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J Am Chem Soc ; 146(18): 12355-12364, 2024 May 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38682723


Concentrated acid solutions, particularly HCl, have been studied extensively to examine the proton hopping and infrared spectral signatures of hydronium ions. Much less attention has been given to the structural dynamics of concentrated HCl solutions. Here, we apply optical heterodyne detected-optical Kerr effect (OHD-OKE) measurements to examine HCl concentration-dependent dynamics from moderate (0.8 m) to very high (15.5 m) concentrations and compare the results to the dynamics of NaCl solutions, as Na+ is similar in size to the hydronium cation. Both HCl and NaCl OHD-OKE signals decay as triexponentials at all concentrations, in contrast to pure water, which decays as a biexponential. Two remarkable features of the HCl dynamics are the following: (1) the bulk viscosity is linearly related to the slowest decay constant, t3, and (2) the concentration-dependent proton hopping times, determined by ab initio MD simulations and 2D IR chemical exchange experiments, both obtained from the literature, fall on the same line as the slowest structural dynamics relaxation time, t3, within experimental error. The structural dynamics of hydronium/chloride/water clusters, with relaxation times t3, are responsible for the concentration dependence of microscopic property of proton hopping and the macroscopic bulk viscosity. The slowest time constant (t3), which does not have a counterpart in pure water, is 3 ps at 0.8 m and increases by a factor of ∼2 by 15.5 m. The two fastest HCl decay constants, t1 and t2, are similar to those of pure water and increase mildly with the concentration.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(25): 13949-13958, 2020 06 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32513742


A method for measuring the size and size probability distribution of free volume regions in polymeric materials using ultrafast infrared (IR) polarization-selective pump-probe experiments is presented. Measurements of the ultrafast dynamics of a vibrational probe (the CN stretch of phenyl selenocyanate) in poly(methyl methacrylate) show that the probe dynamics are highly confined. The degree of confinement was found to be both time-dependent and dependent on the vibrational frequency of the probe molecule. The experiments demonstrate that different vibrational frequencies correspond to distinct subensembles of probe molecules that have different dynamic properties determined by their local structural environments. By combining the degree of dynamical confinement with the molecular size of the probe molecule, the free volume element size probability distribution was determined and found to be in good agreement with the best established experimental measure of free volume. The relative probability of a free volume element size is determined by the amplitude of the nitrile absorption spectrum at the frequency of the measurement. The inhomogeneous broadening of the spectrum was linked to the vibrational Stark effect, which permits site selectivity. The observed dynamics at each frequency were then associated with a different size free volume element and distinct local electric field. The multiple timescales observed in the pump-probe experiments were connected to local structural fluctuations of the free volume elements.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(9): 4233-4243, 2022 03 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35226487


In highly concentrated salt solutions, the water hydrogen bond (H-bond) network is completely disrupted by the presence of ions. Water is forced to restructure as dictated by the water-ion and ion-ion interactions. Using ultrafast polarization-selective pump-probe (PSPP) spectroscopy measurements of the OD stretch of dilute HOD, we demonstrate that the limited water-water H-bonding present in concentrated lithium chloride solutions (up to four waters per ion pair) is, on average, stronger than that occurring in bulk water. Furthermore, information on the orientational dynamics and the angular restriction of water H-bonded to both water oxygens and chloride anions was obtained through analysis of the frequency-dependent anisotropy decays. It was found that, when the salt concentration increased, the water showed increasing restriction and slowing at frequencies correlated with strong H-bonding. The angular restriction of the water molecules and strengthening of water-water H-bonds are due to the formation of a water-ion network not present in bulk water and dilute salt solutions. The structural evolution of the ionic medium was also observed through spectral diffusion of the OD stretch using 2D IR spectroscopy. Compared to bulk water, there is significant slowing of the biexponential spectral diffusion dynamics. The slowest component of the spectral diffusion (13 ps) is virtually identical to the time for complete reorientation of HOD measured with the PSPP experiments. This result suggests that the slowest component of the spectral diffusion reflects rearrangement of water molecules in the water-ion network.

