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Materials (Basel) ; 14(8)2021 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33921131


Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology has been increasing its penetration not only for the production of prototypes and validation models, but also for final parts. This technology allows producing parts with almost no geometry restrictions, even on a micro-scale. However, the micro-Detail (mD) measurement of complex parts remains an open field of investigation. To be able to develop all the potential that this technology offers, it is necessary to quantify a process's precision limitations, repeatability, and reproducibility. New design methodologies focus on optimization, designing microstructured parts with a complex material distribution. These methodologies are based on mathematical formulations, whose numerical models assume the model discretization through volumetric unitary elements (voxels) with explicit dimensions and geometries. The accuracy of these models in predicting the behavior of the pieces is influenced by the fidelity of the object's physical reproduction. Despite that the Material Jetting (MJ) process makes it possible to produce complex parts, it is crucial to experimentally establish the minimum dimensional and geometric limits to produce parts with mDs. This work aims to support designers and engineers in selecting the most appropriate scale to produce parts discretized by hexahedral meshes (cubes). This study evaluated the dimensional and geometric precision of MJ equipment in the production of mDs (cubes) comparing the nominal design dimensions. A Sample Test (ST) with different sizes of mDs was modeled and produced. The dimensional and geometric precision of the mDs were quantified concerning the nominal value and the calculated deviations. From the tests performed, it was possible to conclude that: (i) more than 90% of all analyzed mDs exhibit three dimensions (xyz) higher than the nominal ones; (ii) for micro-details smaller than 423 µm, they show a distorted geometry, and below 212 µm, printing fails.

Polymers (Basel) ; 13(9)2021 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34066642


The main characteristic of materials with a functional gradient is the progressive composition or the structure variation across its geometry. This results in the properties variation in one or more specific directions, according to the functional application requirements. Cellular structure flexibility in tailoring properties is employed frequently to design functionally-graded materials. Topology optimisation methods are powerful tools to functionally graded materials design with cellular structure geometry, although continuity between adjacent unit-cells in gradient directions remains a restriction. It is mandatory to attain a manufacturable part to guarantee the connectedness between adjoining microstructures, namely by ensuring that the solid regions on the microstructure's borders i.e., kinematic connectors) match the neighboring cells that share the same boundary. This study assesses the kinematic connectors generated by imposing local density restrictions in the initial design domain (i.e., nucleation) between topologically optimised representative unit-cells. Several kinematic connector examples are presented for two representatives unit-cells topology optimised for maximum bulk and shear moduli with different volume fractions restrictions and graduated Young's modulus. Experimental mechanical tests (compression) were performed, and comparison studies were carried out between experimental and numerical Young's modulus. The results for the single maximum bulk for the mean values for experimental compressive Young's modulus (Ex¯) with 60%Vf show a deviation of 9.15%. The single maximum shear for the experimental compressive Young's modulus mean values (Ex¯) with 60%Vf, exhibit a deviation of 11.73%. For graded structures, the experimental mean values of compressive Young's moduli (Ex¯), compared with predicted total Young's moduli (ESe), show a deviation of 6.96 for the bulk graded structure. The main results show that the single type representative unit-cell experimental Young's modulus with higher volume fraction presents a minor deviation compared with homogenized data. Both (i.e., bulk and shear moduli) graded microstructures show continuity between adjacent cells. The proposed method proved to be suitable for generating kinematic connections for the design of shear and bulk graduated microstructured materials.

Neotrop. entomol ; 34(6): 951-959, Nov.-Dec. 2005. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-451298


Avaliou-se a seletividade fisiológica de alguns produtos fitossanitários utilizados em cafeeiro a larvas de Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) e seus reflexos nas fases subseqüentes do desenvolvimento do predador. Os tratamentos avaliados, em g i.a./L de água foram: 1- endosulfam (Thiodan 350 CE - 1,75), 2- clorpirifós (Lorsban 480 CE - 1,2), 3- betaciflutrina (Turbo 50 CE - 0,013), 4- enxofre (Kumulus 800 PM - 4,0), 5- azociclotina (Peropal 250 PM - 0,31), 6- oxicloreto de cobre (Cuprogarb 500 PM - 5,0) e 7- testemunha (água). As pulverizações foram realizadas em larvas de primeiro, segundo e terceiro ínstares de C. externa, por meio de torre de Potter. Em seguida, as larvas foram individualizadas em tubos de vidro e mantidas em câmara climatizada regulada a 25 ± 2°C, UR de 70 ± 10 por cento e fotofase de 12h. A toxicidade dos produtos foi calculada em função do seu efeito total (E) e categorizada conforme escala proposta pela IOBC. Clorpirifós e betaciflutrina foram nocivos a larvas de primeiro ínstar (E > 99 por cento) e os demais foram seletivos. Clorpirifós foi também tóxico a larvas de segundo e terceiro ínstares, sendo os demais compostos inócuos ao predador (E < 30 por cento). Nenhum dos produtos avaliados afetou a duração e sobrevivência de pupas, ou a razão sexual e fase adulta dos indivíduos provenientes de larvas tratadas. Endosulfam, enxofre, azociclotina e oxicloreto de cobre foram seletivos para larvas de primeiro, segundo e terceiro ínstares de C. externa e não afetaram as fases subseqüentes do desenvolvimento desse crisopídeo, podendo ser utilizados no manejo de pragas na cultura do cafeeiro.

The objective was to evaluate the selectivity of pesticides used in coffee crops to larvae of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) and their effects on the subsequent developmental stages of the predator. The treatments in g a.i./L of water were: 1 - endosulfan (Thiodan 350 CE - 1.75), 2 - chlorpyrifos (Lorsban 480 CE - 1.2), 3 - betacyfluthrin (Turbo 50 CE - 0.013), 4 - sulphur (Kumulus 800 PM - 4.0), 5 - azocyclotin (Peropal 250 PM - 0.31), 6 - copper oxichloride (Cuprogarb 500 PM - 5.0) and 7 - control (water). The products were sprayed on first, second and third-instar larvae using a Potter's tower. The larvae were individualized in glass tubes and maintained at 25 ± 2°C, RH of 70 ± 10 percent and 12h photophase. The toxicity of the pesticides was calculated based in their total effect (E) and classified according to recommendations of IOBC. Chlorpyrifos and betacyfluthrin were harmful to first-instar larvae (E > 99 percent). Endosulfan, sulphur, azocyclotin and copper oxichloride were harmless to first-instar larvae and the others were selective. Chlorpyrifos was also toxic to second and third-instar larvae, and the other compounds were selective (E < 30 percent). None of the pesticides affected the duration and survival rate of pupae or the sex ratio of the adults originated from treated larvae. Endosulfan, sulphur, azocyclotin and copper oxichloride were harmless to the larval stage of C. externa and did not affect the subsequent stages, so that they can be recommended in IPM programs for the coffee crop.

Ácaros e Carrapatos , Café , Doenças das Plantas , Seleção Genética