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Nature ; 616(7955): 50-55, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36949196


The ambition of harnessing the quantum for computation is at odds with the fundamental phenomenon of decoherence. The purpose of quantum error correction (QEC) is to counteract the natural tendency of a complex system to decohere. This cooperative process, which requires participation of multiple quantum and classical components, creates a special type of dissipation that removes the entropy caused by the errors faster than the rate at which these errors corrupt the stored quantum information. Previous experimental attempts to engineer such a process1-7 faced the generation of an excessive number of errors that overwhelmed the error-correcting capability of the process itself. Whether it is practically possible to utilize QEC for extending quantum coherence thus remains an open question. Here we answer it by demonstrating a fully stabilized and error-corrected logical qubit whose quantum coherence is substantially longer than that of all the imperfect quantum components involved in the QEC process, beating the best of them with a coherence gain of G = 2.27 ± 0.07. We achieve this performance by combining innovations in several domains including the fabrication of superconducting quantum circuits and model-free reinforcement learning.

Nature ; 584(7820): 205-209, 2020 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32788737


Quantum superpositions of macroscopically distinct classical states-so-called Schrödinger cat states-are a resource for quantum metrology, quantum communication and quantum computation. In particular, the superpositions of two opposite-phase coherent states in an oscillator encode a qubit protected against phase-flip errors1,2. However, several challenges have to be overcome for this concept to become a practical way to encode and manipulate error-protected quantum information. The protection must be maintained by stabilizing these highly excited states and, at the same time, the system has to be compatible with fast gates on the encoded qubit and a quantum non-demolition readout of the encoded information. Here we experimentally demonstrate a method for the generation and stabilization of Schrödinger cat states based on the interplay between Kerr nonlinearity and single-mode squeezing1,3 in a superconducting microwave resonator4. We show an increase in the transverse relaxation time of the stabilized, error-protected qubit of more than one order of magnitude compared with the single-photon Fock-state encoding. We perform all single-qubit gate operations on timescales more than sixty times faster than the shortest coherence time and demonstrate single-shot readout of the protected qubit under stabilization. Our results showcase the combination of fast quantum control and robustness against errors, which is intrinsic to stabilized macroscopic states, as well as the potential of of these states as resources in quantum information processing5-8.

Nature ; 566(7745): 509-512, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30814714


Quantum computation presents a powerful new paradigm for information processing. A robust universal quantum computer can be realized with any well controlled quantum system, but a successful platform will ultimately require the combination of highly coherent, error-correctable quantum elements with at least one entangling operation between them1,2. Quantum information stored in a continuous-variable system-for example, a harmonic oscillator-can take advantage of hardware-efficient quantum error correction protocols that encode information in the large available Hilbert space of each element3-5. However, such encoded states typically have no controllable direct couplings, making deterministic entangling operations between them particularly challenging. Here we develop an efficient implementation of the exponential-SWAP operation6 and present its experimental realization between bosonic qubits stored in two superconducting microwave cavities. This engineered operation is analogous to the exchange interaction between discrete spin systems, but acts within any encoded subspace of the continuous-variable modes. Based on a control rotation, the operation produces a coherent superposition of identity and SWAP operations between arbitrary states of two harmonic oscillator modes and can be used to enact a deterministic entangling gate within quantum error correction codes. These results provide a valuable building block for universal quantum computation using bosonic modes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(19): 190601, 2023 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38000438


Efficient suppression of errors without full error correction is crucial for applications with noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. Error mitigation allows us to suppress errors in extracting expectation values without the need for any error correction code, but its applications are limited to estimating expectation values, and cannot provide us with high-fidelity quantum operations acting on arbitrary quantum states. To address this challenge, we propose to use error filtration (EF) for gate-based quantum computation, as a practical error suppression scheme without resorting to full quantum error correction. The result is a general-purpose error suppression protocol where the resources required to suppress errors scale independently of the size of the quantum operation, and does not require any logical encoding of the operation. The protocol provides error suppression whenever an error hierarchy is respected-that is, when the ancillary controlled-swap operations are less noisy than the operation to be corrected. We further analyze the application of EF to quantum random access memory, where EF offers hardware-efficient error suppression.

