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J Microsc ; 268(3): 239-247, 2017 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28862755


The surfaces of thin transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimens of strained heterostructures can relax. The resulting bending of the lattice planes significantly influences high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) measurements. We investigate the impact by evaluating the intensities measured at the atomic columns as well as their positions in high-resolution HAADF images. In addition, the consequences in the diffraction plane will be addressed by simulated position averaged convergent beam electron diffraction (PACBED) patterns. The experimental column intensities and positions acquired from a strained Ga(P,As) quantum well (QW) embedded in a in a GaP matrix agree very well with frozen phonon contrast simulations, if the surface relaxation is taken into account by finite element relaxation. Neglecting the surface relaxation the As content of the QW can be significantly underestimated. Taking the effects into account correctly, we find that the lower interface of the investigated Ga(P,As) QW is atomically abrupt whereas the upper one is smeared out.

Ultramicroscopy ; 181: 8-16, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28478347


Surface relaxation of thin transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimens of strained layers results in a severe bending of lattice planes. This bending significantly displaces atoms from their ideal channeling positions which has a strong impact on the measured annular dark field (ADF) intensity. With the example of GaAs quantum wells (QW) embedded in a GaP barrier, we model the resulting displacements by elastic theory using the finite element (FE) formalism. Relaxed and unrelaxed super cells served as input for state of the art frozen phonon simulation of atomic resolution ADF images. We systematically investigate the dependencies on the sample´s geometric parameters, i.e. QW width and TEM sample thickness, by evaluating the simulated intensities at the atomic column´s positions as well as at the background positions in between. Depending on the geometry the ADF intensity can be affected in a range several nm from the actual interface. Moreover, we investigate the influence of the surface relaxation on the angular distribution of the scattered intensity. At high scattering angles we observe an intensity reduction at the interface as well as in the GaP barrier due to de-channeling. The amount of intensity reduction at an atomic column is directly proportional to its mean square displacement. On the contrary we find a clearly increased intensity at low angles caused by additional diffuse scattering. We discuss the implications for quantitative evaluations as well as strategies to compensate for the reduced intensities.

Ultramicroscopy ; 169: 1-10, 2016 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27391526


Aberration-corrected (scanning) transmission electron microscopy ((S)TEM) has become a widely used technique when information on the chemical composition is sought on an atomic scale. To extract the desired information, complementary simulations of the scattering process are inevitable. Often the partial spatial and temporal coherences are neglected in the simulations, although they can have a huge influence on the high resolution images. With the example of binary gallium phosphide (GaP) we elucidate the influence of the source size and shape as well as the chromatic aberration on the high angle annular dark field (HAADF) intensity. We achieve a very good quantitative agreement between the frozen phonon simulation and experiment for different sample thicknesses when a Lorentzian source distribution is assumed and the effect of the chromatic aberration is considered. Additionally the influence of amorphous layers introduced by the preparation of the TEM samples is discussed. Taking into account these parameters, the intensity in the whole unit cell of GaP, i.e. at the positions of the different atomic columns and in the region between them, is described correctly. With the knowledge of the decisive parameters, the determination of the chemical composition of more complex, multinary materials becomes feasible.