towns, and Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon Basin) with a randomized response technique and anonymous questionnaires. Urban demand for wild meat (i.e., meat from wild animals) was alarmingly high. Approximately 1.7 million turtles and tortoises were consumed in urban areas of Amazonas during 2018. Consumption rates declined as size of the urban area increased and were greater for adults than children. Furthermore, the longer rural-to-urban migrants lived in urban areas, the lower their consumption rates. These results suggest that wild meat consumption is a rural-related tradition that decreases as urbanization increases and over time after people move to urban areas. However, it is unclear whether the observed decline will be fast enough to conserve hunted species, or whether children's consumption rate will remain the same as they become adults. Thus, conservation actions in urban areas are still needed. Current conservation efforts in the Amazon do not address urban demand for wildlife and may be insufficient to ensure the survival of traded species in the face of urbanization and human population growth. Our results suggest that conservation interventions must target the urban demand for wildlife, especially by focusing on young people and recent rural to urban migrants. Article impact statement: Amazon urbanite consumption of wildlife is high but decreases with urbanization, over time for rural to urban migrants, and between generations. Impactos de la Migración del Campo a la Ciudad, la Urbanización y del Cambio Generacional sobre el Consumo de Animales Silvestres en el Amazonas.

Por primera vez en la historia, la población urbana es mayor que la rural. Es muy probable que esta tendencia continúe debido a la migración del campo a la ciudad. Investigamos el efecto de la migración del campo a la ciudad, la urbanización y el cambio generacional sobre el consumo de animales silvestres. Utilizamos como modelo a los quelonios (tortugas acuáticas y terrestres), uno de los taxa más cazados en el Amazonas. Aplicamos encuestas en 1,356 casas y a 2,776 niños en edad escolar en 10 áreas urbanas de la Amazonía brasileña (6 poblados pequeños, 3 poblados grandes y Manaos, la mayor ciudad en la Cuenca del Amazonas) mediante una técnica de respuesta aleatoria y cuestionarios anónimos. La demanda urbana de carne silvestre (i.e., carne de animales silvestres) fue alarmantemente alta. Aproximadamente 1.7 millones de tortugas acuáticas y terrestres fueron consumidas en áreas urbanas del Amazonas durante 2018. Las tasas de consumo declinaron a medida que incrementó la superficie urbana y fueron mayores en adultos que en niños. Más aun, entre más tiempo viviendo en áreas urbanas, las tasas de consumo fueron menores en los migrantes del campo a la ciudad. Estos resultados sugieren que el consumo de carne silvestre es una tradición rural que disminuye a medida que aumenta la urbanización y el tiempo desde que los habitantes se mueven a la ciudad. Sin embargo, no es claro si la declinación observada será lo suficientemente rápida para conservar a las especies cazadas, o si la tasa de consumo de los niños permanecerá igual cuando sean adultos. Por lo tanto, aun se requieren acciones de conservación en áreas urbanas. Los actuales esfuerzos de conservación en el Amazonas no abordan la demanda urbana de carne de monte y pueden ser insuficientes para asegurar la supervivencia de especies comercializadas ante la urbanización y el crecimiento de la población humana. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las intervenciones de conservación deben atender la demanda de fauna silvestre, con énfasis en los jóvenes y los migrantes recientes.

Animais Selvagens , Urbanização , Adolescente , Animais , Criança , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Países em Desenvolvimento , Humanos , Dinâmica Populacional , População Rural