Nature ; 536(7617): 441-5, 2016 08 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27437573


Quantum error correction (QEC) can overcome the errors experienced by qubits and is therefore an essential component of a future quantum computer. To implement QEC, a qubit is redundantly encoded in a higher-dimensional space using quantum states with carefully tailored symmetry properties. Projective measurements of these parity-type observables provide error syndrome information, with which errors can be corrected via simple operations. The 'break-even' point of QEC--at which the lifetime of a qubit exceeds the lifetime of the constituents of the system--has so far remained out of reach. Although previous works have demonstrated elements of QEC, they primarily illustrate the signatures or scaling properties of QEC codes rather than test the capacity of the system to preserve a qubit over time. Here we demonstrate a QEC system that reaches the break-even point by suppressing the natural errors due to energy loss for a qubit logically encoded in superpositions of Schrödinger-cat states of a superconducting resonator. We implement a full QEC protocol by using real-time feedback to encode, monitor naturally occurring errors, decode and correct. As measured by full process tomography, without any post-selection, the corrected qubit lifetime is 320 microseconds, which is longer than the lifetime of any of the parts of the system: 20 times longer than the lifetime of the transmon, about 2.2 times longer than the lifetime of an uncorrected logical encoding and about 1.1 longer than the lifetime of the best physical qubit (the |0〉f and |1〉f Fock states of the resonator). Our results illustrate the benefit of using hardware-efficient qubit encodings rather than traditional QEC schemes. Furthermore, they advance the field of experimental error correction from confirming basic concepts to exploring the metrics that drive system performance and the challenges in realizing a fault-tolerant system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(18): 180501, 2021 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34018799


The interaction of photons and coherent quantum systems can be employed to detect electromagnetic radiation with remarkable sensitivity. We introduce a quantum radiometer based on the photon-induced dephasing process of a superconducting qubit for sensing microwave radiation at the subunit photon level. Using this radiometer, we demonstrate the radiative cooling of a 1 K microwave resonator and measure its mode temperature with an uncertainty ∼0.01 K. We thus develop a precise tool for studying the thermodynamics of quantum microwave circuits, which provides new solutions for calibrating hybrid quantum systems and detecting candidate particles for dark matter.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(26): 260509, 2020 Dec 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449723


We introduce a new approach to Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) states that treats their finite-energy version in an exact manner. Based on this analysis, we develop new qubit-oscillator circuits that autonomously stabilize a GKP manifold, correcting errors without relying on qubit measurements. Finally, we show numerically that logical information encoded in GKP states is very robust against typical oscillator noise sources when stabilized by these new circuits.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(8): 080503, 2020 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32909762


An outstanding challenge for quantum information processing using bosonic systems is Gaussian errors such as excitation loss and added thermal noise errors. Thus, bosonic quantum error correction is essential. Most bosonic quantum error correction schemes encode a finite-dimensional logical qubit or qudit into noisy bosonic oscillator modes. In this case, however, the infinite-dimensional bosonic nature of the physical system is lost at the error-corrected logical level. On the other hand, there are several proposals for encoding an oscillator mode into many noisy oscillator modes. However, these oscillator-into-oscillators encoding schemes are in the class of Gaussian quantum error correction. Therefore, these codes cannot correct practically relevant Gaussian errors due to the established no-go theorems that state that Gaussian errors cannot be corrected by using only Gaussian resources. Here, we circumvent these no-go results and show that it is possible to correct Gaussian errors by using Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) states as non-Gaussian resources. In particular, we propose a non-Gaussian oscillator-into-oscillators code, namely the GKP two-mode squeezing code, and demonstrate that it can quadratically suppress additive Gaussian noise errors in both the position and momentum quadratures except for a small sublogarithmic correction. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our GKP two-mode squeezing code is near optimal in the weak noise limit by proving via quantum information theoretic tools that quadratic noise suppression is optimal when we use two physical oscillator modes. Lastly, we show that our non-Gaussian oscillator encoding scheme can also be used to correct excitation loss and thermal noise errors, which are dominant error sources in many realistic bosonic systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(25): 250501, 2019 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31922763


