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Stud Mycol ; 107: 1-66, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600958


The order Eurotiales is diverse and includes species that impact our daily lives in many ways. In the past, its taxonomy was difficult due to morphological similarities, which made accurate identification of species difficult. This situation improved and stabilised with recent taxonomic and nomenclatural revisions that modernised Aspergillus, Penicillium and Talaromyces. This was mainly due to the availability of curated accepted species lists and the publication of comprehensive DNA sequence reference datasets. This has also led to a sharp increase in the number of new species described each year with the accepted species lists in turn also needing regular updates. The focus of this study was to review the 160 species described between the last list of accepted species published in 2020 until 31 December 2022. To review these species, single-gene phylogenies were constructed and GCPSR (Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition) was applied. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses were performed to further determine the relationships of the newly introduced species. As a result, we accepted 133 species (37 Aspergillus, two Paecilomyces, 59 Penicillium, two Rasamsonia, 32 Talaromyces and one Xerochrysium), synonymised 22, classified four as doubtful and created a new combination for Paraxerochrysium coryli, which is classified in Xerochrysium. This brings the number of accepted species to 453 for Aspergillus, 12 for Paecilomyces, 535 for Penicillium, 14 for Rasamsonia, 203 for Talaromyces and four for Xerochrysium. We accept the newly introduced section Tenues (in Talaromyces), and series Hainanici (in Aspergillus sect. Cavernicolarum) and Vascosobrinhoana (in Penicillium sect. Citrina). In addition, we validate the invalidly described species Aspergillus annui and A. saccharicola, and series Annuorum (in Aspergillus sect. Flavi), introduce a new combination for Dichlaena lentisci (type of the genus) and place it in a new section in Aspergillus subgenus Circumdati, provide an updated description for Rasamsonia oblata, and list excluded and recently synonymised species that were previously accepted. This study represents an important update of the accepted species lists in Eurotiales. Taxonomic novelties: New sections: Aspergillus section Dichlaena Visagie, Kocsubé & Houbraken. New series: Aspergillus series Annuorum J.J. Silva, B.T. Iamanaka, Frisvad. New species: Aspergillus annui J.J. Silva, M.H.P. Fungaro, Frisvad, M.H. Taniwaki & B.T. Iamanaka; Aspergillus saccharicola J.J. Silva, Frisvad, M.H.P. Fungaro, M.H. Taniwaki & B.T. Iamanaka. New combinations: Aspergillus lentisci (Durieu & Mont.) Visagie, Malloch, L. Kriegsteiner, Samson & Houbraken; Xerochrysium coryli (Crous & Decock) Visagie & Houbraken. Citation: Visagie CM, Yilmaz N, Kocsubé S, Frisvad JC, Hubka V, Samson RA, Houbraken J (2024). A review of recently introduced Aspergillus, Penicillium, Talaromyces and other Eurotiales species. Studies in Mycology 107: 1-66. doi: 10.3114/sim.2024.107.01.

Stud Mycol ; 108: 1-411, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100921


The global diversity of fungi has been estimated between 2 to 11 million species, of which only about 155 000 have been named. Most fungi are invisible to the unaided eye, but they represent a major component of biodiversity on our planet, and play essential ecological roles, supporting life as we know it. Although approximately 20 000 fungal genera are presently recognised, the ecology of most remains undetermined. Despite all this diversity, the mycological community actively researches some fungal genera more commonly than others. This poses an interesting question: why have some fungal genera impacted mycology and related fields more than others? To address this issue, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to identify the top 100 most cited fungal genera. A thorough database search of the Web of Science, Google Scholar, and PubMed was performed to establish which genera are most cited. The most cited 10 genera are Saccharomyces, Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, Trichoderma, Botrytis, Pichia, Cryptococcus and Alternaria. Case studies are presented for the 100 most cited genera with general background, notes on their ecology and economic significance and important research advances. This paper provides a historic overview of scientific research of these genera and the prospect for further research. Citation: Bhunjun CS, Chen YJ, Phukhamsakda C, Boekhout T, Groenewald JZ, McKenzie EHC, Francisco EC, Frisvad JC, Groenewald M, Hurdeal VG, Luangsa-ard J, Perrone G, Visagie CM, Bai FY, Blaszkowski J, Braun U, de Souza FA, de Queiroz MB, Dutta AK, Gonkhom D, Goto BT, Guarnaccia V, Hagen F, Houbraken J, Lachance MA, Li JJ, Luo KY, Magurno F, Mongkolsamrit S, Robert V, Roy N, Tibpromma S, Wanasinghe DN, Wang DQ, Wei DP, Zhao CL, Aiphuk W, Ajayi-Oyetunde O, Arantes TD, Araujo JC, Begerow D, Bakhshi M, Barbosa RN, Behrens FH, Bensch K, Bezerra JDP, Bilanski P, Bradley CA, Bubner B, Burgess TI, Buyck B, Cadez N, Cai L, Calaça FJS, Campbell LJ, Chaverri P, Chen YY, Chethana KWT, Coetzee B, Costa MM, Chen Q, Custódio FA, Dai YC, Damm U, de Azevedo Santiago ALCM, De Miccolis Angelini RM, Dijksterhuis J, Dissanayake AJ, Doilom M, Dong W, Alvarez-Duarte E, Fischer M, Gajanayake AJ, Gené J, Gomdola D, Gomes AAM, Hausner G, He MQ, Hou L, Iturrieta-González I, Jami F, Jankowiak R, Jayawardena RS, Kandemir H, Kiss L, Kobmoo N, Kowalski T, Landi L, Lin CG, Liu JK, Liu XB, Loizides M, Luangharn T, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Makhathini Mkhwanazi GJ, Manawasinghe IS, Marin-Felix Y, McTaggart AR, Moreau PA, Morozova OV, Mostert L, Osiewacz HD, Pem D, Phookamsak R, Pollastro S, Pordel A, Poyntner C, Phillips AJL, Phonemany M, Promputtha I, Rathnayaka AR, Rodrigues AM, Romanazzi G, Rothmann L, Salgado-Salazar C, Sandoval-Denis M, Saupe SJ, Scholler M, Scott P, Shivas RG, Silar P, Souza-Motta CM, Silva-Filho AGS, Spies CFJ, Stchigel AM, Sterflinger K, Summerbell RC, Svetasheva TY, Takamatsu S, Theelen B, Theodoro RC, Thines M, Thongklang N, Torres R, Turchetti B, van den Brule T, Wang XW, Wartchow F, Welti S, Wijesinghe SN, Wu F, Xu R, Yang ZL, Yilmaz N, Yurkov A, Zhao L, Zhao RL, Zhou N, Hyde KD, Crous PW (2024). What are the 100 most cited fungal genera? Studies in Mycology 108: 1-411. doi: 10.3114/sim.2024.108.01.

