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J Chem Phys ; 160(9)2024 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38450733


We review the GPAW open-source Python package for electronic structure calculations. GPAW is based on the projector-augmented wave method and can solve the self-consistent density functional theory (DFT) equations using three different wave-function representations, namely real-space grids, plane waves, and numerical atomic orbitals. The three representations are complementary and mutually independent and can be connected by transformations via the real-space grid. This multi-basis feature renders GPAW highly versatile and unique among similar codes. By virtue of its modular structure, the GPAW code constitutes an ideal platform for the implementation of new features and methodologies. Moreover, it is well integrated with the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE), providing a flexible and dynamic user interface. In addition to ground-state DFT calculations, GPAW supports many-body GW band structures, optical excitations from the Bethe-Salpeter Equation, variational calculations of excited states in molecules and solids via direct optimization, and real-time propagation of the Kohn-Sham equations within time-dependent DFT. A range of more advanced methods to describe magnetic excitations and non-collinear magnetism in solids are also now available. In addition, GPAW can calculate non-linear optical tensors of solids, charged crystal point defects, and much more. Recently, support for graphics processing unit (GPU) acceleration has been achieved with minor modifications to the GPAW code thanks to the CuPy library. We end the review with an outlook, describing some future plans for GPAW.

J Chem Phys ; 154(11): 114102, 2021 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33752382


Electronic circular dichroism (ECD) is a powerful spectroscopy method for investigating chiral properties at the molecular level. ECD calculations with the commonly used linear-response time-dependent density functional theory (LR-TDDFT) framework can be prohibitively costly for large systems. To alleviate this problem, we present here an ECD implementation within the projector augmented-wave method in a real-time-propagation TDDFT framework in the open-source GPAW code. Our implementation supports both local atomic basis sets and real-space finite-difference representations of wave functions. We benchmark our implementation against an existing LR-TDDFT implementation in GPAW for small chiral molecules. We then demonstrate the efficiency of our local atomic basis set implementation for a large hybrid nanocluster and discuss the chiroptical properties of the cluster.

J Chem Phys ; 151(17): 174102, 2019 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31703510


A necessary first step in the development of technologies such as artificial photosynthesis is understanding the photoexcitation process within the basic building blocks of naturally occurring light harvesting complexes (LHCs). The most important of these building blocks in biological LHCs such as LHC II from green plants are the chlorophyll a (Chl a) and chlorophyll b (Chl b) chromophores dispersed throughout the protein matrix. However, efforts to describe such systems are still hampered by the lack of computationally efficient and accurate methods that are able to describe optical absorption in large biomolecules. In this work, we employ a highly efficient linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAOs) to represent the Kohn-Sham (KS) wave functions at the density functional theory (DFT) level and perform time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations in either the reciprocal space and frequency domain (LCAO-TDDFT-k-ω) or real space and time domain (LCAO-TDDFT-r-t) of the optical absorption spectra of Chl a and b monomers and dimers. We find that our LCAO-TDDFT-k-ω and LCAO-TDDFT-r-t calculations reproduce results obtained with a plane-wave (PW) representation of the KS wave functions (PW-TDDFT-k-ω) but with a significant reduction in computational effort. Moreover, by applying the Gritsenko, van Leeuwen, van Lenthe, and Baerends solid and correlation derivative discontinuity correction Δx to the KS eigenenergies, with both LCAO-TDDFT-k-ω and LCAO-TDDFT-r-t methods, we are able to semiquantitatively reproduce the experimentally measured photoinduced dissociation results. This work opens the path to first principles calculations of optical excitations in macromolecular systems.

Top Curr Chem ; 368: 219-71, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25860253


We present a review of different computational methods to describe time-dependent phenomena in open quantum systems and their extension to a density-functional framework. We focus the discussion on electron emission processes in atoms and molecules addressing excited-state lifetimes and dissipative processes. Initially we analyze the concept of an electronic resonance, a central concept in spectroscopy associated with a metastable state from which an electron eventually escapes (electronic lifetime). Resonances play a fundamental role in many time-dependent molecular phenomena but can be rationalized from a time-independent context in terms of scattering states. We introduce the method of complex scaling, which is used to capture resonant states as localized states in the spirit of usual bound-state methods, and work on its extension to static and time-dependent density-functional theory. In a time-dependent setting, complex scaling can be used to describe excitations in the continuum as well as wave packet dynamics leading to electron emission. This process can also be treated by using open boundary conditions which allow time-dependent simulations of emission processes without artificial reflections at the boundaries (i.e., borders of the simulation box). We compare in detail different schemes to implement open boundaries, namely transparent boundaries using Green functions, and absorbing boundaries in the form of complex absorbing potentials and mask functions. The last two are regularly used together with time-dependent density-functional theory to describe the electron emission dynamics of atoms and molecules. Finally, we discuss approaches to the calculation of energy and angle-resolved time-dependent pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy of molecular systems.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(47): 31371-96, 2015 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25721500


Real-space grids are a powerful alternative for the simulation of electronic systems. One of the main advantages of the approach is the flexibility and simplicity of working directly in real space where the different fields are discretized on a grid, combined with competitive numerical performance and great potential for parallelization. These properties constitute a great advantage at the time of implementing and testing new physical models. Based on our experience with the Octopus code, in this article we discuss how the real-space approach has allowed for the recent development of new ideas for the simulation of electronic systems. Among these applications are approaches to calculate response properties, modeling of photoemission, optimal control of quantum systems, simulation of plasmonic systems, and the exact solution of the Schrödinger equation for low-dimensionality systems.