Hybrid quantum systems in which acoustic resonators couple to superconducting qubits are promising quantum information platforms. High quality factors and small mode volumes make acoustic modes ideal quantum memories, while the qubit-phonon coupling enables the initialization and manipulation of quantum states. We present a scheme for quantum computing with multimode quantum acoustic systems, and based on this scheme, propose a hardware-efficient implementation of a quantum random access memory (QRAM). Quantum information is stored in high-Q phonon modes, and couplings between modes are engineered by applying off-resonant drives to a transmon qubit. In comparison to existing proposals that involve directly exciting the qubit, this scheme can offer a substantial improvement in gate fidelity for long-lived acoustic modes. We show how these engineered phonon-phonon couplings can be used to access data in superposition according to the state of designated address modes-implementing a QRAM on a single chip.

Nature ; 495(7440): 205-9, 2013 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23486059


To create and manipulate non-classical states of light for quantum information protocols, a strong, nonlinear interaction at the single-photon level is required. One approach to the generation of suitable interactions is to couple photons to atoms, as in the strong coupling regime of cavity quantum electrodynamic systems. In these systems, however, the quantum state of the light is only indirectly controlled by manipulating the atoms. A direct photon-photon interaction occurs in so-called Kerr media, which typically induce only weak nonlinearity at the cost of significant loss. So far, it has not been possible to reach the single-photon Kerr regime, in which the interaction strength between individual photons exceeds the loss rate. Here, using a three-dimensional circuit quantum electrodynamic architecture, we engineer an artificial Kerr medium that enters this regime and allows the observation of new quantum effects. We realize a gedanken experiment in which the collapse and revival of a coherent state can be observed. This time evolution is a consequence of the quantization of the light field in the cavity and the nonlinear interaction between individual photons. During the evolution, non-classical superpositions of coherent states (that is, multi-component 'Schrödinger cat' states) are formed. We visualize this evolution by measuring the Husimi Q function and confirm the non-classical properties of these transient states by cavity state tomography. The ability to create and manipulate superpositions of coherent states in such a high-quality-factor photon mode opens perspectives for combining the physics of continuous variables with superconducting circuits. The single-photon Kerr effect could be used in quantum non-demolition measurement of photons, single-photon generation, autonomous quantum feedback schemes and quantum logic operations.

Nature ; 504(7480): 419-22, 2013 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24270808


Quantum error correction codes are designed to protect an arbitrary state of a multi-qubit register from decoherence-induced errors, but their implementation is an outstanding challenge in the development of large-scale quantum computers. The first step is to stabilize a non-equilibrium state of a simple quantum system, such as a quantum bit (qubit) or a cavity mode, in the presence of decoherence. This has recently been accomplished using measurement-based feedback schemes. The next step is to prepare and stabilize a state of a composite system. Here we demonstrate the stabilization of an entangled Bell state of a quantum register of two superconducting qubits for an arbitrary time. Our result is achieved using an autonomous feedback scheme that combines continuous drives along with a specifically engineered coupling between the two-qubit register and a dissipative reservoir. Similar autonomous feedback techniques have been used for qubit reset, single-qubit state stabilization, and the creation and stabilization of states of multipartite quantum systems. Unlike conventional, measurement-based schemes, the autonomous approach uses engineered dissipation to counteract decoherence, obviating the need for a complicated external feedback loop to correct errors. Instead, the feedback loop is built into the Hamiltonian such that the steady state of the system in the presence of drives and dissipation is a Bell state, an essential building block for quantum information processing. Such autonomous schemes, which are broadly applicable to a variety of physical systems, as demonstrated by the accompanying paper on trapped ion qubits, will be an essential tool for the implementation of quantum error correction.