Água , Difusão , Ligação de Hidrogênio , Íons/química , Soluções , Espectrofotometria Infravermelho/métodos , Água/química
Chem Rev ; 120(13): 5798-5877, 2020 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32292036


Ionic liquids (ILs) are a special category of molten salts solely composed of ions with varied molecular symmetry and charge delocalization. The versatility in combining varied cation-anion moieties and in functionalizing ions with different atoms and molecular groups contributes to their peculiar interactions ranging from weak isotropic associations to strong, specific, and anisotropic forces. A delicate interplay among intra- and intermolecular interactions facilitates the formation of heterogeneous microstructures and liquid morphologies, which further contributes to their striking dynamical properties. Microstructural and dynamical heterogeneities of ILs lead to their multifaceted properties described by an inherent designer feature, which makes ILs important candidates for novel solvents, electrolytes, and functional materials in academia and industrial applications. Due to a massive number of combinations of ion pairs with ion species having distinct molecular structures and IL mixtures containing varied molecular solvents, a comprehensive understanding of their hierarchical structural and dynamical quantities is of great significance for a rational selection of ILs with appropriate properties and thereafter advancing their macroscopic functionalities in applications. In this review, we comprehensively trace recent advances in understanding delicate interplay of strong and weak interactions that underpin their complex phase behaviors with a particular emphasis on understanding heterogeneous microstructures and dynamics of ILs in bulk liquids, in mixtures with cosolvents, and in interfacial regions.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(36): 14855-14868, 2021 09 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34491037


The dynamics and structure of water in polyacrylamide hydrogels (PAAm-HG), polyacrylamide, and acrylamide solutions are investigated using ultrafast infrared experiments on the OD stretch of dilute HOD/H2O and molecular dynamics simulations. The amide moiety of the monomer/polymers interacts strongly with water through hydrogen bonding (H-bonding). The FT-IR spectra of the three systems indicate that the range of H-bond strengths is relatively unchanged from bulk water. Vibrational population relaxation measurements show that the amide/water H-bonds are somewhat weaker but fall within the range of water/water H-bond strengths. A previous study of water dynamics in PAAm-HG suggested that the slowing observed was due to increasing confinement with concentration. Here, for the same concentrations of the amide moiety, the experimental results demonstrate that the reorientational dynamics (infrared pump-probe experiments) and structural dynamics (two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy) are identical in the three acrylamide systems studied. Molecular dynamics simulations of the water orientational relaxation in aqueous solutions of the acrylamide monomer, trimer, and pentamer are in good agreement with the experimental results and are essentially chain length independent. The simulations show that there is a slower, low-amplitude (<7%) decay component not accessible by the experiments. The simulations examine the dynamics and structure of water H-bonded to acrylamide, in the first solvent shell, and beyond for acrylamide monomers and short chains. The experiments and simulations show that the slowing of water dynamics in PAAm-HG is not caused by confinement in the polymer network but rather by interactions with individual acrylamide moieties.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(9): 3583-3594, 2021 03 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33630576


The size, size distribution, dynamics, and electrostatic properties of free volume elements (FVEs) in polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were investigated using the Restricted Orientation Anisotropy Method (ROAM), an ultrafast infrared spectroscopic technique. The restricted orientational dynamics of a vibrational probe embedded in the polymer matrix provides detailed information on FVE sizes and their probability distribution. The probe's orientational dynamics vary as a function of its frequency within the inhomogeneously broadened vibrational absorption spectrum. By characterizing the degree of orientational restriction at different probe frequencies, FVE radii and their probability distribution were determined. PS has larger FVEs and a broader FVE size distribution than PMMA. The average FVE radii in PS and PMMA are 3.4 and 3.0 Å, respectively. The FVE radius probability distribution shows that the PS distribution is non-Gaussian, with a tail to larger radii, whereas in PMMA, the distribution is closer to Gaussian. FVE structural dynamics, previously unavailable through other techniques, occur on a ∼150 ps time scale in both polymers. The dynamics involve FVE shape fluctuations which, on average, conserve the FVE size. FVE radii were associated with corresponding electric field strengths through the first-order vibrational Stark effect of the CN stretch of the vibrational probe, phenyl selenocyanate (PhSeCN). PMMA displayed unique measured FVE radii for each electric field strength. By contrast, PS showed that, while larger radii correspond to unique and relatively weak electric fields, the smallest measured radii map onto a broad distribution of strong electric fields.

