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Nano Lett ; 21(21): 9187-9194, 2021 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34677068


Crystallographic defects such as vacancies and stacking faults engineer electronic band structure at the atomic level and create zero- and two-dimensional quantum structures in crystals. The combination of these point and planar defects can generate a new type of defect complex system. Here, we investigate silicon carbide nanowires that host point defects near stacking faults. These point-planar defect complexes in the nanowire exhibit outstanding optical properties of high-brightness single photons (>360 kcounts/s), a fast recombination time (<1 ns), and a high Debye-Waller factor (>50%). These distinct optical properties of coupled point-planar defects lead to an unusually strong zero-phonon transition, essential for achieving highly efficient quantum interactions between multiple qubits. Our findings can be extended to other defects in various materials and therefore offer a new perspective for engineering defect qubits.

Nano Lett ; 19(10): 7534-7539, 2019 10 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31490079


Future scalable and integrated quantum photonic systems require deterministic generation and control of multiple quantum emitters. Although various approaches for spatial and spectral control of the quantum emitters have been developed, on-chip control of both position and frequency is still a long-standing goal in solid-state quantum emitters. Here, we demonstrate simultaneous control of position and frequency of the quantum emitters from transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers. Atomically thin two-dimensional materials are inherently sensitive to external strain and offer a new opportunity of creating and controlling the quantum emitters by engineering strain. We fabricate an electrostatically actuated microcantilever with nanopyramid patterns, providing a local strain engineering platform for the WSe2 monolayer. The integrated WSe2 generates high-purity single photon emission at patterned positions with a tuning range up to 3.5 meV. Together with the position and frequency control, we investigate the strain response on the fine-structure splitting and confirm 11% reduction in the fine splitting at the estimated tensile strain of 0.07%.

Opt Express ; 27(12): 16882-16889, 2019 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31252907


Integration of single-photon sources and detectors to silicon-based photonics opens the possibility of complex circuits for quantum information processing. In this work, we demonstrate integration of quantum dots with a silicon photonic add-drop filter for on-chip filtering and routing of telecom photons. A silicon microdisk resonator acts as a narrow filter that transfers the quantum dot emission and filters the background over a wide wavelength range. Moreover, by tuning the quantum dot emission wavelength over the resonance of the microdisk, we can control the transmission of the quantum dot emission to the drop and through channels of the add-drop filter. This result is a step toward the on-chip control of single photons using silicon photonics for applications in quantum information processing, such as linear optical quantum computation and boson sampling.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(4): 045302, 2019 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30768308


Recently, exciton polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity were found to condense into a coherent ground state much like a Bose-Einstein condensate and a superfluid. They have become a unique testbed for generating and manipulating quantum vortices in a driven-dissipative superfluid. Here, we generate an exciton-polariton condensate with a nonresonant Laguerre-Gaussian optical beam and verify the direct transfer of light's orbital angular momentum to an exciton-polariton quantum fluid. Quantized vortices are found in spite of the large energy relaxation involved in nonresonant pumping. We identified phase singularity, density distribution, and energy eigenstates for the vortex states. Our observations confirm that nonresonant optical Laguerre-Gaussian beam can be used to manipulate chirality, topological charge, and stability of the nonequilibrium quantum fluid. These vortices are quite robust, only sensitive to the orbital angular momentum of light and not other parameters such as energy, intensity, size, or shape of the pump beam. Therefore, optical information can be transferred between the photon and exciton-polariton with ease and the technique is potentially useful to form the controllable network of multiple topological charges even in the presence of spectral randomness in a solid state system.

Nano Lett ; 18(8): 4734-4740, 2018 08 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29966093


Future scalable photonic quantum information processing relies on the ability of integrating multiple interacting quantum emitters into a single chip. Quantum dots provide ideal on-chip quantum light sources. However, achieving quantum interaction between multiple quantum dots on-a-chip is a challenging task due to the randomness in their frequency and position, requiring local tuning technique and long-range quantum interaction. Here, we demonstrate quantum interactions between separated two quantum dots on a nanophotonic waveguide. We achieve a photon-mediated long-range interaction by integrating the quantum dots to the same optical mode of a nanophotonic waveguide and overcome spectral mismatch by incorporating on-chip thermal tuners. We observe their quantum interactions of the form of super-radiant emission, where the two dots collectively emit faster than each dot individually. Creating super-radiant emission from integrated quantum emitters could enable compact chip-integrated photonic structures that exhibit long-range quantum interactions. Therefore, these results represent a major step toward establishing photonic quantum information processors composed of multiple interacting quantum emitters on a semiconductor chip.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(17): 5280-5, 2015 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25870303