Nature ; 482(7385): 382-5, 2012 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22297844


Quantum computers could be used to solve certain problems exponentially faster than classical computers, but are challenging to build because of their increased susceptibility to errors. However, it is possible to detect and correct errors without destroying coherence, by using quantum error correcting codes. The simplest of these are three-quantum-bit (three-qubit) codes, which map a one-qubit state to an entangled three-qubit state; they can correct any single phase-flip or bit-flip error on one of the three qubits, depending on the code used. Here we demonstrate such phase- and bit-flip error correcting codes in a superconducting circuit. We encode a quantum state, induce errors on the qubits and decode the error syndrome--a quantum state indicating which error has occurred--by reversing the encoding process. This syndrome is then used as the input to a three-qubit gate that corrects the primary qubit if it was flipped. As the code can recover from a single error on any qubit, the fidelity of this process should decrease only quadratically with error probability. We implement the correcting three-qubit gate (known as a conditional-conditional NOT, or Toffoli, gate) in 63 nanoseconds, using an interaction with the third excited state of a single qubit. We find 85 ± 1 per cent fidelity to the expected classical action of this gate, and 78 ± 1 per cent fidelity to the ideal quantum process matrix. Using this gate, we perform a single pass of both quantum bit- and phase-flip error correction and demonstrate the predicted first-order insensitivity to errors. Concatenation of these two codes in a nine-qubit device would correct arbitrary single-qubit errors. In combination with recent advances in superconducting qubit coherence times, this could lead to scalable quantum technology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(3): 030502, 2017 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28777607


We investigate cat codes that can correct multiple excitation losses and identify two types of logical errors: bit-flip errors due to excessive excitation loss and dephasing errors due to quantum backaction from the environment. We show that selected choices of logical subspace and coherent amplitude significantly reduce dephasing errors. The trade-off between the two major errors enables optimized performance of cat codes in terms of minimized decoherence. With high coupling efficiency, we show that one-way quantum repeaters with cat codes feature a boosted secure communication rate per mode when compared to conventional encoding schemes, showcasing the promising potential of quantum information processing with continuous variable quantum codes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(13): 133601, 2016 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27715126


Quantum jumps of a qubit are usually observed between its energy eigenstates, also known as its longitudinal pseudospin component. Is it possible, instead, to observe quantum jumps between the transverse superpositions of these eigenstates? We answer positively by presenting the first continuous quantum nondemolition measurement of the transverse component of an individual qubit. In a circuit QED system irradiated by two pump tones, we engineer an effective Hamiltonian whose eigenstates are the transverse qubit states, and a dispersive measurement of the corresponding operator. Such transverse component measurements are a useful tool in the driven-dissipative operation engineering toolbox, which is central to quantum simulation and quantum error correction.

Nature ; 467(7315): 574-8, 2010 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20882013


Traditionally, quantum entanglement has been central to foundational discussions of quantum mechanics. The measurement of correlations between entangled particles can have results at odds with classical behaviour. These discrepancies grow exponentially with the number of entangled particles. With the ample experimental confirmation of quantum mechanical predictions, entanglement has evolved from a philosophical conundrum into a key resource for technologies such as quantum communication and computation. Although entanglement in superconducting circuits has been limited so far to two qubits, the extension of entanglement to three, eight and ten qubits has been achieved among spins, ions and photons, respectively. A key question for solid-state quantum information processing is whether an engineered system could display the multi-qubit entanglement necessary for quantum error correction, which starts with tripartite entanglement. Here, using a circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture, we demonstrate deterministic production of three-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states with fidelity of 88 per cent, measured with quantum state tomography. Several entanglement witnesses detect genuine three-qubit entanglement by violating biseparable bounds by 830 ± 80 per cent. We demonstrate the first step of basic quantum error correction, namely the encoding of a logical qubit into a manifold of GHZ-like states using a repetition code. The integration of this encoding with decoding and error-correcting steps in a feedback loop will be the next step for quantum computing with integrated circuits.

Nature ; 465(7294): 64-8, 2010 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20445625


Recent progress in solid-state quantum information processing has stimulated the search for amplifiers and frequency converters with quantum-limited performance in the microwave range. Depending on the gain applied to the quadratures of a single spatial and temporal mode of the electromagnetic field, linear amplifiers can be classified into two categories (phase sensitive and phase preserving) with fundamentally different noise properties. Phase-sensitive amplifiers use squeezing to reduce the quantum noise, but are useful only in cases in which a reference phase is attached to the signal, such as in homodyne detection. A phase-preserving amplifier would be preferable in many applications, but such devices have not been available until now. Here we experimentally realize a proposal for an intrinsically phase-preserving, superconducting parametric amplifier of non-degenerate type. It is based on a Josephson ring modulator, which consists of four Josephson junctions in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. The device symmetry greatly enhances the purity of the amplification process and simplifies both its operation and its analysis. The measured characteristics of the amplifier in terms of gain and bandwidth are in good agreement with analytical predictions. Using a newly developed noise source, we show that the upper bound on the total system noise of our device under real operating conditions is three times the quantum limit. We foresee applications in the area of quantum analog signal processing, such as quantum non-demolition single-shot readout of qubits, quantum feedback and the production of entangled microwave signal pairs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(24): 240501, 2015 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26705615


