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Langmuir ; 32(25): 6468-77, 2016 06 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27268077


Lignin nanoparticles can serve as biodegradable carriers of biocidal actives with minimal environmental footprint. Here we describe the colloidal synthesis and interfacial design of nanoparticles with tunable surface properties using two different lignin precursors, Kraft (Indulin AT) lignin and Organosolv (high-purity lignin). The green synthesis process is based on flash precipitation of dissolved lignin polymer, which enabled the formation of nanoparticles in the size range of 45-250 nm. The size evolution of the two types of lignin particles is fitted on the basis of modified diffusive growth kinetics and mass balance dependencies. The surface properties of the nanoparticles are fine-tuned by coating them with a cationic polyelectrolyte, poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride). We analyze how the colloidal stability and dispersion properties of these two types of nanoparticles vary as a function of pH and salinities. The data show that the properties of the nanoparticles are governed by the type of lignin used and the presence of polyelectrolyte surface coating. The coating allows the control of the nanoparticles' surface charge and the extension of their stability into strongly basic regimes, facilitating their potential application at extreme pH conditions.

J Phys Chem A ; 120(20): 3539-46, 2016 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27111530


In femtosecond ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM) experiments, the initial excitation period is composed of spatiotemporal overlap of the temporally commensurate pump photon pulse and probe photoelectron packet. Generation of evanescent near-fields at the nanostructure specimens produces a dispersion relation that enables coupling of the photons (ℏω = 2.4 eV, for example) and freely propagating electrons (200 keV, for example) in the near-field. Typically, this manifests as discrete peaks occurring at integer multiples (n) of the photon energy in the low-loss/gain region of electron-energy spectra (i.e., at 200 keV ± nℏω eV). Here, we examine the UEM imaging resolution implications of the strong inelastic near-field interactions between the photons employed in optical excitation and the probe photoelectrons. We find that the additional photoinduced energy dispersion occurring when swift electrons pass through intense evanescent near-fields results in a discrete chromatic aberration that limits the spatial resolving power to several angstroms during the excitation period.

Struct Dyn ; 4(4): 044019, 2017 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28503630


We report correlative crystallographic and morphological studies of defect-dependent phonon dynamics in single flakes of 1T-TaS2 and 2H-WSe2 using selected-area diffraction and bright-field imaging in an ultrafast electron microscope. In both materials, we observe in-plane speed-of-sound acoustic-phonon wave trains, the dynamics of which (i.e., emergence, propagation, and interference) are strongly dependent upon discrete interfacial features (e.g., vacuum/crystal and crystal/crystal interfaces). In TaS2, we observe cross-propagating in-plane acoustic-phonon wave trains of differing frequencies that undergo coherent interference approximately 200 ps after initial emergence from distinct interfacial regions. With ultrafast bright-field imaging, the properties of the interfering wave trains are observed to correspond to the beat frequency of the individual oscillations, while intensity oscillations of Bragg spots generated from selected areas within the region of interest match well with the real-space dynamics. In WSe2, distinct acoustic-phonon dynamics are observed emanating and propagating away from structurally dissimilar morphological discontinuities (vacuum/crystal interface and crystal terrace), and results of ultrafast selected-area diffraction reveal thickness-dependent phonon frequencies. The overall observed dynamics are well-described using finite element analysis and time-dependent linear-elastic continuum mechanics.

Nat Commun ; 7: 11230, 2016 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27079790


Precise manipulation and control of coherent lattice oscillations via nanostructuring and phonon-wave interference has the potential to significantly impact a broad array of technologies and research areas. Resolving the dynamics of individual phonons in defect-laden materials presents an enormous challenge, however, owing to the interdependent nanoscale and ultrafast spatiotemporal scales. Here we report direct, real-space imaging of the emergence and evolution of acoustic phonons at individual defects in crystalline WSe2 and Ge. Via bright-field imaging with an ultrafast electron microscope, we are able to image the sub-picosecond nucleation and the launch of wavefronts at step edges and resolve dispersion behaviours during propagation and scattering. We discover that the appearance of speed-of-sound (for example, 6 nm ps(-1)) wavefronts are influenced by spatially varying nanoscale strain fields, taking on the appearance of static bend contours during propagation. These observations provide unprecedented insight into the roles played by individual atomic and nanoscale features on acoustic-phonon dynamics.

Ultramicroscopy ; 146: 97-102, 2014 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25151361


The development of ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM) and variants thereof (e.g., photon-induced near-field electron microscopy, PINEM) has made it possible to image atomic-scale dynamics on the femtosecond timescale. Accessing the femtosecond regime with UEM currently relies on the generation of photoelectrons with an ultrafast laser pulse and operation in a stroboscopic pump-probe fashion. With this approach, temporal resolution is limited mainly by the durations of the pump laser pulse and probe electron packet. The ability to accurately determine the duration of the electron packets, and thus the instrument response function, is critically important for interpretation of dynamics occurring near the temporal resolution limit, in addition to quantifying the effects of the imaging mode. Here, we describe a technique for in situ characterization of ultrashort electron packets that makes use of coupling with photons in the evanescent near-field of the specimen. We show that within the weakly-interacting (i.e., low laser fluence) regime, the zero-loss peak temporal cross-section is precisely the convolution of electron packet and photon pulse profiles. Beyond this regime, we outline the effects of non-linear processes and show that temporal cross-sections of high-order peaks explicitly reveal the electron packet profile, while use of the zero-loss peak becomes increasingly unreliable.