J Chem Phys ; 154(24): 244104, 2021 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241361


The theoretical framework for reorientation-induced spectral diffusion (RISD) describes the polarization dependence of spectral diffusion dynamics as measured with two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy and related techniques. Generally, RISD relates to the orientational dynamics of the molecular chromophore relative to local electric fields of the medium. The predictions of RISD have been shown to be very sensitive to both restricted orientational dynamics (generally arising from steric hindrance) and the distribution of local electric fields relative to the probe (electrostatic ordering). Here, a theory that combines the two effects is developed analytically and supported with numerical calculations. The combined effects can smoothly vary the polarization dependence of spectral diffusion from the purely steric case (least polarization dependence) to the purely electrostatic case (greatest polarization dependence). Analytic approximations of the modified RISD equations were also developed using the orientational dynamics of the molecular probe and two order parameters describing the degree of electrostatic ordering. It was found that frequency-dependent orientational dynamics are a possible consequence of the combined electrostatic and steric effects, providing a test for the applicability of this model to experimental systems. The modified RISD equations were then used to successfully describe the anomalous polarization-dependent spectral diffusion seen in 2D infrared spectroscopy in a polystyrene oligomer system that exhibits frequency-dependent orientational dynamics. The degree of polarization-dependent spectral diffusion enables the extent of electrostatic ordering in a chemical system to be quantified and distinguished from steric ordering.

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(20): 9482-9492, 2020 05 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32349470


The structural dynamics of planar thin films of an ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BmimNTf2) as a function of surface charge density and thickness were investigated using two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy. The films were made by spin coating a methanol solution of the IL on silica substrates that were functionalized with alkyl chains containing head groups that mimic the IL cation. The thicknesses of the ionic liquid films ranged from ∼50 to ∼250 nm. The dynamics of the films are slower than those in the bulk IL, becoming increasingly slow as the films become thinner. Control of the dynamics of the IL films can be achieved by adjusting the charge density on substrates through multilayer network surface functionalization. The charge density of the surface (number of positively charged groups in the network bound to the surface per unit area) is controlled by the duration of the functionalization reaction. As the charge density is increased, the IL dynamics become slower. For comparison, the surface was functionalized with three different neutral groups. Dynamics of the IL films on the functionalized neutral surfaces are faster than on any of the ionic surfaces but still slower than the bulk IL, even for the thickest films. These results can have implications in applications that employ ILs that have electrodes, such as batteries, as the electrode surface charge density will influence properties like diffusion close to the surface.

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(39): 16622-16631, 2020 09 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32909430


The mechanism of white-light emission from layered Pb-X (X = Cl or Br) perovskites following UV excitation has generated considerable interest. Prior time-dependent studies indicated that the broadband photoluminescence (PL) from (110) perovskites arises from a distribution of self-trapped excitonic sites emitting in different regions of the visible spectrum with different decay dynamics. Here, using time-correlated single photon counting to study single crystals, we show that the white-light emission decay from the (110) perovskite (EDBE)PbBr4 (EDBE = 2,2'-(ethylenedioxy)bis(ethylammonium)) behaves as a single ensemble. Following the rapid decay (0.6 ns) of a small spectral side band, the broad emission line shape is constant to 100 ns. We propose that rapid local structural fluctuations cause the self-trapped excitons (STEs) to experience a wide range of energies, resulting in the very broad PL. The STEs sample fluctuating local environments on time scales fast compared to the PL, which averages the PL decay at all emission wavelengths, yielding single ensemble PL dynamics. Although emission occurs from a very wide, inhomogeneously broadened spectral line with time-averaged single ensemble luminescence dynamics, the decay is tri-exponential. Two heuristic models for the tri-exponential decay involving defects are discussed. Spin-coated films show faster non-exponential decays with the slowest component of the crystal PL absent. Like the crystals, the film PL decays as a single ensemble. These results demonstrate that the broadband emission decay of (EDBE)PbBr4 arises from a time-averaged single ensemble and not from a set of excited states emitting with distinct luminescence decays at different wavelengths.

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(12): 5636-5648, 2020 03 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32077695


A significant enhancement in the Menshutkin SN2 reaction between 1-methylimidazole (MeIm) and methyl thiocyanate (MeSCN) is observed when the reaction is confined in the nanoscale silica pores of MCM41 and SBA15. The experiments in the silica pores are conducted without the surrounding bulk reaction mixture. The influences of temperature, pore radius, and surface chemistry on the kinetics of the confined reaction are analyzed with time-dependent infrared spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulations, and ab initio calculations. The rate constant of the pseudo-first order reaction increases with decreasing pore size, and the activation energy is found to decrease by 5.6 kJ/mol in the smallest pore studied (2.8 nm) relative to the bulk reaction. The rate constant dependence on pore size is accurately described by a two-state model in which molecules within the 4.6 Å interfacial layer experience a 2.4-fold rate constant increase relative to those reacting at the bulk rate further away from the interface. The removal of polar silanol groups from the silica surface via passivation with trimethylsilyl chloride results in bulk-like kinetics despite a reduction in the pore diameter, demonstrating the role of silanols as catalytic sites. Electronic structure calculations of the energy profile on a model silica surface confirm that silanol groups, particularly those of the vicinal type, can reduce the activation energy and reaction endothermicity through the donation of hydrogen bonds to the reactant, transition state, and product complexes.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(28): 5979-5992, 2020 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32551669


