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Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 28(17): 21101-21109, 2021 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33405115


This study aimed to evaluate the silicon (Si) capacity to attenuate the cadmium (Cd) effects on seed germination and seedling performance of lettuce. The seeds were subjected to three priming levels: without priming, hydropriming, and Si priming. Afterwards, the seeds were placed to germinate on paper moistened with the absence (0 mM) and presence (1 mM) of Cd. Seeds exposed to Cd showed the same percentage of germination verified in seeds unexposed to this metal (99%). Si priming increases 16% the germination speed of seeds not exposed to Cd and promoted greater expression of esterase during seed germination. However, Cd promoted the decrease of the intensity of esterase and acid phosphatase expression, regardless of the seed priming technique used. Although it does not influence the germination percentage of lettuce seeds, Cd markedly reduced the dry weight of seedlings. This harmful effect caused by the Cd was 33% minimized with Si priming. In addition to the lower weight, Cd induced a significant reduction in antioxidant activity in seedlings. However, Si seed priming caused a greater antioxidant activity-with emphasis on catalase-and, consequently, less lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, Si seed priming contributes to minimize the Cd effects in lettuce seedlings.

Cádmio , Plântula , Cádmio/toxicidade , Germinação , Lactuca , Sementes , Silício
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(1): 1-7, jan./feb. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-946950


O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, na Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Capão do Leão, RS, com o objetivo avaliar comparativamente o crescimento de plantas de rabanete Comprido de Ponta Branca submetido a diferentes doses de nitrogênio (0,15 e 30 kg ha-1 de N). As plantas foram coletadas a intervalos regulares de três dias a partir dos 13 dias após a semeadura até o final do ciclo da cultura. Determinaram-se a massa seca total, taxa de produção de matéria seca, taxa de crescimento relativo, taxa assimilatória líquida, índice de área foliar, taxa de crescimento relativo de área foliar, razões de área foliar e massa foliar e a área foliar específica. O tratamento de 15 kg ha-1 de N proporcionou melhores características de crescimento e maior acúmulo de matéria seca quando comparada aos demais tratamentos.

The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Campus Capão do Leão, RS. In order to evaluate comparatively the growth of radish plants Comprido de Ponta Branca under different nitrogen levels (0, 15 e 30 kg ha-1 de N). Plants were collected at regular intervals of three days, from 13 days after sowing until the end of the crop cycle. The total dry matter production, dry matter production rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, leaf area index, relative growth rate of leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf mass and specific leaf area were determined. The treatment of 15 kg ha-1 de N provided better growth characteristics and higher dry matter accumulation when compared to other treatments.

Alimentos , Raphanus , Fertilizantes , Nitrogênio
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 29(1): 125-131, jan./feb. 2013.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-914370


O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar comparativamente as características fisiológicas de crescimento entre duas cultivares de pimenta, em casa de vegetação. As plantas foram coletadas a partir do décimo quarto dias após o transplante (DAT), a intervalos regulares de quatorze dias após o transplante até final do ciclo de cultivo. Em cada coleta, as plantas foram separadas em órgãos (raiz, caule, folha e fruto). Foram determinadas a matéria seca total (Wt), as taxas de produção de matéria seca (Ct) e de crescimento relativo (Rw), taxa assimilatória líquida (Ea), índice de área foliar (L), taxa de crescimento relativo de área foliar (Ra), razão de área foliar (Fa), razão de massa foliar (Fw), área foliar específica (Sa) e o índice de colheita (Hi). A partir da análise conjunta e comparativa dos dados de crescimento das cultivares de pimenta estudadas, a cultivar Vulcão obteve maiores Ea , Fa e Ra . Entretanto, menores Wt , Ct e Hi em relação a cultivar Doce. Assim, a cultivar Doce foi superior à Vulcão no que tange aos atributos de crescimento estudados, em condições de casa de vegetação.

This study aimed to comparatively evaluate the physiological characteristics of growth between two cultivars of pepper in the greenhouse. Plants were collected from the fourteenth day after transplanting (DAT) at regular intervals of fourteen days after the transplant by the end of the crop cycle. At each sampling, plants were separated into organs (root, stem, leaf and fruit). We determined the total dry weight (Wt), rates of dry matter production (Ct) and relative growth (Rw), net assimilation rate (Ea), leaf area index (L), relative growth rate of leaf area (Ra), leaf area ratio (Fa), leaf weight ratio (Fw), specific leaf area (Sa) and harvest index (Hi). From the joint analysis and comparative data of growth of pepper cultivars, the cultivar had the highest Vulcão Ea , Fa and Ra . However, lower Wt , Ct and Hi in relation to cultivate Doce. Thus the cultivar was higher than the Doce Vulcão in respect to growth attributes studied in greenhouse conditions.

Capsicum , Produção Agrícola , Pimenta , Genótipo