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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36082135


Atmospheric radiative transfer models (RTMs) simulate the light propagation in the Earth's atmosphere. With the evolution of RTMs, their increase in complexity makes them impractical in routine processing such as atmospheric correction. To overcome their computational burden, standard practice is to interpolate a multidimensional lookup table (LUT) of prestored simulations. However, accurate interpolation relies on large LUTs, which still implies large computation times for their generation and interpolation. In recent years, emulation has been proposed as an alternative to LUT interpolation. Emulation approximates the RTM outputs by a statistical regression model trained with a low number of RTM runs. However, a concern is whether the emulator reaches sufficient accuracy for atmospheric correction. Therefore, we have performed a systematic assessment of key aspects that impact the precision of emulating MODTRAN: 1) regression algorithm; 2) training database size; 3) dimensionality reduction (DR) method and a number of components; and 4) spectral resolution. The Gaussian processes regression (GPR) was found the most accurate emulator. The principal component analysis remains a robust DR method and nearly 20 components reach sufficient precision. Based on a database of 1000 samples covering a broad range of atmospheric conditions, GPR emulators can reconstruct the simulated spectral data with relative errors below 1% for the 95th percentile. These emulators reduce the processing time from days to minutes, preserving sufficient accuracy for atmospheric correction and providing model uncertainties and derivatives. We provide a set of guidelines and tools to design and generate accurate emulators for satellite data processing applications.

ISPRS J Photogramm Remote Sens ; 167: 289-304, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36082068


Retrieval of vegetation properties from satellite and airborne optical data usually takes place after atmospheric correction, yet it is also possible to develop retrieval algorithms directly from top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance data. One of the key vegetation variables that can be retrieved from at-sensor TOA radiance data is leaf area index (LAI) if algorithms account for variability in atmosphere. We demonstrate the feasibility of LAI retrieval from Sentinel-2 (S2) TOA radiance data (L1C product) in a hybrid machine learning framework. To achieve this, the coupled leaf-canopy-atmosphere radiative transfer models PROSAIL-6SV were used to simulate a look-up table (LUT) of TOA radiance data and associated input variables. This LUT was then used to train the Bayesian machine learning algorithms Gaussian processes regression (GPR) and variational heteroscedastic GPR (VHGPR). PROSAIL simulations were also used to train GPR and VHGPR models for LAI retrieval from S2 images at bottom-of-atmosphere (BOA) level (L2A product) for comparison purposes. The BOA and TOA LAI products were consistently validated against a field dataset with GPR (R2 of 0.78) and with VHGPR (R 2 of 0.80) and for both cases a slightly lower RMSE for the TOA LAI product (about 10% reduction). Because of delivering superior accuracies and lower uncertainties, the VHGPR models were further applied for LAI mapping using S2 acquisitions over the agricultural sites Marchfeld (Austria) and Barrax (Spain). The models led to consistent LAI maps at BOA and TOA scale. The LAI maps were also compared against LAI maps as generated by the SNAP toolbox, which is based on a neural network (NN). Maps were again consistent, however the SNAP NN model tends to overestimate over dense vegetation cover. Overall, this study demonstrated that hybrid LAI retrieval algorithms can be developed from TOA radiance data given a cloud-free sky, thus without the need of atmospheric correction. To the benefit of the community, the development of such hybrid models for the retrieval vegetation properties from BOA or TOA images has been streamlined in the freely downloadable ALG-ARTMO software framework.

IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens ; 57(2): 1040-1048, 2019 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36082240


Physically based radiative transfer models (RTMs) are widely used in Earth observation to understand the radiation processes occurring on the Earth's surface and their interactions with water, vegetation, and atmosphere. Through continuous improvements, RTMs have increased in accuracy and representativity of complex scenes at expenses of an increase in complexity and computation time, making them impractical in various remote sensing applications. To overcome this limitation, the common practice is to precompute large lookup tables (LUTs) for their later interpolation. To further reduce the RTM computation burden and the error in LUT interpolation, we have developed a method to automatically select the minimum and optimal set of input-output points (nodes) to be included in an LUT. We present the gradient-based automatic LUT generator algorithm (GALGA), which relies on the notion of an acquisition function that incorporates: 1) the Jacobian evaluation of an RTM and 2) the information about the multivariate distribution of the current nodes. We illustrate the capabilities of GALGA in the automatic construction and optimization of MODTRAN-based LUTs of different dimensions of the input variables space. Our results indicate that when compared with a pseudorandom homogeneous distribution of the LUT nodes, GALGA reduces:1) the LUT size by >24%; 2) the computation time by 27%; and 3) the maximum interpolation relative errors by at least 10%. It is concluded that an automatic LUT design might benefit from the methodology proposed in GALGA to reduce interpolation errors and computation time in computationally expensive RTMs.