The quantum plasmonics field has emerged and been growing increasingly, including study of single emitter-light coupling using plasmonic system and scalable quantum plasmonic circuit. This offers opportunity for the quantum control of light with compact device footprint. However, coupling of a single emitter to highly localized plasmonic mode with nanoscale precision remains an important challenge. Today, the spatial overlap between metallic structure and single emitter mostly relies either on chance or on advanced nanopositioning control. Here, we demonstrate deterministic coupling between three-dimensionally nanofocused plasmonic modes and single quantum dots (QDs) without any positioning for single QDs. By depositing a thin silver layer on a site-controlled pyramid QD wafer, three-dimensional plasmonic nanofocusing on each QD at the pyramid apex is geometrically achieved through the silver-coated pyramid facets. Enhancement of the QD spontaneous emission rate as high as 22 ± 16 is measured for all processed QDs emitting over ∼150-meV spectral range. This approach could apply to high fabrication yield on-chip devices for wide application fields, e.g., high-efficiency light-emitting devices and quantum information processing.

Nano Lett ; 17(12): 7394-7400, 2017 12 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29131963


Scalable quantum photonic systems require efficient single photon sources coupled to integrated photonic devices. Solid-state quantum emitters can generate single photons with high efficiency, while silicon photonic circuits can manipulate them in an integrated device structure. Combining these two material platforms could, therefore, significantly increase the complexity of integrated quantum photonic devices. Here, we demonstrate hybrid integration of solid-state quantum emitters to a silicon photonic device. We develop a pick-and-place technique that can position epitaxially grown InAs/InP quantum dots emitting at telecom wavelengths on a silicon photonic chip deterministically with nanoscale precision. We employ an adiabatic tapering approach to transfer the emission from the quantum dots to the waveguide with high efficiency. We also incorporate an on-chip silicon-photonic beamsplitter to perform a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss measurement. Our approach could enable integration of precharacterized III-V quantum photonic devices into large-scale photonic structures to enable complex devices composed of many emitters and photons.

Nano Lett ; 16(11): 7061-7066, 2016 11 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27749076


Interactions between solid-state quantum emitters and cavities are important for a broad range of applications in quantum communication, linear optical quantum computing, nonlinear photonics, and photonic quantum simulation. These applications often require combining many devices on a single chip with identical emission wavelengths in order to generate two-photon interference, the primary mechanism for achieving effective photon-photon interactions. Such integration remains extremely challenging due to inhomogeneous broadening and fabrication errors that randomize the resonant frequencies of both the emitters and cavities. In this Letter, we demonstrate two-photon interference from independent cavity-coupled emitters on the same chip, providing a potential solution to this long-standing problem. We overcome spectral mismatch between different cavities due to fabrication errors by depositing and locally evaporating a thin layer of condensed nitrogen. We integrate optical heaters to tune individual dots within each cavity to the same resonance with better than 3 µeV of precision. Combining these tuning methods, we demonstrate two-photon interference between two devices spaced by less than 15 µm on the same chip with a postselected visibility of 33%, which is limited by timing resolution of the detectors and background. These results pave the way to integrate multiple quantum light sources on the same chip to develop quantum photonic devices.