We engineer a quantum bath that enables entropy and energy exchange with a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard lattice with attractive on-site interactions. We implement this in an array of three superconducting transmon qubits coupled to a single cavity mode; the transmons represent lattice sites and their excitation quanta embody bosonic particles. Our cooling protocol preserves the particle number-realizing a canonical ensemble-and also affords the efficient preparation of dark states which, due to symmetry, cannot be prepared via coherent drives on the cavity. Furthermore, by applying continuous microwave radiation, we also realize autonomous feedback to indefinitely stabilize particular eigenstates of the array.

Nature ; 460(7252): 240-4, 2009 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19561592


Quantum computers, which harness the superposition and entanglement of physical states, could outperform their classical counterparts in solving problems with technological impact-such as factoring large numbers and searching databases. A quantum processor executes algorithms by applying a programmable sequence of gates to an initialized register of qubits, which coherently evolves into a final state containing the result of the computation. Building a quantum processor is challenging because of the need to meet simultaneously requirements that are in conflict: state preparation, long coherence times, universal gate operations and qubit readout. Processors based on a few qubits have been demonstrated using nuclear magnetic resonance, cold ion trap and optical systems, but a solid-state realization has remained an outstanding challenge. Here we demonstrate a two-qubit superconducting processor and the implementation of the Grover search and Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithms. We use a two-qubit interaction, tunable in strength by two orders of magnitude on nanosecond timescales, which is mediated by a cavity bus in a circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture. This interaction allows the generation of highly entangled states with concurrence up to 94 per cent. Although this processor constitutes an important step in quantum computing with integrated circuits, continuing efforts to increase qubit coherence times, gate performance and register size will be required to fulfil the promise of a scalable technology.

Nature ; 452(7183): 72-5, 2008 Mar 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18322530


Macroscopic mechanical objects and electromagnetic degrees of freedom can couple to each other through radiation pressure. Optomechanical systems in which this coupling is sufficiently strong are predicted to show quantum effects and are a topic of considerable interest. Devices in this regime would offer new types of control over the quantum state of both light and matter, and would provide a new arena in which to explore the boundary between quantum and classical physics. Experiments so far have achieved sufficient optomechanical coupling to laser-cool mechanical devices, but have not yet reached the quantum regime. The outstanding technical challenge in this field is integrating sensitive micromechanical elements (which must be small, light and flexible) into high-finesse cavities (which are typically rigid and massive) without compromising the mechanical or optical properties of either. A second, and more fundamental, challenge is to read out the mechanical element's energy eigenstate. Displacement measurements (no matter how sensitive) cannot determine an oscillator's energy eigenstate, and measurements coupling to quantities other than displacement have been difficult to realize in practice. Here we present an optomechanical system that has the potential to resolve both of these challenges. We demonstrate a cavity which is detuned by the motion of a 50-nm-thick dielectric membrane placed between two macroscopic, rigid, high-finesse mirrors. This approach segregates optical and mechanical functionality to physically distinct structures and avoids compromising either. It also allows for direct measurement of the square of the membrane's displacement, and thus in principle the membrane's energy eigenstate. We estimate that it should be practical to use this scheme to observe quantum jumps of a mechanical system, an important goal in the field of quantum measurement.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(24): 243604, 2013 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25165923


We present a general protocol for stabilizer operator measurements in a system of N superconducting qubits. Using the dispersive coupling between the qubits and the field of a resonator as well as single qubit rotations, we show how to encode the parity of an arbitrary subset of M ≤ N qubits, onto two quasiorthogonal coherent states of the resonator. Together with a fast cavity readout, this enables the efficient measurement of arbitrary stabilizer operators without locality constraints.