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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(13): 9915-9930, 2024 Mar 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38482723


Ab initio electron-propagator calculations continue to be useful companions to experimental investigations of electronic structure in molecular anions. A new generation of electron-propagator methods recently has surpassed its antecedents' predictive accuracy and computational efficiency. Interpretive clarity has been conserved, for no adjustable parameters have been introduced in the preparation of molecular orbitals or in the formulation of approximate self-energies. These methods have employed the diagonal self-energy approximation wherein each Dyson orbital equals a canonical Hartree-Fock orbital times the square root of a probability factor. Numerical tests indicate that explicitly renormalized, diagonal self-energies are needed when Dyson orbitals have large valence nitrogen, oxygen or fluorine components. They also demonstrate that even greater accuracy can be realized with generalizations that do not employ the diagonal self-energy approximation in the canonical Hartree-Fock basis. Whereas the diagonal methods have fifth-power arithmetic scaling factors, the non-diagonal generalizations introduce only non-iterative sixth-power contractions. Composite models conserve the accuracy of the most demanding combinations of self-energy approximations and flexible basis sets with drastically reduced computational effort. Composite-model results on anions that resemble the chromophore of the green fluorescent protein illustrate the interpretive capabilities of explicitly renormalized self-energies. Accurate predictions on the lowest vertical electron detachment energy of each anion confirm experimental data and the utility of the diagonal self-energy approximation.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(8): 1399-1416, 2024 Feb 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38377355


A new generation of electron-propagator methods for the calculation of electron binding energies has surpassed its antecedents with respect to accuracy, efficiency, and interpretability. No adjustable parameters are introduced in these fully ab initio procedures. Numerical tests versus several databases of valence, vertical electron binding energies of closed-shell molecules and atoms have been performed. Easily interpreted self-energy approximations with cubic arithmetic scaling produce mean absolute errors (MAEs) of 0.2 and 0.3 eV for electron detachments and attachments, respectively. The most accurate explicitly renormalized methods with fifth-power arithmetic scaling yield MAEs below 0.1 eV for detachments and attachments. Approximate renormalization leads to more efficient fifth-power alternatives for electron detachments that achieve similar accuracy with fewer bottleneck operations. Composite protocols generate excellent predictions versus highly accurate basis-extrapolated standards and experiments. The validity of the diagonal self-energy approximation and the accuracy of the approximate renormalizations are confirmed. The success of these perturbative methods based on canonical Hartree-Fock orbitals rests on a Hermitized, intermediately normalized superoperator metric. The results of all of the new-generation calculations may be analyzed in terms of final-state orbital relaxation and differential correlation effects.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(34): 7311-7330, 2024 Aug 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39141549


For closed-shell molecules, valence electron binding energies may be calculated accurately and efficiently with ab initio electron-propagator methods that have surpassed their predecessors. Advantageous combinations of accuracy and efficiency range from cubically scaling methods with mean errors of 0.2 eV to quintically scaling methods with mean errors of 0.1 eV or less. The diagonal self-energy approximation in the canonical Hartree-Fock basis is responsible for the enhanced efficiency of several methods. This work examines the predictive capabilities of diagonal self-energy approximations when they are generalized to the canonical spin-orbital basis of unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) theory. Experimental data on atomic electron binding energies and high-level, correlated calculations in a fixed basis for a set of open-shell molecules constitute standards of comparison. A review of the underlying theory and analysis of numerical errors lead to several recommendations for the calculation of electron binding energies: (1) In calculations that employ the diagonal self-energy approximation, Koopmans's identity for UHF must be qualitatively correct. (2) Closed-shell reference states are preferable to open-shell reference states in calculations of molecular ionization energies and electron affinities. (3) For molecular electron binding energies between doublets and triplets, calculations of electron detachment energies are more accurate and efficient than calculations of electron attachment energies. When these recommendations are followed, mean absolute errors increase by approximately 0.05 eV with respect to their counterparts obtained with closed-shell reference orbitals.

