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Front Oncol ; 10: 1144, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32903787


The HLA-G and HLA-E molecules, Ki67, progesterone (PR), estrogen (ER) and androgen receptors (AR), p53, COX-2, and HER2 were studied to assess whether the biological behavior of grade I meningiomas is related to their expression. Tissue samples from 96 patients with grade I intracranial meningiomas were analyzed by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray blocks (TMA) using antibodies specific for HLA-G, HLA-E, Ki67, PR, ER, AR, p53, COX-2, and HER2. Meningiomas were classified as small (≤2 cm, 1.0%), medium (>2 and ≤4 cm, 32.3%), and large (>4 cm, 66.7%). Tumor size was not related to recurrence/regrowth (p = 0.486), but was significantly correlated with peritumoral edema (p = 0.031) and intratumoral calcifications (p = 0.018). Recurrent meningiomas were observed in 14.6% of cases. Immunostaining for each marker was: HLA-G 100%; HLA-E 95.6%; PR 62%; ER 2.1%; AR 6.5%; p53 92.6%; COX-2 100%; HER2 0%; Ki67, mean 2.61 ± 2.29%, median 2.1%. Primary and recurrent meningiomas showed no significant relation with HLA-E and hormone receptors (p > 0.05), except for Ki67, where a higher median was observed in recurrent tumors than in primary (p = 0.014). The larger the tumor, the more severe the peritumoral edema, and the greater the presence of calcifications. Ki67 appears to be a good biomarker of recurrence/regrowth in grade I meningiomas.

Surg Neurol Int ; 8: 225, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29026661


BACKGROUND: Bilateral hemifacial spasm (BHFS) is a rare neurological syndrome whose diagnosis depends on excluding other facial dyskinesias. We present a case of BHFS along with a literature review. METHODS: A 64-year-old white, hypertense male reported involuntary left hemiface contractions in 2001 (aged 50). In 2007, right hemifacial symptoms appeared, without spasm remission during sleep. Botulinum toxin type A application produced partial temporary improvement. Left microvascular decompression (MVD) was performed in August 2013, followed by right MVD in May 2014, with excellent results. Follow-up in March 2016 showed complete cessation of spasms without medication. RESULTS: The literature confirms nine BHFS cases bilaterally treated by MVD, a definitive surgical option with minimal complications. Regarding HFS pathophysiology, ectopic firing and ephaptic transmissions originate in the root exit zone (REZ) of the facial nerve, due to neurovascular compression (NVC), orthodromically stimulate facial muscles and antidromically stimulate the facial nerve nucleus; this hyperexcitation continuously stimulates the facial muscles. These activated muscles can trigger somatosensory afferent skin nerve impulses and neuromuscular spindles from the trigeminal nerve, which, after transiting the Gasser ganglion and trigeminal nucleus, reach the somatosensory medial posterior ventral nucleus of the contralateral thalamus as well as the somatosensory cortical area of the face. Once activated, this area can stimulate the motor and supplementary motor areas (extrapyramidal and basal ganglia system), activating the motoneurons of the facial nerve nucleus and peripherally stimulating the facial muscles. CONCLUSIONS: We believe that bilateral MVD is the best approach in cases of BHFS.

Surg Neurol Int ; 8: 198, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28904825


BACKGROUND: Despite new techniques for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms, the percentage of aneurysm remnants after surgical intervention seems to be relatively constant. The objective of this study was to assess angiographic and epidemiological features associated with aneurysm remnants after microsurgical clipping. METHODS: This study was conducted from February 2009 to August 2012 on a series of 90 patients with 105 aneurysms referred to the Santa Casa of Belo Horizonte who were surgically treated and angiographically controlled. RESULTS: Surgical clipping was considered incomplete in 13.3% of the aneurysms. The mean age of cases with an aneurysm remnant was 57.5 years, whereas the mean age without aneurysm remnant was 49.7 years (P = 0.02). Aneurysm remnants were detected more frequently on the internal carotid artery, nevertheless, no statistically significant differences were verified when comparing the locations. Aneurysm size in the preoperative angiography verified that the mean size of aneurysms operated was 6.56 mm, such that in cases showing a postoperative remnant, the mean size was 9.7 mm and in cases with complete clipping it was 6.08 mm (P = 0.02). Postoperative angiography showed that, in cases with residual aneurysm, the number of clips used was higher - a mean of 1.8 for complete clipping and 3.1 for incomplete clipping (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Aneurysm size and patient age showed significant correlations with residual intracranial aneurysm. The mean number of clips used was higher in cases with incomplete occlusion.

Surg Neurol Int ; 6: 102, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26110083


BACKGROUND: Pial arteriovenous fistula (PAVF) is a rare vascular condition comprising of one or more arterial vessels that are in direct communication with the draining veins. The condition is also characterized by the absence of a nidus. Due to high blood flows, varicose systems adjacent to the fistula appear. The key characteristic of the arteriovenous direct transition is that it offers a treatment option in which interruption of the blood flow can occur without removing the entire lesion. This study presents two cases of PAVF. CASE DESCRIPTION: The first case is of a 59-year-old male with lesions in the frontal region, fed by a branch of the right anterior cerebral artery and drained by the frontal basal vein to the sphenoparietal sinus. The second case is of a 3-year-old child with a lesion in the right anterior frontal lobe, fed by a branch of the right middle cerebral artery, which drains into the Trolard vein and was associated with large a venous varix. CONCLUSION: PAVF is a disease characterized by its rarity, and knowledge of PAVF's clinical presentation is of vital importance in early diagnosis. The treatment of the condition consists of an occlusion of the supply vessel, which can be done by endovascular, microsurgical, or both procedures. Both the cases were successfully treated by microsurgical procedure.