Stud Mycol ; 102: 95-132, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760462


The Aspergillus series Nigri contains biotechnologically and medically important species. They can produce hazardous mycotoxins, which is relevant due to the frequent occurrence of these species on foodstuffs and in the indoor environment. The taxonomy of the series has undergone numerous rearrangements, and currently, there are 14 species accepted in the series, most of which are considered cryptic. Species-level identifications are, however, problematic or impossible for many isolates even when using DNA sequencing or MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, indicating a possible problem in the definition of species limits or the presence of undescribed species diversity. To re-examine the species boundaries, we collected DNA sequences from three phylogenetic markers (benA, CaM and RPB2) for 276 strains from series Nigri and generated 18 new whole-genome sequences. With the three-gene dataset, we employed phylogenetic methods based on the multispecies coalescence model, including four single-locus methods (GMYC, bGMYC, PTP and bPTP) and one multilocus method (STACEY). From a total of 15 methods and their various settings, 11 supported the recognition of only three species corresponding to the three main phylogenetic lineages: A. niger, A. tubingensis and A. brasiliensis. Similarly, recognition of these three species was supported by the GCPSR approach (Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Recognition) and analysis in DELINEATE software. We also showed that the phylogeny based on benA, CaM and RPB2 is suboptimal and displays significant differences from a phylogeny constructed using 5 752 single-copy orthologous proteins; therefore, the results of the delimitation methods may be subject to a higher than usual level of uncertainty. To overcome this, we randomly selected 200 genes from these genomes and performed ten independent STACEY analyses, each with 20 genes. All analyses supported the recognition of only one species in the A. niger and A. brasiliensis lineages, while one to four species were inconsistently delimited in the A. tubingensis lineage. After considering all of these results and their practical implications, we propose that the revised series Nigri includes six species: A. brasiliensis, A. eucalypticola, A. luchuensis (syn. A. piperis), A. niger (syn. A. vinaceus and A. welwitschiae), A. tubingensis (syn. A. chiangmaiensis, A. costaricensis, A. neoniger and A. pseudopiperis) and A. vadensis. We also showed that the intraspecific genetic variability in the redefined A. niger and A. tubingensis does not deviate from that commonly found in other aspergilli. We supplemented the study with a list of accepted species, synonyms and unresolved names, some of which may threaten the stability of the current taxonomy. Citation: Bian C, Kusuya Y, Sklenár F, D'hooge E, Yaguchi T, Ban S, Visagie CM, Houbraken J, Takahashi H, Hubka V (2022). Reducing the number of accepted species in Aspergillus series Nigri. Studies in Mycology 102: 95-132. doi: 10.3114/sim.2022.102.03.

Stud Mycol ; 102: 53-93, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760461


Aspergillus series Versicolores members occur in a wide range of environments and substrates such as indoor environments, food, clinical materials, soil, caves, marine or hypersaline ecosystems. The taxonomy of the series has undergone numerous re-arrangements including a drastic reduction in the number of species and subsequent recovery to 17 species in the last decade. The identification to species level is however problematic or impossible in some isolates even using DNA sequencing or MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry indicating a problem in the definition of species boundaries. To revise the species limits, we assembled a large dataset of 518 strains. From these, a total of 213 strains were selected for the final analysis according to their calmodulin (CaM) genotype, substrate and geography. This set was used for phylogenetic analysis based on five loci (benA, CaM, RPB2, Mcm7, Tsr1). Apart from the classical phylogenetic methods, we used multispecies coalescence (MSC) model-based methods, including one multilocus method (STACEY) and five single-locus methods (GMYC, bGMYC, PTP, bPTP, ABGD). Almost all species delimitation methods suggested a broad species concept with only four species consistently supported. We also demonstrated that the currently applied concept of species is not sustainable as there are incongruences between single-gene phylogenies resulting in different species identifications when using different gene regions. Morphological and physiological data showed overall lack of good, taxonomically informative characters, which could be used for identification of such a large number of existing species. The characters expressed either low variability across species or significant intraspecific variability exceeding interspecific variability. Based on the above-mentioned results, we reduce series Versicolores to four species, namely A. versicolor, A. creber, A. sydowii and A. subversicolor, and the remaining species are synonymized with either A. versicolor or A. creber. The revised descriptions of the four accepted species are provided. They can all be identified by any of the five genes used in this study. Despite the large reduction in species number, identification based on phenotypic characters remains challenging, because the variation in phenotypic characters is high and overlapping among species, especially between A. versicolor and A. creber. Similar to the 17 narrowly defined species, the four broadly defined species do not have a specific ecology and are distributed worldwide. We expect that the application of comparable methodology with extensive sampling could lead to a similar reduction in the number of cryptic species in other extensively studied Aspergillus species complexes and other fungal genera. Citation: Sklenár F, Glässnerová K, Jurjevic Z, Houbraken J, Samson RA, Visagie CM, Yilmaz N, Gené J, Cano J, Chen AJ, Nováková A, Yaguchi T, Kolarík M, Hubka V (2022). Taxonomy of Aspergillus series Versicolores: species reduction and lessons learned about intraspecific variability. Studies in Mycology 102 : 53-93. doi: 10.3114/sim.2022.102.02.

Stud Mycol ; 102: 1-51, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760463


Aspergillus section Candidi encompasses white- or yellow-sporulating species mostly isolated from indoor and cave environments, food, feed, clinical material, soil and dung. Their identification is non-trivial due to largely uniform morphology. This study aims to re-evaluate the species boundaries in the section Candidi and present an overview of all existing species along with information on their ecology. For the analyses, we assembled a set of 113 strains with diverse origin. For the molecular analyses, we used DNA sequences of three house-keeping genes (benA, CaM and RPB2) and employed species delimitation methods based on a multispecies coalescent model. Classical phylogenetic methods and genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition (GCPSR) approaches were used for comparison. Phenotypic studies involved comparisons of macromorphology on four cultivation media, seven micromorphological characters and growth at temperatures ranging from 10 to 45 °C. Based on the integrative approach comprising four criteria (phylogenetic and phenotypic), all currently accepted species gained support, while two new species are proposed (A. magnus and A. tenebricus). In addition, we proposed the new name A. neotritici to replace an invalidly described A. tritici. The revised section Candidi now encompasses nine species, some of which manifest a high level of intraspecific genetic and/or phenotypic variability (e.g., A. subalbidus and A. campestris) while others are more uniform (e.g., A. candidus or A. pragensis). The growth rates on different media and at different temperatures, colony colours, production of soluble pigments, stipe dimensions and vesicle diameters contributed the most to the phenotypic species differentiation. Taxonomic novelties: New species: Aspergillus magnus Glässnerová & Hubka; Aspergillus neotritici Glässnerová & Hubka; Aspergillus tenebricus Houbraken, Glässnerová & Hubka. Citation: Glässnerová K, Sklenár F, Jurjevic Z, Houbraken J, Yaguchi T, Visagie CM, Gené J, Siqueira JPZ, Kubátová A, Kolarík M, Hubka V (2022). A monograph of Aspergillus section Candidi. Studies in Mycology 102: 1-51. doi: 10.3114/sim.2022.102.01.