Nanotechnology ; 25(30): 305703, 2014 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25008561


We report on the influence of a capping layer on the photoluminescence properties of self-assembled GaN quantum dots grown on an Al(0.5)Ga(0.5)N template. Self-assembled GaN quantum dots show a large quantum confined Stark shift and long carrier recombination time due to strong built-in spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization fields. Nevertheless, owing to strong carrier localization and suppressed nonradiative processes, these quantum dots have a high-quantum efficiency even at room temperature. Here, we show that the capping thickness has an important role on the optical properties of the GaN quantum dots. The radiative and nonradiative recombination processes of quantum dots are strongly affected by adjusting the capping thickness, and the GaN quantum dots with 12 monolayers-thick Al(0.5)Ga(0.5)N capping layer show a remarkably high internal quantum efficiency of more than 80% at room temperature. We also studied photoluminescence quenching and enhancement for surface (uncapped) quantum dots caused by photoadsorption and photodesorption of oxygen.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(10): 12488-12494, 2022 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35175722


Quantum dot (QD) emitters on silicon platforms have been considered as a fascinating approach to building next-generation quantum light sources toward unbreakable secure communications. However, it has been challenging to integrate position-controlled QDs operating at the telecom band, which is a crucial requirement for practical applications. Here, we report monolithically integrated InAsP QDs embedded in InP nanowires on silicon. The positions of QD nanowires are predetermined by the lithography of gold catalysts, and the 3D geometry of nanowire heterostructures is precisely controlled. The InAsP QD forms atomically sharp interfaces with surrounding InP nanowires, which is in situ passivated by InP shells. The linewidths of the excitonic (X) and biexcitonic (XX) emissions from the QD and their power-dependent peak intensities reveal that the proposed QD-in-nanowire structure could be utilized as a non-classical light source that operates at silicon-transparent wavelengths, showing a great potential for diverse quantum optical and silicon photonic applications.

ACS Nano ; 15(2): 3038-3046, 2021 Feb 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33512141


Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using liquid-phase precursors has emerged as a viable technique for synthesizing uniform large-area transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) thin films. However, the liquid-phase precursor-assisted growth process typically suffers from small-sized grains and unreacted transition metal precursor remainders, resulting in lower-quality TMDs. Moreover, synthesizing large-area TMD films with a monolayer thickness is also quite challenging. Herein, we successfully synthesized high-quality large-area monolayer molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) with good uniformity via promoter-assisted liquid-phase CVD process using the transition metal-containing precursor homogeneously modified with an alkali metal halide. The formation of a reactive transition metal oxyhalide and reduction of the energy barrier of chalcogenization by the alkali metal promoted the growth rate of the TMDs along the in-plane direction, enabling the full coverage of the monolayer MoSe2 film with negligible few-layer regions. Note that the fully selenized monolayer MoSe2 with high crystallinity exhibited superior electrical transport characteristics compared with those reported in previous works using liquid-phase precursors. We further synthesized various other monolayer TMD films, including molybdenum disulfide, tungsten disulfide, and tungsten diselenide, to demonstrate the broad applicability of the proposed approach.

Nanoscale Adv ; 2(4): 1449-1455, 2020 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36132295


Group III-nitride semiconductor-based ultraviolet (UV) light emitting diodes have been suggested as a substitute for conventional arc-lamps such as mercury, xenon and deuterium arc-lamps, since they are compact, efficient and have a long lifetime. However, in previously reported studies, group III-nitride UV light emitting diodes did not show a broad UV spectrum range as conventional arc-lamps, which restricts their application in fields such as medical therapy and UV spectrophotometry. Here, we propose GaN quantum dots (QDs) grown on different facets of hexagonal truncated pyramid structures formed on a conventional (0001) sapphire substrate. A hexagonal truncated GaN pyramid structure includes {101̄1} semipolar facets as well as a (0001) polar facet, which have intrinsically different piezoelectric fields and growth rates of GaN QDs. Consequently, we successfully demonstrated a plateau-like broadband UV spectrum ranging from ∼400 nm (UV-A) to ∼270 nm (UV-C) from the GaN QDs. In addition, at the top-edge of the truncated pyramid structure, a strain was locally suppressed compared to the center of the truncated pyramid structure. As a result, various emission wavelengths in the UV range were achieved from the GaN QDs grown on the sidewall, top-edge and top-center of hexagonal truncated pyramid structures, which ultimately provide a broadband UV spectrum with high efficiency.