The center line slope (CLS) observable has become a popular method for characterizing spectral diffusion dynamics in two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy because of its ease of implementation, robustness, and clear theoretical relationship to the frequency-frequency correlation function (FFCF). The FFCF relates the frequency fluctuations of an ensemble of chromophores to coupled bath modes of the chemical system and is used for comparison to molecular dynamics simulations and for calculating 2D spectra. While in the appropriate limits, the CLS can be shown to be the normalized FFCF, from which the full FFCF can be obtained, in practice the assumptions that relate the CLS to the normalized FFCF are frequently violated. These violations are due to the presence of homogeneous broadening and motional narrowing. The generalized problem of relating the CLS to the FFCF is reanalyzed by introducing a new set of dimensionless parameters for both the CLS and FFCF. A large data set was generated of CLS parameters derived from numerically modeled 2D line shapes with known FFCF parameters. This data set was used to train feedforward artificial neural networks that act as functions, which take the CLS parameters as inputs and return FFCF parameters. These neural networks were deployed in an algorithm that is able to quickly and accurately determine FFCF parameters from experimental CLS parameters and the fwhm of the absorption line shape. The method and necessary inputs to accurately obtain the FFCF from the CLS are presented.

J Chem Phys ; 152(15): 154704, 2020 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32321257


Water confined in mesoporous silica plays a central role in its many uses ranging from gas sorption to nanoconfined chemical reactions. Here, the influence of pore diameter (2.5-5.4 nm) on water hydrogen bond (H-bond) dynamics in MCM41 and SBA15 mesoporous silicas is investigated using femtosecond infrared vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations on selenocyanate (SeCN-) anions dissolved in the pores. As shown recently, SeCN- spectral diffusion is a reliable probe of surrounding water H-bond structural motions. Additionally, the long CN stretch vibrational lifetime facilitates measurement of the full range of confined dynamics, which are much slower than in bulk water. The simulations shed light on quantitative details that are inaccessible from the spatially averaged observables. The dependence of SeCN- orientational relaxation and that of spectral diffusion on the distance from the silica interface are quantitatively described with an exponential decay and a smoothed step-function, respectively. The distance-dependence of both quantities is found to be independent of the diameter of the pores, and the spatial distribution of SeCN- is markedly non-uniform, reaching a maximum between the interface and the pore center. The results indicate that the commonly invoked two-state, or core-shell, model is a more appropriate description of spectral diffusion. Using these insights, we model the full time-dependence of the measured dynamics for all pore sizes and extract the "core" and "shell" dynamical correlation functions and SeCN- spatial probability distributions. The results are critically compared to those for water confined in reverse micelles.

J Chem Phys ; 153(20): 204201, 2020 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33261482


The infrared pulses used to generate nonlinear signals from a vibrational probe can cause heating via solvent absorption. Solvent absorption followed by rapid vibrational relaxation produces unwanted heat signals by creating spectral shifts of the solvent and probe absorptions. The signals are often isolated by "chopping," i.e., alternately blocking one of the incident pulses. This method is standard in pump-probe transient absorption experiments. As less heat is deposited into the sample when an incident pulse is blocked, the heat-induced spectral shifts give rise to artificial signals. Here, we demonstrate a new method that eliminates heat induced signals using pulse shaping to control pulse spectra. This method is useful if the absorption spectrum of the vibrational probe is narrow compared to the laser bandwidth. By using a pulse shaper to selectively eliminate only frequencies of light resonant with the probe absorption during the "off" shot, part of the pulse energy, and the resulting heat, is delivered to the solvent without generating the nonlinear signal. This partial heating reduces the difference heat signal between the on and off shots. The remaining solvent heat signal can be eliminated by reducing the wings of the on shot spectrum while still resonantly exciting the probe; the heat deposition from the on shot can be matched with that from the off shot, eliminating the solvent heat contribution to the signal. Modification of the pulse sequence makes it possible to measure only the heat signal, permitting the kinetics of heating to be studied.