Stud Mycol ; 101: 121-243, 2022 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36059895


Chaetomiaceae comprises phenotypically diverse species, which impact biotechnology, the indoor environment and human health. Recent studies showed that most of the traditionally defined genera in Chaetomiaceae are highly polyphyletic. Many of these morphology-based genera, such as Chaetomium, Thielavia and Humicola, have been redefined using multigene phylogenetic analysis combined with morphology; however, a comprehensive taxonomic overview of the family is lacking. In addition, the phylogenetic relationship of thermophilic Chaetomiaceae species with non-thermophilic taxa in the family is largely unclear due to limited taxon sampling in previous studies. In this study, we provide an up-to-date overview on the taxonomy and phylogeny of genera and species belonging to Chaetomiaceae, including an extensive taxon sampling of thermophiles. A multigene phylogenetic analysis based on the ITS (internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 including the 5.8S nrDNA), LSU (D1/D2 domains of the 28S nrDNA), rpb2 (partial RNA polymerase II second largest subunit gene) and tub2 (ß-tubulin gene) sequences was performed on 345 strains representing Chaetomiaceae and 58 strains of other families in Sordariales. Divergence times based on the multi-gene phylogeny were estimated as aid to determine the genera in the family. Genera were delimited following the criteria that a genus must be a statistically well-supported monophyletic clade in both the multigene phylogeny and molecular dating analysis, fall within a divergence time of over 27 million years ago, and be supported by ecological preference or phenotypic traits. Based on the results of the phylogeny and molecular dating analyses, combined with morphological characters and temperature-growth characteristics, 50 genera and 275 species are accepted in Chaetomiaceae. Among them, six new genera, six new species, 45 new combinations and three new names are proposed. The results demonstrate that the thermophilic species fall into seven genera (Melanocarpus, Mycothermus, Remersonia, Thermocarpiscus gen. nov., Thermochaetoides gen. nov., Thermothelomyces and Thermothielavioides). These genera cluster in six separate lineages, suggesting that thermophiles independently evolved at least six times within the family. A list of accepted genera and species in Chaetomiaceae, together with information on their MycoBank numbers, living ex-type strains and GenBank accession numbers to ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tub2 sequences is provided. Furthermore, we provide suggestions how to describe and identify Chaetomiaceae species. Taxonomic novelties: new genera: Parvomelanocarpus X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Pseudohumicola X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han, F.Y. Bai & Houbraken, Tengochaeta X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Thermocarpiscus X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Thermochaetoides X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Xanthiomyces X.Wei Wang & Houbraken; New species: Botryotrichum geniculatum X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han & F.Y. Bai, Chaetomium subaffine Sergejeva ex X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Humicola hirsuta X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han & F.Y. Bai, Subramaniula latifusispora X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han & F.Y. Bai, Tengochaeta nigropilosa X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Trichocladium tomentosum X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han & F.Y. Bai; New combinations: Achaetomiella gracilis (Udagawa) Houbraken, X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han & F.Y. Bai, Allocanariomyces americanus (Cañete-Gibas et al.) Cañete-Gibas, Wiederhold, X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Amesia dreyfussii (Arx) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Amesia raii (G. Malhotra & Mukerji) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arcopilus macrostiolatus (Stchigel et al.) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arcopilus megasporus (Sörgel ex Seth) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arcopilus purpurascens (Udagawa & Y. Sugiy.) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arxotrichum deceptivum (Malloch & Benny) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arxotrichum gangligerum (L.M. Ames) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arxotrichum officinarum (M. Raza & L. Cai) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arxotrichum piluliferoides (Udagawa & Y. Horie) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arxotrichum repens (Guarro & Figueras) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Arxotrichum sinense (K.T. Chen) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Botryotrichum inquinatum (Udagawa & S. Ueda) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Botryotrichum retardatum (A. Carter & R.S. Khan) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Botryotrichum trichorobustum (Seth) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Botryotrichum vitellinum (A. Carter) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Collariella anguipilia (L.M. Ames) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Collariella hexagonospora (A. Carter & Malloch) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Collariella pachypodioides (L.M. Ames) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Ovatospora amygdalispora (Udagawa & T. Muroi) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Ovatospora angularis (Yu Zhang & L. Cai) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium biporatum (Cano & Guarro) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium hispanicum (Guarro & Arx) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium inaequale (Pidopl. et al.) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium longiciliatum (Yu Zhang & L. Cai) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium mareoticum (Besada & Yusef) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium muelleri (Arx) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium multispirale (A. Carter et al.) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium perlucidum (Sergejeva) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parachaetomium subspirilliferum (Sergejeva) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parathielavia coactilis (Nicot) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parvomelanocarpus tardus (X.Wei Wang & Samson) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Parvomelanocarpus thermophilus (Abdullah & Al-Bader) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Pseudohumicola atrobrunnea (X.Wei Wang et al.) X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han, F.Y. Bai & Houbraken, Pseudohumicola pulvericola (X.Wei Wang et al.) X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han, F.Y. Bai & Houbraken, Pseudohumicola semispiralis (Udagawa & Cain) X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han, F.Y. Bai & Houbraken, Pseudohumicola subspiralis (Chivers) X.Wei Wang, P.J. Han, F.Y. Bai & Houbraken, Staphylotrichum koreanum (Hyang B. Lee & T.T.T. Nguyen) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Staphylotrichum limonisporum (Z.F. Zhang & L. Cai) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Subramaniula lateralis (Yu Zhang & L. Cai) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Thermocarpiscus australiensis (Tansey & M.A. Jack) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Thermochaetoides dissita (Cooney & R. Emers.) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Thermochaetoides thermophila (La Touche) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Xanthiomyces spinosus (Chivers) X.Wei Wang & Houbraken; New names: Chaetomium neoglobosporum X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Thermothelomyces fergusii X.Wei Wang & Houbraken, Thermothelomyces myriococcoides X.Wei Wang & Houbraken; Lecto- and / or epi-typifications (basionyms): Botryoderma rostratum Papendorf & H.P. Upadhyay, Botryotrichum piluliferum Sacc. & Marchal, Chaetomium carinthiacum Sörgel, Thielavia heterothallica Klopotek. Citation: Wang XW, Han PJ, Bai FY, Luo A, Bensch K, Meijer M, Kraak B, Han DY, Sun BD, Crous PW, Houbraken J (2022). Taxonomy, phylogeny and identification of Chaetomiaceae with emphasis on thermophilic species. Studies in Mycology 101: 121-243. doi: 10.3114/sim.2022.101.03.

