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bioRxiv ; 2023 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37461475


Most animal models of neuropathic pain use targeted nerve injuries quantified with motor reflexive measures in response to an applied noxious stimulus. These motor reflexive measures can only accurately represent a pain response if motor function in also intact. The commonly used spared nerve injury (SNI) model, however, damages the tibial and common peroneal nerves that should result in motor phenotypes (i.e., an immobile or "flail" foot) not typically captured in sensory assays. To test the extent of these issues, we used DeepLabCut, a deep learning-based markerless pose estimation tool to quantify spontaneous limb position in C57BL/6J mice during tail suspension following either SNI or sham surgery. Using this granular detail, we identified the expected flail foot-like impairment, but we also found SNI mice hold their injured limb closer to the body midline compared to shams. These phenotypes were not present in the Complete Freunds Adjuvant model of inflammatory pain and were not reversed by multiple analgesics with different mechanisms of action, suggesting these SNI-specific phenotypes are not directly related to pain. Together these results suggest SNI causes previously undescribed phenotypes unrelated to altered sensation that are likely underappreciated while interpreting preclinical pain research outcomes.

bioRxiv ; 2023 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37961541


The locus coeruleus (LC) plays a paradoxical role in chronic pain. Although largely known as a potent source of endogenous analgesia, increasing evidence suggests injury can transform the LC into a chronic pain generator. We sought to clarify the role of this system in pain. Here, we show optogenetic inhibition of LC activity is acutely antinociceptive. Following long-term spared nerve injury, the same LC inhibition is analgesic - further supporting its pain generator function. To identify inhibitory substrates that may naturally serve this function, we turned to endogenous LC mu opioid receptors (LC-MOR). These receptors provide powerful LC inhibition and exogenous activation of LC-MOR is antinociceptive. We therefore hypothesized that endogenous LC-MOR-mediated inhibition is critical to how the LC modulates pain. Using cell type-selective conditional knockout and rescue of LC-MOR receptor signaling, we show these receptors bidirectionally regulate thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia - providing a functional gate on the LC pain generator.

Pain ; 2023 Nov 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38015628


ABSTRACT: Neuropathic pain causes both sensory and emotional maladaptation. Preclinical animal studies of neuropathic pain-induced negative affect could result in novel insights into the mechanisms of chronic pain. Modeling pain-induced negative affect, however, is variable across research groups and conditions. The same injury may or may not produce robust negative affective behavioral responses across different species, strains, and laboratories. Here, we sought to identify negative affective consequences of the spared nerve injury model on C57BL/6J male and female mice. We found no significant effect of spared nerve injury across a variety of approach-avoidance conflict, hedonic choice, and coping strategy assays. We hypothesized these inconsistencies may stem in part from the short test duration of these assays. To test this hypothesis, we used the homecage-based Feeding Experimentation Device version 3 to conduct 12-hour, overnight progressive ratio testing to determine whether mice with chronic spared nerve injury had decreased motivation to earn palatable food rewards. Our data demonstrate that despite equivalent task learning, spared nerve injury mice are less motivated to work for a sugar pellet than sham controls. Furthermore, when we normalized behavioral responses across all the behavioral assays we tested, we found that a combined normalized behavioral score is predictive of injury state and significantly correlates with mechanical thresholds. Together, these results suggest that homecage-based operant behaviors provide a useful platform for modeling nerve injury-induced negative affect and that valuable pain-related information can arise from agglomerative data analyses across behavioral assays-even when individual inferential statistics do not demonstrate significant mean differences.