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Animals (Basel) ; 9(5)2019 May 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31058831


Two experiments (Australia and Mexico) tested whether feed intake (FI) and wool production (WP) are affected by pregnancy (PRG), litter size (LZ), or lamb sex (LS) in Merino-type ewes. In Experiment-1, ewes were either not pregnant (NPR; n = 6), or carrying 1 (PR1; n = 7) or 3 (PR3; n = 11) fetuses, were studied in individual pens. NPR ewes had lower (p < 0.02) FI throughout PRG and lactation (LAC), except around lambing (p < 0.001). Following lambing, FI increased in PRG ewes (p < 0.001) to double the values in NPR ewes. PRG reduced WP (p < 0.001); in PR3, WP was lower than for both PR1 and NPR (p < 0.001). WP decreased during LAC and was lower in ewes rearing lambs than in NPR ewes (p < 0.001). Experiment-2 used 48 pregnant ewes (28 bearing singles and 20 bearing twins). Dam and lamb live weights (LW) and body condition (BC) were recorded from birth to weaning at 60 d, and dam fleece weight (DFW) was measured at weaning (12 months growth). WP was higher in ewes bearing and rearing single lambs than in ewes bearing twins (p < 0.001). DFW was positively (p < 0.01) related to LZ, dam LW, and BC, but not to changes in dam LW during LAC, or to lamb weight at birth or weaning, or LW gain, or LS. In conclusion, FI was affected during PRG and by LZ during LAC, whereas WP was influenced by LZ, but not LS, only during pregnancy.

Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 19(2): 196-200, mar.-abr. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-548708


El propósito de este trabajo fue determinar la composición fisicoquímica de la leche de ovejas Rambouillet manejadas en estabulación. Para tal efecto se utilizaron durante un periodo de lactancia de 12 semanas, 36 ovejas Rambouillet entre 2 y 5 años de edad con un peso promedio de 60 ± 5 kg, que habían parido solamente una cría. Se tomaron muestras de la leche en las semanas 1, 3, 6, 8 y 12, y el análisis físicoquímico se realizó utilizando métodos tradicionales de laboratorio. El análisis estadístico se efectuó utilizando el paquete “R” y teniendo como variables dependientes sólidos totales, grasa, proteína, lactosa, cenizas, acidez real, densidad y pH, mientras que laúnica variable independiente fue etapa de lactancia. Los promedios generales de la composición de la leche fueron: sólidos totales 16,89 ± 2,14; grasa 5,78 ± 2,09; proteína 5,26 ± 0,49; lactosa 4,54 ± 0,35; cenizas 0,92 ± 0,07; acidez real 2,05 ± 0,30; densidad 1,036 ± 2,9 x 10 –3; y pH 6,68 ± 0,17. Se presentaron diferencias significativas (P<0,05) de los componentes de la leche durante el transcurso de la lactancia, excepto en el pH (P>0,05). En sólidos totales, grasa, proteína y densidad hubo un incremento a partir de la semana 6; la lactosa y cenizas tuvieron un decremento en las semanas 12 y 8, respectivamente, mientras que la acidez real aumentó a partir delinicio de la lactancia. Las características fisicoquímicas de la leche de ovejas Rambouillet son semejantes a las que se encuentran en otras razas, por lo que es posible utilizar su leche durante periodos cortos y procesarla con fines industriales, principalmente en quesos.

The aim of this work was to determine the physicochemical composition of Rambouillet ewe’s milk in intensive management for this, 36 Rambouillet ewes, 2-5 years old, with an average body weight of 60 kg, that had given birth to a single lamb, were utilized during 12-week lactation period. Milk simples were taken in weeks 1, 3, 6, 8 and 12 and the physicochemical analysis was performed utilizing traditional laboratory methods. The statistical analysis was carried out utilizing the “R” statistical package with total solids, fat, protein, lactose, ashes, real acidity, density, and pH as dependent variables, and lactation stage as the only independent variable. Overall means for the milk composition were: total solids 16.89 ± 2.14%, fat 5.78 ± 2.09 percent, protein 5.26 ± 0.49 percent, lactose 4.54 ± 0.35 percent, ashes 0.92 ± 0.07 percent, real acidity 2.05 ± 0.30 percent, density 1.036 ± 2.9 x 10 –3 and pH 6.68 ± 0.17. There were significant differences (P<0.05) of the milk components during lactation. except in pH (P>0.05). From week 6 on there was an increase in total solids, fat, protein, and density; lactose and ashes had a decrease in weeks 12 and 8, respectively, whereas real acidity had an increase from week 1 on. Physicochemical characteristics of Rambouilet ewes’s milk are not very different from those found in other breeds, for which it is possible to utilize the milk of these ewes for short periods and process it with industrial purposes, mainly in cheese.

Animais , Fenômenos Físicos/métodos , Fenômenos Químicos/métodos , Leite , Leite , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 18(6): 699-703, nov.-dic. 2008. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-551197


El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar la presentación de estros dentro de los 100 días posparto en ovejas Rambouillet paridas en tres épocas del año mantenidas en condiciones de confinamiento y alimentación controlada. El trabajo se realizó en San Luis Potosí, México (21° 50’ LN) con 158 ovejas adultas de la raza Rambouillet paridas en tres épocas del año: julio (n=39), noviembre (n=79) y abril (n=40). Para detectar a las ovejas en estro, en cada periodo se utilizó una hembras androgenizada con 250 mg de enantato de testosterona. El periodo de observación comprendió del día 25 al día 100 de iniciadas las pariciones. Las proporción de ovejas en celo difirió entre épocas de parición (P<0,001), siendo de 28/39 (71,8 por ciento), 32/79 (40,5por ciento) y 4/40 (10,0 por ciento) en las pariciones de julio, noviembre y abril, respectivamente. El intervalo parto primer estro fue similar en las ovejas que mostraron estro dentro de los 100 días posparto en los tres periodos (54,4 ± 18,3, 54,4 ± 22,2 y 56,2 ± 21,6 días, en julio, noviembre y abril, respectivamente; P>0,05). Se concluye que la época de parición influyó en la actividad estral de las ovejas Rambouillet dentro de los 100 días posparto.