J Chem Phys ; 150(12): 124507, 2019 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30927894


Polarization-selective Two Dimensional Infrared (2D IR) and IR pump-probe spectroscopies have been performed on the hydrogen bonding glass forming liquid 2-biphenylmethanol doped with the long-lived vibrational probe phenylselenocyanate over a wide range of temperatures. The spectral diffusion seen in the 2D spectra was found to have a large polarization dependence, in large excess of what is predicted by standard theory. This anomaly was explained by decomposing the 2D spectra into hydrogen-bonding and non-bonding components, which exchange through large-angle orientational motion. By adapting chemical exchange theories, parameters for the component peaks were then calculated by fitting the polarization-dependent spectral diffusion and the pump-probe anisotropy. A model of highly heterogeneous exchange and orientational dynamics was used to explain the observed time dependences as a function of temperature on fast time scales. The experimental observations, the kinetic modeling, and physical arguments lead to the determination of the times for interconversion of slow dynamics structural domains to fast dynamics structural domains in the supercooled liquid as a function of temperature. The slow to fast domain interconversion times range from 40 ps at 355 K to 5000 ps at 270 K.

J Chem Phys ; 151(15): 154502, 2019 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31640381


The transport behavior of ionic liquids (ILs) is pivotal for a variety of applications, especially when ILs are used as electrolytes. Many aspects of the transport dynamics of ILs remain to be understood. Here, a common ionic liquid, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (BmimNTf2), was studied with molecular dynamics simulations. The results show that BmimNTf2 displays typical structural relaxation, subdiffusive behavior, and a breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein diffusion relation as in glass-forming liquids. In addition, the simulations show that the translational dynamics, reorientation dynamics, and structural relaxation dynamics are well described by the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation like fragile glass forming liquids. Building on previous work that employed ion cage models, it was found that the diffusion dynamics of the cations and anions were well described by a hopping process random walk where the step time is the ion cage lifetime obtained from the cage correlation function. Detailed analysis of the ion cage structures indicated that the electrostatic potential energy of the ion cage dominates the diffusion dynamics of the caged ion. The ion orientational relaxation dynamics showed that ion reorientation is a necessary step for ion cage restructuring. The dynamic ion cage model description of ion diffusion presented here may have implications for designing ILs to control their transport behavior.

J Chem Phys ; 150(19): 194201, 2019 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31117782


Dynamic Stokes shift measurements report on structural relaxation, driven by a dipole created in a chromophore by its excitation from the ground electronic state to the S1 state. Here, we demonstrate that it is also possible to have an additional contribution from orientational relaxation of the Stokes shift chromophore. This effect, called reorientation-induced Stokes shift (RISS), can be observed when the reorientation of the chromophore and the solvent structural relaxation occur on similar time scales. Through a vector interaction, the electronic transition of the chromophore couples to its environment. The orientational diffusive motions of the chromophores will have a slight bias toward reducing the transition energy (red shift) as do the solvent structural diffusive motions. RISS is manifested in the polarization-dependence of the fluorescence Stokes shift using coumarin 153 (C153) in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). A similar phenomenon, reorientation-induced spectral diffusion (RISD), has been observed and theoretically explicated in the context of two dimensional infrared (2D IR) experiments. Here, we generalize the existing RISD theory to include properties of electronic transitions that generally are not present in vibrational transitions. Expressions are derived that permit determination of the structural dynamics by accounting for the RISS contributions. Using these generalized equations, the structural dynamics of the medium can be measured for any system in which the directional interaction is well represented by a first order Stark effect and RISS or RISD is observed. The theoretical results are applied to the PMMA data, and the structural dynamics are obtained and discussed.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 113(18): 4929-34, 2016 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27044113


Functionalized self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are the focus of ongoing investigations because they can be chemically tuned to control their structure and dynamics for a wide variety of applications, including electrochemistry, catalysis, and as models of biological interfaces. Here we combine reflection 2D infrared vibrational echo spectroscopy (R-2D IR) and molecular dynamics simulations to determine the relationship between the structures of functionalized alkanethiol SAMs on gold surfaces and their underlying molecular motions on timescales of tens to hundreds of picoseconds. We find that at higher head group density, the monolayers have more disorder in the alkyl chain packing and faster dynamics. The dynamics of alkanethiol SAMs on gold are much slower than the dynamics of alkylsiloxane SAMs on silica. Using the simulations, we assess how the different molecular motions of the alkyl chain monolayers give rise to the dynamics observed in the experiments.