Persoonia ; 49: 261-350, 2022 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38234383


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Argentina, Colletotrichum araujiae on leaves, stems and fruits of Araujia hortorum. Australia, Agaricus pateritonsus on soil, Curvularia fraserae on dying leaf of Bothriochloa insculpta, Curvularia millisiae from yellowing leaf tips of Cyperus aromaticus, Marasmius brunneolorobustus on well-rotted wood, Nigrospora cooperae from necrotic leaf of Heteropogon contortus, Penicillium tealii from the body of a dead spider, Pseudocercospora robertsiorum from leaf spots of Senna tora, Talaromyces atkinsoniae from gills of Marasmius crinis-equi and Zasmidium pearceae from leaf spots of Smilaxglyciphylla. Brazil, Preussia bezerrensis from air. Chile, Paraconiothyrium kelleni from the rhizosphere of Fragaria chiloensis subsp. chiloensis f. chiloensis. Finland, Inocybe udicola on soil in mixed forest with Betula pendula, Populus tremula, Picea abies and Alnus incana. France, Myrmecridium normannianum on dead culm of unidentified Poaceae. Germany, Vexillomyces fraxinicola from symptomless stem wood of Fraxinus excelsior. India, Diaporthe limoniae on infected fruit of Limonia acidissima, Didymella naikii on leaves of Cajanus cajan, and Fulvifomes mangroviensis on basal trunk of Aegiceras corniculatum. Indonesia, Penicillium ezekielii from Zea mays kernels. Namibia, Neocamarosporium calicoremae and Neocladosporium calicoremae on stems of Calicorema capitata, and Pleiochaeta adenolobi on symptomatic leaves of Adenolobus pechuelii. Netherlands, Chalara pteridii on stems of Pteridium aquilinum, Neomackenziella juncicola (incl. Neomackenziella gen. nov.) and Sporidesmiella junci from dead culms of Juncus effusus. Pakistan, Inocybe longistipitata on soil in a Quercus forest. Poland, Phytophthora viadrina from rhizosphere soil of Quercus robur, and Septoria krystynae on leaf spots of Viscum album. Portugal (Azores), Acrogenospora stellata on dead wood or bark. South Africa, Phyllactinia greyiae on leaves of Greyia sutherlandii and Punctelia anae on bark of Vachellia karroo. Spain, Anteaglonium lusitanicum on decaying wood of Prunus lusitanica subsp. lusitanica, Hawksworthiomyces riparius from fluvial sediments, Lophiostoma carabassense endophytic in roots of Limbarda crithmoides, and Tuber mohedanoi from calcareus soils. Spain (Canary Islands), Mycena laurisilvae on stumps and woody debris. Sweden, Elaphomyces geminus from soil under Quercus robur. Thailand, Lactifluus chiangraiensis on soil under Pinus merkusii, Lactifluus nakhonphanomensis and Xerocomus sisongkhramensis on soil under Dipterocarpus trees. Ukraine, Valsonectria robiniae on dead twigs of Robinia hispida. USA, Spiralomyces americanus (incl. Spiralomyces gen. nov.) from office air. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes. Citation: Tan YP, Bishop-Hurley SL, Shivas RG, et al. 2022. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1436-1477. Persoonia 49: 261-350.

Persoonia ; 48: 261-371, 2022 Jul 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38234686


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Agaricus albofoetidus, Agaricus aureoelephanti and Agaricus parviumbrus on soil, Fusarium ramsdenii from stem cankers of Araucaria cunninghamii, Keissleriella sporoboli from stem of Sporobolus natalensis, Leptosphaerulina queenslandica and Pestalotiopsis chiaroscuro from leaves of Sporobolus natalensis, Serendipita petricolae as endophyte from roots of Eriochilus petricola, Stagonospora tauntonensis from stem of Sporobolus natalensis, Teratosphaeria carnegiei from leaves of Eucalyptus grandis × E. camaldulensis and Wongia ficherai from roots of Eragrostis curvula. Canada, Lulworthia fundyensis from intertidal wood and Newbrunswickomyces abietophilus (incl. Newbrunswickomyces gen. nov.) on buds of Abies balsamea. Czech Republic, Geosmithia funiculosa from a bark beetle gallery on Ulmus minor and Neoherpotrichiella juglandicola (incl. Neoherpotrichiella gen. nov.) from wood of Juglans regia. France, Aspergillus rouenensis and Neoacrodontium gallica (incl. Neoacrodontium gen. nov.) from bore dust of Xestobium rufovillosum feeding on Quercus wood, Endoradiciella communis (incl. Endoradiciella gen. nov.) endophytic in roots of Microthlaspi perfoliatum and Entoloma simulans on soil. India, Amanita konajensis on soil and Keithomyces indicus from soil. Israel, Microascus rothbergiorum from Stylophora pistillata. Italy, Calonarius ligusticus on soil. Netherlands, Appendopyricularia juncicola (incl. Appendopyricularia gen. nov.), Eriospora juncicola and Tetraploa juncicola on dead culms of Juncus effusus, Gonatophragmium physciae on Physcia caesia and Paracosmospora physciae (incl. Paracosmospora gen. nov.) on Physcia tenella, Myrmecridium phragmitigenum on dead culm of Phragmites australis, Neochalara lolae on stems of Pteridium aquilinum, Niesslia nieuwwulvenica on dead culm of undetermined Poaceae, Nothodevriesia narthecii (incl. Nothodevriesia gen. nov.) on dead leaves of Narthecium ossifragum and Parastenospora pini (incl. Parastenospora gen. nov.) on dead twigs of Pinus sylvestris. Norway, Verticillium bjoernoeyanum from sand grains attached to a piece of driftwood on a sandy beach. Portugal, Collybiopsis cimrmanii on the base of living Quercus ilex and amongst dead leaves of Laurus and herbs. South Africa, Paraproliferophorum hyphaenes (incl. Paraproliferophorum gen. nov.) on living leaves of Hyphaene sp. and Saccothecium widdringtoniae on twigs of Widdringtonia wallichii. Spain, Cortinarius dryosalor on soil, Cyphellophora endoradicis endophytic in roots of Microthlaspi perfoliatum, Geoglossum lauri-silvae on soil, Leptographium gemmatum from fluvial sediments, Physalacria auricularioides from a dead twig of Castanea sativa, Terfezia bertae and Tuber davidlopezii in soil. Sweden, Alpova larskersii, Inocybe alpestris and Inocybe boreogodeyi on soil. Thailand, Russula banwatchanensis, Russula purpureoviridis and Russula lilacina on soil. Ukraine, Nectriella adonidis on overwintered stems of Adonis vernalis. USA, Microcyclus jacquiniae from living leaves of Jacquinia keyensis and Penicillium neoherquei from a minute mushroom sporocarp. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes. Citation: Crous PW, Boers J, Holdom D, et al. 2022. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1383-1435. Persoonia 48: 261-371.

