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IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; 63(1): 4-7, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32063651


Digital silicon photomultiplers (dSiPMs) have potential in the advancement of PET detectors. Their advantages include decreased dark counts through selective microcell activation, fast timing, and flexibility configuring event triggering and collection. Further improvements in PET image resolution are possible when photon depth of interaction (DOI) is available, as this reduces parallax error caused by mispositioning events at the peripheral field of view. These improvements are desirable in smaller ring diameter PET systems, such as whole body PET/MRI. In this study we quantify the DOI capabilities of a unique crystal array design (termed dual light sharing arrays or DLSA) that takes advantage of the 2-by-2-pixel die readout logic of a PDPC dSiPM (Philips Digital Photon Counting 3200) device by Philips Medical Systems. The DLSA is comprised of a 2×2 array of 4×4×22 mm3 LYSO crystals; inter-crystal surfaces were optically coupled in part with high-index optical adhesive and optically isolated in complimentary parts with mirror-film reflector such that light sharing was depth-dependent and different along two axes. The DLSA was mounted to one die of a PDPC and its depth-dependent response to 511-keV gamma rays was calibrated using a coincidence-collimated beam from both side and entrance surfaces. Entrance surface DOI calibration was performed through an iterative application of maximum likelihood calculations based on the signal ratio in crystals adjacent to the crystal of interaction. Results showed timing resolutions of 350-370 ps and energy resolutions of 10-12% while achieving a DOI position estimation of 6-7 mm FWHM. Significant improvements in depth estimation error were found when using maximum likelihood estimation and 3-4 depth bins. Furthermore, similar calibration results were obtained for both side-surface and entrance-surface illumination methods, which suggest that PET system calibrations may be easily performed using a monoenergetic flood source with entrance surface illumination.

IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; 62(1): 27-35, 2015 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25914421


We have previously reported on dMiCE, a method of resolving depth or interaction (DOI) in a pair of discrete crystals by encoding light sharing properties as a function of depth in the interface of a crystal-element pair. A challenge for this method is the cost and repeatability of interface treatment for each crystal pair. In this work, we report our preliminary results on using sub-surface laser engraving (SSLE) as a means of forming this depth-dependent interface in a dMiCE detector. A surplus first-generation SSLE system was used to create a partially reflective layer 100-microns thick at the boundary between two halves of a 1.4-by-2.9-by-20 mm3 LYSO crystal. The boundary of these paired crystal elements was positioned between two 3-mm wide Silicon photomultiplier arrays. The responses of these two photodetectors were acquired for an ensemble of 511-keV photons collimated to interact at a fixed depth in just one crystal element. Interaction position was then varied to measure detector response as a function of depth, which was then used to maximum-likelihood positions. Despite use of sub-optimal SSLE processing we found an average DOI resolution of 3.4 mm for front-sided readout and 3.9 mm for back-sided readout while obtaining energy resolutions on the order of 10%. We expect DOI resolution can be improved significantly by optimizing the SSLE process and pattern.

IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; 60(5): 3242-3252, 2013 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26160982


We used simulations to investigate the relationship between sensitivity and spatial resolution as a function of crystal thickness in a rectangular PET scanner intended for quantitative assessment of breast cancers. The system had two 20 × 15-cm2 and two 10 × 15-cm2 flat detectors forming a box, with the larger detectors separated by 4 or 8 cm. Depth-of-interaction (DOI) resolution was modeled as a function of crystal thickness based on prior measurements. Spatial resolution was evaluated independent of image reconstruction by deriving and validating a surrogate metric from list-mode data (dFWHM). When increasing crystal thickness from 5 to 40 mm, and without using DOI information, the dFWHM for a centered point source increased from 0.72 to 1.6 mm. Including DOI information improved dFWHM by 12% and 27% for 5- and 40-mm-thick crystals, respectively. For a point source in the corner of the FOV, use of DOI information improved dFWHM by 20% (5-mm crystal) and 44% (40-mm crystal). Sensitivity was 7.7% for 10-mm-thick crystals (8-cm object). Increasing crystal thickness on the smaller side detectors from 10 to 20 mm (keeping 10-mm crystals on the larger detectors) boosted sensitivity by 24% (relative) and degraded dFWHM by only ~3%/8% with/without DOI information. The benefits of measuring DOI must be evaluated in terms of the intended clinical task of assessing tracer uptake in small lesions. Increasing crystal thickness on the smaller side detectors provides substantial sensitivity increase with minimal accompanying loss in resolution.

IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med Sci ; 7(7): 704-711, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38524735


The HyPET project proposes a hybrid dedicated TOF-PET for prostate imaging, with pixelated detector blocks in the front layer and monolithic blocks in the back layer. In this work, four detector configurations have been experimentally evaluated for the rear detector layer. The detector configuration consists of LYSO monolithic blocks with the same size (25.4 mm × 25.4 mm) but different thicknesses (5, 7.5, 10, and 15 mm) coupled to the same SiPM array. Each detector configuration has been experimentally characterized in terms of time, energy and spatial resolution by scanning the crystal surface using a fan beam in steps of 0.25 mm. Regarding spatial resolution, the interaction position was estimated using a Neural Network technique. All resolutions except energy, which remains nearly constant at 17% for all cases, show better values for the 5 mm detector thickness. We have achieved spatial resolution values of FWHM of 1.02 ± 0.10, 1.19 ± 0.13, 1.53 ± 0.17, 2.33 ± 0.55 mm, for the 5, 7.5, 10, and 15 mm blocks, respectively. The detector time resolution obtained was 275 ± 26, 291 ± 21, 344 ± 48, and 433 ± 45 ps respectively, using the energy weighted average method for the time stamps.

IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; 59(1): 3-12, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22685349


We have previously reported on continuous miniature crystal element (cMiCE) PET detectors that provide depth of interaction (DOI) positioning capability. A key component of the design is the use of a statistics-based positioning (SBP) method for 3D event positioning. The Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) expresses limits on the estimate variances for a set of deterministic parameters. We examine the CRLB as a useful metric to evaluate the performance of our SBP algorithm and to quickly compare the best possible resolution when investigating new detector designs.In this work, the CRLB is first reported based upon experimental results from a cMiCE detector using a 50×50×15-mm(3) LYSO crystal readout by a 64-channel PMT (Hamamatsu H8500) on the exit surface of the crystal. The X/Y resolution is relatively close to the CRLB, while the DOI resolution is more than double the CRLB even after correcting for beam diameter and finite X (i.e., reference DOI position) resolution of the detector. The positioning performance of the cMiCE detector with the same design was also evaluated through simulation. Similar with the experimental results, the difference between the CRLB and measured spatial resolution is bigger in DOI direction than in X/Y direction.Another simulation study was conducted to investigate what causes the difference between the measured spatial resolution and the CRLB. The cMiCE detector with novel sensor-on-entrance-surface (SES) design was modeled as a 49.2×49.2×15-mm(3) LYSO crystal readout by a 12×12 array of 3.8×3.8-mm(2) silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) elements with 4.1-mm center-to-center spacing on the entrance surface of the crystal. The results show that there are two main causes to account for the differences between the spatial resolution and the CRLB. First, Compton scatter in the crystal degrades the spatial resolution. The DOI resolution is degraded more than the X/Y resolution since small angle scatter is preferred. Second, our maximum likelihood (ML) clustering algorithm also has limitations when developing 3D look up tables during detector calibration.

IEEE Trans Radiat Plasma Med Sci ; 6(4): 385-392, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35372738


Purpose: We characterize the performance of a dualsided position-sensitive sparse sensor (DS-PS3) array detector for positron emission tomography (PET). The DS-PS3 detector is designed as a high performance, cost effective PET detector for organ-specific imaging systems (e.g., brain, breast, etc.). Methods: Two sparse 4-by-4 arrays of silicon photomultipliers (18.5% SiPM fill-factor) coupled through segmented light guide are used to readout a 15-by-15 array of 2-mm-pitch, 20-mm-long LSYO crystals. Uniform flood data were used for crystal identification, depth determination, and position-dependent energy resolution. Intrinsic-spatial and depth-of-interaction (DOI) resolutions were determined by stepping a collimated gamma-ray source over the front and side, respectively. Results: We measured an average intrinsic spatial resolution of 2.14 ± 0.07 mm full width at half maximum (FWHM). DOI FWHM resolution varied from 2.2 mm for crystals over sensors to 5.3 mm for crystals between sensors. Average DOI resolution was 3.6 ± 0.8 mm FHWM. Average energy resolution for the detector module was 16.6% with a range of 11.3% to 25.8%. Conclusions: We have demonstrated use of a dual-sided sparse sensor arrays to enable low-cost high-performance decoding of three-dimensional positioning within a PET detector using an 18.5% sensor fill-factor.

IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; : 2224-2229, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23238325


We examine a maximum-a-priori (MAP) method for estimating the primary interaction position of gamma rays with multiple-interaction sites (hits) in a monolithic detector. In assessing the performance of a multiple-hit estimator over that of a conventional one-hit estimator, we consider a few different detector and readout configurations of a 50-mm-wide square LSO block. For this study, we use simulated data from SCOUT, a Monte-Carlo tool for photon tracking and modeling scintillation-camera output. With this tool, we determine estimate bias and variance for a multiple-hit estimator and compare these with similar metrics for a conventional ML estimator, which assumes full energy deposition in one hit. We also examine the effect of event filtering on these metrics; for this purpose, we use a likelihood threshold to reject signals that are not likely to have been produced under the assumed likelihood model.Depending on detector design, we observe a 1-12% improvement of intrinsic resolution for a 1-or-2-hit estimator as compared with a 1-hit estimator. We also observe improved differentiation of photopeak events using a 1-or-2-hit estimator as compared with the 1-hit estimator; more than 6% of photopeak events that were rejected by likelihood filtering for the 1-hit estimator were accurately identified as photo peak events and positioned without loss of resolution by a 1-or-2-hit estimator.

IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; : 3650-3653, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23202544


Availability of compact high-gain, low-noise Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) prompts us to examine readout sensors on the entrance surface (SES) as compared to the conventional single-ended readout with sensors on the opposing surface. We measured detector response statistics versus 3D position for these configurations using an 8×8 SiPM array on a 15-mm-thick by 32-mm-wide LYSO block. We calibrate an independently distributed multivariate-normal likelihood model and use it to generate maximum-likelihood estimates of 3D interaction position. Spatial resolution improved 14% and timing resolution improved 10% for the SES device. Bias was unaffected. Photodetection efficiency of our prototype SiPM may have limited further improvement in positioning and timing performance. In future work, we will look to utilize SiPM arrays with enhanced photodetection efficiency.

IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; 56(1): 189-196, 2009 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20191099


High-energy (> 100 keV) photon detectors are often made thick relative to their lateral resolution in order to improve their photon-detection efficiency. To avoid issues of parallax and increased signal variance that result from random interaction depth, we must determine the 3D interaction position in the imaging detector. With this goal in mind, we examine a method of calibrating response statistics of a thick-detector gamma camera to produce a maximum-likelihood estimate of 3D interaction position. We parameterize the mean detector response as a function of 3D position, and we estimate these parameters by maximizing their likelihood given prior knowledge of the pathlength distribution and a complete list of camera signals for an ensemble of gamma-ray interactions. Furthermore, we describe an iterative method for removing multiple-interaction events from our calibration data and for refining our calibration of the mean detector response to single interactions. We demonstrate this calibration method with simulated gamma-camera data. We then show that the resulting calibration is accurate and can be used to produce unbiased estimates of 3D interaction position.

IEEE Trans Nucl Sci ; 56(3): 725, 2009 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20107527


In any gamma-ray detector, each event produces electrical signals on one or more circuit elements. From these signals, we may wish to determine the presence of an interaction; whether multiple interactions occurred; the spatial coordinates in two or three dimensions of at least the primary interaction; or the total energy deposited in that interaction. We may also want to compute listmode probabilities for tomographic reconstruction. Maximum-likelihood methods provide a rigorous and in some senses optimal approach to extracting this information, and the associated Fisher information matrix provides a way of quantifying and optimizing the information conveyed by the detector. This paper will review the principles of likelihood methods as applied to gamma-ray detectors and illustrate their power with recent results from the Center for Gamma-ray Imaging.