J Am Chem Soc ; 140(30): 9466-9477, 2018 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29985609


Polymeric hydrogels have wide applications including electrophoresis, biocompatible materials, water superadsorbents, and contact lenses. The properties of hydrogels involve the poorly characterized molecular dynamics of water and solutes trapped within the three-dimensional cross-linked polymer networks. Here we apply ultrafast two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) vibrational echo and polarization-selective pump-probe (PSPP) spectroscopies to investigate the ultrafast molecular dynamics of water and a small molecular anion solute, selenocyanate (SeCN-), in polyacrylamide hydrogels. For all mass concentrations of polymer studied (5% and above), the hydrogen-bonding network reorganization (spectral diffusion) dynamics and reorientation dynamics reported by both water and SeCN- solvated by water are significantly slower than in bulk water. As the polymer mass concentration increases, molecular dynamics in the hydrogels slow further. The magnitudes of the slowing, measured with both water and SeCN-, are similar. However, the entire hydrogen-bonding network of water molecules appears to slow down as a single ensemble, without a difference between the core water population and the interface water population at the polymer-water surface. In contrast, the dissolved SeCN- do exhibit two-component dynamics, where the major component is assigned to the anions fully solvated in the confined water nanopools. The slower component has a small amplitude which is correlated with the polymer mass concentration and is assigned to adsorbed anions strongly interacting with the polymer fiber networks.

J Am Chem Soc ; 140(31): 9882-9890, 2018 08 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30024160


The dynamically flexible lattices in lead halide perovskites may play important roles in extending carrier recombination lifetime in 3D perovskite solar-cell absorbers and in exciton self-trapping in 2D perovskite white-light phosphors. Two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy was applied to study a recently reported Pb-I-SCN layered perovskite. The Pb-I-SCN perovskite was spin-coated on a SiO2 surface as a thin film, with a thickness of ∼100 nm, where the S12CN- anions were isotopically diluted with the ratio of S12CN:S13CN = 5:95 to avoid vibrational coupling and excitation transfer between adjacent SCN- anions. The 12CN stretch mode of the minor S12CN- component was the principal vibrational probe that reported on the structural evolution through 2D IR spectroscopy. Spectral diffusion was observed with a time constant of 4.1 ± 0.3 ps. Spectral diffusion arises from small structural changes that result in sampling of frequencies within the distribution of frequencies comprising the inhomogeneously broadened infrared absorption band. These transitions among discrete local structures are distinct from oscillatory phonon motions of the lattice. To accurately evaluate the structural dynamics through measurement of spectral diffusion, the vibrational coupling between adjacent SCN- anions had to be carefully treated. Although the inorganic layers of typical 2D perovskites are structurally isolated from each other, the 2D IR data demonstrated that the layers of the Pb-I-SCN perovskite are vibrationally coupled. When both S12CN- and S13CN- were pumped simultaneously, cross-peaks between S12CN and S13CN vibrations and an oscillating 2D band shape of the S12CN- vibration were observed. Both observables demonstrate vibrational coupling between the closest SCN- anions, which reside in different inorganic layers. The thin films and the isotopic dilution produced exceedingly small vibrational echo signal fields; measurements were made possible using the near-Brewster's angle reflection pump-probe geometry.

J Chem Phys ; 149(4): 044501, 2018 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30068204


The orientational dynamics and microscopic structures of imidazolium-based ionic liquids of varying hydrophilicity were investigated using optical heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect (OHD-OKE) spectroscopy and atomistic simulations. Hydrophilicity was tuned via anion selection, cation alkyl chain length, and the addition of a strong hydrogen bond donor on the cation (protic ionic liquid). In the hydrophobic samples, which saturate at relatively low water concentration, OHD-OKE data display Debye Stokes Einstein (DSE) behavior as a function of water concentration. The DSE behavior indicates that the microstructures of the hydrophobic ionic liquid/water mixtures do not fundamentally change as a function of water concentration. The hydrophilic samples have two regimes of different DSE behaviors demonstrating the presence of two structural regimes depending on water concentration. These experimental results indicate that in hydrophilic ionic liquid/water samples, significant structural changes occur to accommodate high water concentrations, while hydrophobic samples become water saturated because the restructuring of local ionic structures is unfavorable. Atomistic simulations show that the local ionic microstructures experience distinct changes in these hydrophilic ionic liquid/water binary samples because of the delicate interplay of intermolecular interactions among imidazolium cations, hydrophilic anions, and water molecules.