Geosci Model Dev ; 13(4): 1945-1957, 2020 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36082005


Atmospheric radiative transfer models (RTMs) are software tools that help researchers in understanding the radiative processes occurring in the Earth's atmosphere. Given their importance in remote sensing applications, the intercomparison of atmospheric RTMs is therefore one of the main tasks used to evaluate model performance and identify the characteristics that differ between models. This can be a tedious tasks that requires good knowledge of the model inputs/outputs and the generation of large databases of consistent simulations. With the evolution of these software tools, their increase in complexity bears implications for their use in practical applications and model intercomparison. Existing RTM-specific graphical user interfaces are not optimized for performing intercomparison studies of a wide variety of atmospheric RTMs. In this paper, we present the Atmospheric Look-up table Generator (ALG) version 2.0, a new software tool that facilitates generating large databases for a variety of atmospheric RTMs. ALG facilitates consistent and intuitive user interaction to enable the running of model executions and storing of RTM data for any spectral configuration in the optical domain. We demonstrate the utility of ALG in performing intercomparison studies of radiance simulations from broadly used atmospheric RTMs (6SV, MODTRAN, and libRadtran) through global sensitivity analysis. We expect that providing ALG to the research community will facilitate the usage of atmospheric RTMs to a wide range of applications in Earth observation.

IEEE J Sel Top Appl Earth Obs Remote Sens ; 11(12): 4918-4931, 2018 Oct 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081454


Computationally expensive radiative transfer models (RTMs) are widely used to realistically reproduce the light interaction with the earth surface and atmosphere. Because these models take long processing time, the common practice is to first generate a sparse look-up table (LUT) and then make use of interpolation methods to sample the multidimensional LUT input variable space. However, the question arise whether common interpolation methodsperform most accurate. As an alternative to interpolation, this paper proposes to use emulation, i.e., approximating the RTM output by means of the statistical learning. Two experiments were conducted to assess the accuracy in delivering spectral outputs using interpolation and emulation: at canopy level, using PROSAIL; and at top-of-atmosphere level, using MODTRAN. Various interpolation (nearest-neighbor, inverse distance weighting, and piece-wice linear) and emulation [Gaussian process regression (GPR), kernel ridge regression, and neural networks] methods were evaluated against a dense reference LUT. In all experiments, the emulation methods clearly produced more accurate output spectra than classical interpolation methods. The GPR emulation performed up to ten times more accurately than the best performing interpolation method, and this with a speed that is competitive with the faster interpolation methods. It is concluded that emulation can function as a fast and more accurate alternative to commonly used interpolation methods for reconstructing RTM spectral data.

Remote Sens (Basel) ; 10(10): 1551, 2018 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081617


Estimates of Sun-Induced vegetation chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) using remote sensing techniques are commonly determined by exploiting solar and/or telluric absorption features. When SIF is retrieved in the strong oxygen (O2) absorption features, atmospheric effects must always be compensated. Whereas correction of atmospheric effects is a standard airborne or satellite data processing step, there is no consensus regarding whether it is required for SIF proximal-sensing measurements nor what is the best strategy to be followed. Thus, by using simulated data, this work provides a comprehensive analysis about how atmospheric effects impact SIF estimations on proximal sensing, regarding: (1) the sensor height above the vegetated canopy; (2) the SIF retrieval technique used, e.g., Fraunhofer Line Discriminator (FLD) family or Spectral Fitting Methods (SFM); and (3) the instrument's spectral resolution. We demonstrate that for proximal-sensing scenarios compensating for atmospheric effects by simply introducing the O2 transmittance function into the FLD or SFM formulations improves SIF estimations. However, these simplistic corrections still lead to inaccurate SIF estimations due to the multiplication of spectrally convolved atmospheric transfer functions with absorption features. Consequently, a more rigorous oxygen compensation strategy is proposed and assessed by following a classic airborne atmospheric correction scheme adapted to proximal sensing. This approach allows compensating for the O2 absorption effects and, at the same time, convolving the high spectral resolution data according to the corresponding Instrumental Spectral Response Function (ISRF) through the use of an atmospheric radiative transfer model. Finally, due to the key role of O2 absorption on the evaluated proximal-sensing SIF retrieval strategies, its dependency on surface pressure (p) and air temperature (T) was also assessed. As an example, we combined simulated spectral data with p and T measurements obtained for a one-year period in the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Finland. Of importance hereby is that seasonal dynamics in terms of T and p, if not appropriately considered as part of the retrieval strategy, can result in erroneous SIF seasonal trends that mimic those of known dynamics for temperature-dependent physiological responses of vegetation.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 25(11): 5455-5468, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27552752


This paper addresses the problem of tonal fluctuation in videos. Due to the automatic settings of consumer cameras, the colors of objects in image sequences might change over time. We propose here a fast and computationally light method to stabilize this tonal appearance, while remaining robust to motion and occlusions. To do so, a minimally viable color correction model is used, in conjunction with an effective estimation of dominant motion. The final solution is a temporally weighted correction, explicitly driven by the motion magnitude, both visually efficient and very fast, with potential to real time processing. Experimental results obtained on a variety of sequences outperform the current state of the art in terms of tonal stability, at a much reduced computational complexity.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 34(5): 930-42, 2012 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22442122


This paper introduces a statistical method to decide whether two blocks in a pair of images match reliably. The method ensures that the selected block matches are unlikely to have occurred "just by chance." The new approach is based on the definition of a simple but faithful statistical background model for image blocks learned from the image itself. A theorem guarantees that under this model, not more than a fixed number of wrong matches occurs (on average) for the whole image. This fixed number (the number of false alarms) is the only method parameter. Furthermore, the number of false alarms associated with each match measures its reliability. This a contrario block-matching method, however, cannot rule out false matches due to the presence of periodic objects in the images. But it is successfully complemented by a parameterless self-similarity threshold. Experimental evidence shows that the proposed method also detects occlusions and incoherent motions due to vehicles and pedestrians in nonsimultaneous stereo.