Med Phys ; 46(12): 5593-5601, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31536643


PURPOSE: Currently, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/computed tomography (CT) lung phantoms are commonly constructed using polystyrene beads and interstitial radioactive water. However, this approach often results in a phantom with a density (typically -640 HU) that is considerably higher than that of healthy lung (-750 to -850 HU) or diseased lung (-900 to -950 HU). Furthermore, the polystyrene and water phantoms are often quite heterogeneous in both density and activity concentration, especially when reused. This work is devoted to examining methods for creating a more realistic lung phantom for quantitative SPECT/CT using 99m Tc-laced expanding polyurethane foam (EPF). METHODS: Numerous aspects of EPF utilization were studied, including stoichiometric mixing to control final foam density and the effect of water during growth. We also tested several ways of molding the foam lung phantoms. The most successful method utilized a three-part silicone mold that allowed for creation of a two-lobe phantom, with a different density and activity concentration in each lobe. RESULTS: The final phantom design allows for a more anatomically accurate geometry as well as customizable density and activity concentration in the different lobes of the lung. We demonstrated final lung phantom densities between -760 and -690 HU in the "healthy" phantom and -930 to -890 HU in the "unhealthy" phantom tissue. On average, we achieved 15% activity concentration nonuniformity and 12% density nonuniformity within a given lobe. CONCLUSIONS: Final EPF lung phantoms closely matched the densities of both health and diseased lung tissue and had sufficient uniformities in both density and activity concentration for most nuclear medicine applications. Management of component moisture content is critical for phantom reproducibility.

Pulmão/diagnóstico por imagem , Imagens de Fantasmas , Poliuretanos , Tomografia Computadorizada com Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão de Fóton Único/instrumentação , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Água
Med Phys ; 33(2): 465-74, 2006 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16532954


The first full single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imager to exploit eight compact high-intrinsic-resolution cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) detectors, called SemiSPECT, has been completed. Each detector consists of a CZT crystal and a customized application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The CZT crystal is a 2.7 cm x 2.7 cm x -0.2 cm slab with a continuous top electrode and a bottom electrode patterned into a 64 x 64 pixel array by photolithography. The ASIC is attached to the bottom of the CZT crystal by indium-bump bonding. A bias voltage of -180 V is applied to the continuous electrode. The eight detectors are arranged in an octagonal lead-shielded ring. Each pinhole in the eight-pinhole aperture placed at the center of the ring is matched to each individual detector array. An object is imaged onto each detector through a pinhole, and each detector is operated independently with list-mode acquisition. The imaging subject can be rotated about a vertical axis to obtain additional angular projections. The performance of SemiSPECT was characterized using 99mTc. When a 0.5 mm diameter pinhole is used, the spatial resolution on each axis is about 1.4 mm as estimated by the Fourier crosstalk matrix, which provides an algorithm-independent average resolution over the field of view. The energy resolution achieved by summing neighboring pixel signals in a 3 x 3 window is about 10% full-width-at-half-maximum of the photopeak. The overall system sensitivity is about 0.5 x 10(-4) with the energy window of +/-10% from the photopeak. Line-phantom images are presented to visualize the spatial resolution provided by SemiSPECT, and images of bone, myocardium, and human tumor xenografts in mice demonstrate the feasibility of preclinical small-animal studies with SemiSPECT.

Compostos de Cádmio/química , Aumento da Imagem/métodos , Compostos Radiofarmacêuticos , Telúrio/química , Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão de Fóton Único/métodos , Animais , Osso e Ossos/diagnóstico por imagem , Carcinoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Desenho de Equipamento , Raios gama , Coração/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Camundongos , Imagens de Fantasmas , Fotografação , Radiografia , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão de Fóton Único/instrumentação , Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão de Fóton Único/veterinária
EJNMMI Phys ; 2(1): 32, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26572784