Stud Mycol ; 99: 100120, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35003383


Since the last revision in 2015, the taxonomy of section Flavipedes evolved rapidly along with the availability of new species delimitation techniques. This study aims to re-evaluate the species boundaries of section Flavipedes members using modern delimitation methods applied to an extended set of strains (n = 90) collected from various environments. The analysis used DNA sequences of three house-keeping genes (benA, CaM, RPB2) and consisted of two steps: application of several single-locus (GMYC, bGMYC, PTP, bPTP) and multi-locus (STACEY) species delimitation methods to sort the isolates into putative species, which were subsequently validated using DELINEATE software that was applied for the first time in fungal taxonomy. As a result, four new species are introduced, i.e. A. alboluteus, A. alboviridis, A. inusitatus and A. lanuginosus, and A. capensis is synonymized with A. iizukae. Phenotypic analyses were performed for the new species and their relatives, and the results showed that the growth parameters at different temperatures and colonies characteristics were useful for differentiation of these taxa. The revised section harbors 18 species, most of them are known from soil. However, the most common species from the section are ecologically diverse, occurring in the indoor environment (six species), clinical samples (five species), food and feed (four species), droppings (four species) and other less common substrates/environments. Due to the occurrence of section Flavipedes species in the clinical material/hospital environment, we also evaluated the susceptibility of 67 strains to six antifungals (amphotericin B, itraconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole, isavuconazole, terbinafine) using the reference EUCAST method. These results showed some potentially clinically relevant differences in susceptibility between species. For example, MICs higher than those observed for A. fumigatus wild-type were found for both triazoles and amphotericin B for A. ardalensis, A. iizukae, and A. spelaeus whereas A. lanuginosus, A. luppiae, A. movilensis, A. neoflavipes, A. olivimuriae and A. suttoniae were comparable to or more susceptible as A. fumigatus. Finally, terbinafine was in vitro active against all species except A. alboviridis.

Stud Mycol ; 100: 100115, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34035866


The airborne fungus Aspergillus fumigatus poses a serious health threat to humans by causing numerous invasive infections and a notable mortality in humans, especially in immunocompromised patients. Mould-active azoles are the frontline therapeutics employed to treat aspergillosis. The global emergence of azole-resistant A. fumigatus isolates in clinic and environment, however, notoriously limits the therapeutic options of mould-active antifungals and potentially can be attributed to a mortality rate reaching up to 100 %. Although specific mutations in CYP 51A are the main cause of azole resistance, there is a new wave of azole-resistant isolates with wild-type CYP 51A genotype challenging the efficacy of the current diagnostic tools. Therefore, applications of whole-genome sequencing are increasingly gaining popularity to overcome such challenges. Prominent echinocandin tolerance, as well as liver and kidney toxicity posed by amphotericin B, necessitate a continuous quest for novel antifungal drugs to combat emerging azole-resistant A. fumigatus isolates. Animal models and the tools used for genetic engineering require further refinement to facilitate a better understanding about the resistance mechanisms, virulence, and immune reactions orchestrated against A. fumigatus. This review paper comprehensively discusses the current clinical challenges caused by A. fumigatus and provides insights on how to address them.

Persoonia ; 46: 163-187, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35935896


A survey of Penicillium in the fynbos biome from South Africa resulted in the isolation of 61 species of which 29 were found to be new. In this study we focus on Penicillium section Canescentia, providing a phylogenetic re-evaluation based on the analysis of partial beta-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) sequence data. Based on phylogenies we show that five fynbos species are new and several previously assigned synonyms of P. canescens and P. janczewskii should be considered as distinct species. As such, we provide descriptions for the five new species and introduce the new name P. elizabethiae for the illegitimate P. echinatum. We also update the accepted species list and synonymies of section Canescentia species and provide a review of extrolites produced by these species. Citation: Visagie CM, Frisvad JC, Houbraken J, et al. 2021. A re-evaluation of Penicillium section Canescentia, including the description of five new species. Persoonia 46: 163-187.

Stud Mycol ; 95: 253-292, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32855741


The taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Aspergillus and its associated sexual (teleomorphic) genera have been greatly stabilised over the last decade. This was in large thanks to the accepted species list published in 2014 and associated metadata such as DNA reference sequences released at the time. It had a great impact on the community and it has never been easier to identify, publish and describe the missing Aspergillus diversity. To further stabilise its taxonomy, it is crucial to not only discover and publish new species but also to capture infraspecies variation in the form of DNA sequences. This data will help to better characterise and distinguish existing species and make future identifications more robust. South Africa has diverse fungal communities but remains largely unexplored in terms of Aspergillus with very few sequences available for local strains. In this paper, we re-identify Aspergillus previously accessioned in the PPRI and MRC culture collections using modern taxonomic approaches. In the process, we re-identify strains to 63 species, describe seven new species and release a large number of new DNA reference sequences.

Stud Mycol ; 95: 171-251, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32855740


Over the last two decades the molecular phylogeny and classification of Metarhizium has been widely studied. Despite these efforts to understand this enigmatic genus, the basal lineages in Metarhizium are still poorly resolved. In this study, a phylogenetic framework is reconstructed for the Clavicipitaceae focusing on Metarhizium through increased taxon-sampling using five genomic loci (SSU, LSU, tef, rpb1, rpb2) and the barcode marker ITS rDNA. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses and morphological characterisation of green-spored entomopathogenic Metarhizium isolates from Thailand and soil isolates of M. carneum and M. marquandii reveal their ecological, genetic and species diversity. Nineteen new species are recognised in the Metarhizium clade with narrow host ranges: two new species are found in the M. anisopliae complex - M. clavatum on Coleoptera larvae and M. sulphureum on Lepidoptera larvae; four new species are found in the M. flavoviride complex - M. biotecense and M. fusoideum on brown plant hoppers (Hemiptera), M. culicidarum on mosquitoes, M. nornnoi on Lepidoptera larvae; three new species M. megapomponiae, M. cicadae, M. niveum occur on cicadas; five new species M. candelabrum, M. cercopidarum, M. ellipsoideum, M. huainamdangense M. ovoidosporum occur on planthoppers, leafhoppers and froghoppers (Hemiptera); one new species M. eburneum on Lepidoptera pupae; and four new species M. phuwiangense, M. purpureum, M. purpureonigrum, M. flavum on Coleoptera . Of these 19 new species, seven produce a sexual morph (M. clavatum, M. eburneum, M. flavum, M. phuwiangense, M. purpureonigrum, M. purpureum, and M. sulphureum) and asexual morphs are found in the remaining new species and also in M. sulphureum, M. purpureonigrum and M. purpureum. Metarhizium blattodeae, M. koreanum and M. viridulum are new records for Thailand. An alternative neotype for Metarhizium anisopliae is proposed based on multi-gene and 5'tef analyses showing that CBS 130.71 from Ukraine is more suitable, being from a much closer geographical location to Metchnikoff's Metarhizium anisopliae. This isolate is distinct from the neotype of Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae proposed by M. Tulloch from Ethiopia (ARSEF 7487). Six new genera are established for monophyletic clades subtending the core Metarhizium clade, including Keithomyces, Marquandomyces, Papiliomyces, Purpureomyces, Sungia, and Yosiokobayasia. Metarhizium carneum, M. aciculare, and M. neogunnii are combined in Keithomyces and one new combination for M. marquandii in Marquandomyces is proposed. Purpureomyces is introduced for species producing purple stromata including a new combination for M. khaoyaiense and two new species P. maesotensis and P. pyriformis. Papiliomyces contains two new combinations for M. liangshanense and Metacordyceps shibinensis. The genus Sungia is proposed for the Korean species M. yongmunense on Lepidoptera pupa and Yosiokobayasia for the Japanese species M. kusanagiense also on Lepidoptera pupa. A synoptic and dichotomous key to the accepted taxa is provided together with tables listing distinguishing morphological characters between species, host preferences, and geography.