J Phys Chem A ; 128(23): 4730-4749, 2024 Jun 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38814678


New-generation ab initio electron propagator methods for calculating electron detachment energies of closed-shell molecules and anions have surpassed their predecessors' accuracy and computational efficiency. Derived from an Hermitian, intermediately normalized superoperator metric, these methods contain no adjustable parameters. To assess their versatility, a standard set (NIST-50-EA) of 50 vertical electron affinities of small closed-shell molecules based on NIST reference data has been created. Errors with respect to reference data on 23 large, conjugated organic photovoltaic (OPV23) molecules have also been analyzed. All final states are valence anions that correspond to electron affinities between 0.2 and 4.2 eV. For a given scaling of the arithmetic bottleneck, the new-generation methods obtain the lowest mean absolute errors (MAEs). The best methods with fifth-power arithmetic scaling realize MAEs below 0.1 eV. Composite models comprising cubically and quintically scaling calculations executed with large and small basis sets, respectively, produce OPV23 MAEs near 0.05 eV. The accuracy of quintically scaling methods executed with large basis sets is thereby procured with reduced computational effort. New-generation results obtained with and without the diagonal self-energy approximation in the canonical Hartree-Fock basis have been compared. These results indicate that Dyson orbitals closely resemble canonical Hartree-Fock orbitals multiplied by the square root of a probability factor above 0.85.

J Chem Phys ; 161(9)2024 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225538


We investigate the numerical accuracy of the extended Koopmans's theorem (EKT) in reproducing the full configuration interaction (FCI) and complete active-space configuration interaction (CAS-CI) ionization energies (IEs) of atomic and molecular systems calculated as the difference between the energies of N and (N - 1) electron states. In particular, we study the convergence of the EKT IEs to their exact values as the basis set and the active space sizes vary. We find that the first FCI EKT IEs approach their exact counterparts as the basis set size increases. However, increasing the basis set or the active space sizes does not always lead to more accurate CAS-CI EKT IEs. Our investigation supports the observation of Davidson et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 155, 051102 (2021)] that the FCI EKT IEs can be systematically improved with arbitrary numerical accuracy by supplementing the basis set with diffuse functions of appropriate symmetry, which allow the detached electron to travel far away from the reference system. By changing the exponent and the center of the diffuse functions, our results delineate a complex pattern for the CAS-CI EKT IE of LiH, which can be important for the spectroscopic studies of small molecules.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(4): 1085-1101, 2023 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36656801


A new generation of ab initio electron-propagator self-energy approximations that are free of adjustable parameters is tested on a benchmark set of 55 vertical electron detachment energies of closed-shell anions. Comparisons with older self-energy approximations indicate that several new methods that make the diagonal self-energy approximation in the canonical Hartree-Fock orbital basis provide superior accuracy and computational efficiency. These methods and their acronyms, mean absolute errors (in eV), and arithmetic bottlenecks expressed in terms of occupied (O) and virtual (V) orbitals are the opposite-spin, non-Dyson, diagonal second-order method (os-nD-D2, 0.2, OV2), the approximately renormalized quasiparticle third-order method (Q3+, 0.15, O2V3) and the approximately renormalized, non-Dyson, linear, third-order method (nD-L3+, 0.1, OV4). The Brueckner doubles with triple field operators (BD-T1) nondiagonal electron-propagator method provides such close agreement with coupled-cluster single, double, and perturbative triple replacement total energy differences that it may be used as an alternative means of obtaining standard data. The new methods with diagonal self-energy matrices are the foundation of a composite procedure for estimating basis-set effects. This model produces accurate predictions and clear interpretations based on Dyson orbitals for the photoelectron spectra of the nucleotides found in DNA.

J Chem Phys ; 159(12)2023 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38127383


A new generation of diagonal self-energies for the calculation of electron removal energies of molecules and molecular ions that has superseded its predecessors with respect to accuracy, efficiency, and interpretability is extended to include non-diagonal self-energies that permit Dyson orbitals to be expressed as linear combinations of canonical Hartree-Fock orbitals. In addition, an improved algorithm for renormalized methods eliminates the convergence difficulties encountered in the first studies of the new, diagonal self-energies. A dataset of outer-valence, vertical ionization energies with almost full-configuration-interaction quality serves as a standard of comparison in numerical tests. The new non-diagonal, renormalized methods are slightly more accurate than their diagonal counterparts, with mean absolute errors between 0.10 and 0.06 eV for outer-valence final states. This advantage is procured at the cost of an increase in the scaling of arithmetic bottlenecks that accompany the inclusion of non-diagonal self-energy terms. The new, non-diagonal, renormalized self-energies are also more accurate and efficient than their non-diagonal predecessors.