BACKGROUND: A feasibility study was done to assess the capability of digital silicon photomultipliers to measure the Cherenkov luminescence emitted by a ß source. Cherenkov luminescence imaging (CLI) is possible with a charge coupled device (CCD) based technology, but a stand-alone technique for quantitative activity measurements based on Cherenkov luminescence has not yet been developed. Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are photon counting devices with a fast impulse response and can potentially be used to quantify ß-emitting radiotracer distributions by CLI. METHODS: In this study, a Philips digital photon counting (PDPC) silicon photomultiplier detector was evaluated for measuring Cherenkov luminescence. The PDPC detector is a matrix of avalanche photodiodes, which were read one at a time in a dark count map (DCM) measurement mode (much like a CCD). This reduces the device active area but allows the information from a single avalanche photodiode to be preserved, which is not possible with analog SiPMs. An algorithm to reject the noisiest photodiodes and to correct the measured count rate for the dark current was developed. RESULTS: The results show that, in DCM mode and at (10-13) °C, the PDPC has a dynamic response to different levels of Cherenkov luminescence emitted by a ß source and transmitted through an opaque medium. This suggests the potential for this approach to provide quantitative activity measurements. Interestingly, the potential use of the PDPC in DCM mode for direct imaging of Cherenkov luminescence, as a opposed to a scalar measurement device, was also apparent. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that a PDPC tile in DCM mode is able to detect and image a ß source through its Cherenkov radiation emission. The detector's dynamic response to different levels of radiation suggests its potential quantitative capabilities, and the DCM mode allows imaging with a better spatial resolution than the conventional event-triggered mode. Finally, the same acquisition procedure and data processing could be employed also for other low light levels applications, such as bioluminescence.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25506194


We have previously reported on dMiCE, a method of resolving depth or interaction (DOI) in a pair of discrete crystals by encoding light sharing properties as a function of depth in the interface of this crystal-element pair. A challenge for this method is the cost and repeatability of interface treatment for a crystal pair. In this work, we report our preliminary results on using sub-surface laser engraving (SSLE) as a means of forming this depth-dependent interface in a dMiCE detector. A surplus first-generation SSLE system was used to create a partially reflective layer 100-microns thick at the boundary between two halves of a 1.4-by-2.9-by-20 mmˆ3 LYSO crystal. The boundary of these paired crystal elements was positioned between two 3-mm wide Geiger-Müller avalanche photodiodes from Hamamatsu. The responses of these two photodetectors were acquired for an ensemble of 511-keV photons collimated to interact at a fixed depth in just one crystal element. Interaction position was then varied to measure detector response as a function of depth, which was then used to maximum-likelihood positions events. Despite use of sub-optimal SSLE processing we found an average DOI resolution of 3.4 mm for front-sided readout and 3.9 mm for back-sided readout. We expect DOI resolution can be improved significantly by optimizing the SSLE process and pattern.

IEEE Trans Med Imaging ; 32(2): 329-37, 2013 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23193231


We examine a maximum-a-posteriori method for estimating the primary interaction position of gamma rays with multiple interaction sites (hits) in a monolithic detector. In assessing the performance of a multiple-hit estimator over that of a conventional one-hit estimator, we consider a few different detector and readout configurations of a 50-mm-wide square cerium-doped lutetium oxyorthosilicate block. For this study, we use simulated data from SCOUT, a Monte-Carlo tool for photon tracking and modeling scintillation- camera output. With this tool, we determine estimate bias and variance for a multiple-hit estimator and compare these with similar metrics for a one-hit maximum-likelihood estimator, which assumes full energy deposition in one hit. We also examine the effect of event filtering on these metrics; for this purpose, we use a likelihood threshold to reject signals that are not likely to have been produced under the assumed likelihood model. Depending on detector design, we observe a 1%-12% improvement of intrinsic resolution for a 1-or-2-hit estimator as compared with a 1-hit estimator. We also observe improved differentiation of photopeak events using a 1-or-2-hit estimator as compared with the 1-hit estimator; more than 6% of photopeak events that were rejected by likelihood filtering for the 1-hit estimator were accurately identified as photopeak events and positioned without loss of resolution by a 1-or-2-hit estimator; for PET, this equates to at least a 12% improvement in coincidence-detection efficiency with likelihood filtering applied.

Algoritmos , Câmaras gama , Interpretação de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Emissão/instrumentação , Aumento da Imagem/métodos , Imagens de Fantasmas , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Espalhamento de Radiação , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
Phys Med Biol ; 58(11): 3581-98, 2013 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23640136


We have developed a Monte-Carlo photon-tracking and readout simulator called SCOUT to study the stochastic behavior of signals output from a simplified rectangular scintillation-camera design. SCOUT models the salient processes affecting signal generation, transport, and readout of a scintillation camera. In this work, we compare output signal statistics from SCOUT to experimental results for both a discrete and a monolithic camera. We also benchmark the speed of this simulation tool and compare it to existing simulation tools. We find this modeling tool to be relatively fast and predictive of experimental results. Depending on the modeled camera geometry, we found SCOUT to be 4 to 140 times faster than other modeling tools.