Stud Mycol ; 95: 5-169, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32855739


The Eurotiales is a relatively large order of Ascomycetes with members frequently having positive and negative impact on human activities. Species within this order gain attention from various research fields such as food, indoor and medical mycology and biotechnology. In this article we give an overview of families and genera present in the Eurotiales and introduce an updated subgeneric, sectional and series classification for Aspergillus and Penicillium. Finally, a comprehensive list of accepted species in the Eurotiales is given. The classification of the Eurotiales at family and genus level is traditionally based on phenotypic characters, and this classification has since been challenged using sequence-based approaches. Here, we re-evaluated the relationships between families and genera of the Eurotiales using a nine-gene sequence dataset. Based on this analysis, the new family Penicillaginaceae is introduced and four known families are accepted: Aspergillaceae, Elaphomycetaceae, Thermoascaceae and Trichocomaceae. The Eurotiales includes 28 genera: 15 genera are accommodated in the Aspergillaceae (Aspergillago, Aspergillus, Evansstolkia, Hamigera, Leiothecium, Monascus, Penicilliopsis, Penicillium, Phialomyces, Pseudohamigera, Pseudopenicillium, Sclerocleista, Warcupiella, Xerochrysium and Xeromyces), eight in the Trichocomaceae (Acidotalaromyces, Ascospirella, Dendrosphaera, Rasamsonia, Sagenomella, Talaromyces, Thermomyces, Trichocoma), two in the Thermoascaceae (Paecilomyces, Thermoascus) and one in the Penicillaginaceae (Penicillago). The classification of the Elaphomycetaceae was not part of this study, but according to literature two genera are present in this family (Elaphomyces and Pseudotulostoma). The use of an infrageneric classification system has a long tradition in Aspergillus and Penicillium. Most recent taxonomic studies focused on the sectional level, resulting in a well-established sectional classification in these genera. In contrast, a series classification in Aspergillus and Penicillium is often outdated or lacking, but is still relevant, e.g., the allocation of a species to a series can be highly predictive in what functional characters the species might have and might be useful when using a phenotype-based identification. The majority of the series in Aspergillus and Penicillium are invalidly described and here we introduce a new series classification. Using a phylogenetic approach, often supported by phenotypic, physiologic and/or extrolite data, Aspergillus is subdivided in six subgenera, 27 sections (five new) and 75 series (73 new, one new combination), and Penicillium in two subgenera, 32 sections (seven new) and 89 series (57 new, six new combinations). Correct identification of species belonging to the Eurotiales is difficult, but crucial, as the species name is the linking pin to information. Lists of accepted species are a helpful aid for researchers to obtain a correct identification using the current taxonomic schemes. In the most recent list from 2014, 339 Aspergillus, 354 Penicillium and 88 Talaromyces species were accepted. These numbers increased significantly, and the current list includes 446 Aspergillus (32 % increase), 483 Penicillium (36 % increase) and 171 Talaromyces (94 % increase) species, showing the large diversity and high interest in these genera. We expanded this list with all genera and species belonging to the Eurotiales (except those belonging to Elaphomycetaceae). The list includes 1 187 species, distributed over 27 genera, and contains MycoBank numbers, collection numbers of type and ex-type cultures, subgenus, section and series classification data, information on the mode of reproduction, and GenBank accession numbers of ITS, beta-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) gene sequences.

Persoonia ; 45: 251-409, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34456379


Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Austroboletus asper on soil, Cylindromonium alloxyli on leaves of Alloxylon pinnatum, Davidhawksworthia quintiniae on leaves of Quintinia sieberi, Exophiala prostantherae on leaves of Prostanthera sp., Lactifluus lactiglaucus on soil, Linteromyces quintiniae (incl. Linteromyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Quintinia sieberi, Lophotrichus medusoides from stem tissue of Citrus garrawayi, Mycena pulchra on soil, Neocalonectria tristaniopsidis (incl. Neocalonectria gen. nov.) and Xyladictyochaeta tristaniopsidis on leaves of Tristaniopsis collina, Parasarocladium tasmanniae on leaves of Tasmannia insipida, Phytophthora aquae-cooljarloo from pond water, Serendipita whamiae as endophyte from roots of Eriochilus cucullatus, Veloboletus limbatus (incl. Veloboletus gen. nov.) on soil. Austria, Cortinarius glaucoelotus on soil. Bulgaria, Suhomyces rilaensis from the gut of Bolitophagus interruptus found on a Polyporus sp. Canada, Cantharellus betularum among leaf litter of Betula, Penicillium saanichii from house dust. Chile, Circinella lampensis on soil, Exophiala embothrii from rhizosphere of Embothrium coccineum. China, Colletotrichum cycadis on leaves of Cycas revoluta. Croatia, Phialocephala melitaea on fallen branch of Pinus halepensis. Czech Republic, Geoglossum jirinae on soil, Pyrenochaetopsis rajhradensis from dead wood of Buxus sempervirens. Dominican Republic, Amanita domingensis on litter of deciduous wood, Melanoleuca dominicana on forest litter. France, Crinipellis nigrolamellata (Martinique) on leaves of Pisonia fragrans, Talaromyces pulveris from bore dust of Xestobium rufovillosum infesting floorboards. French Guiana, Hypoxylon hepaticolor on dead corticated branch. Great Britain, Inocybe ionolepis on soil. India, Cortinarius indopurpurascens among leaf litter of Quercus leucotrichophora. Iran, Pseudopyricularia javanii on infected leaves of Cyperus sp., Xenomonodictys iranica (incl. Xenomonodictys gen. nov.) on wood of Fagus orientalis. Italy, Penicillium vallebormidaense from compost. Namibia, Alternaria mirabibensis on plant litter, Curvularia moringae and Moringomyces phantasmae (incl. Moringomyces gen. nov.) on leaves and flowers of Moringa ovalifolia, Gobabebomyces vachelliae (incl. Gobabebomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Vachellia erioloba, Preussia procaviae on dung of Procavia capensis. Pakistan, Russula shawarensis from soil on forest floor. Russia, Cyberlindnera dauci from Daucus carota. South Africa, Acremonium behniae on leaves of Behnia reticulata, Dothiora aloidendri and Hantamomyces aloidendri (incl. Hantamomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Aloidendron dichotomum, Endoconidioma euphorbiae on leaves of Euphorbia mauritanica, Eucasphaeria proteae on leaves of Protea neriifolia, Exophiala mali from inner fruit tissue of Malus sp., Graminopassalora geissorhizae on leaves of Geissorhiza splendidissima, Neocamarosporium leipoldtiae on leaves of Leipoldtia schultzii, Neocladosporium osteospermi on leaf spots of Osteospermum moniliferum, Neometulocladosporiella seifertii on leaves of Combretum caffrum, Paramyrothecium pituitipietianum on stems of Grielum humifusum, Phytopythium paucipapillatum from roots of Vitis sp., Stemphylium carpobroti and Verrucocladosporium carpobroti on leaves of Carpobrotus quadrifolius, Suttonomyces cephalophylli on leaves of Cephalophyllum pilansii. Sweden, Coprinopsis rubra on cow dung, Elaphomyces nemoreus from deciduous woodlands. Spain, Polyscytalum pini-canariensis on needles of Pinus canariensis, Pseudosubramaniomyces septatus from stream sediment, Tuber lusitanicum on soil under Quercus suber. Thailand, Tolypocladium flavonigrum on Elaphomyces sp. USA, Chaetothyrina spondiadis on fruits of Spondias mombin, Gymnascella minnisii from bat guano, Juncomyces patwiniorum on culms of Juncus effusus, Moelleriella puertoricoensis on scale insect, Neodothiora populina (incl. Neodothiora gen. nov.) on stem cankers of Populus tremuloides, Pseudogymnoascus palmeri from cave sediment. Vietnam, Cyphellophora vietnamensis on leaf litter, Tylopilus subotsuensis on soil in montane evergreen broadleaf forest. Morphological and culture characteristics are supported by DNA barcodes.

