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Nature ; 627(8005): 772-777, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38538941


The encoding of qubits in semiconductor spin carriers has been recognized as a promising approach to a commercial quantum computer that can be lithographically produced and integrated at scale1-10. However, the operation of the large number of qubits required for advantageous quantum applications11-13 will produce a thermal load exceeding the available cooling power of cryostats at millikelvin temperatures. As the scale-up accelerates, it becomes imperative to establish fault-tolerant operation above 1 K, at which the cooling power is orders of magnitude higher14-18. Here we tune up and operate spin qubits in silicon above 1 K, with fidelities in the range required for fault-tolerant operations at these temperatures19-21. We design an algorithmic initialization protocol to prepare a pure two-qubit state even when the thermal energy is substantially above the qubit energies and incorporate radiofrequency readout to achieve fidelities up to 99.34% for both readout and initialization. We also demonstrate single-qubit Clifford gate fidelities up to 99.85% and a two-qubit gate fidelity of 98.92%. These advances overcome the fundamental limitation that the thermal energy must be well below the qubit energies for the high-fidelity operation to be possible, surmounting a main obstacle in the pathway to scalable and fault-tolerant quantum computation.

Nano Lett ; 23(4): 1261-1266, 2023 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36748989


Holes in silicon quantum dots are receiving attention due to their potential as fast, tunable, and scalable qubits in semiconductor quantum circuits. Despite this, challenges remain in this material system including difficulties using charge sensing to determine the number of holes in a quantum dot, and in controlling the coupling between adjacent quantum dots. We address these problems by fabricating an ambipolar complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) device using multilayer palladium gates. The device consists of an electron charge sensor adjacent to a hole double quantum dot. We demonstrate control of the spin state via electric dipole spin resonance. We achieve smooth control of the interdot coupling rate over 1 order of magnitude and use the charge sensor to perform spin-to-charge conversion to measure the hole singlet-triplet relaxation time of 11 µs for a known hole occupation. These results provide a path toward improving the quality and controllability of hole spin-qubits.

Nano Lett ; 21(14): 6328-6335, 2021 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33999635


Recent studies of silicon spin qubits at temperatures above 1 K are encouraging demonstrations that the cooling requirements for solid-state quantum computing can be considerably relaxed. However, qubit readout mechanisms that rely on charge sensing with a single-island single-electron transistor (SISET) quickly lose sensitivity due to thermal broadening of the electron distribution in the reservoirs. Here we exploit the tunneling between two quantized states in a double-island single-electron transistor (SET) to demonstrate a charge sensor with an improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio by an order of magnitude compared to a standard SISET, and a single-shot charge readout fidelity above 99% up to 8 K at a bandwidth greater than 100 kHz. These improvements are consistent with our theoretical modeling of the temperature-dependent current transport for both types of SETs. With minor additional hardware overhead, these sensors can be integrated into existing qubit architectures for a high-fidelity charge readout at few-kelvin temperatures.

Nano Lett ; 20(11): 7882-7888, 2020 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33108202


The advanced nanoscale integration available in CMOS technology provides a key motivation for its use in spin-based quantum computing applications. Initial demonstrations of quantum dot formation and spin blockade in CMOS foundry-compatible devices are encouraging, but results are yet to match the control of individual electrons demonstrated in university-fabricated multigate designs. We show that quantum dots formed in a CMOS nanowire device can be measured with a remote single electron transistor (SET) formed in an adjacent nanowire, via floating coupling gates. By biasing the SET nanowire with respect to the nanowire hosting the quantum dots, we controllably form ancillary quantum dots under the floating gates, thus enabling control of all quantum dots in a 2 × 2 array, and charge sensing down to the last electron in each dot. We use effective mass theory to investigate the ideal geometrical parameters in order to achieve interdot tunnel rates required for spin-based quantum computation.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 7656, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39227618


Semiconductor spin qubits represent a promising platform for future large-scale quantum computers owing to their excellent qubit performance, as well as the ability to leverage the mature semiconductor manufacturing industry for scaling up. Individual qubit control, however, commonly relies on spectral selectivity, where individual microwave signals of distinct frequencies are used to address each qubit. As quantum processors scale up, this approach will suffer from frequency crowding, control signal interference and unfeasible bandwidth requirements. Here, we propose a strategy based on arrays of degenerate spins coherently dressed by a global control field and individually addressed by local electrodes. We demonstrate simultaneous on-resonance driving of two degenerate qubits using a global field while retaining addressability for qubits with equal Larmor frequencies. Furthermore, we implement SWAP oscillations during on-resonance driving, constituting the demonstration of driven two-qubit gates. Significantly, our findings highlight how dressing can overcome the fragility of entangling gates between superposition states and increase their noise robustness. These results constitute a paradigm shift in qubit control in order to overcome frequency crowding in large-scale quantum computing.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4299, 2024 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38769086