J Chem Phys ; 155(20): 204107, 2021 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34852487


A new generation of diagonal self-energy approximations in ab initio electron propagator theory for the calculation of electron removal energies of molecules and molecular ions has been derived from an intermediately normalized, Hermitized super-operator metric. These methods and widely used antecedents such as the outer valence Green's function and the approximately renormalized partial third order method are tested with respect to a dataset of vertical ionization energies generated with a valence, triple-ζ, correlation-consistent basis set and a converged series of many-body calculations whose accuracy approaches that of full configuration interaction. Several modifications of the diagonal second-order self-energy, a version of G0W0 theory based on Tamm-Dancoff excitations and several non-diagonal self-energies are also included in the tests. All new methods employ canonical Hartree-Fock orbitals. No adjustable or empirical parameters appear. A hierarchy of methods with optimal accuracy for a given level of computational efficiency is established. Several widely used diagonal self-energy methods are rendered obsolete by the new hierarchy whose members, in order of increasing accuracy, are (1) the opposite-spin non-Dyson diagonal second-order or os-nD-D2, (2) the approximately renormalized third-order quasiparticle or Q3+, (3) the renormalized third-order quasiparticle or RQ3, (4) the approximately renormalized linear third-order or L3+, and (5) the renormalized linear third-order or RL3 self-energies.

J Chem Phys ; 153(7): 070902, 2020 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32828082


Dyson orbitals, their electron-binding energies, and probability factors provide descriptions of electrons in molecules that are experimentally verifiable and that generalize qualitatively useful concepts of uncorrelated, molecular-orbital theory to the exact limit of Schrödinger's time-independent equation. Dyson orbitals are defined as overlaps between initial, N-electron states and final states with N ± 1 electrons and therefore are useful in the prediction and interpretation of many kinds of spectroscopic and scattering experiments. They also are characteristic of N-electron initial states and may be used to construct electron densities, one-electron properties, and total energies with correlated Aufbau procedures that include probability factors between zero and unity. Relationships with natural orbitals, Kohn-Sham orbitals, and Hartree-Fock orbitals facilitate insights into the descriptive capabilities of Dyson orbitals. Electron-propagator approximations that employ the Dyson quasiparticle equation or super-operator secular equations enable direct determination of Dyson orbitals and obviate the need for many-electron wavefunctions of initial or final states. Numerical comparisons of the amplitudes and probability factors of Dyson orbitals calculated with several self-energy approximations reveal the effects of electron correlation on these uniquely defined, one-electron wavefunctions.

J Chem Phys ; 153(11): 114122, 2020 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32962381


Two theorems on the eigenvalues of differences of idempotent matrices determine the natural occupation numbers and orbitals of electronic detachment, attachment, or excitation that pertain to transitions between wavefunctions that each consist of a single Slater determinant. They are also applicable to spin density matrices associated with Slater determinants. When the ranks of the matrices differ, unit eigenvalues occur. In addition, there are ±w pairs of eigenvalues where |w| ≤ 1, whose values are related to overlaps, t, between the corresponding orbitals of Amos and Hall, and Löwdin by the formula w=±1-t2 12. Generalized overlap amplitudes, including Dyson orbitals and their probability factors, may be inferred from these eigenvalues, which provide numerical criteria for: classifying transitions according to the number of holes and particles in final states with respect to initial states, identifying the most important effects of orbital relaxation produced by self-consistent fields, and the analysis of Fukui functions. Two similar theorems that apply to sums of idempotent matrices regenerate formulae for the natural orbitals and occupation numbers of an unrestricted Slater determinant that were published first by Amos and Hall.