Stud Mycol ; 93: 155-252, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31824584


The genus Thielavia is morphologically defined by having non-ostiolate ascomata with a thin peridium composed of textura epidermoidea, and smooth, single-celled, pigmented ascospores with one germ pore. Thielavia is typified with Th. basicola that grows in close association with a hyphomycete which was traditionally identified as Thielaviopsis basicola. Besides Th. basicola exhibiting the mycoparasitic nature, the majority of the described Thielavia species are from soil, and some have economic and ecological importance. Unfortunately, no living type material of Th. basicola exists, hindering a proper understanding of the classification of Thielavia. Therefore, Thielavia basicola was neotypified by material of a mycoparasite presenting the same ecology and morphology as described in the original description. We subsequently performed a multi-gene phylogenetic analyses (rpb2, tub2, ITS and LSU) to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of the species currently recognised in Thielavia. Our results demonstrate that Thielavia is highly polyphyletic, being related to three family-level lineages in two orders. The redefined genus Thielavia is restricted to its type species, Th. basicola, which belongs to the Ceratostomataceae (Melanosporales) and its host is demonstrated to be Berkeleyomyces rouxiae, one of the two species in the "Thielaviopsis basicola" species complex. The new family Podosporaceae is sister to the Chaetomiaceae in the Sordariales and accommodates the re-defined genera Podospora, Trangularia and Cladorrhinum, with the last genus including two former Thielavia species (Th. hyalocarpa and Th. intermedia). This family also includes the genetic model species Podospora anserina, which was combined in Triangularia (as Triangularia anserina). The remaining Thielavia species fall in ten unrelated clades in the Chaetomiaceae, leading to the proposal of nine new genera (Carteria, Chrysanthotrichum, Condenascus, Hyalosphaerella, Microthielavia, Parathielavia, Pseudothielavia, Stolonocarpus and Thermothielavioides). The genus Canariomyces is transferred from Microascaceae (Microascales) to Chaetomiaceae based on its type species Can. notabilis. Canariomyces is closely related to the human-pathogenic genus Madurella, and includes three thielavia-like species and one novel species. Three monotypic genera with a chaetomium-like morph (Brachychaeta, Chrysocorona and Floropilus) are introduced to better resolve the Chaetomiaceae and the thielavia-like species in the family. Chrysocorona lucknowensis and Brachychaeta variospora are closely related to Acrophialophora and three newly introduced genera containing thielavia-like species; Floropilus chiversii is closely related to the industrially important and thermophilic species Thermothielavioides terrestris (syn. Th. terrestris). This study shows that the thielavia-like morph is a homoplastic form that originates from several separate evolutionary events. Furthermore, our results provide new insights into the taxonomy of Sordariales and the polyphyletic Lasiosphaeriaceae.

Stud Mycol ; 93: 1-63, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30108412


Aflatoxins and ochratoxins are among the most important mycotoxins of all and producers of both types of mycotoxins are present in Aspergillus section Flavi, albeit never in the same species. Some of the most efficient producers of aflatoxins and ochratoxins have not been described yet. Using a polyphasic approach combining phenotype, physiology, sequence and extrolite data, we describe here eight new species in section Flavi. Phylogenetically, section Flavi is split in eight clades and the section currently contains 33 species. Two species only produce aflatoxin B1 and B2 (A. pseudotamarii and A. togoensis), and 14 species are able to produce aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2: three newly described species A. aflatoxiformans, A. austwickii and A. cerealis in addition to A. arachidicola, A. minisclerotigenes, A. mottae, A. luteovirescens (formerly A. bombycis), A. nomius, A. novoparasiticus, A. parasiticus, A. pseudocaelatus, A. pseudonomius, A. sergii and A. transmontanensis. It is generally accepted that A. flavus is unable to produce type G aflatoxins, but here we report on Korean strains that also produce aflatoxin G1 and G2. One strain of A. bertholletius can produce the immediate aflatoxin precursor 3-O-methylsterigmatocystin, and one strain of Aspergillus sojae and two strains of Aspergillus alliaceus produced versicolorins. Strains of the domesticated forms of A. flavus and A. parasiticus, A. oryzae and A. sojae, respectively, lost their ability to produce aflatoxins, and from the remaining phylogenetically closely related species (belonging to the A. flavus-, A. tamarii-, A. bertholletius- and A. nomius-clades), only A. caelatus, A. subflavus and A. tamarii are unable to produce aflatoxins. With exception of A. togoensis in the A. coremiiformis-clade, all species in the phylogenetically more distant clades (A. alliaceus-, A. coremiiformis-, A. leporis- and A. avenaceus-clade) are unable to produce aflatoxins. Three out of the four species in the A. alliaceus-clade can produce the mycotoxin ochratoxin A: A. alliaceus s. str. and two new species described here as A. neoalliaceus and A. vandermerwei. Eight species produced the mycotoxin tenuazonic acid: A. bertholletius, A. caelatus, A. luteovirescens, A. nomius, A. pseudocaelatus, A. pseudonomius, A. pseudotamarii and A. tamarii while the related mycotoxin cyclopiazonic acid was produced by 13 species: A. aflatoxiformans, A. austwickii, A. bertholletius, A. cerealis, A. flavus, A. minisclerotigenes, A. mottae, A. oryzae, A. pipericola, A. pseudocaelatus, A. pseudotamarii, A. sergii and A. tamarii. Furthermore, A. hancockii produced speradine A, a compound related to cyclopiazonic acid. Selected A. aflatoxiformans, A. austwickii, A. cerealis, A. flavus, A. minisclerotigenes, A. pipericola and A. sergii strains produced small sclerotia containing the mycotoxin aflatrem. Kojic acid has been found in all species in section Flavi, except A. avenaceus and A. coremiiformis. Only six species in the section did not produce any known mycotoxins: A. aspearensis, A. coremiiformis, A. lanosus, A. leporis, A. sojae and A. subflavus. An overview of other small molecule extrolites produced in Aspergillus section Flavi is given.

