Phase estimation is a quantum algorithm for measuring the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian. We propose and rigorously analyze a randomized phase estimation algorithm with two distinctive features. First, our algorithm has complexity independent of the number of terms L in the Hamiltonian. Second, unlike previous L-independent approaches, such as those based on qDRIFT, all algorithmic errors in our method can be suppressed by collecting more data samples, without increasing the circuit depth.
Many quantum algorithms involve the evaluation of expectation values. Optimal strategies for estimating a single expectation value are known, requiring a number of state preparations that scales with the target error ϵ as O(1/ϵ). In this Letter, we address the task of estimating the expectation values of M different observables, each to within additive error ϵ, with the same 1/ϵ dependence. We describe an approach that leverages Gilyén et al.'s quantum gradient estimation algorithm to achieve O(sqrt[M]/ϵ) scaling up to logarithmic factors, regardless of the commutation properties of the M observables. We prove that this scaling is worst-case optimal in the high-precision regime if the state preparation is treated as a black box, even when the operators are mutually commuting. We highlight the flexibility of our approach by presenting several generalizations, including a strategy for accelerating the estimation of a collection of dynamic correlation functions.