J Chem Phys ; 147(4): 044108, 2017 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28764347


A thorough analytical and numerical characterization of the whole perturbation series of one-particle many-body Green's function (MBGF) theory is presented in a pedagogical manner. Three distinct but equivalent algebraic (first-quantized) recursive definitions of the perturbation series of the Green's function are derived, which can be combined with the well-known recursion for the self-energy. Six general-order algorithms of MBGF are developed, each implementing one of the three recursions, the ΔMPn method (where n is the perturbation order) [S. Hirata et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 1595 (2015)], the automatic generation and interpretation of diagrams, or the numerical differentiation of the exact Green's function with a perturbation-scaled Hamiltonian. They all display the identical, nondivergent perturbation series except ΔMPn, which agrees with MBGF in the diagonal and frequency-independent approximations at 1≤n≤3 but converges at the full-configuration-interaction (FCI) limit at n=∞ (unless it diverges). Numerical data of the perturbation series are presented for Koopmans and non-Koopmans states to quantify the rate of convergence towards the FCI limit and the impact of the diagonal, frequency-independent, or ΔMPn approximation. The diagrammatic linkedness and thus size-consistency of the one-particle Green's function and self-energy are demonstrated at any perturbation order on the basis of the algebraic recursions in an entirely time-independent (frequency-domain) framework. The trimming of external lines in a one-particle Green's function to expose a self-energy diagram and the removal of reducible diagrams are also justified mathematically using the factorization theorem of Frantz and Mills. Equivalence of ΔMPn and MBGF in the diagonal and frequency-independent approximations at 1≤n≤3 is algebraically proven, also ascribing the differences at n = 4 to the so-called semi-reducible and linked-disconnected diagrams.

J Chem Phys ; 147(12): 121101, 2017 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28964023


We present an explicitly correlated formalism for the second-order single-particle Green's function method (GF2-F12) that does not assume the popular diagonal approximation and describes the energy dependence of the explicitly correlated terms. For small and medium organic molecules, the basis set errors of ionization potentials of GF2-F12 are radically improved relative to GF2: the performance of GF2-F12/aug-cc-pVDZ is better than that of GF2/aug-cc-pVQZ, at a significantly lower cost.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(22): 15456-7, 2016 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27194225


The Outer Valence Green Function (OVGF) and coupled-cluster singles and doubles plus approximate triples, or CCSD(T), methods yield similar results for the vertical detachment energies of superhalides studied recently by Li et al. The success of the OVGF method contradicts claims by Li et al. in their recent article.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(42): 9261-9263, 2021 10 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34706546
J Chem Phys ; 145(14): 147101, 2016 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27782508


For the vertical electron detachment energies of triply-bridged Mg2(CN)5- superhalides, the Outer Valence Green Function (OVGF) yields results similar to those of the coupled-cluster singles and doubles plus approximate triples, or CCSD(T), method. Invalid comparisons between states with different symmetry or localization properties underlie the assertion of Yin et al that OVGF produces large discrepancies with respect to CCSD(T) for several isomers of Mg2(CN)5-.

J Chem Phys ; 144(22): 224110, 2016 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27305999


Accurate ionization energies of molecules may be determined efficiently with composite electron-propagator (CEP) techniques. These methods estimate the results of a calculation with an advanced correlation method and a large basis set by performing a series of more tractable calculations in which large basis sets are used with simpler approximations and small basis sets are paired with more demanding correlation techniques. The performance of several CEP methods, in which diagonal, second-order electron propagator results with large basis sets are combined with higher-order results obtained with smaller basis sets, has been tested for the ionization energies of closed-shell molecules from the G2 set. Useful compromises of accuracy and computational efficiency employ complete-basis-set extrapolation for second-order results and small basis sets in third-order, partial third-order, renormalized partial-third order, or outer valence Green's function calculations. Analysis of results for vertical as well as adiabatic ionization energies leads to specific recommendations on the best use of regular and composite methods. Results for 22 organic molecules of interest in the design of photovoltaic devices, benzo[a]pyrene, Mg-octaethylporphyrin, and C60 illustrate the capabilities of CEP methods for calculations on large molecules.