Spins of electrons in silicon MOS quantum dots combine exquisite quantum properties and scalable fabrication. In the age of quantum technology, however, the metrics that crowned Si/SiO2 as the microelectronics standard need to be reassessed with respect to their impact upon qubit performance. We chart spin qubit variability due to the unavoidable atomic-scale roughness of the Si/SiO2 interface, compiling experiments across 12 devices, and develop theoretical tools to analyse these results. Atomistic tight binding and path integral Monte Carlo methods are adapted to describe fluctuations in devices with millions of atoms by directly analysing their wavefunctions and electron paths instead of their energy spectra. We correlate the effect of roughness with the variability in qubit position, deformation, valley splitting, valley phase, spin-orbit coupling and exchange coupling. These variabilities are found to be bounded, and they lie within the tolerances for scalable architectures for quantum computing as long as robust control methods are incorporated.

Adv Mater ; 35(19): e2208557, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36805699


The small size and excellent integrability of silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor (SiMOS) quantum dot spin qubits make them an attractive system for mass-manufacturable, scaled-up quantum processors. Furthermore, classical control electronics can be integrated on-chip, in-between the qubits, if an architecture with sparse arrays of qubits is chosen. In such an architecture qubits are either transported across the chip via shuttling or coupled via mediating quantum systems over short-to-intermediate distances. This paper investigates the charge and spin characteristics of an elongated quantum dot-a so-called jellybean quantum dot-for the prospects of acting as a qubit-qubit coupler. Charge transport, charge sensing, and magneto-spectroscopy measurements are performed on a SiMOS quantum dot device at mK temperature and compared to Hartree-Fock multi-electron simulations. At low electron occupancies where disorder effects and strong electron-electron interaction dominate over the electrostatic confinement potential, the data reveals the formation of three coupled dots, akin to a tunable, artificial molecule. One dot is formed centrally under the gate and two are formed at the edges. At high electron occupancies, these dots merge into one large dot with well-defined spin states, verifying that jellybean dots have the potential to be used as qubit couplers in future quantum computing architectures.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 18(2): 131-136, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36635331


Once called a 'classically non-describable two-valuedness' by Pauli, the electron spin forms a qubit that is naturally robust to electric fluctuations. Paradoxically, a common control strategy is the integration of micromagnets to enhance the coupling between spins and electric fields, which, in turn, hampers noise immunity and adds architectural complexity. Here we exploit a switchable interaction between spins and orbital motion of electrons in silicon quantum dots, without a micromagnet. The weak effects of relativistic spin-orbit interaction in silicon are enhanced, leading to a speed up in Rabi frequency by a factor of up to 650 by controlling the energy quantization of electrons in the nanostructure. Fast electrical control is demonstrated in multiple devices and electronic configurations. Using the electrical drive, we achieve a coherence time T2,Hahn ≈ 50 µs, fast single-qubit gates with Tπ/2 = 3 ns and gate fidelities of 99.93%, probed by randomized benchmarking. High-performance all-electrical control improves the prospects for scalable silicon quantum computing.

Sci Adv ; 7(33)2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34389538


Spin-based silicon quantum electronic circuits offer a scalable platform for quantum computation, combining the manufacturability of semiconductor devices with the long coherence times afforded by spins in silicon. Advancing from current few-qubit devices to silicon quantum processors with upward of a million qubits, as required for fault-tolerant operation, presents several unique challenges, one of the most demanding being the ability to deliver microwave signals for large-scale qubit control. Here, we demonstrate a potential solution to this problem by using a three-dimensional dielectric resonator to broadcast a global microwave signal across a quantum nanoelectronic circuit. Critically, this technique uses only a single microwave source and is capable of delivering control signals to millions of qubits simultaneously. We show that the global field can be used to perform spin resonance of single electrons confined in a silicon double quantum dot device, establishing the feasibility of this approach for scalable spin qubit control.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 84(4): 044706, 2013 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23635219


We report the characterisation of printed circuit boards (PCB) metal powder filters and their influence on the effective electron temperature which is as low as 22 mK for a quantum dot in a silicon MOSFET structure in a dilution refrigerator. We investigate the attenuation behaviour (10 MHz-20 GHz) of filter made of four metal powders with a grain size below 50 µm. The room-temperature attenuation of a stainless steel powder filter is more than 80 dB at frequencies above 1.5 GHz. In all metal powder filters, the attenuation increases with temperature. Compared to classical powder filters, the design presented here is much less laborious to fabricate and specifically the copper powder PCB-filters deliver an equal or even better performance than their classical counterparts.