Stud Mycol ; 92: 135-154, 2019 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29955203


Species identification lies at the heart of biodiversity studies that has in recent years favoured DNA-based approaches. Microbial Biological Resource Centres are a rich source for diverse and high-quality reference materials in microbiology, and yet the strains preserved in these biobanks have been exploited only on a limited scale to generate DNA barcodes. As part of a project funded in the Netherlands to barcode specimens of major national biobanks, sequences of two nuclear ribosomal genetic markers, the Internal Transcribed Spaces and 5.8S gene (ITS) and the D1/D2 domain of the 26S Large Subunit (LSU), were generated as DNA barcode data for ca. 100 000 fungal strains originally assigned to ca. 17 000 species in the CBS fungal biobank maintained at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht. Using more than 24 000 DNA barcode sequences of 12 000 ex-type and manually validated filamentous fungal strains of 7 300 accepted species, the optimal identity thresholds to discriminate filamentous fungal species were predicted as 99.6 % for ITS and 99.8 % for LSU. We showed that 17 % and 18 % of the species could not be discriminated by the ITS and LSU genetic markers, respectively. Among them, ∼8 % were indistinguishable using both genetic markers. ITS has been shown to outperform LSU in filamentous fungal species discrimination with a probability of correct identification of 82 % vs. 77.6 %, and a clustering quality value of 84 % vs. 77.7 %. At higher taxonomic classifications, LSU has been shown to have a better discriminatory power than ITS. With a clustering quality value of 80 %, LSU outperformed ITS in identifying filamentous fungi at the ordinal level. At the generic level, the clustering quality values produced by both genetic markers were low, indicating the necessity for taxonomic revisions at genus level and, likely, for applying more conserved genetic markers or even whole genomes. The taxonomic thresholds predicted for filamentous fungal identification at the genus, family, order and class levels were 94.3 %, 88.5 %, 81.2 % and 80.9 % based on ITS barcodes, and 98.2 %, 96.2 %, 94.7 % and 92.7 % based on LSU barcodes. The DNA barcodes used in this study have been deposited to GenBank and will also be publicly available at the Westerdijk Institute's website as reference sequences for fungal identification, marking an unprecedented data release event in global fungal barcoding efforts to date.

Stud Mycol ; 93: 65-153, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30210181


The traditional concept of the genus Humicola includes species that produce pigmented, thick-walled and single-celled spores laterally or terminally on hyphae or minimally differentiated conidiophores. More than 50 species have been described in the genus. Species commonly occur in soil, indoor environments, and compost habitats. The taxonomy of Humicola and morphologically similar genera is poorly understood in modern terms. Based on a four-locus phylogeny, the morphological concept of Humicola proved to be polyphyletic. The type of Humicola, H. fuscoatra, belongs to the Chaetomiaceae. In the Chaetomiaceae, species producing humicola-like thick-walled spores are distributed among four lineages: Humicola sensu stricto, Mycothermus, Staphylotrichum, and Trichocladium. In our revised concept of Humicola, asexual and sexually reproducing species both occur. The re-defined Humicola contains 24 species (seven new and thirteen new combinations), which are described and illustrated in this study. The species in this genus produce conidia that are lateral, intercalary or terminal on/in hyphae, and conidiophores are not formed or are minimally developed (micronematous). The ascospores of sexual Humicola species are limoniform to quadrangular in face view and bilaterally flattened with one apical germ pore. Seven species are accepted in Staphylotrichum (four new species, one new combination). Thick-walled conidia of Staphylotrichum species usually arise either from hyphae (micronematous) or from apically branched, seta-like conidiophores (macronematous). The sexual morph represented by Staphylotrichum longicolleum (= Chaetomium longicolleum) produces ascomata with long necks composed of a fused basal part of the terminal hairs, and ascospores that are broad limoniform to nearly globose, bilaterally flattened, with an apical germ pore. The Trichocladium lineage has a high morphological diversity in both asexual and sexual structures. Phylogenetic analysis revealed four subclades in this lineage. However, these subclades are genetically closely related, and no distinctive phenotypic characters are linked to any of them. Fourteen species are accepted in Trichocladium, including one new species, twelve new combinations. The type species of Gilmaniella, G. humicola, belongs to the polyphyletic family Lasiosphaeriaceae (Sordariales), but G. macrospora phylogenetically belongs to Trichocladium. The thermophilic genus Mycothermus and the type species My. thermophilum are validated, and one new Mycothermus species is described. Phylogenetic analyses show that Remersonia, another thermophilic genus, is sister to Mycothermus and two species are known, including one new species. Thermomyces verrucosus produces humicola-like conidia and is transferred to Botryotrichum based on phylogenetic affinities. This study is a first attempt to establish an inclusive modern classification of Humicola and humicola-like genera of the Chaetomiaceae. More research is needed to determine the phylogenetic relationships of "humicola"-like species outside the Chaetomiaceae.

Stud Mycol ; 89: 177-301, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29681671


As part of a worldwide survey of the indoor mycobiota about 520 new Cladosporium isolates from indoor environments mainly collected in China, Europe, New Zealand, North America and South Africa were investigated by using a polyphasic approach to determine their species identity. All Cladosporium species occurring in indoor environments are fully described and illustrated. Fourty-six Cladosporium species are treated of which 16 species are introduced as new. A key for the most common Cladosporium species isolated from indoor environments is provided. Cladosporium halotolerans proved to be the most frequently isolated Cladosporium species indoors.