J Phys Chem A ; 119(33): 8813-21, 2015 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26226061


Two accurate and computationally efficient electron-propagator (EP) methods for calculating the valence, vertical ionization energies (VIEs) of closed-shell molecules have been identified through comparisons with related approximations. VIEs of a representative set of closed-shell molecules were calculated with EP methods using 10 basis sets. The most easily executed method, the diagonal, second-order (D2) EP approximation, produces results that steadily rise as basis sets are improved toward values based on extrapolated coupled-cluster singles and doubles plus perturbative triples calculations, but its mean errors remain unacceptably large. The outer valence Green function, partial third-order and renormalized partial third-order methods (P3+), which employ the diagonal self-energy approximation, produce markedly better results but have a greater tendency to overestimate VIEs with larger basis sets. The best combination of accuracy and efficiency with a diagonal self-energy matrix is the P3+ approximation, which exhibits the best trends with respect to basis-set saturation. Several renormalized methods with more flexible nondiagonal self-energies also have been examined: the two-particle, one-hole Tamm-Dancoff approximation (2ph-TDA), the third-order algebraic diagrammatic construction or ADC(3), the renormalized third-order (3+) method, and the nondiagonal second-order renormalized (NR2) approximation. Like D2, 2ph-TDA produces steady improvements with basis set augmentation, but its average errors are too large. Errors obtained with 3+ and ADC(3) are smaller on average than those of 2ph-TDA. These methods also have a greater tendency to overestimate VIEs with larger basis sets. The smallest average errors occur for the NR2 approximation; these errors decrease steadily with basis augmentations. As basis sets approach saturation, NR2 becomes the most accurate and efficient method with a nondiagonal self-energy.

J Phys Chem A ; 118(19): 3514-24, 2014 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24779512


Time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) and electron propagator theory (EPT) are used to calculate the electronic transition energies and ionization energies, respectively, of species containing phosphorus or sulfur. The accuracy of TD-DFT and EPT, in conjunction with various basis sets, is assessed with data from gas-phase spectroscopy. TD-DFT is tested using 11 prominent exchange-correlation functionals on a set of 37 vertical and 19 adiabatic transitions. For vertical transitions, TD-CAM-B3LYP calculations performed with the MG3S basis set are lowest in overall error, having a mean absolute deviation from experiment of 0.22 eV, or 0.23 eV over valence transitions and 0.21 eV over Rydberg transitions. Using a larger basis set, aug-pc3, improves accuracy over the valence transitions via hybrid functionals, but improved accuracy over the Rydberg transitions is only obtained via the BMK functional. For adiabatic transitions, all hybrid functionals paired with the MG3S basis set perform well, and B98 is best, with a mean absolute deviation from experiment of 0.09 eV. The testing of EPT used the Outer Valence Green's Function (OVGF) approximation and the Partial Third Order (P3) approximation on 37 vertical first ionization energies. It is found that OVGF outperforms P3 when basis sets of at least triple-ζ quality in the polarization functions are used. The largest basis set used in this study, aug-pc3, obtained the best mean absolute error from both methods -0.08 eV for OVGF and 0.18 eV for P3. The OVGF/6-31+G(2df,p) level of theory is particularly cost-effective, yielding a mean absolute error of 0.11 eV.

J Phys Chem A ; 118(35): 7424-9, 2014 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24813804


Electron propagator calculations in two approximations­the third-order algebraic, diagrammatic construction and the outer valence Green's function (OVGF)­have been performed on the vertical electron affinities of C60 and the vertical electron detachment energies of several states of C60(­) with a variety of basis sets. These calculations predict bound (2)T1u and (2)T1g anions, but fail to produce (2)T2u or (2)Hg anionic states that are more stable than ground-state C60. The electron affinity for the (2)Ag state is close to zero, but no definitive result on its sign has been obtained. This state may be a resonance or marginally bound anion. The OVGF prediction for the vertical electron detachment energy of (2)T1u C60(­), 2.63 eV, is in excellent agreement with recent anion photoelectron spectra.