Postpartum estrus of Rambouillet ewes lambed on three seasons under confinement conditions and controlled feeding was evaluated. The experiment was carried out on San Luis Potosí, México (21° 50’ NL) with 158 Rambouillet adult ewes lambed in three seasons: July (n=39), November (n=79) and April (n=40). To detection of ewes showing estrus within 100 day from lambing, an androgenized ewe were used in each period (250 mg testosterone). The period of estrus observation started at the day 25 from lambing, and finished at the day 100. The proportion of ewes showing estrus were 28/39 (71.8%), 32/79 (40.5%) y 4/40 (10.0%) in July, November and April, respectively, and were different (P<0.001) between lambing seasons. The period between lambing and first estrus in the ewes showing estrus were similar in both three lambing periods (54.4 ± 18.3, 54.4 ± 22.2 and 56.2 ± 21.6 days, in July, November and April, respectively; P>0.05). Results indicate that the lambing season had a profound effect on sexual activity in Rambouillet ewes within 100 days postpartum period.

Animais , Anestro , Parto , Reprodução , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Ovinos , Medicina Veterinária
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 17(6): 597-605, nov.-dic. 2007. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-548562


El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la inclusión de un concentrado de proteína de soya y dos fuentes de energía en el substituto de leche sobre el comportamiento productivo de cabritos Nubios desde el nacimiento hasta el destete, manejados en la Unidad Caprina de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México. Se utilizaron sesenta y ocho cabritos (35 hembras y 33 machos) asignados de manera aleatoria a los tratamientos: T1: proteína láctea + sebo de res, T1: 20,0 por ciento de concentrado de proteína de soya + sebo de res, T1: 40,0 por ciento de concentrado de proteína de soya + sebo de res, T1: proteína láctea + sebo de puerco, T1: 20,0 por ciento de concentrado de proteína de soya + sebo de puerco y, T1: 40,0 por ciento de concentrado de proteína de soya + sebo de puerco. El concentrado de proteína de soya no afectó (P>0,05) el consumo de dieta líquida ni la ganancia diaria de peso promedio, pero afectó significativamente (P<0,05) el consumo de concentrado de iniciación (95;95 y 97 g d-¹ animal-¹). Las fuentes de energía no afectaron (P>0,05) el consumo de la dieta líquida ni la ganancia diaria de peso promedio, pero afectaron (P<0,05) el consumo de concentrado de iniciación (97 vs 95 g d-¹ animal-¹). El sexo de los cabritosno afectó (P>0,05) el consumo del substituto de leche ni la ganancia diaria de peso promedio, pero si afectó (P<0,05) el consumo de concentrado de iniciación (100 vs. 92 g d-1animal-1para machos y hembras, respectivamente). El periodo experimental (semanas) afectó significativamente (P<0,05) todas las variables. Los niveles de concentrado de proteína de soya, fuentes de energía y sexo de la cría no afectaron (P>0,05) la conversión de alimento en base a sólidos totales de la leche. Se presentaron algunas interacciones significativas (P<0,05) en el consumo de substituto de leche y concentrado de iniciación.

The objective of this work was to evaluate the inclusion of a concentrate of soy protein and two energy sources as milk substitutes on productive performance of Nubian kids from birth to weaning, managed at the Goat Unit of the Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México. Sixty eight kids (35 females and 33 males) were randomly assigned to the treatments: T1 : lactic protein + cow lard, T2 : 20.0% of concentrate of soy protein + cow lard, T3 : 40.0% of concentrate of soy protein + cow lard, T4 : lactic protein + pork lard, T5 : 20.0% concentrate of soy protein + pork lard and, T6 : 40.0% of concentrate of soy protein + pork lard. The concentrate of soy protein did not affect (P>0.05) neither the consumption of liquid diet nor average daily weight gain, but it affected (P<0.05) consumption of the starting concentrate (95; 95, and 97 g d-¹ animal-¹). The energy sources did not affect (P>0.05) neither consumption of the liquid diet nor average daily weight gain, but they affected (P<0.05) consumption of the starting concentrate (97 vs 95 g d-¹ animal-¹). Sex of kid did not affect (P>0.05) neither consumption of the milk substitute nor average daily weight gain, but it affected (P<0.05) consumption of the starting concentrate (100 vs 92 g d-¹ animal-¹ for males and females, respectively). The experimental period (weeks) affected (P<0.05) all variables. The levels of the concentrate of soy protein, energy sources, and sex of kids did not affect (P>0.05) feed conversion based on milk total solids. There were some significant interactions (P<0.05) on consumption of the milk substitute and starting concentrate. It is concluded that it is possible to raise kids with milk substitutes prepared with a concentrate of soy protein, cow and/or pork lard.

Animais , Ração Animal/análise , Cabras/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Proteínas de Soja/efeitos adversos , Proteínas/efeitos adversos , Leite de Soja , Sebo/química , Ciências da Nutrição Animal , Medicina Veterinária