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J Comput Chem ; 44(7): 843-856, 2023 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36507710


A class of adamantane-like molecular materials attracts attention because they exhibit an extreme non-linear optical response and emit a broad white-light spectrum after illumination with a continuous-wave infrared laser source. According to recent studies, not only the nature of the cluster molecules, but also the macroscopic structure of the materials determines their non-linear optical properties. Here we present a systematic study of cluster dimers of the compounds AdR4 and [(RT)4 S6 ] (T = Si, Ge, Sn) with R = methyl, phenyl or 1-naphthyl to gain fundamental knowledge about the interactions in the materials. For all compounds, a similar type of dimer structures with a staggered arrangement of substituents was determined as the energetically most favorable configuration. The binding energy between the dimers, determined by including London dispersion interactions, increases with the size of the core and the substituents. The cluster interactions can be classified as substituent-substituent-dominated (small cores, large substituents) or core-core-dominated (large cores, small substituents). Among various possible dimer conformers, those with small core-core distances are energetically preferred. Trimer and tetramer clusters display similar trends regarding the minimal core-core distances and binding energies. The much lower energy barrier determined for the rotation of substituents as compared to the rotation of the cluster dimers past each other indicates that the rotation of substituents more easily leads to different conformers in the material. Thus, understanding the interaction of the cluster dimers allows an initial assessment of the interactions in the materials.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 60(3): 1176-1186, 2021 Jan 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33006797


We report the extension of the class of organotetrel sulfide clusters with further examples of the still rare silicon-based species, synthesized from RSiCl3 with R=phenyl (Ph, I), naphthyl (Np, II), and styryl (Sty, III) with Na2 S. Besides known [(PhSi)4 S6 ] (IV), new compounds [(NpSi)4 S6 ] (1) and [(StySi)4 S6 ] (2) were obtained, the first two of which underwent reactions with [AuCl(PPh3 )] to form ternary complexes. DFT studies of cluster dimers helped us understand the differences between the habit of {Si4 S6 }- and {Sn4 S6 }-based compounds. Crystalline 1 showed a pronounced nonlinear optical response, while for intrinsically amorphous 2, the chemical damage threshold seems to inhibit a corresponding observation. Calculations within the independent particle approximation served to rationalize and compare electronic and optical excitations of [(RSi)4 S6 ] clusters (R=Ph, Np). The calculations reproduced the measured data and allowed for the interpretation of the main spectroscopic features.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 20(17): 7586-7596, 2024 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39208362


Cluster materials of the composition AdR4 (Ad = adamantane, R = organic substituent) and [(RT)4E6] (R = organic substituent; T = Si, Ge, Sn; and E = S, Se, Te) exhibit directional white light emission or produce second harmonics when irradiated with a continuous wave infrared laser source. The nature of the nonlinear optical properties correlates with the macroscopic structures of the cluster materials. The desired white light emission predominantly occurs in amorphous materials. It is therefore crucial to understand the geometric structures of the materials and the order within the materials. Here, we investigate the geometric structures of 12 different adamantane-like cluster materials by molecular dynamics simulations using a nonperiodic particle approach. The comparison of the calculated structure factors for two cluster materials with the corresponding experimental data obtained from diffraction and EXAFS measurements shows very good agreement. Our computations revealed that, on the one hand, larger, more flexible core structures (Ad < {Si4S6} < {Ge4S6} < {Sn4S6}) tend to lead to amorphous solids. On the other hand, larger substituents (methyl < phenyl < naphthyl) lead to more defined nearest neighbor interactions, with a tendency toward crystalline solids. Overall, our results show that a beginning order in the material results from a combination of the degree of flexibility of the core structure and the variation of the nearest neighbor interaction determined by the substituents.

Adv Mater ; 34(33): e2203351, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35751178


The development of efficient and high-brilliance white-light sources is an essential contribution to innovative emission technologies. Materials exhibiting strong nonlinear optical properties, in particular second-harmonic generation (SHG) or white-light generation (WLG), have therefore been investigated with great activity in recent times. While many new approaches have been reported until now, the processability of the compounds remains a challenge. Here, a new class of materials, denoted as "cluster-glass", which do not only show superior white-light emission properties upon irradiation by an inexpensive continuous-wave infrared laser diode, but can be easily accommodated in size and shape by formation of robust glassy solids, is introduced. The cluster-glass materials are fabricated by mild heating from crystalline powders of adamantane-type clusters exhibiting a quaternary, inorganic-organic hybrid cluster core [(PhSi)(CH2 )3 (PhSn)E3 ] (E  =  S, Se, Te). The process is fully reversible and preserves the integrity of the clusters in the glass, as proven by solution spectroscopy and recrystallization. Theoretical studies corroborate the importance of the quaternary nature of the cluster cores for the observed structural and optical phenomena. Thanks to these findings, high-brilliance white-light sources can be synthesized in form of stable, robust glass of any shape, which ultimately renders them suitable for everyday's applications.