Método de Monte Carlo , Contagem de Cintilação/métodos , Benchmarking , Fótons , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Processos Estocásticos , Fatores de Tempo
IEEE Nucl Sci Symp Conf Rec (1997) ; 2012: 2123-2127, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26316682


We have designed and are developing a novel proof-of-concept PET system called BazookaPET. In order to complete the PET configuration, at least two detector elements are required to detect positron-electron annihilation events. Each detector element of the BazookaPET has two independent data acquisition channels. One side of the scintillation crystal is optically coupled to a 4×4 silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) array and the other side is a CCD-based gamma camera. Using these two separate channels, we can obtain data with high energy, temporal and spatial resolution data by associating the data outputs via several maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) steps. In this work, we present the concept of the system and the prototype detector element. We focus on characterizing individual detector channels, and initial experimental calibration results are shown along with preliminary performance-evaluation results. We measured energy resolution and the integrated traces of the slit-beam images from both detector channel outputs. A photo-peak energy resolution of ~5.3% FWHM was obtained from the SiPM and ~48% FWHM from the CCD at 662 keV. We assumed SiPM signals follow Gaussian statistics and estimated the 2D interaction position using MLE. Based on our the calibration experiments, we computed the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) for the SiPM detector channel and found that the CRB resolution is better than 1 mm in the center of the crystal.

IEEE Nucl Sci Symp Conf Rec (1997) ; 2010: 2643-2647, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21841906


Current thick detectors used in medical imaging allow recording many attributes, such as the 3D location of interaction within the scintillation crystal and the amount of energy deposited. An efficient way of dealing with these data is by storing them in list-mode (LM). To reconstruct the data, maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization (MLEM) is efficiently applied to the list-mode data, resulting in the list-mode maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization (LMMLEM) reconstruction algorithm.In this work, we consider a PET system consisting of two thick detectors facing each other. PMT outputs are collected for each coincidence event and are used to perform 3D maximum-likelihood (ML) position estimation of location of interaction. The mathematical properties of the ML estimation allow accurate modeling of the detector blur and provide a theoretical framework for the subsequent estimation step, namely the LMMLEM reconstruction. Indeed, a rigorous statistical model for the detector output can be obtained from calibration data and used in the calculation of the conditional probability density functions for the interaction location estimates.Our implementation of the 3D ML position estimation takes advantage of graphics processing unit (GPU) hardware and permits accurate real-time estimates of position of interaction. The LMMLEM algorithm is then applied to the list of position estimates, and the 3D radiotracer distribution is reconstructed on a voxel grid.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22072297


We have developed a Monte-Carlo photon-tracking and readout simulator called SCOUT to study the stochastic behavior of signals output from a simplified rectangular scintillation-camera design. SCOUT models the salient processes affecting signal generation, transport, and readout. Presently, we compare output signal statistics from SCOUT to experimental results for both a discrete and a monolithic camera. We also benchmark the speed of this simulation tool and compare it to existing simulation tools. We find this modeling tool to be relatively fast and predictive of experimental results. Depending on the modeled camera geometry, we found SCOUT to be 4 to 140 times faster than other modeling tools.

IEEE Nucl Sci Symp Conf Rec (1997) ; 2009: 3900-3903, 2009 Oct 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20729989


We are conducting a two-phase study, which aims to select design parameters of a long-axis positron emission tomography (PET) scanner that are a compromise between detection performance and cost. In this first phase, we examine the effects of axial length, detector thickness and collimator geometry on the noise equivalent count rate per axial length (λNEC) and noise equivalent count rate per slice (dNEC). We use these metrics as approximate, but quickly computed, indicators of a PET-scanner's performance at a detection task. From this first phase, we select a subset of scanner designs for which we can conduct a detailed study of tumor detectability and quantitation accuracy in whole-body PET imaging.