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Phys Rev Lett ; 126(1): 017702, 2021 Jan 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33480777


Monopoles play a center role in gauge theories and topological matter. There are two fundamental types of monopoles in physics: vector monopoles and tensor monopoles. Examples of vector monopoles include the Dirac monopole in three dimensions and Yang monopole in five dimensions, which have been extensively studied and observed in condensed matter or artificial systems. However, tensor monopoles are less studied, and their observation has not been reported. Here we experimentally construct a tunable spin-1 Hamiltonian to generate a tensor monopole and then measure its unique features with superconducting quantum circuits. The energy structure of a 4D Weyl-like Hamiltonian with threefold degenerate points acting as tensor monopoles is imaged. Through quantum-metric measurements, we report the first experiment that measures the Dixmier-Douady invariant, the topological charge of the tensor monopole. Moreover, we observe topological phase transitions characterized by the topological Dixmier-Douady invariant, rather than the Chern numbers as used for conventional monopoles in odd-dimensional spaces.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(20): 200503, 2020 Nov 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33258656


For building a scalable quantum processor with superconducting qubits, ZZ interaction is of great concern because its residual has a crucial impact to two-qubit gate fidelity. Two-qubit gates with fidelity meeting the criterion of fault-tolerant quantum computation have been demonstrated using ZZ interaction. However, as the performance of quantum processors improves, the residual static ZZ can become a performance-limiting factor for quantum gate operation and quantum error correction. Here, we introduce a superconducting architecture using qubits with opposite-sign anharmonicity, a transmon qubit, and a C-shunt flux qubit, to address this issue. We theoretically demonstrate that by coupling the two types of qubits, the high-contrast ZZ interaction can be realized. Thus, we can control the interaction with a high on-off ratio to implement two-qubit controlled-Z gates, or suppress it during two-qubit gate operation using XY interaction (e.g., an iSWAP gate). The proposed architecture can also be scaled up to multiqubit cases. In a fixed coupled system, ZZ crosstalk related to neighboring spectator qubits could also be heavily suppressed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(24): 240503, 2020 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33412065


High-quality two-qubit gate operations are crucial for scalable quantum information processing. Often, the gate fidelity is compromised when the system becomes more integrated. Therefore, a low-error-rate, easy-to-scale two-qubit gate scheme is highly desirable. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a new two-qubit gate scheme that exploits fixed-frequency qubits and a tunable coupler in a superconducting quantum circuit. The scheme requires less control lines, reduces cross talk effect, and simplifies calibration procedures, yet produces a controlled-Z gate in 30 ns with a high fidelity of 99.5%, derived from the interleaved randomized benchmarking method. Error analysis shows that gate errors are mostly coherence limited. Our demonstration paves the way for large-scale implementation of high-fidelity quantum operations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(1): 010501, 2019 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31012718


We simulated highly tunable Weyl-semimetal bands using superconducting quantum circuits. Driving the superconducting quantum circuits with microwave fields, we mapped the momentum space of a lattice to the parameter space, realizing the Hamiltonian of a Weyl semimetal. By measuring the energy spectrum, we directly imaged the Weyl points, whose topological winding numbers were further determined from the Berry curvature measurement. In addition, we manipulated the band structure with an additional pump microwave field, producing a momentum-dependent Weyl-point energy together with an artificial magnetic field, which are indispensable for generating chiral magnetic topological currents in some special Weyl semimetals and may have significant impact on topological physics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(21): 210401, 2019 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31283314


A Berry curvature is an imaginary component of the quantum geometric tensor (QGT) and is well studied in many branches of modern physics; however, the quantum metric as a real component of the QGT is less explored. Here, by using tunable superconducting circuits, we experimentally demonstrate two methods to directly measure the quantum metric tensor for characterizing the geometry and topology of underlying quantum states in parameter space. The first method is to probe the transition probability after a sudden quench, and the second one is to detect the excitation rate under weak periodic driving. Furthermore, based on quantum metric and Berry-curvature measurements, we explore a topological phase transition in a simulated time-reversal-symmetric system. The work opens up a unique approach to explore the topology of quantum states with the QGT.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(13): 130503, 2018 Mar 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29694203


We experimentally explore the topological Maxwell metal bands by mapping the momentum space of condensed-matter models to the tunable parameter space of superconducting quantum circuits. An exotic band structure that is effectively described by the spin-1 Maxwell equations is imaged. Threefold degenerate points dubbed Maxwell points are observed in the Maxwell metal bands. Moreover, we engineer and observe the topological phase transition from the topological Maxwell metal to a trivial insulator, and report the first experiment to measure the Chern numbers that are higher than one.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(2): 027001, 2014 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484040


Geometric quantum manipulation and Landau-Zener interferometry have been separately explored in many quantum systems. In this Letter, we combine these two approaches to study the dynamics of a superconducting phase qubit. We experimentally demonstrate Landau-Zener interferometry based on the pure geometric phases in this solid-state qubit. We observe the interference caused by a pure geometric phase accumulated in the evolution between two consecutive Landau-Zener transitions, while the dynamical phase is canceled out by a spin-echo pulse. The full controllability of the qubit state as a function of the intrinsically robust geometric phase provides a promising approach for quantum state manipulation.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 79(3 Pt 1): 030104, 2009 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19391880


We experimentally investigated the thermal escape from a metastable state in a Josephson tunnel junction subjected to an oscillating effective temperature. A minimum of the average escape time is observed at certain oscillation frequency. Our results confirm that the resonant activation can be caused not only by the oscillating barrier but also by the oscillating temperature. The linear dependence of the minimum average escape time on the resonant frequency suggests that the correlation between the oscillation and the escape process leads to the resonant escape.

Sci Rep ; 6: 22667, 2016 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26951775


The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) predicts the density of topological defects produced in the dynamical processes of phase transitions in systems ranging from cosmology to condensed matter and quantum materials. The similarity between KZM and the Landau-Zener transition (LZT), which is a standard tool to describe the dynamics of some non-equilibrium physics in contemporary physics, is being extensively exploited. Here we demonstrate the equivalence between KZM in the Ising model and LZT in a superconducting qubit system. We develop a time-resolved approach to study quantum dynamics of LZT with nano-second resolution. By using this technique, we simulate the key features of KZM in the Ising model with LZT, e.g., the boundary between the adiabatic and impulse regions, the freeze-out phenomenon in the impulse region, especially, the scaling law of the excited state population as the square root of the quenching speed. Our results provide the experimental evidence of the close connection between KZM and LZT, two textbook paradigms to study the dynamics of the non-equilibrium phenomena.