J Sleep Res ; 18(1): 26-35, 2009 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19250173


A lateral position (LP) during sleep is effective in reducing sleep disorder symptoms in mild or moderate sleep apnea patients. However, the effect of head and shoulder posture in LP on reducing sleep disorders has not been reported. In this study, effective sleeping positions and a combination of sleep position determinants were evaluated with respect to their ability to reduce snoring and apnea. The positions evaluated included the following: cervical vertebrae support with head tilting (CVS-HT), scapula support (SS), and LP. A central composite design was applied for response surface analysis (RSA). Sixteen patients with mild or moderate positional sleep apnea and snoring who underwent polysomnography for two nights were evaluated. Based on an estimated RSA equation, LP (with a rotation of at least 30 degrees) had the most dominant effect [P = 0.0057 for snoring rate, P = 0.0319 for apnea-hypopnea index (AHI)]. In addition, the LP was found to interact with CVS-HT (P = 0.0423) for snoring rate and CVS-HT (P = 0.0310) and SS (P = 0.0265) for AHI. The optimal sleep position reduced mild snoring by more than 80% (i.e. snoring rate in the supine position was <20%) and the snoring rate was approximately zero with a 40 degrees rotation. To achieve at least 80% reduction of AHI, LP and SS should be >30 degrees and/or 20 mm respectively. To determine an effective sleep position, CVS-HT and SS, as well as the degree of the LP, should be concurrently considered in patients with positional sleep apnea or snoring.

Polissonografia , Postura , Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono/terapia , Ronco/terapia , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Modelos Estatísticos , Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono/diagnóstico , Decúbito Dorsal , Resultado do Tratamento
Nanoscale ; 6(23): 14213-20, 2014 Nov 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25225912


White light emitting InGaN nanostructures hold a key position in future solid-state lighting applications. Although many suggested approaches to form group III-nitride vertical structures have been reported, more practical and cost effective methods are still needed. Here, we present a new approach to GaN/InGaN core-shell nanostructures at a wafer level formed by chemical vapor-phase etching and metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Without a patterning process, we successfully obtained high quality and polarization field minimized In-rich GaN/InGaN core-shell nanostructures. The various quantum well thicknesses and the multi-facets of the obelisk-shaped core-shell nanostructures provide a broad spectrum of the entire visible range without changing the InGaN growth temperature. Due to their high crystal quality and polarization field reduction, the core-shell InGaN quantum wells show an ultrafast radiative recombination time of less than 200 ps and uniformly high internal quantum efficiency in the broad spectral range. We also investigated the important role of polarization fields in the complex recombination dynamics in InGaN quantum wells.

Sci Rep ; 3: 2150, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23828558


A key issue in a single photon source is fast and efficient generation of a single photon flux with high light extraction efficiency. Significant progress toward high-efficiency single photon sources has been demonstrated by semiconductor quantum dots, especially using narrow bandgap materials. Meanwhile, there are many obstacles, which restrict the use of wide bandgap semiconductor quantum dots as practical single photon sources in ultraviolet-visible region, despite offering free space communication and miniaturized quantum information circuits. Here we demonstrate a single InGaN quantum dot embedded in an obelisk-shaped GaN nanostructure. The nano-obelisk plays an important role in eliminating dislocations, increasing light extraction, and minimizing a built-in electric field. Based on the nano-obelisks, we observed nonconventional narrow quantum dot emission and positive biexciton binding energy, which are signatures of negligible built-in field in single InGaN quantum dots. This results in efficient and ultrafast single photon generation in the violet color region.

Adv Mater ; 25(27): 3657-62, 2013 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23712762


Pristine graphene quantum dots and graphene oxide quantum dots are synthesized by chemical exfoliation from the graphite nanoparticles with high uniformity in terms of shape (circle), size (less than 4 nm), and thickness (monolayer). The origin of the blue and green photoluminescence of GQDs and GOQDs is attributed to intrinsic and extrinsic energy states, respectively.

Adv Mater ; 23(45): 5364-9, 2011 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22002261


Electrically driven quantum dot, wire, and well hybrid light-emitting diodes are demonstrated by using nanometer-sized pyramid structures of GaN. InGaN quantum dots, wires, and wells are formed at the tops, edges, and sidewalls of pyramids, respectively. The hybrid light-emitting diodes containing low-dimensional quantum structures are good candidates for broad-band highly efficient visible lighting sources.

Condutividade Elétrica , Luz , Pontos Quânticos , Eletrodos